Nexus 3 vs sylenth 1

Discussion in 'Software' started by samsome, Feb 4, 2021.

  1. MikewithHeart

    MikewithHeart Ultrasonic

    Aug 6, 2019
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    + In Omnisphere you can do some entry-level unique stuff like copying the processing of one sound to others. For example if you found a watery piano it is like copy/paste to create your watery guitar for example.

    Omnisphere is huge. If you have the budget and don't want to get into synthesis go the nexus route. Browsing presets in Omnisphere can be a productivity killer due to the vast amount.

    But Omnisphere can take you anywhere you want if you master it. I'd suggest you try Omnisphere.
  2. reignerrr

    reignerrr Ultrasonic

    Jul 9, 2017
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    i'm sick of people saying this kind of SHIT... in nexus there's a lot of sounds that are sweet and beautiful

    in sylenth the majority of the sounds are generic and boring
  3. Smoove Grooves

    Smoove Grooves Audiosexual

    Jan 26, 2019
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    Try being me for the last few days here! You'll realise this is nothing to get wound up about.
  4. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    UVI Falcon2 is a lot more like Nexus than Omnisphere, and is a very nice sounding alternative to Nexus. Relatively lightweight, sound bank expansions are nice but not necessary, synth is full of good features, and very stable on Mojave.
  5. Smoove Grooves

    Smoove Grooves Audiosexual

    Jan 26, 2019
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    We're supposedly talking about Nexus vs Sylenth here.
  6. MetaCastle

    MetaCastle Guest

    With Nexus 3 you will become a god and got is in the clouds where Nexus 3 is put you daw and production on a highest level experience how is to make music on the clouds become a god yourself. Order your copy today and be part of the clouds and the sky :hillbilly:
  7. Polomo

    Polomo Guest

    True ...but you can't change the parameters in this "synth section " in Nexus . It's a Rompler after all

    Sorry but I think you have no clue at all what Falcon,Omnisphere or what Nexus does .

    In Nexus, you can't edit anything about the sound it self .
    Some FX’s and that’s it

    In Omnisphere you have a lot of Synth functions (
    FM – frequency modulation, naturally.
    UNI – unison.
    RM – ring modulation.
    WS – wave shaper.
    HRM – Harmonia, more below on this one.
    GRN – granular synthesis.)

    Lot´s of Modulations .
    (Also playing Samples )

    Also Falcon
    FM – just what the name implies; more below.
    Wavetable – offers morphing wave playback along with some interesting unison manipulations.
    Basic analog – one oscillator with the usual fundamental analog waveform types, PWM, sync, unison (in addition to that found at the layer level).
    Analog stack – eight oscillators much like those in basic analog but with a few limitations; all with individual gain, pan, pitch settings; all but the first can be synced (to oscillator 1).
    Drum – geared specifically toward creating synthetic percussive sounds.
    Noise – just what the name implies, but with fifteen varieties including Crackle, Dust, and other tantalizing selections.
    Organ – emulation of an electronic organ with eight “drawbars”.
    Pluck – something unique; more below.
    Addtive - Since version 2 . Adding Harmonics
    Lot´s of Modulations .
    (Also playing Samples )

    Compared to that
    Play Rompler sounds full stop

    Similarities in Color :woot: (Just what I found in an article

    If I search a bit more I will find more :rofl:)

    Ok and back to the main Topic

    Nexus is not really a Synth. It's a Rompler
    You just simple can't change a sound
    Sylenth is not my Fav. (It's really limited compared to the limitless possibilities of Zebra 2, MSoundfactory or Cherry Audio Voltage ) but still 10 times more versatile than Nexus
    If you don't like the sound you can build your own
    With Nexus that not possible

    If they were Kitchen Tools
    Synlenth would be a knife
    and Nexus would be you specially for Oranges Blender where you can buy a tool for apples (60$) one for Strawberries (60$) one for Lemons (60$) and so on :winker: I hope you'll get what I mean.
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 7, 2021
  8. Roject

    Roject Audiosexual

    Jan 2, 2019
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    Why They just didn't make this section editable?!

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  9. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    @Polomo, I have legit licenses for all 3 and know exactly what they do. Many Falcon2 users buy all the expansions and use it almost exclusively as a rompler style plugin with simple tweaking. It's about as resource hungry as Nexus, i.e. somewhat lightweight and very stable. In this way they are rather comparable.
  10. Moogerfooger

    Moogerfooger Audiosexual

    Jun 11, 2016
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    Different birds. But both have their place in the food chain... Omnisphere can do way more than Nexus, but you buy Nexus for the presets not deep editing like Omnisphere. Throw OTT on Omnisphere presets & it almost instantly has a Nexus vibe lol.
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  11. Polomo

    Polomo Guest

    I made different experience

    on KVR Falcon 408 Pages of Falcon users taking about it .... 3 Pages with mention "expansions "
    Same on the second hand market , most sell 3-5 Expansions with Falcon (And they are most likely bought with the voucher )

    It's a bit strange to take that as a point of reference (For me there are 100+ VST with similar features )
    In stability, I had for years only one really unstable VST (Sektor by initialaudio)
    And In resources with 6,8 or 12 Cores it's not more so important for a VST to be lightweight (and with cascading PC power even more )
  12. Doctor_Me

    Doctor_Me Platinum Record

    Oct 16, 2016
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    Nah... Then Nexus users will realize that if they modify the parameters they can even make it sound like REFX newest expansion, what will make the sales drop :rofl:
  13. Doctor_Me

    Doctor_Me Platinum Record

    Oct 16, 2016
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    I get your point and agree, Serum really sound too clean for me most of the time too, but for pop and modern EDM it kinda work well, even tho 99% of the time I end up saturating it's sounds while mixing to add some color anyway.
    But A.N.A. 2 in my opinion is the complete opposite, It really have some analog vibes to it, specially if you drive it's filters (what actually drive the sound through the filter, different than the Serum filter drive that only reaise the level), and the built-in parametric EQ module really help to get the sound "ready" without think much about post processing. It's my go-to when I need some analog or synthwave inspired sound, and it sounds really convincing. Really worth a check, don't know if you tried the second version of A.N.A. but I can guarantee that it has nothing to do with the first version that was boring and generic.
  14. Joe_sleaze

    Joe_sleaze Platinum Record

    Feb 7, 2016
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    It's not about features it's about WHAT you can achieve with the features it has, and there are possibilities enough.
  15. Doctor_Me

    Doctor_Me Platinum Record

    Oct 16, 2016
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    Yeah, not saying Sylenth is unusable and sounds dated... If you already have it and need a sound that is possible to make with it, go for it... In the end of the day most of the sounds I create in Serum are sounds that I could be creating with Sylenth as well, analog wave oscilators and basic low, band and high pass filter will never be replaced and will work well for most of the tasks. But if one is intended to buy a synth I really don't recommend buying Sylenth, cause in the long run this person will need to buy something else to fill the gaps Sylenth have. So, in my opinion, is better to have one synth that fits all your needs and know it pretty well than have lots of synths and use one for each task. And, if you go legit with your synths than it's going to save you a lot of money as well.
  16. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    i just noticed i have them only compared in terms of pluck sounds and supersaws and there surely sylenth1 still wins for me.
    when i stack up saws in Serum and ANA i got a very noisy sound out of it, means it lacks the low end, mid end for me. hmm :thinking:
    Not sure this happends, maybe the wrong saw waves?!
  17. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    Because they want to buy new expansions and want you not to be able to do new sounds on your own.
    Avenger has this still a bit solver imo.
  18. Doctor_Me

    Doctor_Me Platinum Record

    Oct 16, 2016
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    Nice, honestly I never tried to compare its sounds like A/B-ing... I start making music with Sylenth, but back then I didn't had any Idea of how to create my own sounds or even how a synthsizer works, only use presets from it, and when I decided to learn sound design I did it on Serum, and since it got all the features I could possibly need I just never look back, It has been years now from the last time I used Sylenth.
    But getting back to the topic, as you are saying it clearly has some sort of color that you enjoy, what make a shame that developers didn't tried to improve it on the version 3 adding more tools and possibilities for sound design, would be really nice to try it out again after those years.
  19. Stuck In The 80s

    Stuck In The 80s Rock Star

    Jul 29, 2019
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    I find the snobbery about Nexus 3 not been a proper synth quite funny.

    Particularly as most of the users criticising it would download it anyway if it got posted on sister site.

    Anyway, we are all ridiculously spoilt in the number of synths and romplers that are already at our disposal.
  20. reignerrr

    reignerrr Ultrasonic

    Jul 9, 2017
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    nexus sounds better

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