New Pc, components advice

Discussion in 'Computer Hardware' started by rflip, Oct 2, 2013.

  1. Evorax

    Evorax Rock Star

    Feb 28, 2013
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    Bowerstone Castle
    About the I7 4770k and FX8350, the difference is only in benchmark scores and maybe few fps in games, but belive me, in your practical usage tests, you won't consider the 100 bucks between i7 and FX8350 a massive improvement, you won't even feel the performance difference between the two. That's why i recommended the AMD on the cpu side, because you can't go wrong with it, it's super-powerful like the Intel ones on audio processing, and also you can save some money for a bigger ssd or something else. Don't belive the statistcal number score of the passmark bulls*it, if you have the chance to compare them both in practical situation, you will realise for yourself that there's no performance difference between the two when you're making music. Goodluck.
  2. rflip

    rflip Noisemaker

    Sep 12, 2013
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    Hi Evorax.
    You right I was looking at the benchmark score, because I have nothing else to look, I don't have any store where I can check the performance of both.
    Do you use the AMD?
    What do you think when comparing the AMD with some core i5 in the same price range like the 3570 or the 4670?
    What would be better intel or the AMD?
  3. demian777

    demian777 Newbie

    Sep 9, 2013
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    I think better choice in that case would be AMD...(i have AMD too, the answer from yesterday...)

    but, please check out these very carefully:

    and also watch here for your final decision;
  4. rflip

    rflip Noisemaker

    Sep 12, 2013
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    So after taking a look at those links this are my pro's and con's

    What I put in the MoBo description is what one has over the other. And I think I whould be better with the intel mobo what you guys think?

    another thing is that the AMD is better when overclocking but I won't overclok my system CPU, I don't feel safe doing that in a "workstation".

    My Thing with the i5 is that it has similar price/performance ratio to the AMD and I still can get the intel MoBo

    So I guess my ultimate question is wich CPU/MoBo combo whould be the best?
  5. Evorax

    Evorax Rock Star

    Feb 28, 2013
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    Bowerstone Castle
    "4 year old socket" as a cons for FX8350 is completely bulls*it, what has that thing to do with the performance/stability of the cpu? Also AM3 socket is 4 years old while the FX processors working on AM3+ sockets, which are newer and came up along with the FX series. If it wasn't that way, then every 4 y.o. mobo could use the FX cpus. Also "Power inefficiency and temperature", c'mon man... would you really complain about that on a workstation when you actually use 3rd party high-performance air or water cooling? Also FX8350 will be faster in multithreaded tasks and rendering than any i5, without to overclock it (on real 4ghz, i don't see the point for more). And here i'm talking about only on multithreaded tasks and rendering performance(like audio or video), not games or other things. Also your OS (windows7/8) will use all the 8 cores so the overall sistem will work faster than a i5. There's alot of fanboys out there for AMD or Intel, i'm trying to be objective and neutral, i don't care about the brand, i care about your best buy/performance ratio for your workstation. I have 3-4 producers friends which use I74770K, FX8350, I5 3750K and a old i7 2770K. My workstation is 2 y.o. based on a old AMD 1055T 6core 3.0GHZ and never had a problem with it, i can do kickass music without complaining about cpu hogs (i also use nebula3 with hacked kernels, up to 50ms, about 10 instances before transforming the tracks in bounced, you know, StudioOne track feature). So think about your purpose/goal, you need something reliable and workable, i personally tested systems with rather AMD or Intel and i didn't found a difference in media processing aplications, also non of them complain ever about their cpu performance, they just do the damn music. I see the people here pissing me off with "take Intel, is alot better, has a new marsupium socket sh*t, is based on smaller arhitecture, the consuption is lower, bla bla bla" c'mon man, 4real? This is pointless in your situation, because that doesn't mean that AMD will last shorter, will be overloaded, too slow, or other things you may think. There's alot of users that have build FX based workstation and they never complained about something. Choose smart my friend, think about your goal, not about the CPU brand, because they both will do the same job, the score numbers are just worthless in your practical situations.
  6. rflip

    rflip Noisemaker

    Sep 12, 2013
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    Thanks for the answer evorax.
    Those pro's and cons where "taken" from the internet because as I said before I don't have any place where I can try them.
    in the end of the day The PC will just be for editing and creating art(video, music, etc).

    Now has I said in my last post, wich one would be the best CPU/mobo combination?
    Because the intel MoBo, looking at the asus site, has better specifications that the AMD one. (I'm talking about the Asus Sabertooh 990fx and the Z87 pro)
    Can you recommend a AMD MoBo with the same type of specification that the z87 pro has? Like PCIe 3, ram up to 3000 Mhz, Integrated Graphics Processor etc.
    I understand that CPU wise the AMD will be the best choice (Price/Performance ratio), but I like the Z87 Pro MoBo, it seems to be really good for the price.

    I Know I'm being complicated but I want to make the best choice overall and get a system that will be great for the next 5/6 years.(I mean I'll probably in a couple years upgrade the Ram, or SSD or HDD but keeping the same sytem).

    I really apreciate the time that all of you spend here helping me.
  7. Evorax

    Evorax Rock Star

    Feb 28, 2013
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    Bowerstone Castle
    The 2.0 PCI sockets will do the same practical job as the 3.0, 'cuz the new graphic 3.0 cards series will still work on the 2.0 pci sockets without a loss of performance, unless if you'll not make crossfire or SLI combos with TITAN or HD7990, which i don't think you intend to do it. 'Bout RAM Mhz, you shouldn't complin about that too, because if you want a stable workstation, i'm sure you don't want to reach such a high clocks if you're not a gaming enthusiast.
    About the mobo, if you can afford, go with a ASRock 990FX Extreme9 (wich is better than a Asus SABERTOOTH 990FX R2.0), is also a mobo intended for OC so its built with high-quality capacitors & etc, so imagine the stability you would have if you won't overclock, it will last more than you could imagine. It also has RAM speeds up to 2450MHZ/64gb(while the asus sabertooth is 32gb/1866mhz), and the most of the ram modules these days hardly exceed 2400mhz, the most expensive and top-notch ones i don't see them to reach 3000mhz, only around 2800mhz (but these are crazy speeds, for enthuziasts, not really for a workstation.) so if you're really that much into ram speeds, go with 2400mhz modules on a ASRock 990FX Extreme9 mobo and a stock FX8350, you won't regret it.

    Also if you can't afford the 990FX Extreme 9, the lower-priced alternative would be the ASRock 990FX Extreme3, is great quality too, but it has only 32gb ram maximum with speeds to max. 2100MHZ(which is still overkill for a workstation).

    So again, if you're not into SLI with TITANS or Crossfire with HD7990, then if you put even a high-end 1000$ graphic-card like GTX780 on a 2.0 pci-e, belive me, you won't lose any performance despite the fact that is a 3.0 pci-e card. There are so many pro's that using the Nvidia Quadro graphic cards on the 2.0 pci-e series and they won't see the point to upgrade to a 3.0 pci-e system while they actually doin' their job with the actual systems, which are still super-fast, cuz' the previous graphic-cards series, like the monster ATI HD6990, which was pci-e 2.0 graphic card and it was praised as being the fastest graphic card two years ago i think and the testers also did crossfire tests with it, so, what is the value of having 3.0 right now, also on a workstation, when you even still able to use the 3.0 cards on the 2.0 sockets without problems.

    If you have any questions...
  8. rflip

    rflip Noisemaker

    Sep 12, 2013
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    So I will probalby go for the asrock 990FX extreme 3 (only 2 3.0 usb but way cheaper only 90€) with the FX 8350.

    Now what about the graphic card? I'm used to work with dual monitor, what card whould fit in the budget?
  9. Evorax

    Evorax Rock Star

    Feb 28, 2013
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    Bowerstone Castle
    The GT610 from Nvidia will suits you well if you don't make advanced 3d modelling, but make sure you get the fanless one, so it is 0db noise. (It will still be good enough for adobe apps, like PS, ae, pp, etc.)
    If you want something better, don't hesitate to check out the brand new ati R7 & R9 series, and for 100$ you can get the ati R7 240 2gb card.
  10. SAiNT

    SAiNT Creator Staff Member phonometrograph

    May 11, 2011
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    I really love fulltowers. I tried mid-towers many times, but always felt limited with them.

    with Full-tower you can modify it to your likings; there will always be space for airflow and everything is much more pleasant in general.

    here, check out these photos.
  11. demian777

    demian777 Newbie

    Sep 9, 2013
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    Evorax, fantastic explanation...
    no need to add absolutely nothing.
    SAiNT, of course, full tower always!
    rflip, i am using WD My Book 3.0 (2TB) as external drive for all my studio stuff...
  12. rflip

    rflip Noisemaker

    Sep 12, 2013
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    Hi there people, thank you for all your advices.
    Xmas is coming I'll make this pc after that, trying to get a couple more cents to help on some parts eheh
  13. Evorax

    Evorax Rock Star

    Feb 28, 2013
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    Bowerstone Castle
    Great! :mates:
  14. Synthetech

    Synthetech Newbie

    Sep 7, 2013
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    I recently acquired a Dell Precision T5500 series workstation to build my first serious DAW.

    I think I paid around $250 USD and got..
    The case w/875W power supply,the MB with 1 Xeon e5520 CPU, 4GB ram, Win7 Cert. Sticker and a Nadia Quadro PCIe DVI card. Thats it, no HD's.

    I tossed in my 1TB Sata drive, loaded up Win7 and buckled up for a wild ride... I went from Pentium4 to i7 overnight... that's quite a leap!

    The t5500 has an option to slip in a riser card for a 2nd Xeon CPU and more memory slots.. so you could go 8 core and up to 72GB RAM.
    Riser card is approx. $100 USD. 2nd CPU is $15..! Dirt cheap CPU's today.
    Or upgrade the CPU's to 3.3's for more $$.

    This thing is a BEAST on just 1 CPU! I can run my DAW with lotsa CPU power to spare.
    When I installed Rage, it loads it up quick and has nearly flawless performance on my HD TV.

    Its a mid tower case, but it breathes good and Has plenty of room to expand later as your needs grow.

    So you might check into those.. a lot of them are becoming available on eBay due to lease expirations. That's where mine came from.
  15. rflip

    rflip Noisemaker

    Sep 12, 2013
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    Hi synthetech I'm going to check that out, It might become another option for me
  16. realitybytez

    realitybytez Audiosexual

    May 29, 2013
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    not to be contrary, but the e5520 isn't even close to an i7 processor. it's less than half the cpu of a modern i7.

    the good news is that it is a rock solid cpu designed for a server, so it should last a good long time.
  17. Synthetech

    Synthetech Newbie

    Sep 7, 2013
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    All I know is what Wikipedia mentioned about Nehalem architecture used in the e5520 xeon chip... looking at the info again, it seems they slip in that Nehalem is ALSO USED in Core i7 CPU's...

    Where did they steer me wrong?

    I made my purchase based on the new memory access feature and multithreading.
    Did I get a bad deal?
    It sure seems to run a lot of vst's together without issues.
  18. rflip

    rflip Noisemaker

    Sep 12, 2013
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    So... Guys I have some bad news, the money that I had set apart to spend on the Pc it's gone. I had an emergency and had to spend it.
    Now I was thinking about buy a complete PC in a local store and paid it over the year, but my problem is all PC in this locals store are quite crappy just aimed at the "Facebook user" or the gamer. So I was think about buy the iMac 27" i5, 2,9gh or the i5 3,2gh, because they are the best assembled computer that I an get in tho locals stores. What do you guys think? It goes for 1699€/1899€ but I would be paing it monthly.
  19. thisis theend

    thisis theend Member

    Jul 28, 2013
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    Oh dear... I think you just broke Catalyst's heart.
    At least HK is no longer around to see this...

    Send in the stormtroopers :wow:
  20. Andrew

    Andrew AudioSEX Maestro

    Oct 24, 2011
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    Between worlds
    I dunno, consider the PC platform again. :thumbsup:
    I purchased my current i7-4770K Haswell with 16GB RAM, decent graphics and HDD for $800, the price difference vs. mac is for sure there!
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