
Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Music Industry-er, Mar 4, 2021.

  1. Lube Bag

    Lube Bag Producer

    Jan 18, 2021
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    You have zero idea about the industry, so it would follow that you also have zero idea of what 'a hit' would look like. At your stage in the journey (ie nowhere) you should be posting as much material up in as many places as possible - let's have a link to your soundcloud, bandcamp, youtube, instagram, etc and put your money where your (hilariously-misguided) mouth is.

    Want to get a feel for how your work might be received by the public? Post a track here and pay attention to the responses.

    I haven't "shitted on your work ethic" because there's nothing to shit on - you don't have one. Want to prove me wrong? Post up some of your music.

    How should you approach coming to the music industry? Make some music, and put it out there. Then worry about all the other wank you're chatting about.

    I've described the mindset, and the things you should be concentrating on in previous posts - go read them.

    But if you want a real-world example - around the time when I first started getting major-label work (ie Sony, WMG, etc) and radio and tv airplay on major, national stations; I was working 70-80hr weeks (as a full-time producer) and had been doing so for years. I had at that point worked on at least a couple of hundred records.
    Some of those records were successful, got the bands signed, moved them up to the next rung of the indie label ladder, or helped attract the attention of majors.

    I did that because I loved the work, and still do. I split my time now between producing for other people, and working on my own artist project, and I rarely work less than a 50hr week.

    But I have earned my living exclusively from music for the last 12+ years, and I love what I do every single day I get to do it.

    (Also, if you have a true "passion for music" then I'm Kim Kardashian).

    ^^ This x 1,000,000.

    Last edited: Mar 4, 2021
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  2. Haliax

    Haliax Guest

    That is a totally different career path, one that needs to prior qualifications. Start at the bottom and work up
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  3. .
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  4. Donut Nyamer

    Donut Nyamer Audiosexual

    Aug 24, 2019
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    The totally different career path is what OP wanted. He made that clear before he let us know if he can sing, dance, play or act yet. But we all knew he already can SUCC better than next years pronz star.

    He already has prior qualifications, from the sounds of his posts he's been succing way long before he made this post. Don't tell him where he should start succing, if he wants to start from the sloppy top then make his way down, then that's the business of him & his executive. Ya hear?
  5. Lube Bag

    Lube Bag Producer

    Jan 18, 2021
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    You may feel the need to write successful people off as 'talentless' or 'industry plants' but the simple fact is this: If you want to achieve the levels of fame that you're talking about (and you're so obviously envious of the people you're referring to, who have achieved it) then get ready for a rude awakening:

    These people are successful because they're the most marketable, the most commercially-viable, and the lowest financial risk for the labels they're signed to.

    Your precious music isn't music to 90% of people at a label - it's a commodity for sale. I have been in countless meetings where an artist's new album is consistently referred to as 'the product' - not the record, the product.

    Sure, you'll prob get someone like one A&R rep who really believes in you -and if you do get signed, make sure you negotiate hard to get a 'key person' clause added to your contract. But if you come off like you've come off in this thread - ie. a cloying, fame-obsessed dilletente, I promise you, no one will even give you the time of day.

    The music business is just that - a business. If you want to get into the particular part of the industry you're banging on about, then here's what you do:

    - Create an insane amount of music - for every one 'hit' you write, you'll likely need to write anything from 40-80+ songs to get one that might have half a chance of being noticed / picked up.

    - Be incredibly switched-on about not just what's hot in your particular genre(s) right now, but also get really, REALLY good at predicting what will be hot in a year's time. Then be better at writing and producing the 'next big thing' than anyone else around you.

    - Get way, way better with your people skills, because your attitude is horrible, and word spreads incredibly quickly in this industry.
    Last edited: Mar 4, 2021
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  6. Donut Nyamer

    Donut Nyamer Audiosexual

    Aug 24, 2019
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    You're right there are. But those people don't farewell, they are always hanging by a needle & thread that's out of their control. Too many variables that can go wrong.
  7. Donut Nyamer

    Donut Nyamer Audiosexual

    Aug 24, 2019
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    I think he thought you had the connections because you had a bag of lube. I think that's what gave you away in his eyes @Lube Bag but I hope we talked this dillhole out of thinking he's going to assume he's going to do something cringey for a couple of back spins before he thinks twice for a couple of bags.

    Hesus Christos! :drunks:Praise whoever this fuckhead worships for he hopefully sees he needs to make musical content before his first play on whatever dick sucking network site he lands himself on.
  8. Lube Bag

    Lube Bag Producer

    Jan 18, 2021
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    Hehe, you're probably right mate! I invested heavily in lube way back in the day, I had a feeling it'd be a big hit...
  9. DoubleTake

    DoubleTake Audiosexual

    Jul 16, 2017
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    Well, it takes talent and luck.
    Lacking those, there is one other way, but i won't mention it as there is a serious discussion ongoing about the biz that includes that serious problem.
    One hint: It is not your SOUL you would be selling.
  10. Donut Nyamer

    Donut Nyamer Audiosexual

    Aug 24, 2019
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    It would be his Arse Houl he would be selling he offered that up right from the get go. Clearly it's not music he wants to be selling.
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  12. Lube Bag

    Lube Bag Producer

    Jan 18, 2021
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    Actually, there's insane amounts of hard work, networking, social media management, promotion, and a certain amount of luck involved. Nowadays there's also working at least one shitty part-time job to pay for everything else too.

    Because the people backing them live and breathe the industry and, unlike yourself, have a keen sense of what is likely to sell 6-12 months from now. Just because you haven't heard of someone before they've 'made it' doesn't mean they haven't been working their asses off for years.

    Examples: Ever heard of The 1975? Y'know that band who released an incredibly successful string of EPs followed by a debut album in 2012/13? A band that most people thought 'came out of nowhere'? They formed in 2002.

    Heard of the band Garbage? Their lead singer Shirley Manson had been playing in several bands for nearly 10 years before she was asked to join Garbage. The other 3 members of that band were all v hardworking musicians and producers for literally decades before they formed the band that (as musicians) they're all best-known for.

    Know Ariana Grande? She was singing with various groups, orchestras, etc since she was literally about 8 - she released her first album at 18. She first got on TV singing the national anthem for an ice hockey team.

    Drake? Ever seen Degrassi High?

    You seem obsessed by one thing one guy said 40 years ago. Let it go.

    Yes, image is important to a large percentage of artist - it's ONE piece of a very, very large puzzle.

    You know what much, much bigger parts are?

    Songs - y'know, music that you've actually made, put out, and aren't just sitting whining on a forum about.

    Talent - not just musical talent, you need the whole package - people skills; the ability to run a business (because a band/musical endeavour is a business); the ability to make decisions that will potentially affect significant parts of your life; the ability to be very, very memorable to everyone and anyone you meet, combined with (And this is incredibly important) the humility to not come across like a total prick.

    Work Ethic - instead of whining and griping about bloody illuminati, and 'industry plants' and whatever other crap you've been spouting, here's an idea: you think you can do better than those talentless charlatans who only got to where they are because of someone's deep pockets? Prove it.

    No, you don't sound hungry, you sound bitter and deluded.

    And this is your years of first-hand experience working in the industry talking here, yeah? Oh, wait...

    Are you UK-based? Because I would genuinely love to create the real opportunity for you to offer your pasty little ass up to a few people in exchange for some industry attention. Just so long as I can film the many, many minutes of riotous, deep belly laughs that you'll provide for everyone present.

    Seriously, as soon as it's safe to do so, let me know, and I will be only too happy to set it up. I'm in the US a fair bit too, so if you're that side of the pond, we can do it there.

    You know what would be even more useful than embarrassing yourself and destroying the tiny shred of credibility you have remaining though? Post some of your tracks, and if they're legit decent, I am happy to publicly give you my word that I will genuinely try to help you out.
    Last edited: Mar 4, 2021
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  14. Donut Nyamer

    Donut Nyamer Audiosexual

    Aug 24, 2019
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    You didn't know if gettin on your knees or face down ass up was more appropriate yet you didn't even have anything finished? Crud
  15. Lube Bag

    Lube Bag Producer

    Jan 18, 2021
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    Sarcasm will really help you go places.

    But if you want an answer (again): Years. Of. Hard. Work. And. Experience.

    OMG - HANG ON. "Give me time"? Do you mean you don't even have a single example of your work that's in even a halfway-finished demo form, that's even somewhat representative of your work? If I laughed as much on here as I'd like to rn, I'd break my 'H' and 'A' keys...

    Tell you what - the minute you send me something that passes for a track - that you can prove is your own work - then I'll take you seriously, and we'll sit down and have a lovely proper chat about the industry, my experiences, who I'm really digging, my influences - whatever you like.

    Until then, you've got tunes to work on, so get cracking.
    Last edited: Mar 4, 2021
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  17. Lube Bag

    Lube Bag Producer

    Jan 18, 2021
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    Or to put it much more simply "A bunch of lame excuses and word salad, attempting to substitute for a lack of talent and work ethic"

    A good song is a good song. Since I assume you're typing these insane replies on some form of electronic device, then you already have all the resources you need to make literally whatever kind of music you want, (yes, even if you're on a phone rn - you could literally make an entire record on a phone nowadays - I've recorded demos on iphones that have ended up as the take that made it on to the record).

    Stop blaming the tools, the people, the weather, whatever. You came here to bitch and moan and you've been called on it.

    Demo a track in it's most basic form and either post it here or PM it to me. I have already mentioned, and I'll repeat it here - if you actually do come up with the goods, I am more than happy to publicly acknowledge that, and if I can help you, I will.

    So - want to continue arguing, or do you want to take me up on my offer?

    Also, since you seem to be pretty obsessed with image, and seem to think that most artists are style over substance, here's a little example for you:

    I mentioned The 1975 before. Dunno if you've heard their track 'Sex'? Here's the album version that came out in 2013:

    Here's a very early video of them performing the same song several years earlier:

    It also went through an emo/pop-punk incarnation:

    Now, were they helped by revamping / developing their image? Definitely.

    But here's the important thing - notice how little the song has actually changed? Yes, the production is progressively bigger and shinier, but it's essentially the exact same song (bar a couple of small lyrical changes) a good song is a good song.

    So quit making shitty excuses - you can either write a good track or you can't. If you currently can't, then practice. A lot. And quit whining about 'the industry' because I can 100% promise you, in your case, 'the industry' is the least of your problems.

    (And before you go "but they're a rock band, and I write some type of electronica, etc so need lots of equipment" - go listen to eg. Curve - a band who were most active in the early 90's and made their records on devices with less processing power than the average smartwatch).
    Last edited: Mar 4, 2021
  18. Haliax

    Haliax Guest

    How can I get my book published? I haven't written any pages, but I want to get it published

    I really don't get the idea of this thread
  19. Howard Carpendale

    Howard Carpendale Platinum Record

    Feb 2, 2021
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    Its rather bout who is following current agendas the best .
    Charts and radio playlists are a pure joke . Enough involved in top business of hiphop rap have pointed out that there was a lot of agendas pulled from certain points and its the same with the rest with another face .
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  20. wavyj

    wavyj Producer

    Feb 12, 2020
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    I have never seen any newcomer ask: "How can I work my way up to a mid tier label?"


    "How can I reach 100.000 streams?"

    Everyone goes straight for the one secret formula for ultra success. The only thing close to this is having a few million dollars available so you can buy writers, producers, marketing etc.
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