Ableton Live don't have permission on M1 (new to Mac)

Discussion in 'Mac / Hackintosh' started by shay2089, Mar 12, 2021.

  1. shay2089

    shay2089 Newbie

    Nov 30, 2018
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    Hey everyone. I'm new to Mac and together with the M1 thing it makes it more difficult. I downloaded the Ableton Live 10 and it doesn't let me open the Ableton keygen. I did a research online and understand that the rosetta 2 is the solution. the problem is, I installed Rosetta trough Terminal app and it says that it installed successfully but it's still doesn't show up in the get info tab.
    It's already freaks me out for a few days. maybe someone knows what is the solution?

    Thank you guys!
  3. Req

    Req Noisemaker

    Mar 11, 2021
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    I don't have an M1 I still use 2016 Macbook pro with Mojave. So really not having experiencing with the latest os.

    But did you disable sip in the terminal in the OS X Utility window?
    Also try wine/winebottler app to run windows keygen.

    Also batchmod is a permission set tool look it up
  4. shay2089

    shay2089 Newbie

    Nov 30, 2018
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    Disabled sip successfuly, winebottler don't recognize the files (as you can see in the screenshot), probably cause this files are mac files (i downloded the mac ableton version, not the windows one). Tried batchmod too and gave the pemission to the folder (did all of this stages with step by step with a YT videos but the files still doesn't work. Btw, now both of the keygens aren't react. I press on the file and nothing happens.
    Please look also at this, maybe it can help in finding the solution:
    Last edited: Mar 13, 2021
  5. shay2089

    shay2089 Newbie

    Nov 30, 2018
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    Ok after a long "battle" of a few days i figured it out. All you need to do is this:
    1. download ableton 11 and install it.
    2. go to preferences, than go to security&privacy, than full disk access, open the lock down the left side and add the ableton 11 app.
    3. download the windows version in order to use his keygen (don't try the keygen of the mac, that's a waste of them)
    4. download Crossover app from the web and search for the keygen file. add it and than it will open. just do the regular steps with the keygen as you used to do with the versions before.
    5. now after you get the Authorize file you need to open it as a text file and change the A0 to B0 on the first(actually second line). you will see it immedietly. than save it (ctrl+s).
    6. turn off the internet (that's important cause without it it won't work)
    7. drag the Authorize file to the ableton 11 app and that's it.
    8. There's a chance that i forgot one of the steps so just go after the instructions that you find online and navigate from there.

    I hope it help.
    Last edited: Mar 14, 2021
  6. Smoove Grooves

    Smoove Grooves Audiosexual

    Jan 26, 2019
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    cmd+s, surely?
    Uh, Get Info (cmd+i) is done ON a file to see its details; Rosetta will not show up in "the get info tab", especially as this "tab" doesn't exist.
    And Rosetta is not an app, so you won't see it.
    I can't remember, but you may see it in the bottom row of System Preference pane.
    But either way, it runs in the background when needed I think.
    Last edited: Mar 15, 2021