when is hip hop going to leave these clowns in the past?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Jake Jlinngall, Feb 10, 2021.

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  1. Xupito

    Xupito Audiosexual

    Jan 21, 2012
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    Don't mind me, just here for the show.
    You guys sure know how to throw a party.
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  2. SoundPorn

    SoundPorn Member

    Feb 23, 2020
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    That 69 song is fire I wish he rapped it over the SmokePurpp Wu Tang flip.
    BTW all your favorite rappers are working with the Feds so what 69 did is nothing new in fact it's nearly tradition. The big difference is they actually wanted to shut 69 up and didn't expect him to actually snitch publically which takes a ton a balls most wouldn't understand.
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  3. Sinus Well

    Sinus Well Audiosexual

    Jul 24, 2019
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    Hmm... I may be wrong, but I think this is a reflection of problems in society on artists. I do see some problematic values that are taught to children through music / music videos or are taught in a problematic way. Yes, violence, money, pornography, drugs, bmi's to name a few things. But kids are not stupid and don't become drug dealers or gangbangers because rappers tell them stories about it / because they brag about it or because they play gta or because they watched scarface....
    They become drug dealers, gangbangers, etc. because for example they attend a 1-rated school, grow up in the ghetto or completely homeless, because their parents don't earn enough money despite working 3 jobs, because family members have been riddled with bullets or because they believe that this will give them a chance to earn enough money to move up financially. No one (not even a child) is stupid enough to intentionally become socially degraded in order to live the lifestyle conveyed by music. It is certainly debatable to what extent the lifestyle conveyed by music can mentally prevent a person from rising above and escaping from a hamster wheel if he is stuck in exactly the lifestyle conveyed by music, but music is a reflection of society, not the other way around. Of course, there are always exceptions when it comes to the targeted manipulation of society - see product placement.
  4. MetaCastle

    MetaCastle Guest

    Tomorrow :hillbilly:
  5. recycle

    recycle Guest

    when I am forced to listen to modern hiphop then I have to detox by watching Gunther's videos for at least an hour
  6. Howard Carpendale

    Howard Carpendale Platinum Record

    Feb 2, 2021
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    There was reports that tilidin abuse under young juveniles was going straight through the roof when capital bra and 187 fonsi bande did begin with there tilidin and other drugs rap .It may be very weak opioid but its still opioid and will bring massive withdrawal .
  7. Quakeaudio

    Quakeaudio Producer

    Jun 5, 2011
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    Zeta Reticuli
    Nothing Hip Hop, only Clowns and Show :)
  8. curtified

    curtified Audiosexual

    Feb 3, 2015
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  9. Mystiquee

    Mystiquee Guest

    Everything has to do with money.

    Unfortunately, since the philosophy of money was introduced, money was tied to stupidity.

    The stupider, the more access to money. If we divide the amount of money in the hands of idiots by the amount of money in the hands of wise people, we get a very large number.

    Money is a tool of fools to develop stupidity on the planet. Never expect idiots to spend money in a direction other than foolishness.

    Currently, hip hop music has the greatest potential for idiots to innovate to spread stupidity. If we take the money out of this nonsense music and spend it on other fields, the idiots will start working and recruiting in those fields again.
  10. Jake Jlinngall

    Jake Jlinngall Kapellmeister

    Dec 8, 2019
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    So if one wants to become successful these days he has to dumb down his art and expressions and rap/sing about nonsense.

    Was the system meant to be this the way you described? Surely it wasn't designed this way and there are things we could do to stop this from happening. Cause what you just described isn't good for anyone but the idiots you described and what is good for them is poison to people like us.
  11. Mystiquee

    Mystiquee Guest

    Sorry, you're a little late.

    After I sent my first post, one of them who didn't want to be named, PMed me and offered me good money so that I would not talk too much against them. I had to accept. Unfortunately, my project failed.

    I am going to start my work tomorrow, I haven't been told anything about the work yet, but they just said it's very easy and I don't need to bother much.:shalom:
  12. oR1_PRS

    oR1_PRS Noisemaker

    Apr 18, 2018
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    Me dan vergüenza ajena esos tipos
  13. WillyA

    WillyA Producer

    Oct 26, 2019
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    If you need autotune to be able to sing, you shouldn't be 'singing'. Callas, Pavarotti, Lanza, Elvis etc, never needed autotune and back then it didn't exist.

    Autotune is like TV and the Internet - inventions that we would all be better off without! At least many of the Heavy Metal bands have singers that don't rely on autotune and the don't throw in warbles and that kind of crap like most of today's 'stars' do.

    I gave up listening to modern 'singers' in the most part as well as the so-called music. There are some exceptions, but very few. Most of today's 'singers' can't sing to save their lives, but the crap is forced down our throats by the media. Like Rap and Hip Hop, some ass out there decides what we should like and they just flood the airwaves with CRAP, whilst REAL singers and REAL musicians are studiously ignored and our 'learned' teachers and professors brainwash kids in what is good and what is bad..

    Just go back to the 1960's. Bands which took drugs, smashed up hotel rooms and suchlike and bragged about it (The Beatles, Rolling Stones, etc) Still remain "famous" but the ones who never made the headlines for all the wrong reasons have faded away and no one remembers them any longer.

    If you can screech, croak, trill and warble, and 'sing' in the cracks between the black and white notes, in this era you'll get recognized, especially if you can get onto the news for some sort of criminal offense, crazy outfit, semi-nudity or just downright disrespect, you can make it all the way to the top. Talent is not necessary, it's only mediocrity that gets into the news. Remember "all men are equal" so we really do NOT want REAL talent to be recognized, only the mediocre because then EVERYONE can get onto the band wagon.

    One would imagine that with all the modern gear and access to all manner of information that the arts (and the world in general) would be getting better and better, but instead it gets worse and worse every year. It's going to offend some 'woke' person if you dare to compare the talent of someone like Andrea Bocelli with some gangsta black rapper. People like Bocelli are to be CANCELLED to make way for mediocre garbage.

    Maybe it's a good thing that the world leaders have decided to bankrupt innovation, health and morals and ban the arts in all it's forms, by suggesting that ballerinas should retrain in computer skills as should all "musicians". Pop and ALL concerts have gone forever. If you think that things will ever get back to what they were, you are deluding yourself. Just obey like good little sheep.
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  14. Jake Jlinngall

    Jake Jlinngall Kapellmeister

    Dec 8, 2019
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    This is how I picture what the kids defending rat9 and these clowns look like...
  15. Retrolize77

    Retrolize77 Audiosexual

    Nov 20, 2017
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    Wakin up 2 this was the right answer to this thread :guru:
  16. Vader

    Vader Platinum Record

    Jun 15, 2011
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  17. Dildo Baggins

    Dildo Baggins Kapellmeister

    Nov 22, 2019
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    We live in the age of the degenerate. The trashy, vulgar, self absorbed "stars" that pollute the airwaves today are just that, trash.

    Not all wars are fought on the battlefield
  18. Mystiquee

    Mystiquee Guest

    There is a logic behind every phenomenon. The essence of the material world is based on logic, whether we accept it or not.

    There is even logic behind irrationality. So we must rest assured that the world isn't ruled by irrational humans.

    History is full of irrational people and phenomena. It is usually difficult, but not impossible, to fight the people behind irrational people.

    We have to look at how to fight irrationality. We just have to find ways and means with patience.

    One way to deal with the stupidity in music is to talk to developers and crackers so that they don't give idiots the tools to produce music. How do you think we can negotiate with R2R and convince them to make these tools available to people when they are sure of the rationality of its users?:dunno:
  19. Dildo Baggins

    Dildo Baggins Kapellmeister

    Nov 22, 2019
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    It's not their problem though. A Grand council of emcees should be set up whose sole purpose is to issue licences to those that are deemed to have passed an emcee test. We must be able to vote these council members in and out of office to make sure they listen to what we, the listener have to say. That should do it.
  20. Mystiquee

    Mystiquee Guest

    What you said will never happen in practice.

    Because stupidity is now a deliberate and thought-out product. The people behind the scenes do not like the number of idiots on the planet to decrease.

    One of their strategies is to provide as many tools as they can to stupid people so that the number of idiots increases day by day.

    Stupidity will not be eradicated unless these tools are taken away from short-sighted people, or in other words, disarmed.

    The end...
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