Sonar/ Cakewalk?

Discussion in 'DAW' started by Jambuw, Feb 27, 2021.

  1. Jambuw

    Jambuw Member

    Dec 27, 2016
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    I currently have Sonar Platinum Version 23.10 installed. I have a few questions b4 I try to install the free Bandlab version.
    I found a version Bandlab Cakewalk v26.9.0.6 incl Keygen-R2R
    1) Do I need to uninstall the old version of Sonar or will this install on top of it?
    2) Will I retain all/most all of my plugins? Izotope,Waves etc
    3) Is upgrading a wise choice? Are there any earth shattering features?
    4) If the program is free, why is a keygen included in this package? Is it cracked as well for some reason

    Thank you in advance for any and all advice regarding this issue.
  3. jennyblack

    jennyblack Audiosexual

    Nov 24, 2013
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    I will help you with question 4 (just don't know about the others): it"s really free, but you need to download and install the bandlab installation assistant to install Cakewalk. With the keygen, no need to install this installation assistant/manager/whatever.
  4. DoubleTake

    DoubleTake Audiosexual

    Jul 16, 2017
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    I have Bandlab installed using r2r and used Sonar / Cakewalk for many years.
    For any questions related to Sonar & Bandlab, you should refer to their websites.
    A simple search will give many exact hits.
    For your specific question, see below. For more results using : "bandlab" "uninstall sonar" :"bandlab"+"uninstall+sonar"&rlz=1C1CHZL_enUS740US740&oq="bandlab"+"uninstall+sonar"&aqs=chrome..69i57j33i160l3.16395j0j15&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8

    1) You should not need to uninstall anything.

    2) All of your plugins should remain, but I can't recall if Bandlab will need to scan or if there is some trick to "import" or refer to the database from Sonar.
    I am using Bandlab only these days, so i just scanned as usual.

    3) Again, a search: "sonar platinum" vs "bandlab" by BandLab is a,love, and it's significantly better.&text=The key difference is that,licensed 3rd party plug-ins.

    4) Answered by jennyblack, above.
  5. Jaymz

    Jaymz Audiosexual

    Apr 5, 2016
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    Been a Sonar user for 20 years... you can install Band lab version with your old one no problem... can use all your plugins in both version :wink: The Keygen version is for off line users
  6. Ad Heesive

    Ad Heesive Audiosexual

    Apr 21, 2019
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    (just repeats advice from above comments)

    See (from 2018)

    Although Cakewalk retains all of Sonar’s functionality, it lacks most of the third-party plug-ins that used to come bundled with Sonar — with a few exceptions. Still included are the TTS-1 synth and Studio Instruments Suite, TH3 Cakewalk Edition amp sim, the Sonitus effects suite, and the Boost 11 limiter. Cakewalk also includes the ProChannel modules that came as part of Sonar Platinum, including Breverb Sonar and Rematrix Solo, but excluding the two Boz Digital modules.

    Note that if you already have Sonar, all of the add-ons will appear in Cakewalk by Bandlab — provided you keep your Sonar installation intact! You can safely install Cakewalk and Sonar alongside each other, so there’s no reason to uninstall Sonar.
  7. Tob

    Tob Platinum Record

    Jun 4, 2019
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    1. No, you can install them both nothing will be overriden in your sonar.
    2. Yes.
    3. Yes it is. Cakewalk by bandlab is the most stable sonar platinum version ever. A lot of bugs are fixed, good new Features. Take a look here. All released versions (fixes & added features)
    4. I do not know. All you need is the bandlab assistant. With that you download and install cakewalk. You have to register with an email. Maybe that is why there is a crack.

    Just go to here and give it a try. It is really good. Best free daw on the market.
  8. the_flying

    the_flying Member

    Sep 10, 2012
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    1. You can run them side by side, as long as both versions are placed in different directories. I use Platinum and CWBL on the same Win 7 machine without conflicts. I wouldn't recommend installing CWBL on top of Platinum for various reasons.

    2. Yes, you will. Just make sure to set correct VST path in CWBL preferences. However most of the Platinum bundled ones will probably fail to load/work in CWBL, as they were "payware".

    3. Yes, it's worth upgrading, IMO. According to devs there were about 1000 fixes, improvements and new features applied to CWBL since BandLab acquired Cakewalk. Well, actually not exactly upgrading, but installing side by side, as I mentioned above.

    4. Free Cakewalk requires first time online activation and a "server handshake" with BandLab every 6 months (unless you upgrade in the meantime) otherwise it enters DEMO mode. Keygen allows to bypass activation, but not sure if it can bypass the handshake procedure 'cause I'm upgrading CWBL quite often. Bad news is that with keygenned version you might be unable to download future versions or upgrades from official channels. Good news is that (current and working) full installers are floating around on various portals. ;)

    Then again, my DAW machine is (and will always stay) OFFLINE, therefore I can't guarantee proper operation of keygenned CWBL versions on an online computer.
    Last edited: Feb 28, 2021
  9. the_flying

    the_flying Member

    Sep 10, 2012
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    Or for online users, once BandLab is dead or drops CW developement for whatever reason :bleh:
  10. the_flying

    the_flying Member

    Sep 10, 2012
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    A (not so) quick addendum:

    I was wondering if this reactivation bullshit affects offline machines with keygenned activation, so I've set the system date 10 years ahead, and thanks God Cakewalk says that it's still activated.

    So the conclusion is either:

    1. R2R kg does magic things, granting us kinda permanent activation


    2. This sick Cakewalk "server shakehand" procedure applies only to online computers for some reason.

    What comes to my mind is that it compares the release date of your CWBL version to current date, and if CWBL is older than 6 months, then the program enters DEMO mode, asking for reactivation. However if it can not connect to BL servers (and thus compare both dates) it stays actvated indefinitely. So it looks like offline users of keygenned versions are much safer than legit online ones.

    Plese note, that this applies to v27.01.0.098 on an offline Win 7 machine and may change with future releases.
  11. Jaymz

    Jaymz Audiosexual

    Apr 5, 2016
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    Would be happy to help anyone with Questions about Cakewalk or Sonar. I actually have every version on Disk from the very first one up to version 8.5. i have manuals to them too. Ive been an avid Cakewalk user since their first Midi sequencer :wink: 30+ years this DAW is solid and its a midi master and can do Audio aswell... its a champ an very underated :like: Steinberg and cakewalk started it all dont listen to anyone who harps on it ok :winker: If you study and learn this DAW you'll soon see that Cakewalk and Sonar had features 10 years ago that are just now being implemented in other daws... Its always stomped on Protools and can do anything and much more ...with one mouse click vs 4 or 5 . Cakewalk being a windows only platform is THE ONLY reason it was abandoned by the MAC Jocks back in the day. Today windows is in another league , and that line is very thin. Cakewalk Sonar and Steinberg Cubase is where every other software DAW vendor got their ideas for what is now a plathora of options. No DAW is the best :wink:but ill vouch for Cakewalk as its been good to me for 20 + years. Ive made a living using this fine well written Midi and Audio master :mates: dig in and try it for yourself. I have Legit ProTools,Cubase,Sonar,Cakewalk Band Lab and Reaper. I use ProTools for projects i get from clients who recorded in it, but if i had my choice i would never use it. My favorite 2 DAWS are Cakewalk Sonar and Reaper ! Hope everyone finds the right DAW for them:mates:
    Last edited: Mar 1, 2021
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