The Scene Rules

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Howard Carpendale, Feb 5, 2021.

  1. Howard Carpendale

    Howard Carpendale Platinum Record

    Feb 2, 2021
    Likes Received:
    ______ _______ ______ _______ _____ _____ _______
    _/ _ )__ _/ _ /_\ \ _/ _ /_ _/ \_ / _/_ _/ _ /__
    \ _/ \\ -\___\ \\ \\ -\___\ \\ _\ \--\___ \\ -\___\ \
    / \ + _/ + + _/ + \ + :/ + _/ _\
    +/_____:\_____/____________\ \________/____:\_____\_______/___________\
    _______ _____ _____\ \ __________ _____
    / __ )__\ \\ \\ \ / _ / / _/____
    / /_ \ \ \ \\ -\____\---\___ \ 0day scene 2010
    / \ + \ . . _/ . :/ \
    \______:\______\___________\ \___________\___________/+ ----------------+
    . /_______/ .

    This is intended as an addendum to the existing 0day rules. All the old rules
    are still valid, unless they have been altered or updated by this addendum.

    The 0day scene has gone through major changes in this decade. As technologies
    have changed, so have we, but our adaptations have left many grey areas in the
    current rules. The last rules update was years ago when programs were much
    smaller and transfer speeds much lower. The existing 0day rules did not address
    problems of software encountered today, simply because at that date it did not
    exist. These changes have led to a series of loopholes which groups have been
    taking advantage of. The new rules we constructed aim to close these loopholes,
    as well as increase the general quality level of releases in the scene.

    This document covers a new ruleset for 0day. These rules and guidelines are
    intended for release-groups in the first place, and sites secondary. We hope
    that in time many sites will take over the majority of these rules. The
    following groups have signed and committed to following these rules:


    This particular 2010.1 revision was created to address a number of unclear bits
    in the original release. Although we do appreciate constructive criticism, we
    would like to point out that these rules were not created by an individual, and
    as such they are not trivial to construct. With this new revision we hope to
    clarify the rules to match our intentions when we released them. If you did not
    get the rules you want, please remember that this was a combined effort from a
    large number of groups, where the opinion of the collective supersedes that of
    any single group.

    These rules will go into effect starting January 31st, 2010.

    When a rule is described as *should*, we interpret this as follows: you are
    expected to follow the rule, if you do not, groups are free to proper your
    release. If it is not propered however, you will not get nuked.

    When a rule is described as *must*, there is no compromise, you either follow
    the rule or you get nuked.

    1) Release Name


    1.1) Developer.Name is only mandatory if the application name is not unique
    enough for duping. This means that you must include the developer in the case
    where duping for your application name will also return results that do not
    match the application you are releasing. Groups should use some common sense to
    keep the directory name reasonable length.

    1.2) The program name must be the "official" name of the application. Do not
    omit dashes, think of your dupe results. This is the name in the about box or
    splashscreen of the application, or if this is not available, the name listed
    on the website. Releases that are named incorrectly require a DIRFIX or they
    will be nuked. A DIRFIX release is a directory with inside a zip that includes
    both nfo file and file_id.diz.

    1.3) The Language tag must be used only on NON english releases. Multilingual
    and bilingual are optional, every language included must be listed in the nfo
    when these tags are used.

    1.4) Currently valid OS tags are:
    - Win98, WinME, WinNT, Win2k, WinXP, Win2k3, Vista, Win2k8, Win7
    (can have an optional tag for more specific edition)
    - [Distribution.]Linux
    - MacOSX
    - [Free|Net|Open]BSD
    - [Open]Solaris
    - AIX
    - HPUX
    - Open.Enterprise.Server (NetWare)

    1.5) It is recommended to omit the Operating.System tag when it is WinAll (= NT5
    based windows and optionally earlier, always with latest official service pack).
    Using a UnixAll (= all of the operating systems above, excluding Windows, Linux
    or MacOSX) or a WinAll tag means your app *must* run on *all* of the operating
    systems that fall under it.

    1.6) It is recommended to omit the CPU tag when it is x86; it must be x64 for
    x86_64/EM64T, but not IA64!
    Currently valid CPU tags are:
    - x86, x64, IA64, PPC, SPARC, SPARC64, RISC, Alpha

    1.7) Release.Type can be omitted for Cracked/Regged, it is strongly recommended
    for keygen releases. Possible tags are:
    - Keygen.Only
    - Keymaker.Only
    - Keyfilemaker.Only
    - Keygen.and.Patch.Only
    - Keymaker.and.Patch.Only
    - Keyfilemaker.and.Patch.Only
    - Incl.Keygen
    - Incl.Keymaker
    - Incl.Keyfilemaker
    - Incl.Keygen.and.Patch
    - Incl.Keymaker.and.Patch
    - Incl.Keyfilemaker.and.Patch
    - Cracked
    - Regged

    1.8) Additional.Tags like READ.NFO, DIRFIX, NFOFIX.. must go as follows:
    - Program.Name.v1.2.Regged.READ.NFO-GROUP
    - Program.Name.v1.2.Regged.DIRFIX-GROUP

    1.9) You can use underscores or dots as separator in the releasename, but do not
    mix them if there is no reason for it (e.g. a program name contains underscores
    and your separator is a dot is a valid reason to mix)

    The lists in this section may not be complete, but they try to be. You are
    expected to follow them whenever possible. Straying from them does however not
    necessarily mean the release is a nuke. It is impossible to predict what tags
    may be required for future releases.

    2) Packaging:

    2.1) Filenames must be named up to a maximum of 8.3 characters (filename +

    2.2) Acceptable compression format at this time is any compression method that
    supports multiple volumes and long file names, followed by the traditional
    PKZIPing. Compressions other than RAR must include an extract utility or be a
    self-extracting archive.

    2.3) The traditional packaging methods (zip/diz) shall be maintained, with a
    diz file being present in each zip. The diz file must contain as a bare minimum
    the number of the current disk and the maximum number of disks.

    Minimal file_id.diz must include:
    Where ?? is the total nr of disks in the release. The total number of lines of
    your diz must not exceed 30, each line being no more than 45 characters long.

    An nfo must be included in at least the first disk of the release. There is
    no limitation to its length, its width is determined at 80 characters max.

    2.4) On a side note: using ridiculous compressions that will save 10 disks but
    takes 10 hours to unpack are not an acceptable solution. We leave it up to
    nukers to decide where the line is between reasonable and unreasonable.

    3) Release Size:

    3.1) Allowed split volume sizes are:
    - 1,444,000 bytes
    - 2,888,000 bytes
    - 5,000,000 bytes
    - 10,000,000 bytes
    - 50,000,000 bytes

    In the following paragraphs, utils make up for the majority of the releases in
    the 0day scene, namely all applications, shareware games, etc. When we talk of
    games, we mean the game-rip scene that releases ripped versions of store-bought

    3.2) The utils disk limit is as of now 70 x 5,000,000 bytes or 35 x 10,000,000
    bytes. This equates to a total of 350,000,000 bytes of compressed data. Volumes
    of 1,444,000 and 2,888,000 bytes are allowed, as long as the release does not
    exceed 99 disks. Oversize releases are allowed when no valid ISO release exists
    and the group (or an iso group they work with) is not in possession of the iso
    to release. In other words, there is NO size limit for 0day apps, except when a
    valid (not nuked) iso exists!

    3.3) The games disk limit is as of now 80 x 5,000,000 bytes or 40 x 10,000,000
    bytes (or comparable for 1,444,000 and 2,888,000 bytes). This equates to a
    total of 400,000,000 bytes of compressed data. Volumes of 1,444,000 and
    2,888,000 bytes are allowed, as long as the release does not exceed 99 disks.

    Any release must have less than 100 volumes. In case 10,000,000 bytes do not
    suffice, you are allowed to use volumes of larger size; up to 50,000,000 bytes.

    3.4) A size proper is valid when a group manages to reduce the size of the
    original release by at least 30% without sacrificing essential content:

    - Documentation, help files, and other non functional items can be ripped from
    a release to decrease size. No functional parts of an application may be
    - C++ redistributables, .NET framework, and other common operating system
    components should be ripped. The nfo should note what has been ripped and
    optionally include an url where it can be downloaded.
    - A documentation addon is only allowed if the documentation cannot be
    downloaded freely and publicly (without registration) from the developer's

    4) Specific Release Type:

    4.1) All of these releases must provide functionality identical to that of a
    fully licensed copy.

    - 4.2) Cracked: The program file has been altered to register the program. Any
    nags/trial limitations must be removed. Any remnants of "Trial" in the app
    need to be removed. Any "phone-home" checks must be disabled, or as bare
    minimum, instructions must be provided how they can be disabled.

    - 4.3) Regged: Any way to make an application "registered" without requiring
    modification of any of the applications executables/libraries. Must include
    a text file with the required information, serials must not be put in the
    release nfo. Please name this file carefully, as to deter possible
    webspiders looking for serial information.

    - 4.4) Keygen: A small standalone program which generates valid serials/keys
    which are based on user input or hardware id. A Keyfilemaker is a keygen that
    generates a file which serves to activate an application or game.

    4.4.1) Keygens can be written in any language but they *should* be native
    executables for the OS the application is meant for: Linux keygens for Linux
    applications, Mac keygens for Mac applications, etc. This means that if you do
    not follow this suggestion, you could get propered. However, you won't be
    nuked if there is no native keygen available.

    4.4.2) A keygen that generates a system-dependant serial must explicitly warn
    the user of this fact, either in the nfo or at runtime.

    4.4.3) Windows keygens in java are allowed if the program is coded in java
    or uses java. Same with any other interpreter language. If a library is
    included with the latest windows install, as is the case for VB6/.NET/VBScript
    currently, then keygens written in these languages are allowed without
    question. The motivation here is that a scene release must run on a clean
    OS install, introducing no additional dependencies other than those imposed
    by the application being released.

    4.4.4) A console-based application that usually runs on headless systems
    (servers, etc) requires a console-based keygen.

    4.4.5) Generic Keygens (All.Products) are allowed and dupe full releases for
    as long as the generic keygen continues to work for *every* application it was
    intended for. Once any application changes its registration scheme, it is
    allowed to update the generic keygen. Proof is not required, but always

    4.4.6) Keygen.Only releases are releases that only contain the actual keygen,
    no installation files. They are an addition to previously Cracked/Regged

    4.4.7) A Keygen.and.Patch release combines a keygen with a crack to enable
    full functionality. You are still allowed to release a keygen.only for these

    - 4.5) Retail: A store-bought supply is included in this release. You are
    allowed to release a retail after a previous release if there is an added
    benefit to using the retail version. In this case you are required to add a
    READ.NFO tag to your dirname and list the benefits when compared to the
    previous release.

    - 4.6) PROPER/WORKING: a proper of a previous scene-release that was not fully
    working must always include adequate proof and information for nukers to
    test and confirm the validity of the proper. This means including screenshots,
    pieces of code, or clear steps to reproduce the problems that occur with
    the release you are propering.

    - 4.7) READ.NFO: If you label a release READ.NFO, please have a clearly stated
    section in your nfo on what the READ.NFO is all about, dont make people guess.
    If you want people to read it for a certain reason, make sure they can.

    5) Operating Systems:

    5.1) If a developer has not mentioned default or minimum requirements for
    operating system, the default is Windows XP, which is also a minimum. This means
    your release *must* work on every operating system the application was designed
    for, with the following exception:

    - If a program supports Windows Operating Systems before WinXP, then your
    crack *should* work on them aswell.

    Optional: combine multiple operating system versions for the same CPU in 1
    release if it remains within size limits, for example:
    - FreeBSD5,6,7 x86 can be in a single release tagged FreeBSD
    If the installers are freely downloadable (available without registration) and
    the same keygen/crack works for every version, consider only including the
    latest version of the OS.

    Please keep in mind that the contents of .tar.gz, .rpm, .deb and any other
    packaging system are generally identical. Please make a note in your nfo in
    case of exceptions.

    6) Minor Updates:

    6.1) MU stands for Minor Update. This term denotes an update of a previously
    released application within a certain time-period, the MU-period. Major updates
    are allowed regardless of the last time a previous version was released. In
    this case, the nfo must include some motivation for considering this a major
    update (security- and stability-critical hotfixes for instance). Typical major
    updates are defined as a version-change for the most significant number in the
    version, for instance v9.1 being updated to v10.0. Exceptions are possible,
    but must be noted in the nfo.

    MU-period of 1 month, disregarding the number of days in a month. Examples:

    - a release on 2010-01-01 will be out of mu on 2010-02-01
    - a release on 2010-01-15 will be out of mu on 2010-02-15
    - a release on 2010-01-29 will be out of mu on 2010-02-28
    - a release on 2010-01-31 will be out of mu on 2010-02-28
    - a release on 2010-02-28 will be out of mu on 2010-03-28
    - a release on 2010-03-31 will be out of mu on 2010-04-30

    This ensures no more than a single release of the same application per month.
    We use the CET/CEST timezones, as we always have.

    The minor update period is counted from the last valid release which contained
    the software itself. In other words, keymaker.only releases are not considered.
    A valid release is defined as a release that was not nuked. When multiple
    editions of the same application exist and are valid (for instance, they
    provide different functionality) they can be considered as different
    applications with separate MU-periods.

    This MU-rule will go into effect on 31st January. This means any application
    released after this date will require the above described MU-period to pass
    before a new release is valid. Applications released before this date are
    not considered.

    7) General Rules:

    7.1) If the age of the last modified file of an installed program is older than
    one (1) year it is not allowed to pre it without a READ.NFO or INTERNAL tag.

    7.2) A group must release the newest version of the software available, with the
    following exception: you can release an older version of an application, but
    *only* if it is newer than any existing release of the same app, and you have a
    valid reason for not releasing the latest version (for instance, it is very hard
    to get the supply, or the application takes months to crack).

    There is a grace-period of 3 days: if a new version came out in the last 3
    days before your release, you will not get nuked if you release the older one.

    7.3) Releases must provide the same functionality as a retail copy of the
    application (where possible and reasonable). Examples:
    - A virus scanner must be able to update its definitions at the time of
    release, and must do so without any restriction on the number of concurrent
    licensed users. (i.e. a single-user regged license is inadequate as it will
    soon be blacklisted)
    - A flexlm application must include every retail license-feature applicable
    to your release (any feature that is actually checked out in the best
    - A keygen must provide either all, or the best license (watermarked keys
    are still allowed)

    7.4) Your nfo should provide a minimum of useful information. Suggestions
    - (complete) application name
    - (complete) version, including if it is a beta version
    - the release date
    - type of crack included
    - short description of the application/game
    - description on how to use the crack (important!)
    - operating systems this release will work on
    - pre-requisites for the application/game
    - url to the application's website

    7.5) If you do not want your work to be used by other groups (be it documents,
    cracking methods, tools, or similar), then make sure you don't give it out to
    anyone you can't trust. It is deemed public property as soon as it is publicly
    available, and you lose any exclusive rights to it.

    7.6) Stealing cracks/keygens from P2P, WEB, or other scene groups is clearly
    not allowed!

    7.7) Security should be everyone's primary concern. Including nicknames or
    identities of people that have not given explicit permission in your nfo's is
    absolutely not allowed, and may result in severe repercussions.

    A big thanks to everyone involved in creating this document!

    Last modified: 12 January 2010
    • Interesting Interesting x 6
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  3. Clayton123

    Clayton123 Producer

    Dec 8, 2016
    Likes Received:
    What is this post for?
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  4. RitchieM

    RitchieM Rock Star

    Nov 6, 2020
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    Near Liverpool
    God this was a good read, and makes me remember when I first got into this and couldn’t understand why things were done like they were.
    • Agree Agree x 3
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  5. Futurewine

    Futurewine Audiosexual

    Oct 4, 2017
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    Sound City Labs
    inspiring.. thanks all for the humanity effort, scenes.. really mean it, putting my palm hand on my chest here as a sign of lifetime respect salutation. since day 1 i'm like today secretly evolving into something like marvel super heroes character with a superpower to control like telekinetic the midi notes with reascript and reaper.. i call myself this superpower kumar touch.. a.k.a kumar of silicon valley hbo series.. :shalom:
  6. Howard Carpendale

    Howard Carpendale Platinum Record

    Feb 2, 2021
    Likes Received:
    Is'nt that funny that the guy agreed on this also agreed on this :
  7. MikewithHeart

    MikewithHeart Ultrasonic

    Aug 6, 2019
    Likes Received:
    I wonder about nuke-rules. If a release is not working properly, does it really take another release group to take any action for a release being flagged a nuked?

    Just wondering. As for several V.R releases and the recent R2R Seventh Heaven / Lustrous Plates, I wished at UPAWG they would be somehow flagged. If not as "nuked", then at least as questionable. Crowd-based or Admin-based, not just individual users.
    • Interesting Interesting x 1
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  8. keygen.exe

    keygen.exe Producer

    Apr 29, 2020
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    Well VR releases do work, it's just not a good cracking work or a bad installer. therefore there is no reason for it to get nuked as long as the release actually works.
  9. Smoove Grooves

    Smoove Grooves Audiosexual

    Jan 26, 2019
    Likes Received:
    It DID remind me of older days, and as @RitchieM said.
    I DON'T understand why you posted it, as @Clayton123 said.
    You're welcome.
  10. Smoove Grooves

    Smoove Grooves Audiosexual

    Jan 26, 2019
    Likes Received:
    I'm still waiting on the rest of the thread title...
    The scene rule is what ?

    Edit: So funny, as per your rating of this comment, that you had to change the thread title to be grammatically correct and understandable.
    You're welcome.
    Last edited: Feb 7, 2021
    • Funny Funny x 1
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  11. Howard Carpendale

    Howard Carpendale Platinum Record

    Feb 2, 2021
    Likes Received:
    You find a contact there. Email them and ask em, if you want , and report back here if its ok for you .
    VR got nuked a lot in the past .
  12. Smoove Grooves

    Smoove Grooves Audiosexual

    Jan 26, 2019
    Likes Received:
    Fill your boots. You must know there is no contact?
  13. Howard Carpendale

    Howard Carpendale Platinum Record

    Feb 2, 2021
    Likes Received:
    smooves grooves stop trolling
  14. Howard Carpendale

    Howard Carpendale Platinum Record

    Feb 2, 2021
    Likes Received:
    Contact: [email protected]
    Do you need a screenshot TOO ?
    Very cool of you that i have to spread the contact info over here thanks to yoo .
    Maybe read that rules so you not tagging freeware + presets as team release next time and 2 months ago you didnt even know how to rar someone told me .
  15. Smoove Grooves

    Smoove Grooves Audiosexual

    Jan 26, 2019
    Likes Received:
    I'm not. If you're talking to me? I'm Smoove. Not smooves.
    But this is trolling from you:
    Last edited: Feb 7, 2021
  16. Howard Carpendale

    Howard Carpendale Platinum Record

    Feb 2, 2021
    Likes Received:
    Sure mate :rofl:
  17. Smoove Grooves

    Smoove Grooves Audiosexual

    Jan 26, 2019
    Likes Received:
    Team release? Tagged? You're talking rubbish.
    As is the person who said whatever to you.
  18. MetaCastle

    MetaCastle Guest

    By the way here how the chord pulse is packed [​IMG]
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  19. MikewithHeart

    MikewithHeart Ultrasonic

    Aug 6, 2019
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    Well, a bad crack from my point of view is bad because the program does not work as intended. I understand VR releases do work for some/many in some/many/all cases. (Some) VR releases have shown significant issues. Not all of them are flagged as Nuke.

    Again, most of it is my experience.

    I consider my individual voice as irrelevant to the Scene. No one knows whether I have the expertise to judge something as nuked. But in those cases (not just V.R. but recently even the R2R Liquidsonics turn-off) I came to conclusion the majority of users including some very experienced ones have shown the release is "not working". I think working means "perfect". "If crashes occur, the same ones occur with legit software"-level perfect.

    Thanks to all the releases that led to this high quality level of perfect releases, by the way.
    Last edited: Feb 7, 2021
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  20. MetaCastle

    MetaCastle Guest

    also R2R, VR aren't part of the scene vr isn't part of any they don't follow even the united pro audio webgroups rules also nuke mark to appear on t he indexer won't do anything but for information purposes so someone interested can avoid that particular release. @Howard Carpendale man you opened the pandora box now people will be even more confused especially posting the ruleset
  21. keygen.exe

    keygen.exe Producer

    Apr 29, 2020
    Likes Received:
    Recheck this statement.