when is hip hop going to leave these clowns in the past?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Jake Jlinngall, Feb 10, 2021.

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  1. alwin1

    alwin1 Kapellmeister

    Jan 2, 2021
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    While we are at it. Fuck De Niro and Al Pacino, they aren't real gangsters. Also fuck these Avengers movies, I just found out that Hulk isn't really green and strong and that all is CGI. I also have heard that Tony Stark isn't really a tech Billionaire but just an actor. Yesterday I found out that the fashion magazines Photoshop the models!!!! and that instagram models also Photoshop!!!!! their pics!!!!! and don't look perfect in real life. My world collapsed the moment I found out.

    Please bring back the real mobsters from New York and the real mutants from failed experiments and the perfect 10/10 women with perfect curves and perfect faces who never age.

    These topics are always so hilarious, just like kids who find out that santa isn't real. Our whole world is fake. Instagram, movies, music everything in entertainment is fake and always has been. If you are not 12 years old and a grown adult you should known that. Or do you really believe 6ixn9ne wants you to believe that he pushes tons of cocains? Do you really believe that shit tupac, biggie, fifty, eminem, drake, lil wayne or any other rapper rapped about was real? More than half of that shit eminem rapped about his mom was fake and untrue, but it brought more sales. Don't get me started on telling you where Drake or Tupac lied.
    "ReAl HiPhOp" pretty much invented fake beefs and fake marketing in the first place.
    They do what brings in the money and rhymes in that moment, nothing else.

    You also should start to cope with the fact, that not everyone has the same taste in music as you do and that your taste of music isn't somehow superior to someone elses taste.

    Music evolves and always has.
    I remember people saying the the same thing (these clowns with baggies, oversized tshirts, bandanas and broken english) when drake, eminem, 50 cent, cashmoney rappers came out. And now they stopped hating them and praise them as legends while now hating the soundcloud rappers for the same reasons. The hatecircle somehow never ends and is most of the time just filled with jealousy.

    What do you even want at this point? To exclude everyone from rap who isn't a murderer, rapist or drug dealer? And after that, exclude all normies from participating in books, stories or movies about things they haven't gone through in real life? Do you realize how stupid that is?

    I'd rather have 6ixn9ne obviously exaggerating about the things he raps about so everyone with atleast on braincel knows that its fake than someone like eminem tryharding to pretend his lies about his mother and past are true so he get more sales. 6ixn9ne has stated multiple times that he is playing a role and not rapping about his life, meanwhile eminem still insists that everything he raps about is true and has build his whole career on the back of his own mother.
    Last edited: Feb 10, 2021
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  2. Hareesh S

    Hareesh S Producer

    Dec 26, 2019
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    Is it not good that they don't actually commit crimes that they rapper about?! Unless you believe hiphop should only be about girls money and crimes and the artist has to be involved in it all, I don't see a problem here. If you don't like it, don't listen, don't whine.
  3. SuperNinja

    SuperNinja Noisemaker

    Jan 11, 2021
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    if they really were "gangsters" in the past, it means that they made a living from crimes... meaning they dont act morally, so they wont have a problem lying to you or decieving you... it is clearly an advantage to their old ass when they say stuff like "the new rappers are not real" and whatnot...

    this whole "real" whatever thing is all just a manipulation for naive people. yea sure ghetto is a place of REAL loyalty...

    "having to commit crimes in order to survive" ?? wow such heartbreaking situation... damn society that them wrong, such poor boys... no, its deffinetly not just another story to manipulate you...

    ever occured to you that maybe they do crimes because thay want to or like to? Lol yea lets idolize these people and play into their delusions that they should be the authority judging the scene.
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  4. flush with your foot

    flush with your foot Platinum Record

    Apr 12, 2017
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  5. Lois Lane

    Lois Lane Audiosexual

    Jan 16, 2019
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    Somewhere Over The Rainbow
    Bob Marley was a peace loving guy with a heart as big as a whale but could write a classic where he could imagine killing another human, to shoot him down.

    Anybody who knows about these two guys knows that they have not lived a life of kill or be killed. It's just a musical expression and way to make a living for them.

    And...glorifying violence in art is kind of fucked up in my personal opinion but everyone has the right to their voice as long as there is no call to incite or act it out on another. On the other hand, a rapper who spits out poetry about capping an enemy might be fueling the a case for some D.A..

    What's the difference between any screenwriter creating something from their armchair that they themselves have not experienced in the flesh, writing in the first person about a murder or another crime that you watch on a screen, and these two guys rapping about devious deeds from their imagination?
  6. Pipotron3000

    Pipotron3000 Audiosexual

    Mar 13, 2013
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    Because hip hop is a capitalist scam for idiots
    When there was a SOCIAL "black" battle in USA, capitalist class created "african urban culture" to REPLACE black social battle by a RACIAL battle scam.
    Why do you think capitalist class PAID them ?
    To help fighting them back ?

    Hip hop is PURE capitalism : cars, naked women like objects, money in every clip, diamonds ...

    Since then, everything related to so called "african urban culture" (witch mean NOTHING) is just pure capitalist bullsh*t
    hip hop (and crappy pseudo "RnB") is the last stone on black ppl tomb

    Hip hop was created to make black ppl stupid, to avoid SOCIAL battle
    They even call themselves "n1ggers" (what a joke ... after that they complain about "racism" to get more bucks)

    See the result ? IT WORKED !!!
    A bunch load of no brain capitalist slaves showing their money in videoclips

    Some reading :
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  7. Valnar

    Valnar Rock Star

    Feb 21, 2020
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    never give up :no:

    No it can be opposite, google conscious rap
    hip hop is versatile you have programmers, gays, women rapping about their lives
  8. curtified

    curtified Audiosexual

    Feb 3, 2015
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    I have a song with smokepurpp:

    I think he has bars. He also produces a lot of his own music.

    The rap game always evolves as does all music. Just because you cant relate to what the current vibe is doesn't mean it's bad. It just means that you aren't in touch with what is going on. That's ok. Look to yourself not the game. Most of the time we project our frustration toward something we don't understand when it is something we are upset within ourselves.

    Embrace the uncomfortable.
    Let it evolve again as it always does.

    If hip hop never evolved we would all be stuck here saying a hip hop hibby.
    Last edited: Feb 10, 2021
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  9. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    lol @ "Soundcloud rappers". they are like keyboard commandos, but with microphones. When did their "artist names" start looking like AOL screen names?
  10. Donut Nyamer

    Donut Nyamer Audiosexual

    Aug 24, 2019
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    Hip Hop will never step on it's own white sunglasses.
  11. alwin1

    alwin1 Kapellmeister

    Jan 2, 2021
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    Yes you are so fucking right.

    Not the government floating black neighborhoods with drugs or denying them human rights or the racist judical system, or the overcrowded jails or the high unemployment rate is the reason of black peoples misery in the US.
    Is it actually music, especially Hip Hop music which is also the only musical genre, no actually the only product ever created with the intention to make money.

    That's some straight alt right fascist bs from you. Enough Internet for me.
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  12. curtified

    curtified Audiosexual

    Feb 3, 2015
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    My guy. You are thinking way too deep on the subject. It's really not that serious. Understand the current climate of music and don't get upset about it.

    Most popular music these days is just becoming "content" for an overall brand. It's not a musical artist anymore when it comes to mainstream and hip hop.

    If you accept that the shelf life of a modern song is not much longer than a tweet, snap, ig story. A song is made just as fast as someone whips out their phone, takes a pic, face tunes it, and posts it then they move on.

    Be open to the ever evolving game that we play in called the music industry. Don't be mad at the changes.

    As for the subject matter in hip hop, you are pointing out. You obviously aren't immersed in the culture enough to understand why popular rappers choose the topics they do.
  13. The Pirate

    The Pirate Audiosexual

    Dec 20, 2018
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    If anyone is selling a bulletproof vest, please PM me. I want to post on this thread but am afraid of getting shot at or stabbed. Too many hardcore gangsters here, and I am just a white pussy ass py rat from мать Россия.
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  14. curtified

    curtified Audiosexual

    Feb 3, 2015
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    Ill give u a deal on 2 no cap
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  15. triggerflipper

    triggerflipper Audiosexual

    Jan 4, 2021
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    trump tower
    I only listen to middle class rappers.
  16. curtified

    curtified Audiosexual

    Feb 3, 2015
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  17. Jake Jlinngall

    Jake Jlinngall Kapellmeister

    Dec 8, 2019
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    It's not about how good someone can mix, master , producer or how good the record sounds. What the artist is saying is the most important thing and the culture he is spawning.

    Fools like the two I posted do neither. Spew out lies and bullshit they never did and flex clothes and jewelry they don't even own in a face full of tattoos because they want attention.

    What type of clown shit is that? Who in their right mind would defend that? That's not evolution homie that's deception. The blind wanting to lead the blind will get us nowhere. These are not kings nor men. These are grown ass boys who are pimped out by some greedy ass label. So many kids are struggling these days and I wonder why? Look who yall uplift and rise to Kingsmen. 6ix9ine nor smokepurp or any of these type of rappers's music will not even remotely get you close to a luxurious lifestyle that you own and wish. There are only so many spots. If all the spots are filled by clowns real kings who should be there won't be get their spot and you will a ideocracy idiots and clowns leading everyone..
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  18. Sinus Well

    Sinus Well Audiosexual

    Jul 24, 2019
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    Does someone like Quentin Tarantino have to commit mass murder before he can make a film like Kill Bill without being accused of lack of credibility?
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  19. alwin1

    alwin1 Kapellmeister

    Jan 2, 2021
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    You are still not getting it?

    Tupac rapped 90 percent of the time about how many cops he killed, how many women he rapes and how many drugs he pushed. He claimed to live in the ghetto while being a millionaire. Only around 5 percent of this tracks can be somehow considered deep while most of the deep tracks are are also just lies to attract more listeners.
    I can also quote a bunch of fifty lyrics, biggie lyrics or NWA lyrics. They did the same. Cars, sexy women, money. That's what all of them ever rapped about. Any deep track these guys ever made was with the intention to attract more listeners. But people nowadays don't want to hear deep rap anymore. That's why Eminem is doing washed out pop rap and stopped bashing his mom, people got sick of his whining and lies and so he totally changed his style of rap. Most people have enough bs in their lives and want to listen to music which makes them feel good.

    If tupac and biggie were alive today they would feature justin bieber and autotune the shit out of auto tune pro and would make T-Pain jealous, because that shit sales.

    You are just biased because you listened to the older rappers when you were younger. The lyrics in hip hop didn't change much, only the beats did.
    Last edited: Feb 10, 2021
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  20. Jake Jlinngall

    Jake Jlinngall Kapellmeister

    Dec 8, 2019
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    Rap/Hip Hoip is REAL entertainment. At least it used to be and still should be. Comparing artist to actors and shit from movies is not making any sense homie. Name another source of REAL entertainment for the common everyday black or white urban man and urban lifestyle besides sports... I'll wait. Music is and Hip hop in general is valuable, therapeutic, and archival as hell if done right and we are taking it for granted.

    The crazy shit about it all is if you are no a thug or have never been in the streets that's cool! No one is knocking you. We knocking the FRAUDS. Lying in your bars. That's corny and we shouldn't accept that.

    If you know how to write and you truly are a emcee it don't matter whether you in the streets or you live with ya momma and play the game all day you will come up with dope bars and concepts. A lot of these cats lack in creativity and they need to read more as they don't know anything and they can't see the world deep enough. So they think the only way to get success if through acting hard and doing drugs etc and writing about that. They that's the only level that can reach mentally. They SUCK at writing bars and coming up with dope concepts and that is because of education and IQ. That's the problem.
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