Working on a new song, work title: Perfect Now ...

Discussion in 'Work in Process' started by JTSD, Mar 11, 2021.

  1. JTSD

    JTSD Producer

    May 22, 2018
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    Please help me to improve. Have tried to exclude all effects in the mix. Vocals from a library, and sadly everything kind of adapted to the key of the vocals ... Worth spending more time on? Suggestions on how to go further with a real mix?

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    SOUFYAN Member

    Jan 11, 2020
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    nice voice
    as i hear ur voice to much loud
    also its to much compressed ad need a deasser
  4. Req

    Req Noisemaker

    Mar 11, 2021
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    I'll advice you to decompressed it a little. And make a parallel compression maybe even two on that slaps and one that hard hitting but not to loud always watch your gain-staging. start with zero db on the parallel channel and mix it in slowly. when your compressing you don't want to overdo it on the main channel and create loudness which would makes les headroom. Mixing in low -12db is great way to start. for example I use Ableton and always have an utility on the channel with 12-db. Also when you insert a audio file check out the peaks if it's loud throw the gain lower than after you did that and start compression things would sounds a lot better Maybe a -14Lufs Is mostly required nowadays on every streaming platform some different but there small. Maybe and Lfus meter on your master channel could be helpful also bx-meter is a great tool to watch your collerection.

    Also a gate on the channel is handy specially if you have a loudly room and your mic is very clear in catching frequencies.

    Also adding a vocal doubler on a parallel channel could be helpfull to widen out the vocals and mix it in slowly start from zero db. Waves has good ones. But I prefer Soundtoys or Eventide H3000

    Also doubling your vocals which means record it two times. Humans basically never sing the same so the milliseconds would be different which creates harmony. Also watch the gain. And you can go all crazy with it. Maybe start to get into mixing and engineering after that go for mastering. Mastering is actually polishing your mix so if your mix is bad your mastering ain't gonna fix it.

    Turn up the volume because you are mixing lowly now. When everything fits and sounds great in the mix. Start with the mastering!

    Goodluck on the song!
    Last edited: Mar 11, 2021
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  5. samsome

    samsome Guest

    i suggest u get a pro mixing engineer and see what he does :D cool tune and vocals
  6. The Pirate

    The Pirate Audiosexual

    Dec 20, 2018
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    Nobody has mentioned it but you need to fix timing issues with the vocals. They are dragging. When using sampled vocals, if timing is not perfect you must take them to the chopping block or edit them in Melodyne.
    Last edited: Mar 12, 2021
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  7. JTSD

    JTSD Producer

    May 22, 2018
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    Thanks! The vocals are from a library.
    It's still "work in progress" and a will try to fix the compression-issue among other things suggested here.

    Did a mistake after exporting the song (export with more or less no effects, except compression) from the DAW .. then imported it to Isotope Ozone and exported with a built-in preset before posting here.
  8. JTSD

    JTSD Producer

    May 22, 2018
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    Thankful for all your feedback and suggestions. Will definitely try them out in the next version!
  9. JTSD

    JTSD Producer

    May 22, 2018
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    Yes, timing vocals from libraries in a new song is always tricky for me. I will take a look at Melodyne and see if I can learn how to accomplish correct timing with the tool. Actually though that I had OK timing this time, but I trust more experienced music-production ears more than mine in this case. Thanks!
  10. JTSD

    JTSD Producer

    May 22, 2018
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    Thanks! Maybe when the song in detail is finished (structure, effects, automation), and then, if it's worth it, going further with publishing it on other platforms than Soundcloud. If that would occur, it would be my first song outside Soundcloud.
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  11. The Pirate

    The Pirate Audiosexual

    Dec 20, 2018
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    If you have no experience with Melodyne, I would suggest that you chop the vocals, it will be easier . If you send me the vocal, kick and synth unprocessed stems, I will fix the vocals' timing issues for you.
  12. JTSD

    JTSD Producer

    May 22, 2018
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    Wow! Thanks! I have a version of Melodyne, but long time since I used it. Will give it a try to learn how to use it first as it seems it will be needed for me futurwise. If I find it frustrating to use, I will ask for your help, if the offer still stands then!
  13. Req

    Req Noisemaker

    Mar 11, 2021
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    Try ableton it's great for manipulating and warping chopping up samples without destroying the sound because you have 5 options beats, tones, texture, re-pitch complex and complex pro. (Complex and complex pro is great for vocals) You can even insert warp markers and time them yourself on the grid of the bpm. I haven't found any daw that does this better than ableton.
  14. Req

    Req Noisemaker

    Mar 11, 2021
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    I got an Acapella from Griselda records I could have mix the vocals a bit better but it was just for fun. and had other stuff to do. I also warped it with ableton the last part sounds a bit off but the genre is rap sometimes off beat could be on beat if you know what I mean but that's another part. for example hi hats most trap hi hats patterns are actually off beat but still sounds on beat because you go all crazy in with the hi hats 1/64 for example but the matter is milliseconds before or after. Don't know how to really explain it because I'm dutch but ye im trying XD.

    I also mixed it in lowly second bass could have been fatter but that's not what I wanted. I wanted to create dynamics between two basses one which I used mid/side processing on it. I also m/s vocals when I create them myself which means recording.
  15. Burninstar

    Burninstar Platinum Record

    Sep 17, 2011
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    Behind my instrument
    Not quite perfect now, but definitely on the way. LOL. I enjoyed the track. The music bed works nicely with the vocal and is put together well. Great work, I can tell you have spent some time creating the track and it fits well with the vocal.

    I do agree with some of the others about the vocal kind of setting on top of the music. Things that I might do while mixing include a light master bus compression to blend the vocal in and let the music track breath with it. As for effects I would suggest a tight stereo double with a nice ambiance reverb with tight predelay.

    This is only my opinion: As a producer i feel the flute solo at the beginning is kinda long and makes you wonder when the vocal is gonna kick in.
    I would keep a two bar phrase of flute and use it as a recurring riff throughout the song. If the riff is MIDI add another instrument to the riff and make it shine.

    Keep up the nice work and be proud of your creation I really enjoyed your track. Extra compliment, I just love the sweet instrumentation well done!
    Last edited: Mar 12, 2021
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  16. jack1958

    jack1958 Ultrasonic

    Jul 5, 2013
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    @JTSD I really would love to do a Remix. here`s my latest work, which will be released in spring 2021. . if you are are interested, pm me. greets
    Last edited: Mar 12, 2021
  17. Req

    Req Noisemaker

    Mar 11, 2021
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    Thanks for the feedback ye I didn't spend much time on it yet so I agree with you I made it actually in a couple of hours just for fun. Thanks for checking it out got some couple more also have projects with real artist but not allowed to share but the mixes are a lot better. The vocal hitting late part with the flute was actually the idea. It makes it weird but also hard at the same time sometimes you just gotta come a little different <3

    I didn't do actually anything special on the vocal not even a parallel compression or delay or plate verb. Guess I was a bit lazy :unsure:

    Here are some better old mixes I have done for fun

    Last edited: Mar 13, 2021
  18. JTSD

    JTSD Producer

    May 22, 2018
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    I'm confused to whom this reply was addressed.. If it is a reply to me, I feel warm at heart and inspired by your compliment, but @Req interprets it as addressed to him...
  19. JTSD

    JTSD Producer

    May 22, 2018
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    I use Ableton, but as far as I'm informed, best way to integrate external vocals in Ableton is to turn off warp in the first place and adapt the song-tempo to the original vocals tempo.
  20. JTSD

    JTSD Producer

    May 22, 2018
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    Here is the last version before I take a long break from this song.

  21. Req

    Req Noisemaker

    Mar 11, 2021
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    I didn't mention that but that's true.
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