Massive Wavetable Alternative

Discussion in 'Working with Sound' started by thewildwilliams, Oct 2, 2013.

  1. thewildwilliams

    thewildwilliams Newbie

    Sep 28, 2013
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    I Looking for Alternative to NI Massive with a chord section like colors, melancholia... i don't know exactly why but i really like that with the WT position and intensity it's really pleasant at my ears... So i would like to know if someone know other things like that (chord wavetable or very space strange chord section)

    Or even a wavetable collection... (i know already the one from Galbanum)


    NB : and don't tell me hey guy why don't you even play those chords... There's something quite interesting in the modulation of the wevetable position and intensity of this section of massive gives a sort of organic movement something weird but very pleasant... SO.... :)
  3. Studio 555

    Studio 555 Producer

    Mar 7, 2012
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    @ The WiLD Williams,

    Do you have tried to experiment with 'Additive Synthesis' ?

    As this type of Synthesis is based on a huge (depending of the Soft/Hardware Synth used) number of available 'Partials' (that are in fact 'Sine Waves'), and that you can add almost 'ad eternum', maybe you can find your way to get/create "very space strange chord section"...

    And about :

    With 'Additive Synthesis' (and depending of the Options provided within the Soft/Hardware Synth used), you can have a lot of possibilities to configure each of these 'Partials' ('Sine Waves') in several ways, thus creating 'Modulations', 'Movements',...
    You can even 'pan' these Partials in several ways within the Stereo Field. It's the case, for instance, with 'Native Instruments RAZOR' to use within 'Native Instruments REAKTOR', which is precisely a Soft Synth that uses 'Additive Synthesis, and that contains even more very interesting options and possibilities to create unique and unusual sounds. *yes*
  4. thewildwilliams

    thewildwilliams Newbie

    Sep 28, 2013
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    i will check this synthesis technique THANKS alot
    But it sounds like GRANULAR synthesis (or similar...) isn't it ?

    I have Alchemy so i will try this mode in it ;) THANKS
  5. fiction

    fiction Audiosexual

    Jun 21, 2011
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    +1 for additive synthesis, which is far more flexible than wavetable, but if not implemented "right" (i.e. usable, understandable), it can be a nightmare and less rewarding to toy around with than wavetable synthesis.

    Just for the note: There's another two strong contenders from Virsyn: Poseidon and the older Cube V2, which might be old but it's still a fantastic and deep synth. See the review on SoundOnSound (just search online for "virsyn cube soundonsound").
    Poseidon is better in that you can analyze any sample and build an additive partial set out of it, making it easier to "copy" your favourite sound as a basis for further tweaking.

    Also, there's HARMOR from ImageLine. It's quite different in that it has a rather simple and accessible GUI and a few unique controls that can give you instant results and tweaking fun (and great sound!), but in terms of additive it's not as deep, or might I say just different from Cube.

    If you have Alchemy however, I'd recommend sticking with it and learning how to really use it. It's a great synth too, has additive and resynthesis features too, and is even greater when you take the time to dig into it.
    In the end, it's the wavetable SOUND you're after, isn't it?

    Oh, if we only had unlimited time to tweak the most out of our great VSTi's ;-)
  6. thewildwilliams

    thewildwilliams Newbie

    Sep 28, 2013
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    Thanks to all i will start with Morphine and Alchemy ;)
  7. Alucard

    Alucard Newbie

    Nov 23, 2011
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    You could try synthmaster has both additive and wavetable.
  8. thewildwilliams

    thewildwilliams Newbie

    Sep 28, 2013
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    Yes i have it i will check it also
  9. thewildwilliams

    thewildwilliams Newbie

    Sep 28, 2013
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    For what i seen and experiment it's additive oscillator and not additive synthesis (with resynthesis) with what it make this kind of synthesis interesting is the amount of harmonics capabilities (morphine is 128)

    Synthmaster is Additive Oscillators which is not the same... 8 oscillator in the way of additive synthesis... so nice to build some organ sound....... like a church organ but not kind of strange things of the additive synthesis is capable to offer to me but THANKS anyway ;)
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