Anyone into eurorack modular?!

Discussion in 'Our Music' started by onhappin, Feb 20, 2021.


Do you own an eurorack case?

  1. Yes... and I love it.

  2. No... and I'm not going to... It's a pia!

  3. No... but I would like to...

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  1. onhappin

    onhappin Ultrasonic

    Jan 27, 2014
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    I was wondering if there are other fellow audiosexers with this addiction... I started two or three years ago with Moog Mother-32, a great semimodular synth which I still consider one of the best 'voices' in my band. I added last year a K12 from Behringer (the MS-20 copy) since I found it for cheap, and then the Arturia Minibrute 2S.
    As I wanted more complexity and modulation possibilities, I kind of went through the rabbit hole in the last months and build a 2Ux84HP eurorack case. It is now fully populated and among the modules I especially worship and use now are ornament&Crime, Erisian Noise Mal-2, Milky Way, Dannysound CaliOsc or the classic Streams from Mutable Instruments...
    If other members of our community also caught the modular synth virus, do share your music here. It should be 100% modular business ofc.
  3. rEmaker

    rEmaker Ultrasonic

    Dec 24, 2020
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    I got my behringer neutron a couple of weeks ago and it's pretty good

    It's quite fun to sequence it through ableton using maxforlive devices stuff like Dr chaos and also VCVRack.You can get some great stuff!!

    I love your rack! What is that blue module is it DIY?

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  4. onhappin

    onhappin Ultrasonic

    Jan 27, 2014
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    It's a Tom Evans Dual Dreadful VCF. It is DIY, I got it for free from a guy who also sold me the Rubicon and the Doepfers. He messed up two diodes on its pcb and gave it to me as is. I managed to "repair" it in like an hour or so...;) It's a beast of a filter, kind of similar to the NI Massive's filters (serial or parallel) with an MS-20 flavour all over.
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  5. overusesreverb

    overusesreverb Member

    Feb 20, 2021
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    Ive fallen deep into the hole the past few years myself as well. Being fully honest it has slowed down my workflow quite a bit and added some extra complexities but there really is this almost therapeutic value in a sense it brings. The ability to just get lost in the process and accepting these moments for what they are then letting them go. Its refreshing compared to the subconscious pressure to fill horizontal space within a DAW. It is a never ending money pit though and another space of the market that constantly tempts me whenever I have a few spare dollars from a project. Ill stop rambling now I realize im just procrastinating but I recently picked up some instruo stuff and love it. The CS-L rocks. A friend has a bunch of cwejman and metasonix stuff. Also tons of fun. Ive always steered away from things like the OaC but lately ive been feeling an itch. How do you like yours? Did you DIY? If so was the build fairly easy? Strayed away from DIY as well since theres only so many hours in the day and im already all over the place lol
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  6. DKB

    DKB Producer

    Jul 25, 2015
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    I jumped down the rabbit hole a few years ago started with the Roland system 1m and the efx modules but didn’t get fully hooked untill I got my moog mother 32 . Now I’ve got 3 cases filled . My first case is a 3tier 84hp mutable instrument setup . That case filled up quickly . I then got a tip top audio mantis case . That has modules from Erica synths , sample drum , drum modulator, mixer, make noise woggle bug , Rosie output , Waldorf filter I then jumped into learning to build diy modules by beast tek absolutely sik sounding modules . Dirty glitch , irukandji glitch drums
    2 more mutable clouds running different firmwares , I soon filled that up too . Next case I made a diy case for my dual pressure points brains combo with a sequential switch . I’ve taken a break this year from buying modules to enjoy the stuff I have plus with COVID I needed chill out on the impulse buys . I’ve kept up with the new mutable modules and got the ripples and another shades . As soon as finances permit I’ll be getting the new beads and blades modules
  7. onhappin

    onhappin Ultrasonic

    Jan 27, 2014
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    @overusesreverb o&C is as deep as you want it to be. I am not at all a guru when it comes to it. It's not in my sound path... I like to keep that analog as much as I can. It messes the cv's a bit. I mainly use it as a dual quantizer - maybe same scale with different rootnote, and as slew limiter or dual atten when I need more of them. It depends on the case. Anyway... I wouldn't change it for anything right now. Probably I'll ad one or two Disting mk4 to be sure I won't ever need any esoteric cv modulation.
    I started diy some 3 or 4 years ago with the very basic 40600 IC cmos synths possible. I have just built a sequencer from Tearaparttapes... and it seems to work fine... I'm not an expert by any means but I manage to put kits altogether if need be. But... as you said... I chronically lack the necessary time, so I prefer to pay 20-30 more to a more knowledgeable friend to do it for me.
    @DKB Nice setup you got there going... I dream of some of the stuff you have, but finance is an aspect I can't neglect unfortunately.

    Here is a patch..., just to encourage you to post your own stuff:
  8. crazydiamond487

    crazydiamond487 Ultrasonic

    Mar 4, 2012
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    happy owner here as well. never been so productive and got rid of the drafts I couldnt turn into proper tracks instead of uninspired 8 bar loops. no desktop synths ever helped that way and I sold about all of them.
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  9. Polomo

    Polomo Guest

    Well not in Hardware
    Sadly prices are too high
    even the smaller prices are high price

    I love the Idea and that's why I own Cherry Audio Voltage and will buy VCV when they go VST

    But Hardware is a Dream when I win in the lottery or some similar :rofl:
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  10. Ozuna baby

    Ozuna baby Ultrasonic

    Feb 11, 2021
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    what the hell, how do you even find the time to learn how to use this beast??? and let's not even talk about money.
    I have tried to play around with softube modular, but I find it so hard and it completly blocks my workflow because I'm so noob with it.
    Looks really cool from the picture though! (your synth I mean)
  11. I couldn't even cope with this semi modular system, so eurorack is a no for me.

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  12. Moogerfooger

    Moogerfooger Audiosexual

    Jun 11, 2016
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    After watching I Dream of Wires & looking at Deadmau5, JunkieXL & Hans Zimmers collection. I don’t really see a point in trying to compete for happy accidents unless I were to win a major lottery.
  13. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    I love the Rossum Electro-Music Morpheus module. my favorite so far, as I'm mostly interested in modular for FX just as send/returns from the board for now. All my synthesis stuff is big conventional gear but I'm sure I will start to add some synth modules sooner or later.
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  14. Kluster

    Kluster Audiosexual

    Jan 1, 2018
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    Got a Neutron a while ago.
    Am looking at modules to augment it.
    Behringer are cheap but some have issues. You get what you pay for.
    Got Softube Modular over the New Years deluge and am going to install it to give me an idea of the hardware modules I want.
    Eventually, I'll be looking for a sampling system to snapshot some of these wonderful and weird sounds before one knob turn loses them forever.
    Learned that from the Synthi AKS many years ago. It was a modular in its own right.
  15. Valnar

    Valnar Rock Star

    Feb 21, 2020
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    Hybrid setup with Behringer K-2 and Crave (MS-20 and Mother32 Clones), DC-Coupled Interface with 3x In & 3x Outs
    Feel like I want some kind of polyphonic hardware synth now but no idea where to look... ideally analog but they damn expensive or only paraphonic like that behringer polymoog
  16. crazydiamond487

    crazydiamond487 Ultrasonic

    Mar 4, 2012
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    Thanks. It is actually quite easy to learn as a real instrument, feels like playing with Legos. i think one needs much more coffee to learn the equivalent in VCV. I tried VCV and softube just some days ago, much later after playing on real Eurorack.

    The reason for me to go Eurorack was the appeal of inspiring hardware and it was clear from the start that I wouldnt replace VST with VCV. The virtual version wasn't for me neither, it pretty kills all the fun. It is still pretty powerful and a very accurate of what to expect. Many new concepts to learn.

    However Loopop made a video to show how good is the integration between hardware and VCV, which is great for example if you don't have all the money when starting (the other part can be emulated for a while).

    Here is my channel where I started to upload jams and modules demo for just 9 months:

    One thing that summarizes how I trust this synth to help me in finishing my tracks: i have now only 1 ableton save at a time. no more folder with dozens of unfinished track ideas. you play the synth, you group the stems and mix them, and tada another track is finished :)
  17. onhappin

    onhappin Ultrasonic

    Jan 27, 2014
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    I was under the impression it's too expensive as well, until I discovered the dedicated facebook trade groups. People are actually selling used modules even for less than half the price. This is how I managed to build what you see in my post for like 1200-1300euros. Now, I know, I know... This may seem expensive too. But the sound is unrivaled.
    @crazydiamond487 Kudos! Lush setup you got there! Also love the fact you dig dub...techno! More techno than dub..., but it's a good start:)
    @Valnar I got them behringers as well. It's a good incentive to go modular... If you're looking for a polysynth, look at Korg's Minilogue. It's cheap for what it does.
    Well... eurorack modular is not wizardry at all. If you know the basics of sound synthesis you should be able to get sound out of it quick. There are dozens tutorials on the tube aiming exactly the basics of modular patching (both virtual (VCV, Reaktor, Cherry or Softube) and analogue). Once you get the flow..., you'll realize that the classic workflow in the daw is somewhat limited and unimaginative. Trust me!
  18. onhappin

    onhappin Ultrasonic

    Jan 27, 2014
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    Oh... come on... you surely have more.
    Here's another pretentious one. I guess I am trying to put a smile on Pierre Boulez's face after all...
  19. Roject

    Roject Audiosexual

    Jan 2, 2019
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    As a owner of digital Cherry Voltage Modular, Softube Modular, VCV Rack, VAZ Modular
    I'm fitting to this thread too? :mad:

  20. Blue

    Blue Audiosexual

    Sep 6, 2015
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    I don't like modular stuff but I would love a Roland System 100m in the future.This thing sounds amazing.Or an Elektor Formant like Lenny has owned.
  21. boomoperator

    boomoperator Rock Star

    Oct 16, 2013
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    Great, and thanks for the tip on I dream of wires!
    Q: do you modular guys have any very fast limiting in your chain to protect loudspeakers (that prevents from buying new ones all the time)?
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