Nexus 3 vs sylenth 1

Discussion in 'Software' started by samsome, Feb 4, 2021.

  1. joem

    joem Producer

    Dec 17, 2011
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    stuckin the 80s thats the biggest pileof bs ive read in the last week i have nor have i ever wanted the need to use nexus period im a sound desighner first producer second nexus takes away the enjoyment of music the actualcreation part its like i said a soundfont player.
  2. joem

    joem Producer

    Dec 17, 2011
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    look at it this way nexus is for those people who dont want to make an effort but stillget results the typeof people who complain about getting fat but never seem to do anything about it apart from eating less. nexus is the eating less but the main work in loosing weight is the effort you have to put in by going to the gym doing cardio etc thats the good effort and thats the sound desighn part of muisc the fact that even though the results there is pratically the same but its a little bit better becasue you crafted the sounds in the track.just like when you start to exacise more its the same you but a better you because you made an effort.
    Last edited: Feb 8, 2021
  3. Doctor_Me

    Doctor_Me Platinum Record

    Oct 16, 2016
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    I really don't think using a rompler make anyone a worst producer or musician, in the end of the day it's all about make good music, the tools are just tools. Say someone only is a good producer if they sound design their own sounds is like saying someone only is a good guitar player if they built their own guitar. I don't use Nexus and honestly I avoid presets in general, but it's just a personal preference cause for me it's easier and faster to create the sound I need than stop everything and start scrolling for presets trying to find something to fit my track, but, I bet there are a lot of good and usable sounds in Nexus and if it sounds good for you and fits your track, why not use it? The listeners don't care how you made your sounds, they just care if it sounds good. If something works for you stick to it, as I've said tools are just tools and there are no rules.
  4. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    i like the simplicity of sylenth1, u have a very limited waveform palette which is great, otherwise im stuck in selecting waveforms xD

    I learned originally sound design with 3xOsc and V-Station (made a whole soundset back in 2010), then a little soundset in Massive, also bigger ones in Sylenth1. Sylenth1 is very versatile, it can do fake FM for example or you can create synthetic piano sounds with it. The limitation made it so great. And its very cpu friednly for the sounds you get.

    Its great that u start sound design in Serum, since its the more modern synth anyway, past 2014, back in 2008 as i got seriously indo sound design, it was Massive & Sylenth1, which could create u the EDM sounds, there was nothing else, which could be compared to crossplatform-wise. (maybe ES2 in Logic, but well this was bounded on apple)

    I am still not sure why people think Nexus sounds better? All the synths outthere will always sound better, when u know how to program them ... clearly a lot of people never bothered with that, but thats okay, bcs when u not enjoy creating patches for urself, its just normal.
  5. Doctor_Me

    Doctor_Me Platinum Record

    Oct 16, 2016
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    I see, most of the times i just go for the basic analog tables too, classic sounds like square subs, sine 808s and saw pads willl aways have space on any track and they will aways work... And honestly I would use Sylenth myself if I stil have it, specially because it's really CPU efficient, even with a lot of voices and layers, but I prefer to have the minimum ammount of tools and really know them inside out.

    Wow, learning sound design in 3xOsc is like learning how to game on ATARI, really limited and simple but can take you on a long journey... Just figured out how 3xOsc work way after I learn how to program synths, and the fact that the ADSR and LFOs are "hidden" don't help much the beginners on sound design to understand it. And oh, almost forget about Massive, I have really good memories about it, specially in the Oliver Heldens future house era when I discovered the FM metallic basses, still didn't had a clue about sound design at that time, so everything was magical to me back then, really miss those times. And yeah, Sylenth and Massive will always have a place on my heart, the only reason I don't recommend it, specially for beginners and people that don't know how to sound design is because nowadays most of the genres will eventually need some more organic sounds like marimbas, guitars, strings, etc. what makes other synths a wisier choice, specially if one is going to spend money on it.

    I think the target audience of Nexus are people that either don't know how to sound design or don't like doing it while producing, and honesty I believe most of the people that would download it if it got cracked would end up not using it afterwards. But specially for beginners, I really think it's a nice tool, cause they can focus more on arrangement and composition and don't stress much about the technical side of the production. That's how I use to produce when I started out, my tracks would sound way better if I knew sound design back then, but I think everything happens on the right moment.
  6. DoubleTake

    DoubleTake Audiosexual

    Jul 16, 2017
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    Ok, now combine that paragraph into just one sentence with no punctuation.
  7. DoubleTake

    DoubleTake Audiosexual

    Jul 16, 2017
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    The same might be said about spelling and punctuation. :bow:
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