New Speakers (Studio Monitors)

Discussion in 'Studio' started by gab23, Oct 8, 2013.

  1. Olymoon

    Olymoon Moderator

    Jan 31, 2012
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    LV-426 Are you using these? How are the bass / low end definition?

    What kind of music do you mix with it?
  2. LV-426

    LV-426 Newbie

    Aug 29, 2013
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    Monaco Europe
    Hello Olymoon,

    In fact I use these monitors for all my mixes, excepting for my philharmonic composition, or I use the Bowers & Wilkins 800 Series Diamond, which are also used in Abbey Road Studios.

    About the bass for the ADAM Audio A7X, they are blameless. Even sub bass, I have zero distortion. But not at full power. We must be reasonable. These are just of 100/150 watts.
  3. Olymoon

    Olymoon Moderator

    Jan 31, 2012
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    Hi LV 426

    Do you know the price of the Bower and Wilkins?

    Do you have any other suggestion, with power around max 100W , it seems difficult to find quality under certain level. But I don't need to listen so loud.
    For me work around 40 whats is OK. Do you know any other monitors that can do a good job at that level?

    What do you think about these:
    Event 2030
    sE Munro Egg 150
  4. LV-426

    LV-426 Newbie

    Aug 29, 2013
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    Monaco Europe
    For the Bowers & Wilkins 800 Series Diamond, is $23,995.00 Pair!

    Really I don't know. I advise you to go and see on Musician's Friend and other sites that also provide opinions on products.

    Best Regards my dear Olymoon :bow:
  5. Teletoby

    Teletoby Member

    Aug 20, 2011
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    Yeah they are great stuff! But i prefer the SM6 or SM9 Series. I work with the SM Twin 6Be and the Focal 6 Sub. Works perfect. Superior clear and transparent sound. :grooves: :wink:

    By the way, i don't recomend Adam, they are not good for production and else. They are only perfect if you listen your music only on Adams. But never, if you decide to release your music. The huge problem of these speakers is the ribbon tweeter. For example, if you mix something, and you fade in a additional sound, you'll hear the sound on Adams very much earlier then on other speakers. The result is, on Adam the sound is perfect, but on other speaker the sound is silent or not noticable. Any, by the way, the ribbon tweeter does 50kHz, you can torture your dog with it :rofl: :bleh: but thats all. Normal stereos can only handle 20kHz.
  6. thisis theend

    thisis theend Member

    Jul 28, 2013
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    I'll just put those bad boys in my xmas wish list :boombox:
  7. ( . ) ( . )

    ( . ) ( . ) Audiosexual

    Jul 29, 2013
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    I recommend using iphone earphones for mixing and masturbating. The extremely colourised high end just gives you that perfect sound and the bottomless low end is great for really handling your chronic wanking problem.

    It also goes really well with that awesome DAW called Raper, perfect for people who have problems mixing and masturbating.

    Hope this helped... *yes*
  8. ghostinthemachine

    ghostinthemachine Newbie

    Feb 14, 2013
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    Somewhere in the ocean
    True, but theres a big difference between making music and MIXING music. :dunno:
  9. Olymoon

    Olymoon Moderator

    Jan 31, 2012
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    Thank you LV 426 for your answers.

    Bowers & Wilkins 800 Series Diamond = $23,995.00 :wow: I believe I can do good mix with less money.

    Teletoby Thank you for your advices I'll have an eye on these too. SM9 seems fine, it can be at that price 5400€ /pair, focal have a good reputation that even at lower level their speakers keeps objective.

    For what Grammy worth nowadays ... please, it is obtain thanks to fight of managers and majors influences, the jury listen with their wallet.

    We should create our own, these would be the GraNmy awards. :rofl:

    Have anyone tried the Klein & Hummel KH 310 A?
  10. Teletoby

    Teletoby Member

    Aug 20, 2011
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    No, the problem of the Adams, fot itself the Adam speaker sound absolutly great. This is for sure. But if you produce and mix music, you don't listen it only on Adam speaker. Ah i forgot, and the Adams sounds too HiFi, and this is not good for mixing.
    Got it? :wink:

    Like i wrote, i prefer Focal SM6 or SM9
    I work with Focal SM6 Twin in the near field, and PMC BB5 XBD-A in the main field. For mastering i use Grimm LS1s and PMC TwoTwo.8
  11. Olymoon

    Olymoon Moderator

    Jan 31, 2012
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    PMC BB5 XBD-A in the main field. Really for huge places (and huge wallets).

    For mastering i use Grimm LS1s and PMC TwoTwo.8 This is a creative combination !! No phase problem?

    Teletoby, I see you know a lot, could you give me an advice for mixing mastering in 20m2 room?

  12. Teletoby

    Teletoby Member

    Aug 20, 2011
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    Phaseproblems? No.

    20m2 are very small, you'll have alot of problems in the low end, i guess arround 40Hz and 70Hz. You'll need some basstraps. The most important is the acoustic treatmend. Behind you, use diffusers. NO FOAM! It makes the room sound dull because it works only in the high frequency range. You can use pyramid foam behind your speakers until your listing position begins. Then, you can use foam or other diffusers on the side walls next to your listening postion. A good trick to find the perfect postion for your this diffuser is to use a little mirror, a bit of doublesided adhesive tape and the help of a second person. And this how it works. put the mirror with the adhesive tape over or ander your tweeter of your speaker. Look in this mirror from your listing position. Tell the second person to move at the wall on the other side, tell her to make a cross with a pen or something, when the person becomse visible in the mirror. On This position, you must put your diffusers. Do the same with the other side.

    The second way: give the second person the mirror, and teller her to put the mirror at the wall and move it until you can see your speakers from the listening position in the mirror. There you have to put the Acoustic treatment.

    The diffusers, basstraps and absorbers you can build on your own. A good diffuser and Absorber is a IEKA Expedit Shelf 5x5, make a plastic film on the back side and then a wooden plate to close it, and cut mineral wool and put them in each shelf, then use a fluffy fabric to cover the front.

    :wink: :dancing: Happy Building
  13. Evorax

    Evorax Rock Star

    Feb 28, 2013
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    Bowerstone Castle

    OMFG!!! You are so wrong and inaccurate about adam a7x monitors. Saying "they are good for listening, not for making music or mastering" when they'r actually one of the truest representation of a damn mix. You pissed me off telling such a bullsh*t about some famous and award winning monitors like the a7X adams. Are you insane mate? Check for "DeepcentralVEVO" band. I know them personally, they do their own mixing and mastering by their own in their studio, and they made it in music, they are famous in Europe, having even a VEVO account(the standard of the biggest artists) and they'r using adam a7x. How can you say for the christ's sake that they are just for listening? I guess you just hate them.. Even The Cataracs stepped from Genelec 1030a to the new Adam 3way model, the A77X, even Redone have the smaller a5x monitors in one of his production studios.
    Also i saw alot o the big recording studios rockin' the bigest models, far-field monitors from Adam, with ribbon tweeter as well and how they can work with ribbon tweeters and you don't?
    There's something wrong with your perception mate, no offense. Is about how you work with your tools, not the brand or tweeter arhitecture.
    I know what you want to say about the way of sound representation that ribbon tweeters work, but you explained it in a totally wrong and negative way. The normal tweeters can't reveal such a surgical sonic details like a ribbon tweeter, so the ribbon tweeters help you work surgical on your mixes, hearing even the smallest bad details that you won't hear in the normal speakers, and you call this a bad translation, while its actually not! Wanna know why? Because out there you can still find hi-fi speakers and expensive headphones that can reproduce the details you hear on the adams, like the "early behavior" thing, which is actually the true face of the sound signal. If you make music on adams, it doesn't mean that it won't translate well on the other speakers, i saw alot of users on the internet saying that they translate fabulous, also i mentioned about the Deepcentral and The Cataracs artists as examples that use adams and they are famous while you holding back somebody with total bullsh*t, who might like to get a decent pair of monitors to work with. I don't force him for adam monitors, i use for myself Esi Aktiv 08 with dome tweeter which as cheap as they are, they are a steal!! Translate superb if you learn them and i won't upgrade soon, because i have alot of artist customers from other countries that like and praise my results and they pay me for it, they'r subscribed the hell out to me. Back to the monitors, don't dare to trash down the name of the ribbon tweeters just because you're unable to use them for yourself.
    So saying that "early sound reproduction" of the ribbon tweeters is a problem for mixes, automatically describes you as being a rookie.
    Try this, go and blame any grammy-award sound engineer that use monitors with ribbon tweeters tellin' them that they are wrong, guess what? They will kick the he*l out of your ass, busting you out of their door.
  14. Evorax

    Evorax Rock Star

    Feb 28, 2013
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    Bowerstone Castle
    Teletoby try to act like a expert when he actually auto-describe himself on the way of his speech.
  15. Evorax

    Evorax Rock Star

    Feb 28, 2013
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    Bowerstone Castle
    Don't worry about adam monitors my friend, he's actually complaining about their ribbon tweeters, but his explanation is 1% accurate. There's SO MUCH renown audio engineers and famous artists that do their own mixing & mastering on ribbon-tweeter monitors that make millions and being super-stars. He says adam its not for studio use, when there's alot of pros who enjoy them. The "early sound" behavior that he mention about ribbon tweeters in a bad way, is actually the truest representation of the sound signal. If the adams let you hear details earlier, is because that is a pro feature, not a con., that not much other monitors can reveal. There are still hi-fi speakers, live pa and headphones that can reproduce the details that you hear on adams, so don't worry. Check my other post above, you will understand the real truth regarding ribbon tweeters and also examples of superstar artists that is using them. With the wrong things that wannabe-expert Teletoby said, he just auto-received his rookie award position.
  16. Evorax

    Evorax Rock Star

    Feb 28, 2013
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    Bowerstone Castle
    I understand you Teletoby, you're just a Focal fanboy who hate Adams. Pure and simple! :wink: I don't even own adams or ribbon tweeters, i heard them, i tested them, i worked on them on some of my friends's studio, i also know superstars who owns them, and you are so expert-wannabe saying they're not good for studio. I guess your skills are just limited bro, that's all.
  17. Olymoon

    Olymoon Moderator

    Jan 31, 2012
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    Hey guys, please, we don't want to enter in an ego war here.

    Evorax, I'll keep your technical arguments, and throw your useless direct attacks to Teletoby's skills.

    Any way, I know what ribbon tweeter does.

    Teletoby Thank you for your advices about Room treatment.

    Any idea for 3 way monitors in that condition?
  18. Evorax

    Evorax Rock Star

    Feb 28, 2013
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    Bowerstone Castle
    Yea'... i guess i went too far... :thumbsup:

    about 3way monitors, what i can sugest is(from what i remember to be promising): Event 20/30, Neumann KH130, Adam A77x, Focal SM9 and EVE AUDIO SC307. (the Eve are superb)
  19. Olymoon

    Olymoon Moderator

    Jan 31, 2012
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    Thank you Evorax I think that Event 20/30 are closer to my needs. I don't need so much power. Or the SM9 because they are"modular" 2 ways/3 ways.

    It is not an easy decision. As I really want to have speakers to last long, and this is not a few money... :dancing:

    Shit!!! I just saw that the event 20/30 has rear oven. This cant be used in small place like mine...
  20. Evorax

    Evorax Rock Star

    Feb 28, 2013
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    Bowerstone Castle
    Frankly, my esi aktiv 08 on my home studio are rear-ported, untreated small room, like 2m/4m, they'r german quality and can still translate well, i do mastering tasks for 30 euros each in my free time and i got like 8-9 subscribed customers monthly that fight themself for a schedule in my agenda. :rofl: . You have to learn your monitors behavior in the specific enviroment to know how they'r really represent the good face of a mix/master. But mainly i work on production on my studio that i'm half owner, because i made a coop with another guy and we have Yamaha HS80M & Dynaudio BM5a mk2 (he really insisted to get these monitors, but personally, i don't like them that much).
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