These ladies will teach you how to do it

Discussion in 'Music' started by machupichu, Feb 19, 2021.

  1. Xupito

    Xupito Audiosexual

    Jan 21, 2012
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    Who called me? What did I do this time...
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  2. machupichu

    machupichu Kapellmeister

    Jun 19, 2014
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    although i was talkin bout the mixing in my post it seems that the overall delivery of the cover is more important and should be noted before the mixing reference. the clap is the hook, its there like it was always. the vocals well anything with an angelic woman voice will be dope trust me. i think everyone will agree its tight, it will be good on the radio in the car on June, the synth leads after the middle of the track will rip some dudes apart in the bar etc etc. if anyone has anything cool to propagate stuff like sandra etc you know 80s 90s you're very welcome and will be appreciated, i had no idea about this music a week ago bro
  3. machupichu

    machupichu Kapellmeister

    Jun 19, 2014
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    i really believe 80s 90s will always be the frontiers of something we as a generation had in common and will never have again, ever. neither us or our children or their children. a life without the internet. those of you around 30, you are very special to have lived both sides.
  4. The Pirate

    The Pirate Audiosexual

    Dec 20, 2018
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    There is a self-produced female duo that has been doing the circuit for several years now. Gioli & Assia, not relly 80's &90s but cool music nevertheless.
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  5. WVNNV

    WVNNV Guest

    just pulled them out of the track. some soft EQing where needed in some sounds. nothing hard
  6. AudioMixing22

    AudioMixing22 Member

    Jul 17, 2020
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    Why you just listen to the kick and don't listen to the whole picture? this is not the appropriate way to judge! actually, you don't get a grammy because your kick is good or bad believe me or not! nobody care !! someone told me always listen to the whole picture as it is and yes the kick in very good shape with the whole mix! well done.
  7. ACAS

    ACAS Kapellmeister

    Feb 19, 2021
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    Because kick is boobs and bass, booty of the music and when guys look at the whole picture, the only things that catch their attentions are the two things I told you. The rest of the image is extra.:unsure:
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  8. machupichu

    machupichu Kapellmeister

    Jun 19, 2014
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    t r u e t a l k
  9. AudioMixing22

    AudioMixing22 Member

    Jul 17, 2020
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    the "extra" ish, is a lot of things you can't get rid of it! simply as that! btw listen to the Prince song (When Doves Cry) very much respect his idea RIP his soul, there is literally no bass and no low-frequency information! that song catches more than 54 million people's ears. the question is are they care? this is my point from the first place.
    Last edited: Feb 22, 2021
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  10. The Pirate

    The Pirate Audiosexual

    Dec 20, 2018
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    Because she has a nice pair of boobs ... I meant because she has a pair of ear that only she controls what they listen to.

    Tell her what is the appropriate way to judge! As she said she is a bitch dressed as Santa and knows nothing about mixing.

    How do you get a Grammy? Do you take it from someone? Buy it on Ebay, Craiglist? I want to get one too, to display it in my bedroom and charge more money. If the modafakar dont want to pay i will hit him on the head with statute.

    Bullshit, you cared! So did she, and so did I but again, am just another bitch that knows nothing about mixing. Here simply trying to get a Grammy to display it in my bedroom and charge more money. If the modafakar dont want to pay for my sexvirces I will hit him on the head with statute.

    Again, with the listening to whole picture. Do pictures talk? Are we talking about pictures or mixing? Now, I am very confused. Who was that someone? He get any Grammy, too?

    That is your opinion. Mix evaluation is purely subjective and varies from person to person, and affected by listening environment and source. I personally, did not like the mix. I would not say that I dont like the kick. What I will say is that there are too many overlapping frequencies for my taste as well as 2-dimensional for my ears, no space. (notice the emphasis on "my") Mixing is a matter of personal taste, therefore, the final result is what the producer/mixer intended. Every engineer, every producer, every artist knows that they can't please everyone. It is what it is.
    Last edited: Feb 22, 2021
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  11. The Pirate

    The Pirate Audiosexual

    Dec 20, 2018
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    What? What? There is! ... to my ears. The expert programming of Linn Drums and synths, combined with expert FX, certainly provide it. Awesome mix! You should listen to a FLAC file on a good system. Indeed, you dont even need to hear it. You will feel the low end or maybe you don't, after all this is purely subjective and varies from person to person, and it is affected by listening environment and source.

    Edit: Since you like WDC, here is a cover by Patti Smith in which a bass is included. Enjoy it.
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  12. AudioMixing22

    AudioMixing22 Member

    Jul 17, 2020
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    OMG! unfortunately, I still remember the video! forget about me completely ! and watch Gregory Scott 6:48 till 7:26! He need actually a FLAC file on a good system ! or maybe he need also a good listening environment! I can't arguments more so please! stop
    I'm didn't said I like WDC It's just an example!
  13. taskforce

    taskforce Audiosexual

    Jan 27, 2016
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    Studio 54
    Prince's Purple Rain is the track with no bass whatsoever. Supposedly, as confessed by the lady who engineered the track (yes, there are those too you chauvinistic pigs whoever you are lol), there was a bass track originally, but Prince muted the track in the mix because it sounded better to him that way, just having whatever low freqs come from the gtrs. But hey it's Prince man. The only person that could play the poppiest soul ballad showing his ass to the audience while singing anywhere between 4 octaves and then throw the meanest gtr solo that would make Hendrix blush while doing dance splits in the middle of a disco track lol. He was his own entity entirely. RIP. This kind of "fabric" sadly ain't available anymore...
    Oh and Gregory (of Kush fame) must take his head out of the -otherwise fine- nostalgic 70s prog soul rock he keeps doing and realize there's more depth to be found even in the cheesiest disco tracks than he ever thought and there's not a solely single correct approach. All roads lead to Mecca etc. At least he acknowledges Prince's body of work importance, probably because otherwise it could be hurtful for him hahaha.
    PS: @The Pirate You are right there is low information in "When Doves Cry". The cleverly low pitched electronic floortom(s) provide a sort of sparse-but-steady "bass line" although to my ears there is no actual bass track. Btw, that's a fucking masterpiece of a song alright. And no my alter ego is not @Smoove Grooves :rofl:Although he could easily be brother from another mother hehehe.
    Last edited: Feb 22, 2021
  14. The Pirate

    The Pirate Audiosexual

    Dec 20, 2018
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    Problem with some of you is that you go to You Tube, and then come here repeating whatever someone else is saying there. I disagree with Greg Scott's comments for several reasons. Simply because a song does not uses a bass per se does not translate to it being devoid of low frequencies. If we want to get technical here the starting point should be: What is low frequency? And this should be follow by: Does WDC contains any low frequencies information below 500Hz? As everyone here knows, low frequency sounds are 500 Hz or lower. WDC certainly does cover low frequency information. Indeed, the frequency range from 80hz to 160 Hz, which is well within what is commonly considered the bass range, is well covered in WDC. What WDC does not cover is the very low end or true low end or low bass frequencies below 43 Hz which should be noted the majority of speakers would not even reproduce accurately.


    Last edited: Feb 23, 2021
  15. ACAS

    ACAS Kapellmeister

    Feb 19, 2021
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    Music has many elements. Each person is sensitive to certain elements and reacts. One focuses on drums. One on the melody. One on combination of sounds. One on arrangement. One on the lyrics. One on rhythm and so on ...

    What is certain is that it is not possible to bold all the elements of music and fit in a 4-minute track. Each track is dedicated to expressing certain characteristics.

    This diversity in various aspects of music makes judging difficult.
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  16. recycle

    recycle Guest

    bleah, cover music for shopping centers
  17. rah

    rah Kapellmeister

    Jan 22, 2018
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  18. rah

    rah Kapellmeister

    Jan 22, 2018
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    they did some good covers of Depeche Mode
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  19. genophyte

    genophyte Producer

    Mar 13, 2015
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    the OP sounds like a non cynical ladytron ....i like it
  20. Roject

    Roject Audiosexual

    Jan 2, 2019
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    Talk for Yourself!
    I like music from Cropp!
    I think is cool!!
    I like House music too! (from House shop :break: :speaker: :lmao:)

    You don't like shopping center music because You must always waiting for Your wife here and she spent Your money.

    Maybe this change Your mind. You old prick :bleh:
    How old are You?:invision:

    I love Ladytron :dj:

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