Toontrack drums midi folder

Discussion in 'Software' started by DoubleTake, Dec 8, 2019.

  1. demha

    demha Producer

    Nov 3, 2017
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    There is another folder called "20@_USER_LIBRARIES" maybe use that for your own written midi? Yeah still testing folder naming so that it should not conflict with Toontrack releases. And as for SD3 and EZD2 it uses the same folders so i dont think there will be an issue in how it reads the information.
  2. Ad Heesive

    Ad Heesive Audiosexual

    Apr 21, 2019
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    Given that you already have put far more thought into this than I have, and will have done so even more before you finish,
    I just know I will like your choices, whatever they are.
  3. balamutas

    balamutas Newbie

    Apr 10, 2020
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    Just saw this post, many thanks demha for this hard work sorting out midi libraries. The only thing that it was necessary for me was Restore Midi Database, since midi drop zone gave me lots of exclamation marks after the search. After that it worked well. Still one question: if I install additionally EZD 2.1.8, will it mess up the midi folder?
  4. demha

    demha Producer

    Nov 3, 2017
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    Do you have the SD3 installed already? Windows or Mac? It should not mess up the midi folder if you are using a legit version.
    A word of caution installing the new SD3 3.1.7 CE or EZD 2.1.8 CE VR's PC releases, it overwrites all our arranged midis with their own custom versions and you might end up having duplicates. So first rename or move (backup) your main old midi folder, Let CE finish installing then completely delete the midi folder installed by CE and replace it with your clean one or use my TT only midi pack as its up to date.

    Note: For easy restoring midi database just delete the large MidiDB file in
    EZD2 - C:\Users\ "user name" \AppData\Roaming\Toontrack\EZdrummer\
    SD3 - C:\Users\ "user name" \AppData\Roaming\Toontrack\Superior3

    EZD2 - /Users/"User Name"/Library/Application Support/Toontrack/EZdrummer
    SD3 - /Users/"User Name"/Library/Application Support/Toontrack/Superior3

    Then let EZD2 or SD3 rescan. This will refresh all the midi, Toontracks own and your custom midis.
    Last edited: Apr 11, 2020
  5. Release

    Release Newbie

    Sep 22, 2020
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    Demha, thank you so much for this. I literally stayed up an entire night trying to figure out how to organize the library the right way and then I came across this thread. One link. Boom. Done. Amazing.
  6. Prendergast

    Prendergast Producer

    Jun 9, 2020
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    Since there is such an amount of knowledge about SD3 Midi Folder concentrated in this thread, i feel encouraged enough to hijack it and ask the following:
    I installed the Legacy recently, and copied its midifolder into the SD3 midi location, as i did with other libs before.
    But when i open up, there are no Legacy grooves to be found on the grooves page. The kits are all there, but no grooves.
    Anything i overlooked? Do i have to refresh it somewhere (didn't have to with all the libs before)?

    MRFEENIX Kapellmeister

    Oct 9, 2018
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    Demha I came here because of Mididatabase error showing on Ezdrummer2 ... WOW you are a star!!!! Just read the thread ....just so sound you've taken the time and to share!! Top Bananna !! Looking forward to Phase2!!
    Just a question... I used VR for both SD3 and EZD2 then used your TTphase1 .To get rid of the database error in EZD2 do i just copy the database folder in EZD2 folder to Programdata (as you said in page 2 of this thread)? I have Both libraries on an external drive SD3 has no such probem but EZD2 has the error. Thanks again for everything :)

    EDIT... ReRead and so i copied Database to ProgramData etc and Voila!! You are a Star!!!
    Last edited: Sep 24, 2020
  8. demha

    demha Producer

    Nov 3, 2017
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    SD3 should automatically update midi everytime it opens as vst/standalone but sometimes misses due to naming error or path issue. For that reason, always remember to refresh the Midi database "once" whenever you put any new midi. See above post for restoring database. Sometimes you might need to do that for Toontracks own release (although i didnt have to do it for legacy of rock, appeared right away)

    Also remember if the midi folder is a custom one and if its not in Toontracks database it will always show up as a orange warning icon where you'll have to "Add to database" once, then all will appear in the grooves tab. As for EZD this is not really necessary as it will just show the new midis you put.
    Last edited: Sep 25, 2020
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  9. Prendergast

    Prendergast Producer

    Jun 9, 2020
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    Thank you, demha! But i already found out, what went wrong. Now it's working fine.

    For others, that might be as blind as me:
    Even if you only install SD3 and no EZ Drummer, the midifolder will be located as a subfolder of EZ Drummer!
    What confused me, was: there is the database folder of SD3 which seems to have the same folder structure as the midi folder.
    While being in a hurry, i confused these folders, and placed the Legacy midi in the database folder, of course with no success.
    Last edited: Sep 27, 2020
  10. shaun laeton

    shaun laeton Newbie

    Jan 20, 2020
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    @demha have you worked out how to "tag" third party packs with genre so that the Grooves filters work on them too.
    Thanks in advance!
  11. demha

    demha Producer

    Nov 3, 2017
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    Its not possible because the genre of each midi is painstakinly entered manually by someone at Toontrack for their own midi packs and if they were to do that to every other third party midi pack it would be insane. See quoted link

    Also if you want to know how genres are defined, they are there in each midi pack folder for example at this path:

    "C:\ProgramData\Toontrack\Superior Drummer 3\Database\00003@THE_METAL_FOUNDRY" a file called midiDB which is actually a SQLite database used by the SD3/EZD2 Groove "filter" with all filenames, genres, headers, kit pieces, etc all defined within.

    So if i were to create that file manually for every third party pack out there it would be great but also it would be way too crazy, and I would also need to find a way to let SD3/EZD2 integrate/read my manually created midiDB.

    Just see whats inside the file to understand what needs to be defined. Example of whats inside a midiDB file for The Metal Foundry

    Instead of genre, you can currently try the tap2find feature since it works on third party packs.
    Last edited: Oct 5, 2020
  12. jorzef

    jorzef Member

    Jan 19, 2018
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    @demha seeing as ugritone full midi just got released on the sistersite i'm trying to organize it I can post the folder tree here when I'm done to see what you think of it
  13. demha

    demha Producer

    Nov 3, 2017
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    Just make sure to create these two folders first in your main MIDI.
    "240001@Third_Party" < then create a new folder inside this called "000_URIGTONE" < do your organising here. Im done with some packs from GGD, GrooveMonkee, etc.. will release it to sister site soon. Btw the number 000 will have to be change in future as it should not clash with other custom ones which i have created. Good Luck.
  14. jorzef

    jorzef Member

    Jan 19, 2018
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    Can you just give an example of what structure you're using that way I could help you and the way of organizing the libraries would be the same i guess. I'm using an excel sheet to make kind of an ID for the folders inside so I don't have to do all of them manually. Also I plug the names into another excel i got online that creates folders from the input you give in the cells. The links for both of the excel files are below, I've let the first pack I've done as an example

    Ugritone Folders.xlsx
    Folder Creator.xlsm
  15. demha

    demha Producer

    Nov 3, 2017
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    So far looks good. Just the numbering will need clarifying or will cause issues since toontrack organises in a weird numbering order including third party reserved numbers like 200@_GROOVE_MONKEE (their main) then 210@xxxxx (their packs), for example if you start with 100_xxx for a main name then you cant end with 200_xxxx something like that. I do like the automated folder creator xlsm file btw but i use a file renamer prog as required and i do check each file manually for midi errors etc.. Anyways check your pm for my workinprogress folder structure so far. (I mostly like to keep the default numbering of certain dedicated packs like Groove Monkees @200 as is)
  16. Lohn Jennon

    Lohn Jennon Newbie

    Apr 24, 2018
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    Hello Demha,

    I just downloaded the latest Latin Cuban Drums/Percussion EZX, and I had to move the original grooves folders to the main "Midi" folder inside EZ Drummer library, that I had downloaded here from your links (with the complete library).... but, these Latin Cuban grooves index seems to be confused on the vsts (SPD3 ad EZD2) because the subfolders comes with the signature patters folders and then you need to open any one of these patters to see what it brings (like, which instruments are played, styles, etc...)

    With SPD3 its easier to see what's comes inside of each signature pattern folders cause you can see the the groove and family names, but it seem that it supposed to be the opposite, like you open first the family grooves/styles or instrument type folders and after that the signature pattern folders...

    Could you get it?

    I would like to know if there is some way to fix this....
  17. demha

    demha Producer

    Nov 3, 2017
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    Im sorry i didnt quite understand your question. Would prefer to see a screenshot of your main "Midi" folder/path and your issue.
    I can't seem to find a difference other than how EZD2 and SD3 interprets the midi data.

    Attached Files:

  18. Lohn Jennon

    Lohn Jennon Newbie

    Apr 24, 2018
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    Ok, sorry.. hahaha

    This is how the library appears on EZD or SPD3:


    This is the library path:


    This is the original path that comes with the ezx installing:


    I assuming that the original path comes with this strange organisation that you see... with the signature pattern folders first instead of the instrument/playing style....
  19. demha

    demha Producer

    Nov 3, 2017
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    Somethings wrong or went wrong with your Latin Cuban Drums/Percussion EZX midis.

    Just make sure to remove/delete the midi folder as in pic (NOT YOUR MAIN MIDI) inside the "Sound library" where your sounds and graphics are, and from my latest "complete update" copy and paste these folders "1928@EZX_LATIN_CUBAN_DRUMS" and "1929@EZX_LATIN_CUBAN_PERCUSSION" in the MIDI folder only. (You could just also delete your entire MIDI folder and just replace it with the complete midis as it does include what you need unless you have custom midis)

    Just remember Sound library paths should not contain midi files. Only the GraphicsV2, GraphicsV3, Sounds folders and other relevant files should be there. And the MIDI folder (only your main midi folder should contain all midis)

    EZDrummer and SD3 both use/read the midis from the same MIDI folder.

    Attached Files:

  20. Lohn Jennon

    Lohn Jennon Newbie

    Apr 24, 2018
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    Yeah man, thanks a lot, I will do it!

    The most strange thing is that these Midi folders inside the sound library came with the original EZX I just downloaded.... but anyway... I will fix using the main MIDI shared by you that's work so good!

    Could you share the updated link? I got expired I think...
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