Are you happy with your akai mpk61 / 88?

Discussion in 'Instruments' started by Olymoon, Oct 14, 2013.

  1. Olymoon

    Olymoon Moderator

    Jan 31, 2012
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    tater_one I don't mind mapping, yes it's a pain, but it's a pain once. After you saved your mapping no more problem.
    I got a Novation nocturn, and I mapped it for Samplitude. It was difficult to find how, 'cause they were no info in Magix nor in Novation site. But I finally found how.

    One Reason So you've got one, tell me if there are control change buttons for browsing presets.
    if the pads are fast and ok for drum programming
    the fader are ok and linear??
  2. One Reason

    One Reason Audiosexual

    Jun 11, 2011
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    Where I dont want to be
    Bit above my head mate.. Pads & Faders just fine for me.. smooth, responsive.... Not sure what u mean by Linear, and not sure what kind of presets your talking about browsing.

    MPK Owners Manual
  3. Herlin

    Herlin Newbie

    Oct 15, 2013
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    I do not recommend I bought Akai Mpk49 I had problems

    Many people have this problem


    2 No button on/off

    3 Is behringer = Shit

    I personally do not recommend but the choice is yours and if you have any problems you can always try to fix or not.
  4. One Reason

    One Reason Audiosexual

    Jun 11, 2011
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    Where I dont want to be
    Ive seen that rotary issue, How one might say "many" people have that problem, I have no idea... there are probably a million or more Mpk's in use, and ive seen just a couple of posts about it.. Wev'e got two, use the knobs constantly, no issues whatsoever....Solid.

    No power button, No problem.. leave it on.. or do as we do, and use the USB in ur monitor.. Monitor off.. MPK off. *yes*

    Don't buy Behringer, unless its Studio monitors. :thumbsup:
  5. Olymoon

    Olymoon Moderator

    Jan 31, 2012
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    Herlin Wao man I got scared !!!! And this keyboard is not cheap... :wow:

    I search for Akai mpk problem in youtube, and saw more videos and for each video a bunch of comments like " I got the same problem" so for me this is not the way to treat your customers. If an issue is repetitive, it is obviously a conception error and should be assumed by the brand.
  6. hooch

    hooch Newbie

    Oct 13, 2013
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    Oly, like one reason, i'm extremely happy with my mpk61, had no bother with the pads whatsoever, I've had no probs with the pots either and mapping is a breeze - I got a great deal on mine from sounds live.

    Bottom line - Couldn't be happier :wink:
  7. Olymoon

    Olymoon Moderator

    Jan 31, 2012
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    One Reason Thanks for the manual. Program change is a Midi order to change the preset number of a midi device. I found that there is program change and bank change in the MPK it is described in page 15 of the manual. Thank you.

    BTW Any chance you do a Skin for Samplitude?

    hooch Thank you for the information, but unless I see some serious announcement from AKAI about these repetitive problems, I think I'm going to look for equivalent in other brand.
    Now that M-AUdio changes hands, maybe I 'll have a closer look to their new keyboards.
  8. One Reason

    One Reason Audiosexual

    Jun 11, 2011
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    Where I dont want to be
    Ive got more work than I can even get to right now Oly, So i would have to say no.
  9. London007

    London007 Member

    Aug 18, 2012
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    Well I had some bad luck with my MPK-61, at first I loved it but then after a few months I had a major problem...

    The pitch wheel AND and the mod wheel started sending out random messages. It would literally start changing the pitch and/or modulate the sound of any plug-in that was on the receiving channel. So I had it repaired by an Akai authorized center which fixed it for like 1 DAY and then the problem came back to haunt me yet again. The repair guy insisted it was software related even though I'd used the latest firmware for it which was supposed to have eradicated that problem.

    I'll be honest, even though I've used a long line of synth action or semi-weighted keys I HATED the feel of the keys on the MPK-61. Plus you needed a good whack to get a response out of the pads (unless it was set to "full" velocity).

    I've since sold mine on eBay and upgraded to a fantastic Novation keyboard controller that feels beautiful to play. I'll never buy anything from Akai again. Others may tell you it's a great keyboard - and if it works without any problems, then ok, it's a nice keyboard to have. But I sure don't miss the one I had.
  10. Synthetech

    Synthetech Newbie

    Sep 7, 2013
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    I bought a wounded MPK61 off of feebay a couple months ago.

    The one I got had a bad power supply circuit/component on the main board.. so I had to replace it.
    Once I got it powered up and operating again, I found one semi-dead key..

    I took the key apart to fix it, and then more sharp keys acted up! It's as if I pissed it off by opening it up!!!
    I ended up doing the "cardboard" shim repair/mod to the affected keys so the key's switches would work again.
    All work good now and you cant tell any difference from the shims.
    I think I saved $150 over a good working MPK61 after all parts/repairs. So I'm happy with that aspect.

    The 25-61 key units have been known to break plastic "keepers" for the keys. When they break, the key will flip/stick up in the air and not be held down in place with the others.
    There's a simple fix for it, but it seems an early failure issue to me to happen to such recent gear.. the keys acting up is also a design flaw as well and I imagine all units will be affected eventually.

    The upper part of the case/shell is not durable at all.. it is a fairly thin/brittle plastic and wont handle much punishment compared to some older gear's casing.
    The bottom of the unit is fairly thick metal and the keybed has several metal plates attached to it as well.
    The lower metal parts is what makes up perhaps 70% of the entire keyboards weight.

    I dont like that you cannot assign the aftertouch from the keys to any midi CC you wish like my Maudio Ozonic.
    The faders and encoders have a nice solid feel to them.
    The pads are ok, but I hear the THICK pad mod helps out alot with that.

    So in short, RE: MPK 49/61

    PROs- Its a nice design and feels nice to work with, when it works right. The controls are nice and BIG compared to say.. a Novation Remote's tiny controls.

    CONs- Its made with cheap, thin plastic in some areas and has some design flaws that rear their ugly heads eventually.. expect future repairs with the keybed.

    As for the MPK88, Im sure the key bed is entirely different, but all the other knobs/faders/pads/buttons are the same.

    PS- M Audio and Akai are THE SAME COMPANY.. so keep that in mind if you are looking for an alternative model.
    I'd try Novation instead if you are trying to avoid Akai and all it's relatives (Alesis, Ion, Maudio, Akai...).

    London007, the problem with your pitch/mod wheels was an open in circuit somewhere for the potentiometers.
    If there's an open in the circuit for a pot, the CPU will read wildly variable voltages (it will wander) and cause the problem you experienced.
    It was most likely a problem with the connector on the main board that was giving you problems, not the actual wheels/pots.
  11. One Reason

    One Reason Audiosexual

    Jun 11, 2011
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    Where I dont want to be
    All i know is I BASH the hell out of this keyboard, have done for the last year, smoke constantly over it, spilled drinks on the keys, it feels solid and has been more durable than any Ive had before..

    In fact, its the only... keyboard, I haven't broken.

    Im willing to bet... if you go youtube any major brand keyboard at this price point.. you will find problems on all of them.

    Buy new..(not off Ebay) *no* Use the warranty (or extended warranty) if needed.

    A good place to get feedback is at the music stores online, Sweetwater, Guitar Center, Musicians Friend, ZSounds etc.. read customer reviews. *yes*

    But no probs with mine or my brothers in about 16 months. :mates:
  12. xHitoKiri

    xHitoKiri Member

    Sep 8, 2013
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    i browse online last year when i was looking for a new midi controller.

    It's hard to find a good pad/keyboard combo. Most keyboard have issues with pads or pads are not that great. Sometimes the pads are great, but the keyboard keys are horrible.

    After browsing around.. i got the Novation MKii. I decided on the mkii because it has a lot of faders/knobs. The keys feel pretty good. I like the automap software. A lot of people have issues setting up, but its simple and it saves all the "custom layours/presets" for each plugin.

    Downside on the novation MKii is the pads.. they are pretty much bad. Not meant for drum pad. (Also 25/49/61? have the same ammount of knobs/faders; kinda sucks they didn't add more)

    I got a korg padkontrol. The pads are amazing and its pretty straight forward.

    Now the new maschine is out there.. which might be my next buy.

    I browsed online alot and i noticed... AKAI products have a high complain/quality issues. And people often complain about their customer service. And most of their products feel made out of cheap plastic. I tried the MPK from a friend. Keys didn't feel as good as my Mkii. :dunno:

    In my opinion.. It's better to get a nice keyboard and a separate pad controller. You will get a better result than the combo ones.

    I can recommend novation/focusrite products. They really do a good job and have a good customer support. I was thinking in getting the new mini keyboard they launching for mobility. *yes*

    P.S. This is just my opinion. Feel free to check online and look at other peoples comments. :mates:

    Also if you have the money, just buy it and try it out. I did that with a couple of midi controllers. Most retailers have a 30 days policy. Just make sure they allow you to get free return policy. I returned an axiom cause the software had issues. And they took 6 months to release the right software.
  13. xHitoKiri

    xHitoKiri Member

    Sep 8, 2013
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    I wouldn't recommend looking at feedback at music stores online. Most of those feedback feel.. Fake. Maybe it's just me.

    I would recommend gearslutz or kvr. (Sorry, for "advertising") But a lot of "representatives" from companies often post in those forums. I seen them help out and offer support to people raging about "xxx problem". That clearly shows customer support.

    Also it's a little more user trust and harder to make "fake reviews".
  14. oska

    oska Noisemaker

    Feb 5, 2013
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    Even I was thinking of buying a MIDI keyboard.
    Any views on the new Launchkey from Novation?
  15. Olymoon

    Olymoon Moderator

    Jan 31, 2012
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    Oska Good question, why not start a topic about this keyboard?
  16. Synthetech

    Synthetech Newbie

    Sep 7, 2013
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    It's not just you. Usually they are FAKE reviews when it comes direct from a retailers site.. either that or only positive ones selected out of any negative ones.
    Why would they shoot their own foot when the point of being in biz is to SELL products?

    I only trust reviews from people like you all in a place just like this :)

    One Reason- Glad your MPK has been trouble free so far.. but when yours does act up in the future (they all eventually do, I'm afraid..) check those vids posted previously on how to fix it.. the only one missing is the one using thin nylon ribbon to fix the broken key issue (when they stick up in the air.)
    Thankfully, it isnt terribly difficult to repair :)
  17. One Reason

    One Reason Audiosexual

    Jun 11, 2011
    Likes Received:
    Where I dont want to be
    If mine acts up.. I'll just buy another.. will be 2-3 yrs old by then. :rofl:

    Everything wears out eventually.
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