Been experiencing a strange symptom lately

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Donut Nyamer, Mar 7, 2021.

  1. Donut Nyamer

    Donut Nyamer Audiosexual

    Aug 24, 2019
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    Oh is Electro-Harmonix coming out with a Blue Muff soon?
  2. Lois Lane

    Lois Lane Audiosexual

    Jan 16, 2019
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    Somewhere Over The Rainbow
    Yes. Marge is the new Muff model. Crayola is also soon to announce a crayon color in her honor.
  3. Donut Nyamer

    Donut Nyamer Audiosexual

    Aug 24, 2019
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    They already have it, I used to dip it in paste & eat it in grade school. I didn't know it then but I was tasting the same blue muff that I'm eating today.
  4. ElecTrick

    ElecTrick Producer

    Jan 19, 2016
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    Wow, that's really scary. You should go to see one doctor as soon as you can ... Really, don't loose your time.
    Every body is different, different persons can have the same or similar symptoms but caused by very different issues.
  5. Donut Nyamer

    Donut Nyamer Audiosexual

    Aug 24, 2019
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    Thank you, yeah it was. Made me look at life, people & everything differently. That's an excellent point, they can have similar things happening for different reasons.

    But I told myself to just eat more, sleep more, be outside more & if things improve then I won't have to go anywhere. It hasn't happened since so I'm alright for now. If it goes crazy then I'll have no choice I suppose.
  6. ElecTrick

    ElecTrick Producer

    Jan 19, 2016
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    Let's hope it doesn't happen to you never again.
    I'm thinking that you may have some kind of food alergy and you haven't noticed it. It's a comon isue.
    It can be to whatever kind of food and can cause serious consecuences to your health.
    You can make some blod analysis to search for food intolerances and/or high levels of histamine.
    If, for instance, analysis show you have an intolerance to gluten, the only thing you should have to do is stopping eating wheat and you health will improve in a short period of time.
  7. Blu

    Blu Producer

    Jan 9, 2021
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    Your symptoms sound like dissociative disorder. It can happen to experience one of these symptoms once (or very few) in a lifetime (for thousands of reasons) without having a serious problem but it is certainly not normal to have them many times in a row. This condition is usually associated with anxiety and it usually happens in response to psychological traumas. Eating more, sleeping more, be outside more will certainly improve your life no matter what is the cause of your symptoms. Isolation, no sleep and not enough eating can cause psychiatric symptoms and it should be seen as a warning that you have to immediately change your routines. I wish you all the best and I'm not judging you in any possible way but I suggest you to immediately stop using any kind of drugs/alcohol if you are using them (even marijuana) and don't be ashamed to seek medical help in case this situation doesn't resolve by itself improving your habits.
  8. Infidel

    Infidel Producer

    Jan 18, 2015
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    Unfortunately she died from COVID :sad:
  9. WillyA

    WillyA Producer

    Oct 26, 2019
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    I expect that I'll get banned for this comment, but here goes anyway :

    First question is ARE YOU WEARING A MASK? If you are, you are a fool, for several reasons.
    1. Covid-19 is INFLUENZA, a BIT worse than the normal 'flu season. NOT a pandemic
    2. Total deaths from ALL causes, worldwide, adjusted for population increase in all years before 2020 is the same as deaths from COVID in 2020. In 2020, no one dies of bacterial pneumonia (Spanish 'flu), strokes, heart attack, influenza, renal failure or even suicide EVERYONE died from Covid-19. Look on the CDC website. Anyone who dares to challenge the narrative gets, censored (I guess I will be as well, probably banned from this site as well)
    3. Over the years you have been told that getting sunlight on your skin, will cause skin cancer. Utter bollocks, it's just a sales pitch for sunscreen shit which DOES cause skin cancer. FOLLOW THE MONEY.
    4. Despite what the so-called 'expert' scientists(?) are telling you, wearing a mask deprives your brain of oxygen and every time your brain gets deprived of oxygen, brain cells die. There will be a HUGE increase in dementia in the next few years.

    So, you are probably killing your brain. Throw away the stupid mask, it does NOTHING positive, but plenty negative.
    Take PROPER Vitamin D3 supplement (if you are a skin cancer believer). The Vitamins you buy at the health store are so under-dosed, you may as well not bother. Try Swansons on the web. you need AT LEAST 1000 IU daily.
    Same for Vitamin C
    Zinc supplement is good.
    Lay off the booze for a while.

    I'm 80 years old. I was a veterinarian when I was a lot younger, so I'm not talking through my arse.

    Before the scamdemic, I went 3 x weekly to the gym. At 79, I could still bench 140kgs and do reps. I used to do HEAVY workouts for at least an hour to 2 hours every time I went to the gym. My hair was still brown. I was FIT.

    Now, after a year under house arrest, my hair is going white, I ache all over. Despite watching my diet, I've gained 10kgs. I have problems going up and down the stairs, my sight is getting worse and I feel like 100 years old. The gyms will never reopen. They are all going bankrupt and Dr Faust says gyms and indoor sport should NEVER be allowed, because it causes heavy breathing and thus increases the risk of spreading the DEADLY virus, which you have a 99.6% chance of recovering from without any medical treatment.

    I had SARS in 2003. I really thought I was probably going to die, I could hardly breathe, my lungs were full of fluid, but I didn't go to a doctor, because they are just salesmen for the pharmaceutical industry. I stayed home, kept warm, drank lots of fluids and took my vitamins an minerals. I sort of recovered in 10 days, but I wasn't back to normal for about 2 months.

    It's time to wake up! Everyone is being LIED to. and you are falling for it. FOLLOW THE MONEY!
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  10. And where exactly does the money go? Who is benefiting from Covid? And I'd just like to add, can you please drop the "wake up" phrase? It's just getting annoying. The implication that the public are a brainwashed mob of hypnotised sheep is so condescending and offensive.
  11. WillyA

    WillyA Producer

    Oct 26, 2019
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    23 million sheep in the UK alone have been conned into taking an EXPERIMENTAL "vaccine", from which they have NO recourse for anything that happens to them long term (remember Thalidomide). Maybe it's offensive but it happens to be true.

    Gates is on record. "The best investment I ever made was in vaccines. I invested 10 million and profited 200 million". Fauci has shares in the vaccines, he owns patents on some of them. UK (and other) members of governments making massive profits from Masks and PPE. Everything is hidden in shell companies but you can bet that a LOT of people, high up in the food chain of tyrants have shares in pharma, and PPE, not to mention the profits that Amazon and huge online business will make after all the local businesses are forced into bankruptcy. If you have shares in J&J, Moderna, Pfizer or AstraZeneca, you will make a small fortune. You can start a business making fashion face masks, to kill people's brain cells, or hand sanitizer to make sure their immunity is as low as possible.

    I see people with red swollen faces with rashes and even sores on their faces, but they still DRIVE THEIR CAR with a face mask on. If that isn't brainwashing, please tell me what is. Better still call me a conspiracy theorist and demand that I'm banned. Maybe it's easier to ban myself, so subject closed from me.
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  12. onhappin

    onhappin Ultrasonic

    Jan 27, 2014
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    Kind of an interesting topic here, but I'm very lazy and could not read the whole 5 pages. Maybe it's already debated, in which case, sorry for the post, but...

    Is the OP taking drugs or some other substance that might contribute to this state of affairs?
  13. ElecTrick

    ElecTrick Producer

    Jan 19, 2016
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    I still remember the people affected by thalidomide ... Here, in Spain, they were never compensated by the pharmaceutical companies, so no justice for them. Amazing but true.
  14. Donut Nyamer

    Donut Nyamer Audiosexual

    Aug 24, 2019
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    @WillyA good point but no I'm not wearing a mask to anything, lately I've just been indoors alone working on music staying up, not eating, sometimes forgetting even water.

    Last whole month I've been indoors a lot. I don't buy into this whole pandemic bullshit like everybody else, so good shout that most need to read I think.
  15. Stevie Dude

    Stevie Dude Audiosexual

    Dec 29, 2020
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    Near Nyquist
    so, is there any zombie out there yet in the UK ?
  16. WillyA

    WillyA Producer

    Oct 26, 2019
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    I've been sleeping VERY badly since I stopped exercise. Get some fresh air if you are allowed outside without a face diaper. You must force yourself to drink plenty of water. Not eating and eating junk food won't help. You can get Melatonin from Swansons. I take it take every night. It does help a bit, but I think the mindless boredom (even if you are working flat out) is causing a lot of problems. Magnesium supplements also help, but there is no substitute for proper food.

    Avoid plastic. Store things in GLASS. Plastic (and the liner of tins) is full of phthalates. Look it up on the web.( Phthalates reduce your testosterone and increase estrogen. IF you have a doctor nearby, who doesn't want to stick a swab into your brain, get a blood test. Demand (it won't be done willingly) Total Testosterone and FREE testosterone. You can have tons of total Testosterone, but next to zero FREE testosterone and only FREE testosterone is a measure worth looking at. Get your SHBG an estradiol as well. Your pill pusher will never prescribe testosterone, but you can get it yourself on the black market, same as pirated software. PM me if you need help on this.

    Humans were not designed to live in isolation we are herd animals. The lockdowns are causing more destruction than the scamdemic
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  17. RMorgan

    RMorgan Audiosexual

    May 17, 2014
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    Brother, you should see a neurologist as soon as possible.

    I don't want to scare you, but my uncle was showing very similar symptoms and it turns out he had a rare kind of epilepsy.

    Not all kinds of epilepsy manifest physically, you know, convulsions and things like that. Sometimes they happen only inside the brain.
  18. WillyA

    WillyA Producer

    Oct 26, 2019
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    It sounds like good advice BUT ...

    All the pill pusher will do is prescribe expensive "medicine", which, when you take a magnifying glass to look at the list of side effects in 4 point print, you'll probably find that the sides are worse than the disease (radiation therapy being a case in point),

    My daughter had a nervous breakdown. She had to go to a doctor because she couldn't work. He gave her medication, but she looked at the side effects. "May give rise to thoughts of suicide". Some reports of brain tumors. A fucking ANTI depressant may give rise to thoughts of suicide. She flushed them down the toilet.

    The wife of a close friend, lost all interest in sex (junk food, phthalates, sleeping pills et.,). Her pill pusher sent her to a specialist endocrinologist. What did he prescribe her? Birth Control Pills!!!

    Give a pill salesman or a vet ANY chance and he will diagnose SOMETHING and prescribe medication for life or expensive surgery.

    The Hippocratic oath should be renamed to the HYPOCRITES Oath.
  19. Haliax

    Haliax Guest

    I use to dive in to a Big Muff Pi until it sounded more like Blackhole reverb. I have since remarried and all is well
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  20. Windows95

    Windows95 Member

    Jul 19, 2020
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    I'm totally on the same page with RMorgan. It could definitely be some form of simple partial seizure, which is basically a seizure that affects some parts of the brain while you remain conscious (not like the falling-down-with-spasms type, those are grand mal seizures). My sister had childhood epilepsy and she would behave in ways like this until she grew out of it after her teens. I've had 2-3 seizures myself when I was younger (20-27ish) that had photosensitive triggers, but I was also heavily sleep-deprived in all 3 cases. I had MRIs, epilepsy tests and they all came out clean.
    My point is, seizures are something really common and nothing to be afraid of and they can be caused by a number of things - bad nutrition and sleeping habits being a very common triggers - and can also be very effectively treated.

    Definitely consult a physician and bring up the epilepsy-seizure topic.

    I wish you all the best, and don't be afraid, you'll find a solution to this annoying thing!