Nexus 3 vs sylenth 1

Discussion in 'Software' started by samsome, Feb 4, 2021.

  1. samsome

    samsome Guest

    Nexus 3 vs sylenth 1
    i wanted to see some views on these synths...given the "new" one year old :P nexus 3

    also do you own nexus 3?

  3. Roject

    Roject Audiosexual

    Jan 2, 2019
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    Mhhhmm... Not comparable...
    You can't compare pure substractive synthesizer with hybrid rompler.

    Nexus 3 vs Omnisphere 2 are more comparable.
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  4. joem

    joem Producer

    Dec 17, 2011
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    sylenth can actually make sounds the other is a way overpriced soundfont player
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  5. Doctor_Me

    Doctor_Me Platinum Record

    Oct 16, 2016
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    The first thing that come to my mind when i read your thread was "why?"...

    Seens like you're in doubt in which one to achieve but actually they're completely different, and honestly I don't recommend any of those.

    Sylenth used to be good way in the past, and developers didn't made any substantial improvement on it since then, what makes it kinda obsolete nowadays in my opinion. It's really limited in terms of "what type of sounds you can make with it", It lacks lot's of features like good variety of filter types, FM/RM/AM modulations, oscilator warpings, a built-in sample player, and the list can go on and on... Don't see why someone would buy it nowadays.

    Nexus is more usable currently (compared to sylenth) It has a good variety of sounds (from synths to organic sounds like strings and guitars) and is easy to find sounds, but since it's a rompler, you're kinda limited to the sound packs you have for it, what makes it expensive in the long run. Not the best sounds out there, but if you produce mainstream EDM you probably can find your way with it.

    My advice is to look for better options, like Serum, ANA, Avenger, Phaseplant or even the free Vital (not tested it yet, but seens to be good). These synths are really complete in terms of features and possibilities and offer the best of both worlds, synthesizer with sampling possibilities. Each one has it's own pros and cons as well as a distinctive sound. I would recomment download some or all of them and see which one you like the most, but any of these will offer you more than Sylenth or Nexus can for sure.
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  6. lordbasse

    lordbasse Newbie

    Dec 13, 2016
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    Sylenth1 is a synthesizer, Nexus 3 is a mainly rompler. I prefer Sylenth1 but if you want a finished sounds buy nexus
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  7. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    +1, but nope Omnisphere is fully capable making your own sounds, while in Nexus3 u can only use the existing one, its very easy to have something in there to just use.

    Why we talk again about X vs. Nexus III?

    Whats the point again ...?!
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  8. Roject

    Roject Audiosexual

    Jan 2, 2019
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    I thought Nexus 3 is a hybrid like Omnisphere. User ReFX Nexus 3 told me that Nexus 3 have synthesizer built-in.
    I didn't check it. My bad but I don't like romplers. Blah

    Nexus 2

    Nexus 3
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  9. joem

    joem Producer

    Dec 17, 2011
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    @docter me agree and disagree sylenth to this day can still be a beast and is stll used alot in dance muisic if youknow the ins and outs of sylenth you can make amazing sounds with it yes its lacking in features but its still way more capable than nexus. what i think the opening post wants is a synth that comes with decent sounds out ofthe box but also has the abilitytomake his own sounds to ie what i think he wants is avenger.
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  10. Doctor_Me

    Doctor_Me Platinum Record

    Oct 16, 2016
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    Sorry, will need to disagree... Sylenth is really limited, if you pick any of the synths I mentioned above you'll be able to make any sound Sylenth can make, while the other way around is not true. Don't get me wrong, depending on your needs you can create an entire track using Sylenth only, but in my opinion it's completely obsolete because why would you buy a synth that only offers subtractive synthesis when the others offers it plus countless more tools for sound design. Even if you're learning sound design I suggest start with a more complete synth, cause if you can learn how to program patches in Serum or ANA for instance, you'll automatically learn how to program in Sylenth, while if you learn how to program in Sylenth you will have way more things to learn when you move to a more complete synth like Serum.

    About Sylenth being more capable than Nexus, i really don't know, it's more flexible for shure, like you can detune more or less the sounds and reduce the number of voices if needed, etc. But if I needed to choose one of them and use just that one synth to create an entire track, I would pick Nexus without thinking twice, it has all the basic synth sounds you would make in sylenth plus some organic sounds (Guitars, strings, choirs, basses, pianos) and some more complex synth sounds like FM modulated synths and keys which you cannot achieve with Sylenth. That gives me way more possibilities to create almost any genre.

    PS. I don't have/use any of them (Sylenth or Nexus), just giving my reasons why I would choose Nexus over Sylenth If I needed to choose one.

    Yeah, Avenger is a really complete synth, one of the most complete to be honest, if not the most. Unfortunatelly it's not intuitive at all for me, that's why I ended up not using it. But still a really good one to try out if you're looking for a "go to" synth.
    Last edited: Feb 5, 2021
  11. Olymoon

    Olymoon Moderator

    Jan 31, 2012
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    Because newbie asked..
  12. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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  13. Xupito

    Xupito Audiosexual

    Jan 21, 2012
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    FLAMES, HELL AND WARRRRRRRR :crazy::trashing::trolls:

    What, wot? Newbie? What the fridge...
  14. Olymoon

    Olymoon Moderator

    Jan 31, 2012
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    Refx Nexus cant be compared to sylenth 1 or to any synthesizer ...
    It's a rompler with some tweak available...

    Any modern synthesizer can do what Nexus do and much more, but you would have to know how to use it.

    It's like comparing pre-made food with a complete kitchen and cooking in it...

    Different use and different possibilities.

    In short, you want to go fast and simple: Nexus (or any rompler), but you will sound like ... everyone who use it.
    Willing to put more time and effort to get something that's only yours: Synthesizer..
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  15. DoubleTake

    DoubleTake Audiosexual

    Jul 16, 2017
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    As an authentic noob I feel I can speak with authority to this noob question.
    I like Sylenth even though it is old, but i am focusing on more recent-styled synths to learn, such as Serum.
    I used to think the limitations of certain synths (classic emulations, mainly) were a benefit to me because i was familiar with those controls, but knobs are not knobs, sliders are not sliders and wheels are not wheels...
    And that is a good thing. These are software and it now seems better to learn what to drag where and engage the matrix :yes:
    For people who know what they are doing and know those synths, an emulation can make it easy to create just what you want.
  16. johnw

    johnw Kapellmeister

    Feb 11, 2012
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    Nexus 3 vs Omnisphere 2 never ever ... Maybe Nexus 3 vs Sektor ...

    Nexus 3 Synth rompler , very limited , very commercial sounding , very expensive expansions , light on cpu ...
    Omnisphere 2 multitimbral , 16 synths on multi , not very light on Cpu , you can create everything you want on it ...
    Last edited: Feb 5, 2021
  17. the_good_and_true

    the_good_and_true Newbie

    Mar 29, 2015
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    don't fall into the nexus trap
  18. Roject

    Roject Audiosexual

    Jan 2, 2019
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    My bad because I misunderstood what Nexus 3 told me or he lied to me.
    But You made mistake too :bleh:
    Sektor is a wavetabe synth so it's a category of synth like Vital, Serum, Largo.
    You can't compare rompler with wavetable synth.
    If Nexus 3 isn't a hybrid but just a rompler You can compare it only with a rompler
    like Lethal or Nexus 2 or any other EDM rompler :wink:
  19. Smoove Grooves

    Smoove Grooves Audiosexual

    Jan 26, 2019
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    Really, I think it's important to say that Omnisphere is a super-synth and a rompler.
    And the synth aspect has grown hugely since it was born.
    But it doesn't really deserve to be called a rompler.
  20. johnw

    johnw Kapellmeister

    Feb 11, 2012
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    My bad ...:bleh::bleh::bleh::rofl::rofl::rofl:
  21. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    ive been using Sylenth1 still a lot, its cpu efficient and the workflow is superfast, ive been using sylenth since like 2008? So im okay familiar with it. (ive done like 500 presets with it? over the years - like 200 for soundsets)
    I find Sylenth1 as subtractive synth, still very relevant and its still kind of warm compared to ANA, Serum, which i find both are from the sound to noisy/cold?

    What i play recently with is Diva, its cpu heavier bit for basslines it is huge for me. It feels very warm from the sound, which a lot of vsti lack imo.

    What else im working with, Spire, remember trying it for the first time as it was still kind of beta, guess was in may 2013, long before people actual noticed it. It comes close to a JP80x0 for some parts, but can do so much more ...
    Its a powerhouse and close to sylenth1 still, but workflow i feel is harder, the whole knob behavior is harder to work with a mouse as for the sylenth1 again.

    There are more, which i have tried alrdy, but to long to list here.

    There are basic ideas u have to learn first, for that u pick a very easy synth in the league of 3xOSC(FL), Analog(Ableton), ES2(Logic), Subtractor(Reason), so basically get the basics in the head - later one u can expand with wave tables, other concepts.

    But we have so many cool and exciting synths these days, compared to the beginning around 2008 - as V-station, Sylenth1, Zebra, Massive were only around.

    Ohhh and Nexus has still its place for me, ive been using the pads, mainly ambient pads, the epic pads, they are really good to layer and for compisong, to just have a sound there to get a pad done ...
    It sure has its place, but if the AIR version wasnt still useable with jbridge i wouldnt bother still using it. Because imo it is not worth it, because it is very limited what other synths in that budget-league can do.

    Anyway i hope u find this a bit helpful ...
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