Plugins Alliances by R2R & Fabfilter Total Bundle don't work in Pro tools

Discussion in 'Software' started by wilfriedd44, Feb 13, 2021.

  1. wilfriedd44

    wilfriedd44 Newbie

    Feb 13, 2021
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    Hello , i'm writting because there are numerous problems with these activations/Keygens .

    1°) I'm trying to run Brainworx plugins on my computer , with Pro Tools 11. So i've downloaded Brainworx Plugins Bundle with R2R plugin Alliance Keygen . It doesn't work .

    a) I download the official Installer from their website .
    I follow the instructions by R2R , it says to copy the DEVICE ID (given by the software) to generate a licence file (.pa file)

    Then you have to load this generated file into the software and hit "activate" . If you dont do that , you have 14 days trial . So i did that

    I'm ending with the error " Signature integrity check failed , Please contact support" . I hit Ok , then i close & after restarting , i have no more days to try .

    b) If i run the Installer by R2R directly , i don't even have time to try the keygen since Pro tools 11 says :

    The following Plugins are not valid AAX 64 bits plugins , they will be desactivated ... So Pro tools detects modified AAX from R2R

    2°) Same for all the Fabfilter Total Bundle 2019 /2020 plugins by R2R . When you load .AAX files on Pro Tools 11 ( remember Pro tools only uses AAX files since version 11) , it says the same :

    The following Plugins are not valid AAX 64 bits plugins , they will be desactivated

    Need help please .
  3. Metallium

    Metallium Ultrasonic

    Dec 1, 2019
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    Most of plugs out there needs pro tools modified too. Since seems you are running a legit one....
    R2R Waves releases for instance runs in both versions. But this is not the rule.
    Take a look at the R2R info inside the plugin you got...each release has one. Should be written "modified Aax".
    That's why I am still running the 12.5 audiotopia version.
  4. wilfriedd44

    wilfriedd44 Newbie

    Feb 13, 2021
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    I don't really get it . I didn't know it could be possible to have Pro tools cracked , since it requires a key ( ilok2 or Ilok3) which are owned by another company. Yeah i tried waves v12 and it runs .

    I have 2 questions :

    1°Nfo file here is mentionned as : modified AAX .. what's the meaning? i will not work on Pro tools legit software , right ?
    But since i downloaded the Official installer , why did the licence failed? Since it's the same .

    2° What is Audiotopia , i never heard about it
  5. _mahsofabish

    _mahsofabish Guest

    pro tools (v12.5 at least) has been cracked years ago, precisely by AudioUTOPIA... so modified AAXs need a modified host... on the other hand... if you are going to use R2R keygen'd licenses with retail software they will (almost) never work... that stuff (plugin alliance/fabfilter in your case) is patched to accept non-legit licenses... and by the way... ilok has been torn down many times...
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 13, 2021
  6. MetaCastle

    MetaCastle Guest

    Legal pt have working signature checker any aax file that was altered after manufacturer compiled it will fail - why legal installer license failed it because does licence check to defeat it modifications to the aax is needed but then signature will fail Solution: Modified PT
  7. Metallium

    Metallium Ultrasonic

    Dec 1, 2019
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    Pro Tools 12.3 and 12.5 has been cracked (2015 or 2016) by Audiotopia team. So when R2R says about AAX modified in the Info they are telling you to run the Audiotopia cracked version.... They use to put in the Info file when the plugs works in legit PT like the Waves releases. Just check the Waves release info.
    PT can "see" if the plugs are legit or not. That's why you need a cracked PT too. When It sees that the plugs is cracked the license fails. No load at all.
    You can find the PT 12.5 Audiotopia at the Sister site. Torrents sites may have it as well. I am not sure if you can run both versions in your PC, 11 and 12.5. Version 10 (rtas) and 12 (aax) can run with no issues because they are different build. V11 is aax already so I think you need to remove it.
  8. wilfriedd44

    wilfriedd44 Newbie

    Feb 13, 2021
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    wooooooww GUYS U'RE AWESOME !!! now i understand the process !!!

    last question , pro tools asks me to update from Pro tools 11 to 2020.12 . Is Pro tools 2020 a new version , or is it 12 but modified?
    because i thought there were only Pro tools 10, 11 , 12 etc ..When i saw 2018 , 2019 , 2020 , i thought it was Pro tools 12 - 2018/19/20
  9. _mahsofabish

    _mahsofabish Guest

    It's a completely new version...
  10. Metallium

    Metallium Ultrasonic

    Dec 1, 2019
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    If you keep a legit version you will always have plugs errors if the plugs is cracked. Just a matter of try and error to see which one runs.
    How I said in the first response that's why I sill use the 12.5.
    It is simple as it is. If you go to legit PT most of the plugs you can install needs to be legit too.
    PT11 is asking you to upgrade to the 2020.12 (year and month). It is the latest legit PT released on December 2020.
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