Will i get a fine for downloading from Audioz in Deutschland?

Discussion in 'DE' started by nikroma, Jul 14, 2015.

  1. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    Thats not true, it really depends if somebody gives a fuck about what torrent.
    If nobody cares, if torrent a sample Pack, nobody gonna fine you. Because well who has something from it, to run through all the hazzle and fine a few boys getting vengeance sample packs. (I mean somebody has to pay for this action to fine you and who would that be? Vengeance? They have surely something better to do)

    The case is different with blockbuster movies, series, there is a whole industry behind and if enough people are doing, it is worth to fine them, as the movies are spreading and the industry would lose a lot of money.

    So who should it be, to fine you for using Z or a torrent page for getting some audio software?
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  2. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    Again are you sure? And what was sent and maybe he was not honest with you?
    Sometimes do people and dont really remember what they did.

    You actual need to be present and have the torrent to collect evidence, that a certain file was shared with timestamps, ip, date, what was shared in order that you can send out something holding in front of the court.

    And again who cares if two people have exchanged files?
  3. Hazen

    Hazen Rock Star

    Dec 28, 2016
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    That's self-explanatory. But there are multi-million dollar audio companies like Native Instruments and Izotope out there. You can be certain that they can afford the effort it takes to track down infringers and violators. EU law has also been adjusted a couple of times already to suit the interests of (especially European) providers of digital services and products, so at some point further measures might be taken to shut down free exchange of data on the internet.
  4. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    I doubt NI, izotope will ever do that, its just to much hazzle, they rather take stuff down by DMCA from RG, UL thaan fine somebody, its just more effective than fining, where u need to investigate to much.

    Yes i know about the laws in germany and the EU, but it just costs to much time and money for NI. remember NI all the bigger companies still are rather small compared to Sony, Samsung, and all the bigger entertainment industry companies.

    It still depends, which kind of data you share in the internet ... So this wont happen, bcs they dont know, what kind of data you exchange if they zipped for example. It has benn proven, even when they take down stuff by DMCA, they do not care and looking into the files they DMCA. They just DMCA and good.
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  5. Arghspace

    Arghspace Guest

    If you use a proper VPN for torrenting doesn't that more or less protect you from getting a red letter in the mail?
    Also I always assumed that downloading from hosters isn't illegal because you aren't uploading anything yourself, and that this is also the reason why torrenting can get you screwed because you're not only downloading data but also uploading it.
  6. twoheart

    twoheart Audiosexual

    Nov 21, 2015
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    true. And it also depends on how much revenue specialized law firms can generate from prosecuting copyright infringements. The reduction in maximum fees (isn't it 150€ now) has significantly reduced law firms' interest in downloaders in Germany.
    So it is also a cost/benefit calculation for the rights holders

    As soon as e.g. NI's profits decrease significantly due to downloads, the situation can quickly change again. So caution is always a good thing.
    Last edited: Mar 8, 2021
  7. Stevie Dude

    Stevie Dude Audiosexual

    Dec 29, 2020
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    Near Nyquist
    Yeah, I'm with this one. you can download from sister, torrent, sell drugs, do vandalism, GTA or whatever. it is best (one of the best option) done through something like this.
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  8. droplet

    droplet Rock Star

    Apr 23, 2020
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    up up and away
    I'll ask him.
  9. droplet

    droplet Rock Star

    Apr 23, 2020
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    Yea it was 1000euro for a torrent dl and then another 850 euro to close the deal.
    He's in Berlin.
  10. droplet

    droplet Rock Star

    Apr 23, 2020
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  11. twoheart

    twoheart Audiosexual

    Nov 21, 2015
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    No very complicated to circumvent and a very weak measure to block pirate sites.*)

    They only block the sites by blocking DNS and not the OCHs, means you can DL stuff if you get the needed URLs.

    1. Sites will change their URL while IP remains the same
    2. More effective than 1): For just looking for the DL URLs set e.g. "DNS over https" in Firefox's settings. For other browser there are equivalent settings.
    3. Lookup IP and after that surf the site with the IP.
    4. Use VPN for getting links and for DL (best and most secure option but good VPNs cost a little)

    *) I don't get why they not just filter the IPs (or IPs plus hostheader if there are > 1 site per IP) of the sites they want to take down instead of DNS blocking.
    Last edited: Mar 14, 2021
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  12. HeresJohnny

    HeresJohnny Ultrasonic

    Mar 1, 2021
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    They have bots, they do tracking, they do this & that, bullshit,

    Are you going to cower in fear because some big Hollywood corp wants more money? calls you a thief? fuck them!

    The best thing germany could do is have almost every citizen torrenting something, lets see them prosecute effectively then.

    German government wants to fine you = enjoy the EU union, its more like nazi germany every week!

    SO you say you kept your internet router on OPEN WEP, no password and get them to prove it was actually you downloading, good luck.
    dont bow down so easily it makes me ashamed to be human.,

    Or use a VPN and leech to the max of your posh german fibre connection.

    Now torrenting is "Degenerate" huh? fuck these ppl to death :rofl:
    I am churchill coming to stamp this out via spitfire

    IF you are not bothered using a VPN, and your ISP sends you a fine, or a warning, SWITCH ISP and tell them how dare they claim such a thing, its not illegal to use WEP open encryption, also how dare they abuse GDPR rights like that?!
    They are all money hungry dirty scammers, its just some are pandering to USA.

    The piratebay guys didnt spend decades fighting ignorance so that you can just roll over and show your belly in an instant!

    Also , feel free to scam money yourself from your ISP!

    They can stuff their "fine" up their ass, same with the last 4 months BILLS! anyone living in reality knows a company would never in their life waste the money to bring someone to court for such meaningless little sums of money,
    SO, work up a little bill! under 5-700 or so, and MOVE THE FUCK ON

    Companies think they can run their scammy little Ryanair business model with zero kickback :rofl::rofl::rofl:
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 14, 2021
  13. Obineg

    Obineg Platinum Record

    Dec 7, 2020
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    du kannst jeden scheiß abmahnen, egal ob im straßenverkehr oder im internet, allerdings beruht die zahlung dann auf einer beidseitigen vereinbarung und ist keine "strafe", und hazen´s kumpel irrt wohl immer noch darüber, dass "torrent" nicht nur ein download darstellt. ;)

    there once was a commercial studio in london which advertised that they were using the waves plug-ins. one day a "customer" called them by phone and asked specifically about those. he had some interesting and expensive discussion with them later at his facility.

    can you hold against the rightholder in such cases?

    im mean seriously, why do people not even read the readme´s of warez releases?
  14. twoheart

    twoheart Audiosexual

    Nov 21, 2015
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    Good idea, but it won't happen as you know :no: :Angst fressen Seele auf.
    That's true*. On one hand, the German administration simply has no balls against foreign countries (esp. US); on the other hand, it massively harasses its own citizens when it comes to so called "piracy".
    Of course. But the average citizen is justifiably afraid of the consequences. If the authorities cannot obtain evidence in this way, judges now simply issue a search warrant. This happens a lot and if you have something to lose, it is very effective. Just because your hardware is gone for at least a year. Even if you are innocent.
    *) It's really unbelievable how the government treats its citizens:
    Seems possible, but there are very few independent ISPs left in Germany. The majority are Vodafone (with former german internet via cable company) and Telekom. Especially outside the big cities.
    Many years ago - thats why I can't say how it is done today, I worked for a financial institution.
    At that time, a court order for payment cost 15 euros and the rule was that collection by court required an amount of at least 20 euros. The employees had to be paid anyway and with the large count of unpaid invoices it was worth it. I know companies that for only 100 euros, call in a lawyer and debt collectors.
    So your tip seems a little too positive

    It seems most people don't read anything. They don't even read the fu*ing manuals just blame others. That's easier :)
    Last edited: Mar 14, 2021
  15. droplet

    droplet Rock Star

    Apr 23, 2020
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  16. twoheart

    twoheart Audiosexual

    Nov 21, 2015
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    A bit bold, but not entirely without justification. However, the reasons would be political, and that's not what we want here.
    But please read the link I named in my prior post. If you are prosecuted for copyright infringement or something in Germany, the rules of law are no longer very strong. It's more of Earl Dracul every week :yes:
    Last edited: Mar 14, 2021
  17. MetaCastle

    MetaCastle Guest

    Good underground vpn and Germany have good underground vpn providers, security isolated pc for downloading (special linux distro strongly recommend) special websites to download you files through like real debrid, offcloud etc. your music machine stay offline all the time transfer files via usb especially using mtp if applicable
  18. juggz143

    juggz143 Kapellmeister

    Jan 26, 2020
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    I think the point a lot of you guys are missing is that its typically the uploading or sharing that gets fined and hardly ever the downloading. Some of you are mentioning people being fined for torrents referring to them downloading and you don't realize that if you are using torrents you are simultaneously downloading and uploading the file. Its the sharing or providing access to others that gets you in trouble, not so much the downloading for yourself.
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  19. Talula

    Talula Rock Star

    Apr 22, 2018
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    I do not know from what sources the creators of this scheme took the information, but in Russia torrent trackers are not prohibited by the state only because these resources work on this protocol. if there are no files on the tracker, which are constantly receiving complaints from copyright holders, then the resource will work without problems and access to it will not be limited. they will not block users from downloading torrent files from this tracker and download the distribution via the torrent protocol, users will not have any problems because of the downloaded files either.
  20. hackerz4life

    hackerz4life Audiosexual

    Jan 6, 2020
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    Agree, but the map is still mostly relevant on the official edicts and regulations regarding torrent sites.
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