Life, it's all about me isn't it? I always have to think about my problems and I'm the only one in this world that is correct or I'm the only one going through the ideal experience because what I think is important. But everyone else is useless, I'm elite and It's all about me. I don't care about what anyone else thinks because no one else is as intelligent as I am or goes through the same level of problems that I do... This is me, and this is everyone. Most of us suck because most of us only care about ourselves. To the people who genuinely do care about others and mostly go out of their way to help other people survive in guys are the ones, the awesome people, the true human beings... the rest of us, the only problem we have in life is the fact that we think we are the only ones that have problems...and everyone else is inferior. The fact is, human beings don't actually suck, we just use the blessing of being sane, and being human in the worst way possible. We treat our human bodies like animals... we think we actually own our bodies and we can do whatever we want because that is what's important. But really, this body has been given to us by an owner. Whether you believe in God, don't believe in God, doesn't matter. We have been GIVEN a sane body, and we are meant to use it properly, but most of don't. And we can't just blame society, and say 'oh well society is corrupt'. Excuses are excuses...we only blame things on other things because we think as individuals nothing is our fault. You know how people on the internet these days say 'I've lost my faith in humanity'...well that's probably the most arrogant thing you can say. What gives you the authority to make such rash judgment about humanity when you are part of it...what if there is something wrong with you! Blame yourself if something is wrong and improve yourself, if there is something wrong with humanity and you are so elite to think as such, find a solution. It's easy to have an opinion about things, it's hard to actually make the difference. I don't have the answer, and most likely I probably contradicted myself alot through this whole topic... but that's because I suck, and I need to start thinking more about how not to suck and make sure that I use my body in a way where I don't act like everything is mine, and the world revolves around me...and start thinking about the fact that we all have problems and everyone is going through crap, and the more we help each other, the more human we become. And it's not about being the better man, it's not about trying to be different from everybody else, it has nothing to do with being BETTER THAN, we are doing it because that is what's right... ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I just came back from a very violent argument with my family, mainly my brother...luckily there was no actual violence involved but it was getting real close...
Don't be too hard on yourself, mate. The only advice I can give you is that you have start looking at all situations with a more objective and logical state of mind. A sort of "think before you think" kind of thing. Sounds corny, but its one of the best things you can ever do for yourself. It's quite simple, all it means is that you will literally think about what you are thinking, internalize it, weigh the options of the thought(s), decide whether its worth committing to, and then finally following through with it. All while simultaneously keeping your emotional side at bay and away from the process. In other words expand your mind and open up your brains Plato/Socrates mechanism. In all honesty, you could have avoided causing yourself and others unnecessary suffering if you had really put your mind to it and broke the whole situation down, like a boss.
I think i know where you're coming from. I've been there myself. What if i told u things can get better? The only thing u have to do is learn to control your own emotions. I rarely get frustrated and more important i do not loose control when i get angry, like i got stuck in it. People don't suck, people are beeing people. With their own frustrations and problems in life. Just like you they are not always able to control their emotions, they sometimes loose it too. You want to get your point across and so does the other person. The result is you don't understand each other. And it all ends with more pain and anger. (both lead to the dark side as we all know) Stop beeing angry, accept that people are just as smart/ stupid as you. we are all in it together. And we all have our own version of the truth. Yours is not more true than other peoples. You say God i say Buddha. The goal is the same. Accepting the world as it is. And realising you can only change so much. Try to take life as it is, somethings annoy you. Other things make you happy. But don't let either one govern your life. Be the boss over your own emotions.
Hey man, you don't suck, and you're not all about 'me me me'. I've seen you do many good things for others right here on this forum. Sometimes by posting great hands on advice, sometimes by making twisted comments that gave me a good laugh No narcissist would take time to do those things, and they def don't have your great sense of humor. Also, just by reflecting about these issues you show that you have the capacity to change stuff you don't like within yourself. So don't be too hard on yourself, we all make mistakes and we all feel bad sometimes
I don't seem to understand the meaning of your post, or maybe.. . I used to write that kind of crap when I drank 1L vodka before the on-location job every morning, to keep me running. My neighbors used to order an extra truck for my bottles...recycling Life isn't easy at all. We all struggle to believe we are something special. We all have our daemons approaching, nights and days... I can't give you a definitive answer but I KNOW that the first step to the GOOD Feeling is to accept the person YOU ARE!!. This person can have a lot of positive and negative items, but the key is to accept both sides and start working on the positive and TRY to subdue the negative. I pointed TRY because you will TRY your whole life!!. To change things in your life means to commit to EVERYDAY changes. Small changes. But the the biggest trouble is the "EVERYDAY". Since 6 years I'm fighting my alcohol problem, everyday I feel having a shot but I resist. At the end of the day I FEEL like a different person. HE-MAN!! Someone said the key to happiness is to know yourself.. GOOD LUCK my friend!!!
Ah what a nice day, it's raining but idgaf. I'm a true human being, I'm awesome and love myself. Why you ask? Cause I'm not perfect in any way! I work in school with disabled kids (wheelchair), but I help the 'normal' kids, too. It's exhausting but a lot of fun. I prefer working with kids than with adults. They are much more open. The kids say I'm the coolest badass, just because I am how I am. Dope, isn't it. There's a saying: You can only love others, if you love yourself. I love myself because I have faults. Man I don't know the last time I felt anger. It's not worthit. Waste of time. Be a nice guy, smile at people, they'll smile back (ok some don't), take care about the environment, and so on. Actually it's easy to be pleased and to live without having bad thoughts. Appreciate what you've achieved. C'mon, you can make it.
Xzse, I think you got me wrong. Obviously I expressed myself wrong. Maybe language barriers, english is not my native language. I think the saying I talked about is the same as yours, just with love. My post must sounded like I'm a narcissist. But I'm far way from that.
Oh yes! ... Now, could you tell me please who's that "entity" to which (in your opinion) some "owner" gave a body and of which that "entity" is using it in the wrong way ?. On the other hand, why that "entity" should need a body to exist given by any other ? ... As it follows from your words that it exist already, otherwise no owner could give it a body!. Furthermore, you use "I" a lot in your post. Now, who's that "I" that feels bad, that compare to others, that make such assertions about others, that ... etc. ?. I'm neither kidding nor going intellectual, i'm talking seriously ... ADDENDA (some snippets): "if there is something wrong with humanity and you are so elite to think as such, find a solution" ... Nobody can give a solution but oneself alone. This doesn't mean that someone could not see that "there is something wrong with humanity" without any need for being "elite" ... precisely because as you said, "one is humanity" also. And when one is serious, one observes oneself and not others. So in that observation one sees humanity too, because if something is wrong inside it means that something is wrong outside too (being oneself humanity). "no one else ...()... goes through the same level of problems that I do" ... "the only problem we have in life is the fact that we think we are the only ones that have problems" - A contradiction or just pointing at the contradiction in yourself ?. "I don't care about what anyone else thinks" ... To who are you talking about then ? ... To yourself alone ?.
Someone talked already about it 2500 years ago, saying "because emptiness exist, things exist" ... but he said also "neither emptiness, nor things exists ultimately".
You can always have a big glass of kvass and spicy sauerkraut sandwich with tofu at my place, mate. Then we can have a joint and finish a bottle of red wine together and philosophise. "Complete" and especially Thisis Theend, you too. Gosh I'd love that. But we're all probably a continent or two apart. [I'm in EU] However, I simply hate "everything is going to be fine" people, because it won't. It won't unless you *also* do something about it. Don't just lie around like a sack of manure, do something about the things that bother you. Say "fuck you!" to those fascist religious fundamentalists! Say "fuck you!" to those fucking crooks that call themselves bankers! Say "fuck you!" to those lying self consumed and corrupt politicians! Say "fuck you!" to those zombified police officers... and so on. You'll feel better. Have some "balls" as an idiotic sexist saying goes. ;) Well, as you probably guessed I'm a vegan and animal rights and human rights activist... I'm the one who preaches around and go onto everybody's nerves. Oh, and I really like the F word. And the C word, too. About the C word: This link is with courtesy of my wife.
I advice you to become a Buddhist and make meditation. Your question is a good thing. But you need a teacher who will instill the first basic principles for your training. Good luck!