Ableton Live 11.X.x Betas/Final

Discussion in 'Live' started by ArticStorm, Mar 10, 2021.

  1. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    I thought its a good idea, to make thread about the new betas, so when can we expect a new version?


    11.0.1b1 Release Notes
    • Live loads the demo song when Live 11 is started for the first time on a given computer.
    • The Live manual has been corrected / updated.
    Ableton Live 11 is now in Public Beta testing. Remember you need a valid Suite License to actively beta test. (Unless we find a way to bless the betas? I have no idea). Signing up for a beta account is still free.

    Whenever I or other see a new beta, you are welcome to post here.

    Articstorm :mates:
  3. sd3234321

    sd3234321 Newbie

    Dec 1, 2019
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    if someone can post the new manual that would be sick
  4. joeysaleri

    joeysaleri Member

    Dec 4, 2018
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  5. HeresJohnny

    HeresJohnny Ultrasonic

    Mar 1, 2021
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    Bless month after launch of v11 and the coding team has been working at top speed as usual:

    - updated the manual


    Cmon guys, the receptionist could have done that job as part of her work-from-home, while she hangs around in her dressing gown & scratches her poon

    I think ableton has only 1 guy who codes everything and kind of holds the company hostage:rofl:
    and they hope & pray he comes back from his 4 month holiday early-ish every year
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  6. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    I hope they will investigate this CPU/HDD overloading, you duplicate a channel/load new plugin and you see a CPU spike. Also some people report very high CPU usage of good working plugins like serum with version 11.

    I dont know what 11.0.1 should bring anyway, as some fixed and updated manuals :rofl:
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  7. r4e

    r4e Audiosexual

    Sep 6, 2014
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    The manuals are still not translated so when you install that beta, it still copies 7 times the same 84MB pdf file,
    which is a waste of 500MB of Space. They should only place the english manual once instead.

    Btw. after installation, you can navigate to ...\Ableton\Live 11 Beta\Program and open up the Installation.cfg file
    with any text editor. Just replace that "Beta" with "Suite" and the beta loads up as regular suite.
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  8. HeresJohnny

    HeresJohnny Ultrasonic

    Mar 1, 2021
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    this is an interesting tweak, thanks for that

    btw not only manuals, i delete lots of shit like convolution impulses etc but i cant remebr where they are located
  9. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    I find the IRs useful for the hybrid reverb, which i will asctual use, because the device i like working with and no other Convo reverb has achieved that yet.
    Well Okay it was stupid to really include the eng manual a few times, to bloat the installer.
  10. HeresJohnny

    HeresJohnny Ultrasonic

    Mar 1, 2021
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    hybrid verb, thats new in ableton yea? I havent tried it cos i have too many verbs

    Yea i do keep the ableton convolution impulses, but i moved them to my IR folder, and use them in other VSTis so everytime i install ableton i delete the IRs it places
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  11. r4e

    r4e Audiosexual

    Sep 6, 2014
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    You actually can modify the installer and delete all that stuff before Ableton gets installed. I did that for myself on a virtual machine
    before I installed Ableton on my disk, works pretty well. Also replaced the internal updating system with dummies so Ableton doesn't
    send data or updates itself without asking. Only downside is, you can't add files like skins to get them installed automatically
    but that's not that big deal.
  12. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    11.0.5b1 Release Notes
    New features and improvements:

    Really long changelog - YAY! Update via previously beta version possible or download via free beta account @

    • The Spectral Resonator device now uses about 15% less CPU.
    • In the Spectral Time device, the background of the Stereo slider now displays a blue color when its value is above 0%.
    • Added the following changes to the Spectral Time device:
      - "Freeze On/Off" is now called "Frozen On/Off" in Automation Mode and on Push.
      - "Delay DryWet" is now called "Delay Mix" in Automation Mode, and "Mix" in the device UI and on Push.
    • The Spectral Resonator device's CPU usage is now reduced by 20% when very few partials are audible.
    • The Chorus-Ensemble device now uses less CPU when certain settings are applied.
    • Added the following changes:
      - When clips are selected/unselected in the Session View, the highlighted track and scene now point to the foreground clip, if any exists.
      - Changing the foreground clip from the Clip View updates the highlighting of the track (in both the Session View and Arrangement View) and the scene corresponding to the new foreground clip.
      - Clicking on a clip's multi-clip loop bar in the Clip View updates the highlighted track, even if this clip is already the foreground clip.
      In all these cases, a connected Push device follows the highlight change and focus on the corresponding track.
    • In the Spectral Resonator and Spectral Time devices, the spectrogram should now display about 30% of its former CPU load. Note: this is only visible in the system's CPU monitor, not in Live's audio processing meter.
    • The Follow Action Chance slider now displays a split triangle instead of just a black bar when it is showing multiple different values.
    • Improved the names of MIDI controllers that appear in the Control chooser when the Clip View's Envelopes tab is visible and the "MIDI Ctrl" is selected in the Device chooser.
    • Updated various Help View lessons.
    • Added support for Drum Rack choke groups to the Wavetable device.
    • Added a Pitch dial to the Clip's View Sample tab, which enables shifting an audio clip's pitch in semitones. The Transpose controls now appear as adjacent slider controls, positioned beneath the Pitch control.
    • It is now possible to resize the velocity, probability, and per-note expression lanes in the MIDI Editor using the mousewheel/pinch gesture while holding "ALT".
    • The "Pitch Bend Range Settings..." context menu entry now appears when right-clicking in the area where per-note pitch-bend is editable.
    • Using "CMD"+click (Mac) / "CTRL"+click (Win) no longer deselects track headers that contain a hidden lane selection.
    • Take lane headers with a standby selection are now shown in the respective standby selection color when more than one track, take lane, and/or automation lane is selected.
    • It is now possible to rename multiple selected scenes simultaneously.
    • It is now possible to rename multiple selected tracks simultaneously.
    • When a Session track slot is highlighted but not selected, using the Arrow Up/Down keys, Home/End, or PageUp/PageDown keys now moves the highlight to the adjacent track slot in the given direction.
    • Added the following changes to the Clip View of MIDI clips:
      - When the Expression tab is open, making a time selection in the Note Editor or the Slide/Pressure expression lane while editing per-note expression now only shows the focused lane with a selection highlight, while all other lanes are shown with a standby selection highlight.
      - The background color of lane headers is now consistent with the Notes tab.
      - Clicking on a lane with a standby selection now selects that lane instead of collapsing the time selection.
    • When the Expression tab is open, using the "Zoom to Clip Selection" command (or "Z" key shortcut) now adjusts the zoom level according to pitch bend values contained in the time selection.
    • It is now possible to clear all per-note Pitch, Slide and Pressure expression envelopes of a note at once by using the "Clear All Envelopes" entry in the context menu of the per-note expression breakpoint editor.
    • Updated some lesson translations in German, Spanish, French, and Italian languages.
    • Plug-in devices now look similar to built-in Ableton devices when disabled.
    • In the Session View's Track Status display, the remaining play time of an unlooped clip now always displays the seconds with two digits (e.g., "10:07" instead of "10:7").
    • Updated some Japanese and Chinese info text translations.
    • Updated various Help View lesson translations in German, Spanish, French, Italian, Japanese and Chinese languages.
    • In the Spectral Resonator device, when low polyphony and unison voices are set, less CPU usage should be shown.
    • Added the following changes to the Sample tab of audio clips:
      - The Clip Gain control has been changed back to a vertical slider, and it has been repositioned above the Transpose controls.
      - The Reverse button now shows an icon instead of text.
      - The Reverse and Edit buttons are now positioned next to each other.
    • When multiple audio clips with different Clip Gain values are selected, the value range is shown with split triangle handles on the Clip Gain slider.
    • In the Phaser-Flanger device, when the LFO Stereo Mode is set to Spin and the Spin value is changed, a second LFO line is now visible and its frequency changes accordingly.
    • The Spectral Time device now runs at about 60% of its previous CPU load.
    • The following new properties and functions are available in the Clip API:
      - add_warp_marker
      - move_warp_marker
      - delete_warp_marker
      - sample_rate
      - sample_length
    • Updated the notification style for scenes, and updated the scene name visualization to include the absolute position, tempo and time signature on Push.
    • Added some visual refinements to the Clip View tabs.
    • The audio engine can now be turned on or off via a new "Audio Engine On" entry in the Options menu, or using the "CMD"+"ALT"+"Shift"+"E" (Mac) / "CTRL"+"ALT"+"Shift"+"E" (Win) keyboard shortcut.
    • The enabled/disabled state of a plug-in device's MPE Mode is now saved with that device's default configuration.
    • Adjusting multiple encoders while recording automation now creates less undo steps on Push 1 and 2.
    • Updated the bundled Max build to version 8.1.10.
      For the changelog, visit:
    • Previously, reordering automation lanes via dragging and dropping or using the "CMD" and Arrow Up/Down (Mac) / "CTRL" and Arrow Up/Down (Win) keys would not mark the document as modified.
    • The EQ Eight device will now scale the displayed spectrum the same way as the Channel EQ and Hybrid Reverb devices.
    • Previously, the Operator device could crash or calculate inaccurate frequencies when its Fixed Mode and Spread parameters were enabled.
    • When left-clicking the CPU meter, the drop-down menu that appears is now aligned at the left-hand of the CPU meter.
    • In the Spectral Resonator and Spectral Time devices, the limiter's LED now correctly lights up when the limiter is active.
    • Switching between oscillator effects in the Wavetable device now changes labels within each matrix as expected.
    • In the Sampler, Simpler, and Wavetable devices, the MPE label text now updates according to the device's selected/deselected state.
    • When using a device parameter's "Show Automation" or "Show Modulation" context menu command while a Session clip is playing, Live now switches to the Envelopes tab in the Clip View when no clip is selected.
    • Mouse-clicks on a return track no longer "fall through" to audio/MIDI tracks or Group Tracks that are covered by that return track.
    • Fixed the following bugs in Max for Live:
      - Sending a getpath message to a live.object that operates upon the GroovePool no longer causes an error.
      - Sending a getpath message to a live.object that operates upon a Groove no longer causes an error.
      - GroovePool, Groove and DeviceIO now all have a canonical_parent property.
    • Fixed a crash that could occur when restoring the Arrangement View's zoom state using the "Z" keyboard shortcut after deleting a take lane.
    • Fixed a crash that could occur when clicking in a track's main lane after track content had been selected during recording, under certain circumstances.
    • The Surge Synth Team's "Surge" VST/AU plug-in device now has its internal MPE Mode activated by default when started in Live. Deactivating the device's MPE Mode in Live will also cause Surge to deactivate MPE Mode internally.
    • Fixed the spelling of the "Sostenuto" parameter that appears in the Control chooser when the Clip View's Envelopes tab is visible and the "MIDI Ctrl" is selected in the Device chooser.
    • Previously, mixer controls in linked tracks would still be linked when selecting a take lane, after multiple track headers had previously been selected.
    • Fixed the alignment of the Launch text label that appears in the expanded view of the Clip View's Clip box.
    • Previously, when the Expression tab was visible, making a rectangular selection of a single note in the MIDI Note Editor would incorrectly set the focus to pitch bend expression editing.
    • Previously, when using the Arrow Up/Down keys in the Velocity or Chance Editor while no notes were selected, a false value was temporarily shown in the respective editor's lane header.
    • Fixed the following bugs:
      - When copying a folder with audio files to another folder which was already in Places, the files would not appear in the browser.
      - When saving a Live Set file (such as a clip or preset) in the root folder of the temporary current Project, that file would not be copied over to the final destination Project.
    • Arrangement clip headers no longer have an uneven appearance.
    • Fixed a bug that caused a note's per-note pitch bend range to get reset to +/- 48 semitones when copying and pasting a track.
    • Previously, resizing the Device View, as a result of switching to the Arrangement View, while no clip was selected would result in automation lanes having the wrong height when switching back to the Session View.
    • Previously, the waveform of an audio clip in the Detail View would be displayed in a dimmed color, although that clip was not audible while Audition Mode was enabled.
    • Previously, the Follow Action Time marker was sometimes displayed at the wrong position in unwarped clips.
    • Previously, an Arrangement clip header would not be displayed as having a standby selection when the focus was moved away.
    • Using pinch gestures to zoom once again works in expression lanes.
    • Improved the text contrast in the Session View's Track Status display for unlooped clips.
    • Previously, using Tempo Follower and Tap Tempo at the same time could create a conflict with Live's tempo. To prevent this, Tempo Follower is now disabled as long as Tap Tempo is active.
    • Previously, when triggering a scene with assigned Follow Actions after stopping Live's transport, that scene's tempo was not respected.
    • Shift-clicking on an empty track slot in the Session View no longer changes the scene and track highlighting.
    • Previously, the vertical zoom level and scroll position in the MIDI Note Editor were sometimes wrong when switching from the Expression tab to the Notes tab.
    • The LOM ID of a routable MIDI input/output is now retained after moving and saving the containing Max for Live device.
    • The "Stop" Follow Action now works as expected for scenes.
    • Previously, the selection on an auditioned take lane would look different when Draw Mode was active.
    • When multiple MIDI clips are selected and the Envelopes and Expression tabs are not displayed, the Notes tab is now left-aligned.
    • Previously, when the Expression tab was open and the MIDI Note Editor was folded, zooming to selected notes would sometimes scroll out of view.
    • Previously, it was not possible to unlink all tracks when some tracks were nested inside a Group Track.
    • Fixed a crash that occurred when inserting a take lane.
    • Previously, adding a device via double-clicking could create two undo steps.
    • Added the following changes for Windows:
      - On Windows 10, Live requires version 1803 or higher to be used on HiDPI screens.
      - Live's second window is no longer shown separately in the list of windows that appears when pressing "Alt"+"Tab". It also cannot be minimized anymore. These changes highlight that the second window is not a stand-alone window, but secondary to the main window.
      - When switching virtual desktops, floating windows are no longer shown on the new virtual desktop.
      - When using virtual desktops, floating windows (e.g., the Max editor, plug-in devices, or Live's Preferences) are now only shown on the virtual desktop where Live is.
      - Fixed a bug that enabled performing certain actions (e.g., stopping playback) while a modal dialog was shown.
    • Fixed a bug that could cause notes to be affected by expression parameters (including pitch bend) from previous notes.
    • User Remote Scripts work as expected on Windows again.
    • Previously in the Spectral Resonator and Spectral Time devices, gaps would sometimes appear in the Spectrogram at high frequencies.
    • A Max for Live device's background color now updates correctly after moving that device between tracks.
    • Fixed two bugs in the MPE Control device:
      - The Pressure curve would not follow Live's themes when the device was instantiated while using the Dark theme.
      - Global PB would be interpreted as Note PB under certain circumstances.
    • Previously, per-note pitch bend editing was unavailable when a MIDI Effect Rack or Instrument Rack was used, under certain circumstances.
    • The Launch Macro Variation button can be mapped as expected again.
    • Fixed the width of the divider line between Arrangement lanes and track/lane headers.
    • Previously, after selecting content by clicking on the Arrangement loop brace or pressing "CMD"+"A" (Mac) / "CTRL"+"A" (Win), content of tracks nested in a folded Group Track would not be selected when unfolding the containing Group Track.
    • Fixed a crash that could occur when dragging an empty frozen MIDI clip to an audio track.
    • Replacing a licensed Max for Live device with an unlicensed one no longer creates a "fake" device that informs the user of a missing license. Also, it is no longer possible to inadvertently trigger Temporary Demo Mode when attempting to perform another action that breaches any current limitations, in cases where a "fake" device was created.
    • Upon setting Scale Name and Root Note values for a MIDI clip, those values remain visible (but grayed out), even when Scale Mode is disabled.
    • Previously, track lanes and headers could not be deselected via "CMD"+click (Mac) / "CTRL"+click (Win) when their tracks contained hidden and selected automation lanes, take lanes, and/or Group Tracks.
    • Changes to a scale or root note on Push while recording a MIDI clip are now applied to that newly-recorded clip.
    • When enabled, the Scale (aka Fold to Scale) button becomes disabled (instead of grayed out) whenever folding to scale is not possible.
    • Fixed a crash that could occur when freezing a track after recording, under certain circumstances.
  13. Paul Smith

    Paul Smith Member

    Apr 23, 2017
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    Wow. This is long. Well, glad ableton are really working hard to give us an even more stable product.
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  14. spncart

    spncart Producer

    Dec 13, 2020
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    Wow sick. Anyone could post the installer on sister site? Thx.
  15. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    We dont have any blessing for this version and its a beta version. Like i wrote you can make a free beta account, but then we dont have a blessing, mean its useless and we have to wait till a final version comes around and R2R updates.
    meanwhile, yeah there is 11.0.1 out there somewhere or wasnt this done?
  16. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    11.0.5b1 the vocoder seems not to work, that what was reported so far.
  17. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    11.0.5b2 Release Notes
    New features and improvements:
    • The Multiband Dynamics device works as expected again.
    • Fixed a performance regression when loading a Live Set with many devices.
    • Max for Live devices that take over control surfaces and use getinfo to determine available controllers work as expected again.
    • Previously, when exporting a video, the Export Audio/Video dialog would remain disabled when choosing an export file name that matched an existing video file (but not an existing audio file) and then choosing not to overwrite the existing file.
    • Fixed a crash that could occur when feeding notes into the Scale device that were not mapped to a target pitch in the matrix.
    • Fixed a bug that caused sliders and breakpoints to move more quickly to the top or left than to the bottom or right while click-dragging with the mouse, especially when moving slowly (macOS only).
    • Authorizing Live 11 with Live 11 Sassafras license files now works as expected.
    • Fixed an issue where a Rack's selector buttons for chains and devices would swap places, under certain circumstances. Fixed various minor UI alignment and sizing issues that affected other elements within Racks.
    • Fixed a spacing issue in Drum Racks. In all Racks, the Rand and Map buttons now always align with the right border of the Macro Controls section, and they appear as "R" and "M" when six or less Macro Controls are shown.
    • Setting the tempo or time signature from the Python api (Max and Push) will enable the scene widget and display the correct value being set.
    • The program change controls will now be in the order [Bank][Sub][Pgm] instead of [Pgm][Bank][Sub].
    hope the vocoder works again.
  18. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    wow this one took very long:

    11.0.5b3 Release Notes (02-June-2021)
    New features and improvements:
    • Pressing "Cmd"+"A" (Mac) / "Ctrl"+"A" (Win) now only selects track within the same Group Track hierarchy as the currently selected track(s). Previously, if a Group Track was selected, nested tracks were also selected.
    • The Overload Indicator is disabled by default for new Live 11 installations.
    • Performance improvements when deselecting many clips.
    • Selecting a device or parameter in a main automation lane's Device or Automation Control chooser now also changes the device or parameter in other selected main automation lanes.
    • MIDI note velocity values received by Live externally now match the values displayed in the UI.
    • Significantly improved Live's performance when selecting/unselecting a large number of clips to display in the Clip View.
    • Freezing a deactivated Arrangement clip no longer creates a tail clip. An Arrangement clip that was deactivated when its containing track was frozen can no longer be activated while that track is still frozen.
    • Fixed a crash that occurred when right-clicking on a track header to rename a track, or trying to edit the track's info text via the context menu, when a second Live window was open on Windows.
    • In the Clip View's Sample tab, when editing the Transposition/Cents value and then clicking or dragging the Pitch control, the focus will jump to the Transposition/Semitones field.
    • Presets which are not supported due to Live's current authorization state are no longer shown in Live's browser.
    • Fixed a crash when scrolling in the clip detail editor with the mouse button held down.
    • Fix a bug that generated spurious disk overload indications even when no sample dropouts occurred.
    • Fixes a crash on Command + Key Up/Down with selected main automation lane.
  19. Slavestate

    Slavestate Platinum Record

    Jul 28, 2019
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    Cant wait to see ANYTHING about plugin optimization in those bug fixes.. Working on a 20 or so track song this past weekend with almost no plugins, decided to use a single instance of Pigments to play a simple pad, CPU use shot up to 80% out of nowhere and the song was unplayable without crackling and overloading. Yet somehow 'clunky old' Logic Pro eats it for breakfast still..
  20. Alex Philipp

    Alex Philipp Platinum Record

    Jan 30, 2015
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    @Slavestate it because Pigments is one of the biggest CPU monsers. Nice synth but coded without any optimisation. Even simple bell sound which is in Dexed has no load at all, loads Live up to 30% in empty project.
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  21. Hareesh S

    Hareesh S Producer

    Dec 26, 2019
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    I've had problems on Live 11 with a SINGLE Serum instance. LITERALLY THE ONLY PLUGIN IN THE WHOLE PROJECT:deep_facepalm:. on 2X mode, and honestly, quite simple patches.
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