I am back bitches - Techno

Discussion in 'Electronic' started by Woask, Feb 21, 2021.

  1. Woask

    Woask Member

    Sep 3, 2020
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    That one is an even longer track as usual, inspirered by Klanglos. Not finished yet, but you can give me some advise what could be my next steps. I am not very happy on my breaks and Percussion Arrangement for example...
    Besides that, just leave a comment if you like it so far:bow:

    Last edited: Feb 21, 2021
  3. djknc

    djknc Newbie

    Jun 27, 2019
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    My piece of Heaven/Hell
    I really like this , i liked Klanglos before so i figured this would be good :) and as predicted it is in fact really good . At some parts in the beginning it felt quite naked but that changed as soon as those frequencies were filled so other than that i cant say anything or what can improve . Please let me know with pm or anything when its released because i want to play this
  4. Howard Carpendale

    Howard Carpendale Platinum Record

    Feb 2, 2021
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    Sick groove starting at 2:58 :headbang:
  5. Woask

    Woask Member

    Sep 3, 2020
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    Thank you for that feedback man! :D I know what you mean. I have to work on different things as I told in the description. So that just should take a week...but when it's released...puh man. That can take a whole year. But of course I would send you the MP3 anyway ;)
    I am really happy that you liked it! :D
  6. Bitmonkey

    Bitmonkey Producer

    Dec 18, 2019
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    Best Answer
    A few things I'd consider:

    1. The fx brass warp type sound at 1:06 wants a ton more delay and reverb on to give it some space
    2. Arrangement wise it's got a really long intro with nothing much happening if you compare to most reference tracks there's usually an offbeat shaker-hi or similar in there and maybe some light closed hihats to start bringing in the groove/build a bit earlier. Yours is 3 minutes in before you add virtually any percussion. Lacks layers in terms of hihats, rides etc as well. You could easily bring that quiet closed hihat in at 30 seconds or a minute into the track.
    3. Lack of fx/risers/downlifters etc in general - stuff just 'happens' without any change in filter/eq/fx to build the tension
    4. Snare on the offbeat like this really isn't how most techno is arranged and is more a tech house kinda vibe - tends to be more of the tom/white noise percussion on beats 2 or 4 rather than 3 as this helps add some groove and not make it so 'basic' sounding. It gets better at 2:58 but even then i think it needs a tweak.
    5. The sawtooth synth at 4:36 is really quiet in the mix when in fact that appears to be the main lead for the build there? Again sounds very dry
    6. I think you could roll off the EQ on that kick rumble a bit sounds like its around the 120-130 mark and maybe if you lowered that to 100-110 it would sounds more rumbly without the obvious delay/rolling vibe maybe.

    I cant help feeling in the breaks it needs a low sweep/dark brass/reese type hit in there to give it some more oomph as well. Theres a bit of one in the second break but it's go like no low end at all so it lacks a lot of power.
    Last edited: Feb 23, 2021
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  7. Woask

    Woask Member

    Sep 3, 2020
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    What a help for my track. Amazing how much you engage to just give a nice review. I try to implement every point from your list and as everytime. Thank you so much! :)
  8. Bitmonkey

    Bitmonkey Producer

    Dec 18, 2019
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    No worries dude - happy to help when I can :)
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