Samson SR950 vs Beyerdynamics DT770

Discussion in 'Studio' started by Ghaleon777, Feb 13, 2021.

  1. Ghaleon777

    Ghaleon777 Guest

    I got to compare them, i bought a month ago the Samsons SR950, they sound absolutely amazing...
    Now i tried the Beyerdynamics and the sound is not so much different... like what? its suppossed to sound much better, its almost on par in frecuency response and overall stereo imaging, the Beyers sound a bit more detailed, but seeing the price difference i am shocked... Maybe i tried a faulty pair? anyone as got a similar experience?
  3. Owan

    Owan Kapellmeister

    Dec 13, 2017
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    If you look for best value for money, you'll know which pair to keep according to your listening experience.
    Are you shocked by the result? Did you expect the more expensive ones to sound significantly better?
    Possibly a different pair of DT770s will sound better or worse, you may have a try, but it's impossible to answer this here because it's always very subjective.
    Nobody can tell you whether you got a faulty pair, how should this be measured by listening to two different cans from different manufacturers? Therefor you need a couple of DT770s to compare them with each other.
    Last edited: Feb 13, 2021
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  4. The Pirate

    The Pirate Audiosexual

    Dec 20, 2018
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    The SR950 can be have for $65 and the SR858 for $49. There is no headphones out there in that price range that can beat them.
  5. Ozuna baby

    Ozuna baby Ultrasonic

    Feb 11, 2021
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    May I ask, what model of dt 770 exactly? "Dt 770 Pro 250 Ohm"?
    And also how did you test them? what audio interface and headphone preamp do you have?
  6. Ghaleon777

    Ghaleon777 Guest

    Fair enough, i think that maybe was faulty, but it sounded very good still, just not what i expected in difference.

    I tried the lower impedance one, with a audio interface that i always keep with me when going to shop for headphones or trying guitars, etc.
  7. Dan Fuerth

    Dan Fuerth Kapellmeister

    Nov 2, 2017
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    These can be modded to increase the resistance if required.

    But some detailed info....

    "High impedance headphones (50 ohms and greater) usually require robust amplification to perform their best"

    The lower the OHMS the lower the noise, the less amplification needed when you crank them!!

    So ask yourself do you want PRO sound that requires also a better headphone amp by getting a higher OHM headphones?

    Most consumer ohms will be 32 and under as it is easier to amplify.

    The DT990 come in 32, 250 and daddy version 600 ohms!!
  8. Ghaleon777

    Ghaleon777 Guest

    Yes i know this bro, that is why i tried the lower impedance one, there was another that required much more power, but i also used them with my portable audio interface so either way the comparison was good.
  9. Ozuna baby

    Ozuna baby Ultrasonic

    Feb 11, 2021
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    As far as I know, the 250 Ohm are supposed to be noticeably better than the lower ones. Give a try to the 250 Ohms ones if you can with enough quality amplification. You might change your opinion about these headphones.
  10. Ghaleon777

    Ghaleon777 Guest

    Good, will do, but have you got experience with the Samsons?
  11. Plainview

    Plainview Rock Star

    Mar 9, 2020
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    is it just me or the samson sr950 a bit harsh ?
  12. Ozuna baby

    Ozuna baby Ultrasonic

    Feb 11, 2021
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    No, never tried the Samsons.
  13. Ghaleon777

    Ghaleon777 Guest

    They exagerate the highs a little bit, judging by the frequency response they have, it seems like it.

    Attached Files:

  14. Ozuna baby

    Ozuna baby Ultrasonic

    Feb 11, 2021
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    Don't they all? I mean most cheaper headphones are known to do just that, typical V shape graph.
  15. Ghaleon777

    Ghaleon777 Guest

    Well i wont call these Samsons "cheap" since the freq, response is pretty neutral, except in the highs and the sub lows... i have tried other brands under that same price, like the Shure SRH 240, and they sound much worse even though they dont have the typical V shape, they just dont sound right, lack bass, mids are too prominent, etc.
    I am still impressed at how these compare with the Beyerdynamics, so these arent "cheap", only cheap in price if that is what you mean, but again... the sound is not.
  16. Ozuna baby

    Ozuna baby Ultrasonic

    Feb 11, 2021
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    It's just that you did not try the 250 Ohm version, so it's misleading to say that they compare with the dt 770 pro, because 98% of people that are serious in audio world will be using higher impedance headphones, and it's not because they like to spend money on gear to be able to drive them, but because there are in most cases noticeable differences in the sound.
    That said I am not claiming that the samson are bad headphones, I have never tried them. All I'm saying is the comparison doesn't make sense for me.
  17. Ghaleon777

    Ghaleon777 Guest

    What doesnt make sense is the price difference between each one of them, doesnt matter if its the 250 Ohm version, the price difference is so huge that its unreal. Hope you understand what i mean ;)
  18. Plainview

    Plainview Rock Star

    Mar 9, 2020
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    there is a huge difference in comfortability though , the sr950 is so tight and uncomfortable I can wear the dt 770 all day + there is a difference in sound the sr950 is a bit harsh as I said not as balanced as the dt 770 , comfortability alone justifies the price difference imo
  19. Ghaleon777

    Ghaleon777 Guest

    I dunno man, i dont think that alone is a $200 price difference for me... comfortability yes... the Samsons are a bit tight for me, but they are slowly adjusting each time i use them. The harshness is not a big deal, its just some 4db boost in the 10k range. But well.... to each their own, the market will always make people waste more money on expensive stuff just because its "better". A similar thing happens with plugins.
  20. livemouse

    livemouse Producer

    Feb 13, 2016
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    the two main wire supports in such a design can be bent to clamp as loosely as you want. the main problem with the beyer style is the area my ears are supposed to fit in is too tight. the samson seems to be the same though.
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