about self releasing your music

Discussion in 'Internet for Musician' started by onhappin, Dec 26, 2020.

  1. onhappin

    onhappin Ultrasonic

    Jan 27, 2014
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    I found a useful comparison among several distribution services. It's pretty recent too. I printed out the summary of it. I'll let it here for anyone interested.

    I agree with your statement. But I've never said I am not willing to pay a subscription. You kind of quarrelled with someone else here on these matters. I am just trying to find out the safest, most efficient way to self release music. I consider and weigh in all options at this stage. I am even tempted to go for a annual subscription instead of a free plan, as it seems more legit and leave me 100% of the royalties and rights. The fewer strings attached, the better.

    This is a distributor which seems fairly cool. Personally favor the ones automatically offering ISRC codes for free. The only drawback to me is the minimal payment threshold which at 50$ seems pretty high imo. On the free plan side, I also consider onerpm. Anyone had any business with them?

    Youtube is a giant and it's here to stay. I discover a lot of novel things on YT myself. But I won't say it's my go to listening medium. Being a bit of an audiofile, I prefer flacs or higher quality recordings. The encoded aac or mp3s on youtube are sometimes quite annoying.
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  2. Moonlight

    Moonlight Audiosexual

    Jun 12, 2011
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  3. Sacculus

    Sacculus Kapellmeister

    Oct 22, 2017
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    Hey man do you really think somebody on earth going to take a lawyer pay for you just because a DJ nobody care about have used your material on a radio show??
    Here in audiosex I meet a guy who ask me for 2 radio diffusion on air in a real UK radio not the web and I never had this kind of issue...
    It's silly and a waiste of time unless you have millions of followers and dollars of rights around the world but I mean if you are here it's not the case.. (Im jocking amigo lol)

    ps: there is a interesting service on Distro >>> the protection of your song with a digital fingerprint on the content and with this you can prove in the futur that you are the owner of the master... This is free and include in the package.

    If u want to promote your music instead of loosing time searching for a distribution take a loog at hypeddit.. the free download gates to have a follower

    Kind regards,
    Last edited: Jan 3, 2021
  4. onhappin

    onhappin Ultrasonic

    Jan 27, 2014
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    I decided to go with routenote, the free plan (they take 15% of the royalties). It seemed the best option. Thanks @Brendon for your useful insight. Smooth operation so far. In march or so I'll have the first report and then I'll update.
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  5. fredboudin

    fredboudin Ultrasonic

    Oct 23, 2018
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    I produced 49 tracks and published a dozen on Bandcamp, the other on soundcloud. I checked my Bandcamp account this morning and for 2 years, I have received ..... 0 $ !!!
    People say my music is good but now music is free.
    Honestly, I can't remenber the last time I brought a song, so why will other do ?
  6. RitchieM

    RitchieM Rock Star

    Nov 6, 2020
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    Near Liverpool
    Have to say, this is something I am looking at and it’s a little daunting!! I am looking at doing meditation / sleep noise type things at the moment, it’s stuff I listen to at to help me sleep and something I have been creating. Would be looking at doing more variety, composition things etc... but at the moment, that’s my target. Just a minefield it would seem!

    thank you though to everyone that has posted, it has all helped
  7. Pure Energy

    Pure Energy Producer

    Apr 10, 2020
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    Does CD Baby grab your right @recycle
  8. MetaCastle

    MetaCastle Guest

    Self release the music get all the money in times where music is more available then ever labels are not very interesting
  9. Jim Von Gucci

    Jim Von Gucci Producer

    Oct 27, 2020
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    No he thinks Bandcamp is where it's at lol I wouldn't listen to anything he has to say ever again. :rofl:
  10. Jim Von Gucci

    Jim Von Gucci Producer

    Oct 27, 2020
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    That was the first thing I found when I Googled it when I looked into it myself last year. Shows you didn't even look and wanted people to do the work for you!! :snuffy:
    Last edited: Feb 7, 2021
  11. joem

    joem Producer

    Dec 17, 2011
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    just record yourself screaming I HAVE BEATS WHO WANTS EM!!! stick it on socials and see how many replies youll get.
    Last edited: Feb 6, 2021
  12. Smoove Grooves

    Smoove Grooves Audiosexual

    Jan 26, 2019
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    You must do this every day!
  13. onhappin

    onhappin Ultrasonic

    Jan 27, 2014
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    OK so it's time for an update. Routenote as distributor put the stuff I do on all major platforms. As I chronically lack time I did not promote the releases properly nor invest any money in promo and publicity, therefore only friends and hardcore dub fans reached my releases. So far, the streamings and downloads are just about 2 euros or so... in parallel, I also released my music on bandcamp and that was wise as I gathered 40 more or so... It's not much and doesn't even cover the cost of my patch cables but it's ok with me.
    You can check out my stuff for yourselves if you'd like:

    I am still open to further questions about the process of self-releasing in this crazy digital world! And I am also contemplating the idea of a small indie label for the like minded souls, so get in touch if you're on the same vibe.
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