Tinnitus and visual snow, now it makes sense

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by altair033, Feb 18, 2021.

  1. altair033

    altair033 Ultrasonic

    Sep 3, 2016
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    Hi there, since I was a kid I have tinnitus, some days ago I was staring at the wall of my room, nothing important, only the pale white color, but there was something else in my vision, I saw a noise like the old tv noise, like the noise filter in photoshop, I've always seen this noise in my entire life and I thought it was a normal thing in the human vision but after researching I discovered that it is called visual snow. Surprised me i realized that it comes with tinnitus, floaters and blue field phonemon (I also have these) so after all these years I finally came across with the real problem. I have visual snow (It has no treatment).
    It's not a big deal but sometimes I tend to obsesse myself with tiny details, as a producer I am obsessed with details and now that I know this I'm seeing more of the visual noise everyday because i'm thinkg of it every minute. I would like to know if you guys have this kind of obssesions with your earing and vision. How do you deal with it? Meditation maybe?
    Any of you have visual snow?
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