please help a new mac user finding third party plugins in logic

Discussion in 'Mac / Hackintosh' started by prehm, Feb 3, 2021.

  1. prehm

    prehm Noisemaker

    Feb 3, 2021
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    hello people,

    i hope someone here can help me (actually i'm sure someone can, i guess my problem is quite basic)
    i just got a new macbook. ive been using windows before.
    i downloaded r2rs diva release and ran the .pkg file.
    so far i found out that i actually have to tick a box in finder preferences to make my ssd show up (wtf..?) and then navigate to library/audio/plugins/components to find all my third party plugins. the .component file for diva is there, but neither logic nor mainstage seem to be able to find it.
    i restarted both, manually scanned for new plugins, nothing.
    did i miss something?
    its an m1 mac btw.

    any help is really appreciated!
  3. D-Music

    D-Music Rock Star

    Apr 21, 2014
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    A lot of plug-ins won't work or aren't compatible (yet) on this one.
    R2R's version is a year old so that could explain the problem.

    JMOUTTON Audiosexual

    Jan 10, 2016
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    Which version of MacOS are you on? Has gatekeeper blocked the component from loading?

    You might have to allow MacOS to load the file as it is unsigned. Have authorized MacOS to load apps that are not from the App Store?

    You can do this from the control panel -> Privacy Settings or there are various other ways. MacOS is locked down by default, you can do whatever you want but it isn't as permissive as Windows when it comes to a lot of things, and that is okay, it makes it safer but it requires a bit of interaction on you part in order to bypass some of those security features if you so choose. If something goes wrong then you know where it came from.
  5. emericax

    emericax Noisemaker

    Apr 24, 2020
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    You should get the latest macOS 11.2 and little snitch. And block all connections. Just for your safety.

    its pretty likely, that your plugins are not yet compatible with bigSur. So either you wait or you buy. Its up to you
  6. kingchubby

    kingchubby Rock Star

    Oct 14, 2011
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    big sur is pita for anyone who attempts to use fracked plugins.
  7. Did you purchase the latest Logic Pro X with it? I hope so because after you have downloaded all the content that accompanies the app you will have everything you need to make music without third party plugins for quite a while. Also you can guarantee total compatibility with your new Mac and it's operating system.
    If you are new to Macs and to Logic, you don't need to be worrying about Diva. You have enough to come to grips with for the next year before you exhaust the possibilities of what you have. And that's assuming you're a fast learner.
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 4, 2021
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  8. prehm

    prehm Noisemaker

    Feb 3, 2021
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    thanks everyone for your quick responses.

    i got a copy of logic from the sister site. didnt have enough money to get a legit version. so far i'm quite impressed with the quality of the stock plugins. i'd really like to be able to migrate some of the plugins that i already know my ways around though.

    thanks for the tips. you mean block all connections from cracked software? i just downloaded all the sound libraries in my cracked logic lol. hope nothing goes wrong here. i'm quite illiterate when it comes to privacy and security stuff. i use a paid vpn service and thats about all the time i ever spent on this topic. little snitch looks like a handy software. just got the trial version.
    but i already bought archetype cory wong, midi guitar 2 and the swam trumpet plus that macbook, 50 seems steep for little snitch atm ^^"
    whats the worst thing that could happen? is the built in firewall any good?

    thanks. macOS version is 11.1
    i tried that, needed a little workaround to make the button for "anywhere" show up in big sur. it worked in the end but didn't change anything.

    JMOUTTON Audiosexual

    Jan 10, 2016
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    Even after you allow 3rd party apps to install outside of the app store you still have to code sign them and for that you need command line tools for xcode. You don't need the whole 6GB xcode library just the command line tools. If you are on an M1 I am not sure how Diva works with Rosetta and gatekeeper.

    There are threads on this already, you might have to do some digging, but while you are at it, Alchemy is beast you should get to know it.

  10. Obineg

    Obineg Platinum Record

    Dec 7, 2020
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    yes, coming from ancient times where the desktop icon was your way into the finder, now the finder is your way into your HD: all disks will be visible in any finder window, so that you can leave it off on the desktop if you want.

    furthermore, in the mac os finder almost everything supprts drag and drop. so you could for example drag your disk into the top bar of the finder window, and all windows will remember it.
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  11. Obineg

    Obineg Platinum Record

    Dec 7, 2020
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    the use cases and architectures of firewall, hosts file, and third party network filters for outgoing connections doesnt differ much from windows OS.

    in some few cases you might actually loose the authorisation of a software when you allow it to call home - in a few other cases (that is mainly when you paid for it) - calling home is mandatory to authorise.

    using little snitch seems to be the best way to decide each time what you want to allow your software. it is also interesting to see what apps are trying to do even when it is not "dangerous".
  12. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    LuLu Firewall is quite good (for these purposes of blocking phone-home attempts), lightweight, and free. I paid for a legit Little Snitch license, and mostly just run LuLu anyway. You should also get Permissions Reset as well as BatChmod. It's very helpful and you may find it easier to use.

    Whatever plugins you get, make sure to learn Drum Machine Designer and the Step Sequencer which were both added/improved in the Logic 10.5 update; and of course Alchemy. Learn how to "convert" audio to Midi and how to enable Flex Pitch and then set Groove Tracks. The Logic books by David Nahmani are worth every cent to have physical copies of near your setup; I think the newest version is based on 10.5 because it really was a nice big free update.

    you should consider subscribing to, or something like it. I wish Apple forced me to get a high quality video subscription when I bought my Mac. Instead of trying to find tutorials/videos for plugins, I'd have learned plugins I knew I had the videos for already!

    tbf, I know 0 about m1 Macs. I've been using Logic for many years and I still learn new things in it all the time. good luck.
    Last edited: Feb 5, 2021
  13. prehm

    prehm Noisemaker

    Feb 3, 2021
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    somehow diva just showed up in my list without me changing anything.

    i just bought a used copy of that book. cool. thats exactly what i need!

    thanks everybody for your advice.
    i really appreciate that!
  14. Smoove Grooves

    Smoove Grooves Audiosexual

    Jan 26, 2019
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    DO turn it on. It's off by default, I seem to remember!
    And the reason it's still good to have on the desktop is IF Finder hangs, or something else, that's the only way you will get in. For whatever reason you may need to.
    After a restart, yeah? :winker:
  15. Obineg

    Obineg Platinum Record

    Dec 7, 2020
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    i cant tell offhand for the later macOS but isnt the "show disks" setting available via contextmenu/view options? but yeah, a new user wont find it there.
  16. Wicked77

    Wicked77 Member

    Mar 3, 2021
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    are you asking for cracked ones?
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