Reason 11 - Announcement

Discussion in 'Software News' started by xbitz, Aug 26, 2019.

  1. SmokerNzt

    SmokerNzt Rock Star

    Mar 2, 2013
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    it was fucking amazing , the add the extension rack as vst3
    here my video just playing with it couple min :)
  2. SonicBoomer

    SonicBoomer Producer

    Oct 6, 2011
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    I did one good song on Reason over a decade ago. I have no Reason, let alone 11 to buy that DAW.
    However, I don't knock anyone for using it. I've been doing just fine without it.
  3. yabiss

    yabiss Platinum Record

    Dec 14, 2013
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    In my pants
    I bought Reason 10 with a very very good deal. Haven't used it not such a good deal after all. Waiting for Black Friday to update it to 11 to take advantage of the VST plugin version and see if that's fun to play with.
  4. Daskeladden

    Daskeladden Rock Star

    Jan 7, 2018
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    cool, always thought of Reason more of a plugin than a DAW anyways. I have not used Reason sinse Reason 2 :rofl:
  5. lancexx

    lancexx Producer

    Aug 12, 2019
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    What you actually mean: I'm still butthurt that the only version that is cracked is v5 from 2010.
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  6. Rainy Keys

    Rainy Keys Kapellmeister

    Mar 12, 2013
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    Nashville, TN
    Hey relax Reason was my first DAW!
    Eleven years ago lmaoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! Reason was my gateway drug so I still appreciate it.
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  7. cyn

    cyn Newbie

    Aug 15, 2011
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    I've used reasons up to 5 and it crashed consistently on a documentary. Since then I have tried them all(maybe not all). The producer bought me a kontakt and finale. Simply write it and change the instruments, but in the last few years it has a sterile sound. I went back to reasons after protools, cubase, cake, something 5, and others. Reasons 11+ is a good package, still doesn't handle midi well and no real arrangement tools for video, but it interfaces with what I already own. My only question is (like everyone else) how long will they stay in business, and I need to do a lot of stuff offline. If they do disappear, I want the app in its entirety.
  8. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    The last point is critically, as it wants you to login to get license data from account every few days.
    Thats a completely stupid thing, because if the license servers are down, you cant work on stuff and that this happends, just see Steinberg for a few days ago.

    I dont get it why to bind a software to much on the internet? Hello its 2021 and there is still people, who dont want to be online all the time? Its bad for productivity and stuff ...

    If i bought it, i would regret it.

    On a side note, How about a bigger gui - they already want u to be online all the time, but it was not enough 2021 to make a bigger GUI, seriously after a long work day, i cant see shit on my monitors, if i had to use it.

    price is 20€ for the month ... (but i find Ableton still better ...)
  9. Pipotron3000

    Pipotron3000 Audiosexual

    Mar 13, 2013
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    They tried to treat ppl like Apple do.
    But they are not Apple.
    Nobody followed them.
    I LOVED Reason.
    I was even a master at creating racks.
    But things move ...
    I prefer making music instead of running around limitations.
    And their "stacking" spirit is ridiculous.
    Almost all devices need to be removed, sounding so average.
    Too bad, because modular approach was very nice.

    A company run by blind ppl
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  10. 2poor2

    2poor2 Producer

    Jul 13, 2014
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    The reason updates used to be awesome... until they introduced their rack extensions...
    Before that, on each new big version, there would be some great new features, some new cool effects, a new amazing innovative instrument....
    Then, their mentality changed 300% : "why should we give away this new synth, for free, with the new version, when we can sell it for 50, 80 or 100 euros/$, as a rack extension...!"

    They sell reason for quite cheap, knowing people will later buy a 40€ RE here, a 60€ RE there...
    One thing no one can deny, though, is the fact that the guys at propellerheads do know how to make an amazing instrument. Thor..Europa...
    And their effects... i can play 2 or 3 youtube videos, and I will hear at least 10 crazy sound effects no other vst plugin can make. Those effects truly are made to be mangled and create never heard before sounds...
    But then, i remember seeing something like 120€ for Parsec 2 alone.
    Their RE would have been amazing, if an effect only cost like 5 or 10 bucks... and max 10 or 15 bucks for an instrument.
    With 100€, an user would be able to buy 2 or 3 instruments, and 6 - 8 effects. THAT would be fair, and many users would end up buying ALL the effects and instruments.
    But no. With 100€, a user can barely buy 1 plugin, or 1 single instrument.

    Another problem, those bundled effects... those effects were built to run on systems with a few hundreds of megabytes and cpus with 1 core at 1.5 or 2GHz...compared to todays standards, those plugins sound awfully...
    Then, the new subscription model... one would think a monthly subscription would give access to EVERYTHING, like all companies do. Instead, the subscription only give access to a select number of plugins or effects.

    At 20€ a month, a user will pay in 1 year enough to buy a full version. That means users are more interested in the plugins and instruments themselves than the main daw...
    So, in 3 years, a user will pay 1,5 years, 360bucks--> a full reason, and 1.5 years, 360 bucks, for the rack extensions...

    At the moment i type this, a certain team from Japan and a few dozens/hundreds of friends are making hundreds of fantastic, #1 hits songs and albums, with a Reason 11 100% offline, with All the available RE included. Let's hope one day they will let other people play with those nice tools too :)
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  11. twoheart

    twoheart Audiosexual

    Nov 21, 2015
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    Now that you say it, it also comes to my mind. That was kind of the fall from grace after they got greedy.
    Before that - do you remember? - they had an update where the user could decide how much it was worth it!? Those were the days...:thumbsup:

    Nowadays it seems they just stare on the money. There's a growing list of things you can't do with Reason that other DAWs can out of the box. And as you say most of the REs are massively overpriced. No real selling points for both subscription and bought version. :snuffy:
  12. itisntreal

    itisntreal Guest

    reason is a waste of time good for beginners but the effects are crap and the synths are as thin as an anerexia patient the only thing a like is the routing of the cables and (if possible) combining vst would be nice
  13. phumb-reh

    phumb-reh Guest

    Sounds like you can't use Reason. I don't use Reason but it's a capable tool in right hands. It's not a "waste of time"
  14. D____R

    D____R Kapellmeister

    Feb 24, 2021
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    If you're heavy into audio recording, and could forgive the lack of vst support (happy to use all the in-box effects), the layout and ease of use of Record was a really excellent way into making music and, just as importantly, mixing it. Record was different from Reason (primarily aimed at electronic musicians) because it was aimed more at bands/guitarists/folk musicians, that sort of thing. After a while Reason incorporated everything about Record together in one package and it's kind of been juggling those two pretty distinct worlds and workflows ever since. If you make electronic music, then why the hell are you using anything other than Live? The new Reason isn't as good and, going by the comments here, you already know this. As for people like me, who makes guitar and acoustic drum type music, Reason has a layout that all the others simply don't. Or at least it did. Let's not forget that Ableton's brand new comping feature has been in Reason for over a decade.

    The last handful of years, Propellerhead (now Reason Studio) have, to me at least, come across as Apple-inspired money-grabbers and have sort of lost track of what made their software so much fun to use. It was slick and fast and the 3 pages all worked together so well. They added vst support and it became so heavy and bloated. Fix it? Nah, just leave that for the next version and charge for it. They're trying to do what people have always asked for; to become another all-in-one recording package that ticks all the boxes for everyone all of the time. I still use Reason, but an older version and have no intention of upgrading. Maybe if they strip it back down again to a more streamlined audio recorder and editor with na updated mixer page. It's funny, though, the people who don't use Reason because it's just some dumb beginner thing that didn't have vst support aren't going to be the ones who would be using it after they added that feature in. So yeah, cool.
  15. Alpha0ne

    Alpha0ne Producer

    Jan 26, 2012
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    People could bring much better software if theyd read the warez forums :D
  16. dondada

    dondada Audiosexual

    Jan 2, 2015
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  17. itisntreal

    itisntreal Guest

    i used reason until version 5 you couldn't even import audio to an audio track no vst support maybe it's better now i dont know and the thor and malstrom sound like shit
  18. aeroflot

    aeroflot Kapellmeister

    Jul 4, 2011
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    I dont Understand I already Have Reason Rack in R 11 Suite !!????
  19. AstralDis

    AstralDis Producer

    Sep 13, 2019
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    They discontinued selling R11 Suite, so it is for the folks who want the content of the suite + some less interesting stuff on top like sample packs blah blah
  20. bigguy1

    bigguy1 Member

    Apr 3, 2020
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    I like Reason. I used version 1-3 al lot when I was a student and 3 years ago I bought Reason 10 and now I got 11 Suite. What I really like a lot are the players (midi instruments) from Reason studios and 3rd party. Really creative stuff!
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