Discussion in 'DAW' started by kindleman, Mar 17, 2021.

  1. kindleman

    kindleman Member

    Apr 15, 2020
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    Hi all
    Benn using Logic for a while now and I start to know it quite in deep. Im now very quick with it.. However I have seen heavy logic users using ableton now and then on youtube...and Im curious ... what does Ableton do better than logic ? I hear the audio warping algorithm is still far superior ... would it be worth it to open ableton only for stretching audio ? or what do you think are the extras someone should consider using ableton if already owning logic ? thanks!!!
  3. Ariel Gonzalez

    Ariel Gonzalez Platinum Record

    Nov 26, 2020
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    Somewhere Out There
    sometimes, it's just because it takes ''less clicks'' to do the same things or better quality features.... a lot of possibilities. but instead of having just one, why not using both. personally, i use studio one and cubase and both can complement great.
  4. floom

    floom Newbie

    Jan 12, 2018
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    In my personal experience I have both logic and ableton, I use logic to record comp tune vocals or instruments then import them into ableton to produce, mix & master the song.

    sometimes I produce, mix in ableton and do a stem master in logic

    but I’m also learning studio one because studio one is also a very amazing alternative for logic.
  5. Roject

    Roject Audiosexual

    Jan 2, 2019
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    Max4Live Devices

    You can use lfos etc and whole ableton like modular or eq follower for example.
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  6. Stevie Dude

    Stevie Dude Audiosexual

    Dec 29, 2020
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    Near Nyquist
    Been using Logic for 5 years and switched to Live for almost 2 years already now and never looked back. Logic is far superior when it comes to GUI, the plugins and instruments are pretty, but Live promotes modern workflow that I personally think way better for producing. Stock plugins are on par in term of quality, but when it comes to flexibility of combining, macros etc, Logic's nowhere near Live's capabilities. I don't think there's limit to this, probably the user imagination. Sampling, audio manipulating, looping all better in Live IMO.

    If you think GUI is the main factor to keep you going, then you will have a hard time adjusting in Live because everything looks almost the same, just some colors here and there. Kinda overwhelming at first, but in reality it all are simplified to the max. Some features are even counter-intuitive but it has its reason to be designed that way. I particularly love the packs for Ableton, it's like a box full of surprises. It's comparable to Logic's stock instruments and loops but I think it's way more awesome than that because it's not just sound, loop or sample, sometimes it's 20 new instruments with 20 new plugins that are made with what already inside Live and its other engine (Max For Live). Cool innit ?

    Give it a try, but you can only tell after a month because I don't think you can understand the full potential of it under a month because even getting used to the new workflow need some time. If anyone said the tried Live for less than a month and don't like it, I can say with confidence they didn't discover all the cool stuff inside it.

    Have you ever feel addicted to make music ? Live is capable of making you feeling like that.

    I'm sorry if this sounds like a paid promotion, lol. :rofl:
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  7. Smoove Grooves

    Smoove Grooves Audiosexual

    Jan 26, 2019
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    Having used Logic for over 20 years, and having jumped on Live too when it came out...nothing imo.
    Not at all. I can hear an Ableton stretch a mile off, since those algos came out.
    Nope. Just use Time and Pitch machine manually for the best results. The best for 20+ years now.
    Definitely not on a par. Logics are better. And I'm only comparing EQs, vintage EQs, compressors, and vintage compressors.
    And to prove my point I am not even relying on Alchemy or the CamelPhat stuff they added, or Space Designer.
    Flexibility of routing has always been better in Logic.
    I was doing routing in the Environment window 16 years ago that gave me live looping and playback just like Live clips.
    Go figure.
    I just think you don't know Logic and the Environment well enough yet.
    It is more powerful than Ableton. Please give it a chance at least!
    There is a reason that the majority of commercial studios you work in have Logic.
    Last edited: Mar 18, 2021
  8. Ballz

    Ballz Producer

    Apr 30, 2018
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    Use audiogridder on the same PC ;). Way better performance
  9. kindleman

    kindleman Member

    Apr 15, 2020
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    thanks guys , I have to say it took me a while to understand how many features logic has that are "hidden"at a first glance.. it sometimes feels neverending.... i think in 2021 its more about knowing one daw inside out and making that ur main tool, all the others nowdays do pretty much the same thing.... there is still that myth about pro tools having a "better sound" which ive never really tested...
    after working on pro tools for a while and swtiching to logic ive realised how many things you can do with logic that you cant even think of in pro tools.... so i was just wondering what are the points in favour of ableton, what can you do with ableton that you CANT do in logic and also what does Ableton do better... I thought it was all about the warping.... but SMOOVE GROOVES says differently.... i guess ill have to try .
    to be honest i havent done a lot with logic 's time and pitch machine as when ive used it i wasnt that impressed... pro tools has the xform which is really good and whenever i have played with ableton i remember i was quite surprised .. it did sound pretty good .... but keen to know more opinions:)
  10. kindleman

    kindleman Member

    Apr 15, 2020
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    ?? what do you mean ?
  11. phumb-reh

    phumb-reh Guest

    By all metrics Logic is way more mature piece of software so if you're comfy with that there's no reason not to use it.

    That said, I think that Live is best approached as a... well, live instrument. Rather than composing you kind of jam and play with it, map some controllers and triggers and off you go. Even though there's plenty of stuff added to it the interface is clean and fast (of course, everybody has to adjust, and it's just not for everybody) so if I'm working on ideas I can get stuff done quickly and not have to touch the keyboard or mouse at all.

    And, again, my opinion, it's just not well suited to traditional tracking sort of thing.

    If that sounds something you might fancy it might be worth a shot, but I personally find them very different workflows.
  12. Smoove Grooves

    Smoove Grooves Audiosexual

    Jan 26, 2019
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    No, no. Pro Tools is £50,000+ because of the external DSP that goes with it. Hence it being in most commercial studios for the last 20 years.
    The SOFTWARE alone that you are talking about is just a daw software. They all sound the same.
    Do not go down this route in this thread...!
    They are the two leading daws used by the most professionals. There are very few things you can't do in either.
    Please state what these things are. I'm a Logic user of 20+ years.
    Because you don't know how to use it properly yet. Please believe me. It's all you need.
  13. Smoove Grooves

    Smoove Grooves Audiosexual

    Jan 26, 2019
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    Yes, since age 5. For over the last 40 years.
    No I just said, I feel it naturally! The daw makes me feel nothing.
    But it obviously involves having a daw in the first place.
    *You will find that all of us love our daws in this way, but you must see it is you who are the source of this vibe.
  14. mr.personality

    mr.personality Producer

    Sep 18, 2017
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    Have both. When I want to dick around in the loops/sample electronic realm, I find Live's session view fun to use and any midi recording I do is mostly to create short 4-8 bar parts. Whereas Logic is laid out for traditional live instrument recording/songwriting. Don't like doing that kinda recording in Live because I don't care much for its arrangement view. Find it difficult to move around in it and non-intuitive. Then again, if I was a power user it I'd probably feel different. Also don't like the look and feel of Lives instrument racks area. Too sterile and mathematical.... too small, flat and numerical for my head. Like a spreadsheet or something, lol. But playing around with clips makes it worthwhile.

    Yeah, Logic 10.6 now has that clip/loops business going on now but don't know if I want to bother to commit to mojave on my machine and I can do that stuff in Live anyway. Live 11 I have and has comping and some other new features so I might be more apt to try recording live instruments into it now.
  15. Smoove Grooves

    Smoove Grooves Audiosexual

    Jan 26, 2019
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    No, it's laid out for traditional MIDI scoring since the mid-90s!
    Because audio for live recording was added later to this SEQUENCER.
    Read my first comment on this page...
    What are you talking about?
    Logic Pro, as it is now called, is at 10.6.1
    And yes, I was doing this thanks to the Environment since Logic Platinum 4. In 2001 or 2.
  16. Stevie Dude

    Stevie Dude Audiosexual

    Dec 29, 2020
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    Near Nyquist
    dude, you see I don't want to get involve with what DAW is better because it doesn't apply to everybody, it is easier to interprate what I meant earlier with what's convenience and not to you. No need to be defensive.

    As simple as "Live is capable of making you feel like that (have you ever feel addicted..)" is simply means Live is a DAW that feels a lot like instruments and for certain people it is important like a guitar or something where we would invest time and such. Other DAW feels.. like DAW to me. It happens to me with Live and not with other DAW. So, I don't get why you are explaining "it is you who are the source..." like that isn't already obvious. Not to brag but I recorded 2 demos without DAW back in my teenage punk-rock days. It's bad, but still music! But DAW is important, I know, you know, we all know.

    It happened, I think Live is capable of a whole lot stuff and I couldn't get it when I'm using Logic. Maybe I need another 20 years to use Logic or maybe another hour to think like you or discover everything you discovered, if I didn't in 5 years, it's the DAW problem for making it hidden or something. The thing is it didn't happen with me, I moved on, so I just talk within what I know, what I've experienced when I found something that a little more exciting. While I'm enjoying my life and being productive here (more than before) I would happily suggest what works for me, what inspires me to others that looking for something new, a change of perspective, and it is within my right if it against what you think or even the world. Hence the "Live promotes modern workflow that I personally think way better for producing". If it doesn't apply to you, then it is okay.

    Imagine staying at home and being prohibited going outside just because "you have everything you need here". Come on.. of course others that found joy outside will promote how good it is outside, hoping you would go out and experience it yourself. Whether that person want to go out or not is not for you to judge really.
  17. Smoove Grooves

    Smoove Grooves Audiosexual

    Jan 26, 2019
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    I didn't. You have misunderstood.
    I was simply implying it is you that has the passion and enthuses yourself. It is not the daw. The presence of the daw is needed though.
    Here's my quote again, whcih was explaining my thoughts:
    If you would rather I just Disagree with this statement below and not explain myself, that's fine by me.
    The point was, any daw can.
    Because it's you who is feeling it anyway.
  18. Stevie Dude

    Stevie Dude Audiosexual

    Dec 29, 2020
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    Near Nyquist
    I have nothing against you, now I gotta finished watching Synder's Cut, receiving 3 alerts in a row like that is not fun. Maybe I wasn't paying attention. my apologies if i was being unreasonable.
  19. Ankit

    Ankit Guest

    Logic has more features, instruments and effects. Abletone's workflow and minimalistic GUI design is why people love it.
  20. Smoove Grooves

    Smoove Grooves Audiosexual

    Jan 26, 2019
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    Please unwatch the thread then. I only quoted you once.
    Your other alerts were just related to the thread.
    I didn't think you did. What are you on about? And you called me defensive for no reason I can see. That's rather a few misunderstandings from you now.
    ? What? I was simply replying to what you said. It's what we do here. I was empowering you over your daw.
    I have no idea where you are going with any of what you have just said. It makes no sense.
    I responded to you once about what you said about your daw being able to inspire you or something.
    I suggest you are the source of the inspiration, for the 3rd time now...
  21. mr.personality

    mr.personality Producer

    Sep 18, 2017
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    Talk about non sequitur and being pedantic. :)

    And I started with Steinberg Pro 24 on an Atari, mid 80's. [clap clap] Modern DAW's are laid out as horizontal tracks, stacked vertically, like magnetic tape with tape machine style transports. Common description of DAW. What the hell difference does it make that they all started out as midi sequencers. (you'll make a point to say if any didn't, I'm sure) What the hell did that have to do with how I use both daws. Jeeeeesus. IOW, what are you on about?

    Yes. Logic 10.6. I corrected myself while you where writing apparently. typing faster than my brain an didn't hit a 1 and a 0 before the 6 first then fixed it. Oh, and sometimes the number 10 key on my keyboard don't work either. Like I don't flippin know what Logic I bloody own.... since around 2002 I might add. And you figured it was a big deal to actually correct a person on this. As Elaine said to Jerry.... "so now you're finding fault at the subatomic level." lol
    Last edited: Mar 18, 2021