Been experiencing a strange symptom lately

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Donut Nyamer, Mar 7, 2021.

  1. Lois Lane

    Lois Lane Audiosexual

    Jan 16, 2019
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    Somewhere Over The Rainbow
    Hey @WillyA ... WillyA-T

    I feel the same way about the current paridigm of the medical profession. The system is set up for pharmaceutical companies to reap huge rewards at the expense of people's health. When a doctor prescribes a toxic medication and does so outweighing the side effects to the desired goal I call that fucked up. Pharmaceuticals do not work synergistically with our bodies to strengthen them but rather tear them down. When my doctor told me not to read the side effects listed in the steroid inhaler that he said that "I must take every day for the rest of my life" I, after much deliberate research, opted out. The vast majority of dis-ease is wrought on by unhealthy living in the way of shit food full of pesticides and insectides, poisoned water full of low doses of industrial waste and now micro plastic. Pharmaceuticals are part of that viscous circle as well as the horror of destroying our gut flora with antibiotics which inhibit vitality. Companies like Monsanto which wish to own all the seed crops and destroy the natural cycles of life with their poisons and gene manipulation are at the heart of this darkness with help from companies that wish to own all the fresh water like Nestle. We don't want to be sickened for profit and told that it is for our benefit. That is evil pure and simple.

    A doctor can be a fine epidemiologist but one must seek out a way to treat oneself holistically for a malady lest you are installed on the never ending hamster wheel of one drug following the other. There are some great doctors who work naturopathically and who, even if they are compelled to employ a pharmaceutical as an emergency seek a way to counteract to debilitating effects of such and will help facilitate a way to strengthen your immune system and help you this way.

    Emergency medicine is amazing to keep you from dying, but after that, buyer beware.

    Mr. Donut, I'm glad you're feeling better.

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  2. WillyA

    WillyA Producer

    Oct 26, 2019
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    I have a problem with this death thing. I had a very good friend, not so many years ago. His mother had a stroke. She was grossly overweight, suffered from diabetes, dropsy, high blood pressure and asthma. She was a very nice person nonetheless, not her fault she was eating poisoned food and getting 'flu vaccines every year, because her husband demanded it.

    In the hospital she had another stroke. She was dying. She begged her husband and her son to let her die. THEY REFUSED. She was resuscitated several times, and then she became something like a cabbage. She was alive, if you call that life. She was like this until May 2020 when I understand she died (of Covid-19, alias INFLUENZA )

    There are many elderly people in hospices and Care homes. They don't know who they are, where they are or even what they are, but their family won't allow them to die. Even those who are 'compos mentis' are begged not to die by their families and they feel guilty about dying and getting out of their suffering.

    I made my family to promise me, when I get to the stage where I'm ready to die, they will not allow anyone to resuscitate me. I have no fear of death, only of being forced to 'live' like a vegetable.

    I believe that seasonal influenza is NOT a virus. No one has ever PROVED the existence of a virus. I believe, that it's like the trees shedding their leaves and everything stopping during Fall and Winter, that influenza is a cyclic thing that is Natures way (or God's way if you are religious) of relieving the old, frail, and terminally ill people of their suffering. Why should their families try to keep them suffering for as long as possible?

    We seem to be digressing a bit from music, but these things should be talked about. Maybe we should have an additional forum for topics like this. Whilst I do agree that politics should not be a topic here, it's impossible to avoid politics when you KNOW that people are trying to get rich at your expense and trying to; from the words of Bill Gates himself; "To reduce World Population by vaccination". (I have the original video clip, so fuck the 'fact checkers', who try to say it's false!). He has NO qualifications he dropped out of school. Tedros, head of the WHO is not a Doctor of Medicine, but a Doctor of Philosophy and his prior occupation was a terrorist. Fauci is one of the most corrupt men on planet earth, so how can one avoid the political implications of a group of people who are trying to kill us.
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  3. Blu

    Blu Producer

    Jan 9, 2021
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    Very funny reading, especially the part when you say you are 80 years old.
  4. Blu

    Blu Producer

    Jan 9, 2021
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    OP is experiencing symptoms that are defintely not normal. I sincerely hope that he will recover without having to take medicines or anything but he surely have to solve his problems. Medicines and medical practices are full of collateral effects and wrong/economically interested choices but this doesn't mean that he shouldn't consult medical advice if he doesn't recover. Not every doctor is an hypocrite, ignorant payed by big pharma and the majority of doctors save lives every single day. In a delicate situation like this your assumptions could make OP reluctant to seek medical advice, even if obviously needed, and I think that you should step back from these generalizations. I will not comment any further on your assumptions about viruses and other things but I sincerely hope that you stop or otherwise that some moderator take action.
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  5. WillyA

    WillyA Producer

    Oct 26, 2019
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    Make sure that you censor anyone who dares tell the truth or disagree with the narrative. Facts aren't important!
  6. Blu

    Blu Producer

    Jan 9, 2021
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    Make sure that you understand that you are expressing opinions, not the truth. Truth? :deep_facepalm: I already tried to explain why I think that you should step back in regard to OP situation, very different from censoring. In regard to virus not existing and other things you are saying make sure to understand that you're spreading opinions, some of them plain bullshit, not facts. I will not continue any further.
  7. Paul Pi

    Paul Pi Audiosexual

    Oct 18, 2016
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    Hell yeah, they've been slowly tightening their grip here for years now.
  8. Lois Lane

    Lois Lane Audiosexual

    Jan 16, 2019
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    Somewhere Over The Rainbow
    My friend in Bristol yesterday told me that the city has now been overrun. He and his girlfriend are hiding out atop Cabot Tower and they think that they are the last two not infected. Best of luck, PP!

  9. Donut Nyamer

    Donut Nyamer Audiosexual

    Aug 24, 2019
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    I forget who mentioned it in this thread now, but he said that people who went through Near Death Experiences often have these issues with insomnia. I've almost died several times.

    They say when you almost die, your brain is far more active constantly. That's sort of my personality anyways to just be more litty than a bitty but there is some truth there, I think.

    Fits me perfectly in my opinion, for years since then I've had the worst time trying to sleep. I've had lucid dreams & sleep paralysis in the past as well.
    Last edited: Mar 12, 2021
  10. Donut Nyamer

    Donut Nyamer Audiosexual

    Aug 24, 2019
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    My last experience with my "forget all shit to fuck in several seconds" stunt, Near Death Experiences & Sleep Paralysis are the hands down the most terrifying thing's I've yet experienced in my god damn life.

    So damn man, my heads like... all fucked up man.
  11. altair033

    altair033 Ultrasonic

    Sep 3, 2016
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    If you are stressed or have any worries it would be part of anxiety, since it tends to go along with
    dissociation. Eat healthy, drink a lot of water, do excercises to improve your overall health, It may be dissociation, low vitamins, stress, or a mix of them. One last thing, try not to think about it. You will recover
  12. altair033

    altair033 Ultrasonic

    Sep 3, 2016
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    I forgot, please don't use recreational drugs. All they do is fuck up your brain
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  13. onhappin

    onhappin Ultrasonic

    Jan 27, 2014
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    I simply disagree... Sorry! It really depends on the substance and the mood you're in. If you're cool with yourself and have a bit of discipline, recreational drugs (at least the natural ones) could enhance your life experience.

    But yeah... the OP should probably abstain from that shit, given the fact he's already messed up and all... that.
  14. Seems that there is a long history of the study of virology for something that nobody has proven.
  15. Strat4ever

    Strat4ever Rock Star

    Aug 17, 2019
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    We get problems from excessive exposure to sounds that are overly loud they affect the ears ,brain and heart rate.