m-audio Delta series: confused with digi in/out

Discussion in 'Computer Hardware' started by GanjaRa_, Oct 4, 2013.

  1. GanjaRa_

    GanjaRa_ Newbie

    Jun 8, 2012
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    i want to use spdif digi in/out of my delta 1010 (tc electronic d-two connected)
    but somehow d-two must be sync-master and delta slave, when delta ist master only the digiout is working, no sound from digi in
    also tried long time ago spdif from virus ti, same: digital input only when delta is slave

    well, its ok to use connected device as master, but if it is not powered on i have to change settings in deltadriver, and for sure i always remark after loading ableton live... so i have shut down, change settings, reload again...

    id prefer the delta with internal sync, but why the digi in is not working then?
  3. ittam

    ittam Noisemaker

    Jan 9, 2013
    Likes Received:
    If you used the wordclock for sync it should work
  4. Studio 555

    Studio 555 Producer

    Mar 7, 2012
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    @ GanjaRa_

    I can easily guess that you know your 'TC Electronics D-Two' better than anybody, nevertheless could your trouble come from the Setup done within it. I mean, could it be related in some way to the following (mainly the comments on the right side --> the 2 red arrows) :

  5. GanjaRa_

    GanjaRa_ Newbie

    Jun 8, 2012
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    oh, thx for answers, its not a problem to get it working, but now i figured out, that for the delta 1010 it is a must to sync from external (and of course d-two can do this), when you want use spdif in/out

    when it does syncing internal, the digi in doesnt work

    but then its always needed to switch on d-two, also, when i started pc only for listinig a wave or similiar or i have to switch sync setting, but i always forget to check BEFORE i start daw ;)
    then i have to shutdown again, because driver is locked

    better would to let be the delta as master, but this is not possible... maybe in 2-3 years i will be trained for checking sync before starting daw :D
  6. 0on3

    0on3 Guest

    Yes , you must use word clock. But here's the problem.....
    What DAW are you using , what OS ???
    [ ENSURE , in your bios ; that internal audio is disabled !!!]

    When I run all 4# of my Delta 1010's , I use either Samplitude
    or my Nuendo DAW's. 'Never a prov ever with wordclock and my delta's
    are the MASTER host in sync to connection with external devices.'
    But you must 'make these settings' in your Delta mixer ; BEFORE hooking
    anything else up , to run with the delta's using S/PDIF.

    Also .... 16 bit (really ??) Your settings should be at 24-bit/96kHz .
    With 'S/PDIF, Word Clock' , process is easy enough , BUT you MUST ensure
    any analog jacked input is TRS jacks !!

    If your going to use Ableton , goto M-Audio web site and download their
    "Ableton's Delta-LIVE Drivers" ; (Even though , I still suggestyou try
    atleast using Samplitude a few times!)

    This should clear all the problems up my friend !!

    0on3 / Z3RO ..... :mates:
  7. GanjaRa_

    GanjaRa_ Newbie

    Jun 8, 2012
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    wordclock is no must, it works great via spdif when d-two is master ( but then its a must, that d-two is running :) )
    for syncing and for audio-signal

    of course i use 24bit, but only 48khz, cos d-two sends only 44,1/48khz clock

    at the moment i use only one of my deltas in main daw, otherwise i have to sync deltas via spdif (then no audio is possible) or using wordclock (at least with deltas 1010, 2496 doenst have)

    daw is (in main) ableton live (32bit), os is win 7 x64

    for me its just annoying that daw/delta cant be syncmaster when i want to use spdif input, only slave

    but what you mean with abletons delta-live drivers? i think there is only 1 driver for delta (v6.08 for win7 x64)
    they shipped deltas with an ableton delta-live version, but this was in 2002 with live version 2 and im pretty sure there are no drivers for win7 x64 included ;)
  8. 0on3

    0on3 Guest

    Im at a lose for ya then .... ?

    oh, I forgot to add ... I still (and will alwayz) , be using
    ONLY Win XP SP3 , so Im sure we both see our difference's in
    setup right there !! (Also , only using Linux after XP is all gone).

    Ive no troubles at all getting all four of my Delta's @=24/96
    in ANY process I do ; Analog to my AUX and patch bays , or S/PDIF
    using wordclock , or vise-versa.

    Im thinking you've got problems with the 'TC Electronics'hardware.
    It doesnt wanna play with the 'rest of the kidz' properly!!

    I hope ya get it werk'd out , but in the meantime , (not to sound like
    a broken record....) !!

    Please try Samplitude or Sequoia , they'll blow you away ! ! ! !

    p3ACE my friend.

    - 0:1 -

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