How to Symlink - no install ?

Discussion in 'PC' started by danielworks, Feb 23, 2021.

  1. danielworks

    danielworks Noisemaker

    Apr 12, 2018
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    Even that there is a good walkthrough made by @Xupito I'm still lost without having a clue how to install Symlink releases. Does anybody have a clear explanation, tutorial or youtube video explaining how to do this?
  3. naitguy

    naitguy Audiosexual

    Jan 9, 2017
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    Best Answer
    Any Symlink release I've ever downloaded (which, granted, isn't a whole lot) has two .cmd files in it.. one for installing, one for uninstalling.

    You just simply extract the downloaded files to where you want to store them (ex. c:\symlinkstuff\valhalladsp). This is going to be a permanent location, so put it somewhere that makes sense for you. Now, if its there, you run the install cmd file (double click it) from that folder you just extracted to. It will set up symbolic links ("symlink") automatically. For lack of a better, simple explanation, symbolic links are basically a way of tricking Windows into thinking the files are in certain locations, and trick the VST into thinking it's installed.. so for example, it'll think the program data is in c:\programdata, the install files in c:\program files, the dlls are in whatever the default VST folder is (program files\VstPlugins, I believe).

    Before running the install .cmd, I usually edit the .cmd file to "install" (not really installing anything) the dlls in my own custom VST folder, but that's not necessary. You just need to make sure your DAW is set to scan for new plugins in whatever location the symlink installer cmd file is set to drop those.

    Anyways, it is intimidating, and a little confusing at first, but it's actually super easy to do. Just remember, you extract your rar you downloaded (or zip, or whatever format you downloaded it in) to a location that makes sense for you, and don't delete it.. then you run the install cmd. Also, ensure your DAW is set up to can for new plugins in the location the symlink (virtually) installs the dlls to (program files\VstPlugins by default)

    Again, the instructions I give assume there's a Symlink Installer .cmd file in there, but as I said, I've yet to run into any that didn't have this. If the release you're trying to work with doesn't have those .cmd files, then please mention that.. someone else will have to help, in that case, as that hasn't been my experience before, as I said.
    Last edited: Feb 23, 2021
  4. danielworks

    danielworks Noisemaker

    Apr 12, 2018
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    Thank you very much for your kind information.
    I managed to do it using HardLink Shell Extension.

    Anyway : do you guys know the difference bewteen Symbolic Link and junction,etc ? I'm pasting the Symbolic link and its working, but I'm worried if it is actually copying the file, instead just pointing to the actual file stored in another place
  5. phumb-reh

    phumb-reh Guest

    The difference between a symlink and junction is basically that a symlink is handled at client level (e.g. explorer) and a junction at filesystem level.

    For a single machine this has basically zero difference but it has ramifications if you're using networked storage and multiple client machines. I personally go with junctions if I need to.

    You can verify the operation by creating a link and experimenting with it until you're comfortable with the concepts and operation:
    C:\>mkdir f:\foo
    C:\>mklink /j c:\foo f:\foo
    Junction created for c:\foo <<===>> f:\foo
    C:\>cd foo
    C:\foo>cat > c:\foo\foo.txt
    C:\foo>type f:\foo\foo.txt
    C:\foo>del f:\foo\foo.txt
     Volume in drive C is colorspace
     Volume Serial Number is 049D-0804
     Directory of C:\foo
    23/02/2021  10.08    <DIR>          .
    23/02/2021  10.08    <DIR>          ..
                   0 File(s)              0 bytes
                   2 Dir(s)  17 928 486 912 bytes free
  6. Xupito

    Xupito Audiosexual

    Jan 21, 2012
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    So did you read that guide I posted some time ago? There can only be two important things to change in the "install.cmd" or ho3wever is called.
    - The path to the VST2 plugin folder (this is not a major problem)
    - You user name. This can be a major problem
  7. Xft

    Xft Member

    Jan 2, 2021
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  8. Xupito

    Xupito Audiosexual

    Jan 21, 2012
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    Yes, that one. It was about an extremely difficult app though.
    Well, symlinks are also handled at file system level but there're several types. As you said junctions are the most advisable ones for a number of reasons.

    Shortcuts are the ones only for "user/client" levelFile Explorer GUI things.
    Why don't you tell me an example and I explain the specifics?