Is it possible to promote your music efficiently and gain new real fans with 0 dollars?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Jake Jlinngall, Feb 17, 2021.

  1. Jake Jlinngall

    Jake Jlinngall Kapellmeister

    Dec 8, 2019
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    I actually liked this! If I were competent 18 years ago and knew what I know know I could have helped her write some lyrics that hit a little closer to the heart about that love story she was singing about her ex, but I got a live jazz improv type of feel from it.
  2. Mystiquee

    Mystiquee Newbie

    Feb 17, 2021
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    Time to leave this thread now, because nothing in common with you anymore... Have fun...:wink:
  3. Jake Jlinngall

    Jake Jlinngall Kapellmeister

    Dec 8, 2019
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    Don't be so hard on jazz imo. Hip hop has turned to shit but jazz isn't the most mundane genre around that's forsure.
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  4. Smoove Grooves

    Smoove Grooves Audiosexual

    Jan 26, 2019
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    Exactly! She had more money than creativity and lyrics! EDIT: And yet I believe the track just about sounds legit due to the quality of the playing and recording. This would fit with your premise in the op.
    So I thank you for allowing the off-topic musical interlude.
    But is it OT?
    Because it still shows how we all need 'the next man' to achieve something. IE the studio and its mics, desk, outboard, and engineer.
    (Malcolm came in and tweaked something. We had to change it back! hehe. Lovely man though. Much respect to him.)
    Reading International Musician in the 80s; buying a 4 track; realising that Tascam was the gateway drug to the big boys gear...
    It's always been like this.
    This is why it is important to interact with it from a grounded point of view.
    To enter into it already knowing the truth.
    I was lucky because I saw through the veil around 5 or 6 due to my father's profession, and it blew my mind I admit.
    But as The Pirate said earlier, it IS even easier now to get stuff heard...
    Yet the scene hasn't changed in regards what we are addressing here.
    Glad you liked the track.
    Last edited: Feb 17, 2021
  5. Smoove Grooves

    Smoove Grooves Audiosexual

    Jan 26, 2019
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    It sounds like you are fostering the technique, so go for it!
    I know, you're gonna go and become famous now, right?! (As if you aren't already, here at AS! :winker:)
    Don't forget us!
    (I apologise for the minor 9th chords earlier. And the sus 13. :bow:)
  6. onhappin

    onhappin Ultrasonic

    Jan 27, 2014
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    Guys... I am thankful for threads like this. It goes to show audiosex community is one of the finest. I subscribed...
    'bit stoned over here, heheh!
  7. Meteo Xavier

    Meteo Xavier Ultrasonic

    Nov 6, 2019
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    Double post because it was warranted.

    I myself have a really strange history with the concepts "fame" and "success". At 18 years old, I was THE poster child for someone who thought they were destined to be famous somehow with a ridiculous naivete and no real world knowledge for how to do so. 19 years later, I want to smack 18-year-old me and tell him to wise up. I studied acting and comedy, but I never actually got anywhere or did anything with that. On the other hand, I had NO music ability whatsoever, or talent, or real knowledge, or really any business trying to do it at all. Yet that's the artistic pursuit I've made the most money in so far and my prospects for it have only gone up.

    My whole family has been a weird magnet for connections as well, since before I was born. My paternal uncle is actually a world-famous author who has made millions and millions of dollars with his career in books (I'm not giving his name here). My dad is on the flipside, he is pretty much the Forrest Gump of the live show mixing rock-and-roll world for all the people he's hobnobbed with that you folks have coffee table books on and call inspirations. He's worked for Bob Dylan. You know what he says about working for Bob Dylan? "He steals bicycles." He was even briefly in the Johnny Cash-June Carter family and briefly had my paternal family mixed in with the Carter-Cash family. Johnny Cash even fucking drove him to some places. You know what he says about being Johnny Cash's son-in-law? "He can't drive a stick-shift."

    In my time, that tradition carries on. Through my job, which is literally a small-time internet marketing group run by my mom at the house me and my dopey brothers all grew up in that she's lived at for 28 years, on top of a mountain that has only gotten water from a community well, I've worked directly for a disgraced US politician of some repute, I've worked directly for one of the founding guys for the studio behind "Aqua Teen Hunger Force" and "Squidbillies". Somehow, we managed to get Kent Emmons as a client some years ago, and that means Aubrey Anderson-Emmons (the asian girl for 9 seasons of "Modern Family") has hung out in the same living room that me and my brothers did for 14+ years surrounded by a lot of items and toys that belonged to us (I wasn't there at the time, but I did meet her once and had her hold a door open for me). Past that, I've met Garth Brooks and showed him a fish I caught at a church picnic, I've performed on-stage with Dolly Parton and Kenny Rogers (I was so little that I don't even remember doing it and it was with a bunch of other kids, but I still list it on my resume). Neil Diamond and/or his drummer sent me a drum kit when I was 4 (and I wish I still had it). I've hobnobbed online with famous videogame composers for years even before it became accessible to the general public with social media, as well as other random but rather accomplished celebrities afterwards who have shouted out to me (both positive and negative) publicly in posts.

    Some of the stories are pretty amazing to tell... but that's all they really are. They're just things to brag about to make strangers eyes pop up for half a minute or so. On paper, I've somehow managed to achieve at least half of a goal that should've been impossible to begin with, but so what? It still just feels like "normal life" like all the other non-famous-related shit I've been party to. I'm still permanently, crushingly clinically depressed. My daughter is still dead. I'm still divorced having lost my wife and 9 years of life to an unbelievable combination of mental illness, physical illness, conspiracy by people I thought were friends AND the fucking paranormal. I'm still much, much less basically socially connected through means that are the opposite of some of these "awesome" and lucky stories with famous people. I'm still traumatized for life and so damaged today from all of the above that I literally do not remember why I thought I wanted to be famous in the first place.

    The search for fame is really just the search for something we tell ourselves is meaningful. It's the same shit everyone else always does except this one has a much, much, much, MUCH lower yield for producing results. Go search for rare Pokemon cards or a lake that you like visiting every year or a 1959 Chevy something or other. It really is the same thing at the end of the quest, it might as well be something you could reasonably attain.
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  8. Smoove Grooves

    Smoove Grooves Audiosexual

    Jan 26, 2019
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    @Meteo Xavier I can relate to all that, brother.
    And I know for sure that at least one other person involved in this thread so far could attest to what you've just said.
    My life has been very similar to yours, yet from an even earlier age.
    Things that happen are just contextual to circumstances, and at the end of the day we are all the same when it comes down to it.
    It's just that some haven't worked it out from external observation yet, and they seem to want to experience some dream that doesn't actually exist.
    That is why Foster did have a point earlier.

    I am so sorry to hear all of those factors in your life that you mentioned.
    I think we talked in Inbox about depression and stuff one time?
    It is very common with us creative types. Half the trick is firstly seeing it, then being humble enough to see that we are doing it to ourselves.

    Let's face it. People with our type of minds were shown the tools, and given domestic versions, from an already existing system.
    Or, we were lucky enough to have it around us anyway.
    And because we love music and creativity, we became almost trapped by what we were being fed.
    The medium, with its two speakers, is just 'smoke and mirrors"; a way to provide the medium of music.
    It took precedence prior to our personal incarnations.
    It became an industry.
    The industry uses aspects of our beloved music medium because music is a thing that human beings like.

    But now, there is more potential to reach people with our music.
    And it doesn't have to cost a lot to do that now.
    I think this is the point of the thread; whether or not we need money for other aspects of this trade is pretty obvious.
    If one is just a vocalist and writer though, maybe not a lot of money is needed to achieve a product.

    @Jake Jlinngall Mate, you know we'd all hit up your Soundcloud or Bandcamp TF if you gave us a link?
    People have done that here at AS and we've supported them.
    It all helps.
  9. TeamBeat2019

    TeamBeat2019 Ultrasonic

    Nov 20, 2019
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    To OP
    Change your pathway to realistic option in life go find a real job and live a enjoyable life
    Eventually you will see this Dream is all Bullshit and a Controlled Business
    Keep music to hobby for after work.
    Good luck :wink:
  10. So Miss Tiki, tell me what quality music are you listening to? Which artists do you recommend?
  11. Futurewine

    Futurewine Audiosexual

    Oct 4, 2017
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    Sound City Labs
    one i can think of is click bot for yt.. there people offer it as services but i doubt it's fun doing music that way.. better off change career or quit music if money is what you want to make because making music it's not about making money.. it's about making arts out of sounds and waves.. something like that :shalom:

    edit: not to forget click bait too.. put vewy vewy sexxy thumbnail on top haha.. hate that but i click it lol
  12. tzzsmk

    tzzsmk Audiosexual

    Sep 13, 2016
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    Heart of Europe
    you can make music p0rn videos on p0rnhub :rofl:
  13. Lois Lane

    Lois Lane Audiosexual

    Jan 16, 2019
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    Somewhere Over The Rainbow
    No it doesn't work that way. Your's is a vague and generalized arguement, not thought through and patently false.
    These are ust a few of too many to list. You don't need to like any of these artists, you only need to grasp that they are all famous, intelligent, literate and doing very well creatively for at least the prior 21 years.

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  14. obi-juan

    obi-juan Member

    May 29, 2018
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    Sometimes getting hit with the hard truths of life can be discouraging. So let me share one of my favourite quotes to help motivate you.

    “Hard work beats talent when talent doesn’t work hard” -- Coach Tim Notke

    If you know you have the talent, then great! But you have to push that further by cultivating and promoting it. Many have already pointed it out that the same things are still happening in the industry; it's just happening in a different "scenery" now. I also agree with them that there are more avenues for musicians to reach out to people. On that note, keep on hustling!

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  15. Jim Von Gucci

    Jim Von Gucci Producer

    Oct 27, 2020
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    Imanbek "blew up" last year off his remix of Roses that he made with a budget laptop and budget speakers, headphones. All organic growth online before he signed it to a label.
    Since then he has a track with Marshmellow ft Usher and recent release Rita Ora.
    He might not be a consistent global artist but he put up his remix online in September 2019 and now is working with some main stream artists is pretty good.
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  16. MikewithHeart

    MikewithHeart Ultrasonic

    Aug 6, 2019
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    Did this really change? I thought the spirit of the song, timing of publishing, the personality of the artist, even the look of an artist and so many factors alike made a (good) song become a commercial success (if that is what you mean by "attention of people nowadays").

    I think that the fanbase / possible recipients count a lot more, especially today where social media has grown over many classic media channels.

    Think of influencers that have grown a mainstream fanbase (for their looks, styles, travels, opinions, whatever) have the best chances to push into the music market. Even classic music business has adapted to that already teaming up with them.

    Money can buy you commercial success, in ANY business. But there a enough youngsters in music with a comfortable financial family background that utilize everything you mention and still don't get an ROI that makes sense.

    The barrier you describe sounds like the old days to me, where a couple of decisionmakers direct the market/artist/art in a certain way to commercial success. Thankfully the entry barrier to good recordings or a music video are lower than ever. But this leads to a lot more people being able to deliver something to an audience. So the competition could be a lot tougher.

    There are new names popping up. The product-lifecycle of an artist became a lot shorter.

    If you want that commercial success you have to force it! Grow your fanbase, be out there, be there!

    I feel like you have a desire to get success in music. This place here is awsome. Let it help you.
  17. Jake Jlinngall

    Jake Jlinngall Kapellmeister

    Dec 8, 2019
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    The thing is clearly there is a large market for people who want access to cinema grade music videos at an affordable cost. For independent creatives for there up and coming music, commercials, movie, etc.

    Surly at this point by 2021 so many business plans have been pitched. Why has not a single company like this ever came about?

    I have heard things like "oh the quality of your video doesn't matter" bullshit it doesn't. It's not even hard to obtain. It IS unattainable for 99% of society.

    No one can even afford even rent this gear. This is a monopoly and there is no other way to put it. Controlled business.
    Last edited: Feb 18, 2021
  18. Jake Jlinngall

    Jake Jlinngall Kapellmeister

    Dec 8, 2019
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    Maybe society needs to go to politicians to put in legislation to revoke patents so that other companies can create this at affordable cost if physics allows. I don't know that far on the deep end but I have no idea why this is all so expensive.
  19. I don't think your lack of access to quality film equipment is holding you back. Let us see if your material is first class first and lets help you plan your campaign to stardom.
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  20. Moogerfooger

    Moogerfooger Audiosexual

    Jun 11, 2016
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    This might be a bit off topic, but the camera these days is the least worry. It’s lighting. Lighting makes or breaks any practice production. Shoot something w an 8k REDD and zero lighting vs an iPhone 5 w proper 3 point lighting & hands down the iPhone video will look amazing. Lighting isn’t nearly as expensive & can truly make a 100 mile differnce.
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