Pirate Party Crashes Spy Drone In Front Of German Chancellor Angela Merkel

Discussion in 'Industry News' started by Catalyst, Sep 30, 2013.

  1. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    With the German elections less than a week away, the Pirate Party has pulled off a quite extraordinary stunt. At a campaign rally by Chancellor Angela Merkel, a Pirate flew an unmanned camera-equipped drone just feet away from the somewhat amused German leader, before crash landing it just in front of her less than happy defense minister.

    With less than a week to go until the national elections on September 22, German Chancellor Angela Merkel and her team are working hard to maintain their lead in the polls and extend her current eight years in power.

    But despite the world’s most powerful female politician reportedly hating campaign politics, the 59-year-old still managed to raise a smile following a surprise entrance during a Christian Democratic Union (CDU) event in the city of Dresden.

    Some political parties are awash with money and can afford to go on campaign trails with few expenses spared. But for the parties who are happy with votes in single percentage figures – the Pirate Party for one – getting exposure requires more creative thinking.

    As Merkel and members of her team stood on stage, a small object could be seen in the sky. After hovering around for a while onlookers could see that the UFO was in fact a small drone. It proceeded to swoop down just a few feet in front of Merkel, apparently taking photos and recording video of the event.

    Seconds later with its Pirate Party operator apparently having been approached by the police, the drone crash-landed into the stage and was taken away by an official. While Merkel seemed to be amused, Germany’s defense minister in the dark suit and red tie to her right looked rather less impressed.

    The party later confirmed that the stunt was a protest against the EU’s use of surveillance drones.

    “The objective of the mission was to convey to the Chancellor and Minister of Defence Thomas de Maizière what it’s like to be suddenly observed from a drone,” said Markus Barenhoff, vice chairman of the German Pirate Party.

    The party said it also wanted to draw attention to a scrapped drone project which had already cost Germany upwards of half a billion euros before it was closed down earlier this year.

    The drone’s 23-year-old pilot was briefly detained and later released, having successfully grabbed the headlines and attention of voters across Germany. It is doubtful that the U.S. Pirate Party will emulate their european counterparts with a similar stunt on home soil – life is just too precious.

    Source: TorrentFreak

  3. London007

    London007 Member

    Aug 18, 2012
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    So stupid and immature, and the supposed "crash" was not even in the video - it was a non-event that simply did nothing nor proved anything of any consequence.

    Wow. So these are the kind of people you look up to, for inspiration in your quest for a world full of pirates and free music/cracked software? That's so ridiculous, well unless you're the mental age of 10 years old. Then it would be much more relevant for your prepubescent style rebellious outlook on life.
  4. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    I hope that's not directed at me but rather your reaction to the article because it would boggle my mind that you would come at me like that over some arbitrary news I posted from TorrentFreak. If it was in reference to the article they explain that they were flying a drone to protest against the EU’s use of surveillance drones which I think is a worthy cause considering the state of surveillance in the world today. If anything that's the epitome of what people should be doing, getting engaged with their government because I don't know if you've read the news this decade but things aren't so good. And they didn't purposefully crash it, it was an accident that ended up attracting attention to their message so they succeeded in what they set out to do. However bad you think it was, it was a few people that chose to do something rather than sit there and accept what's going on in the world today. Perhaps it's more manly to take it in the ass from Big Brother? :dunno:
  5. London007

    London007 Member

    Aug 18, 2012
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    Ah yes that's right, paranoia and all kinds of frivolous assumptions. It's becoming a trademark for twenty-somethings these days.

    I have to wonder though, for all your scaremongering over "Big Brother" - how the life of the parents, family and friends of murdered teenager Stephen Lawrence would have transpired if CCTV's were in place at that time, to capture images of the demonic killers? 20 years they waited for justice. Oh but maybe if the laws in the U.S. weren't so 5th amendment protected then cameras would have captured exactly what happened between Trayvon Martin and George Zimmerman.

    But no, we wouldn't want justice and clear evidence from CCTV to convict killers, rapists, pedophiles or criminals, now would we? It's not about big brother, it's about something called "security". Ah yes, that word should sound familiar to you. What's good for the goose ain't good for the gander?

    Yes that's right. The words oxymoron and hypocrite immediately spring to mind. But don't "take it in the ass" and personal. Although of course, I'm certain 100% you will.
  6. franknitty69

    franknitty69 Newbie

    Feb 24, 2013
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    i thought it was a interesting story. i just got in to multicopter's so it's always refreshing to see them in use in real-world scenarios.

    kudos to the pirate party for doing something. i mean my approach would've been different, but something is better than nothing.

    thanks for the article.
  7. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    You must be a Republican. :rofl:...and living on another planet. Don't worry I'm not a Democrat, I think partisanship is just about as ridiculous as the statements you've made here. First of all it's a batch of articles I grabbed from another site that I thought might be of interest to people here, I didn't write the story nor did I give my opinion about it (until my last post) so how you're suddenly coming to a bunch of asinine conclusions and foaming at the mouth over them is beyond me. You don't know me, my age or the opinions I hold about anything so maybe you should retract your ignorant statements which I'm sure you won't because you're too adult for that. Scaremongering...the word that ignoramuses use to deal with uncomfortable information. Gee that really doesn't fit too well with recent news and revelations on the FISA court ruling that much of the surveillance going on was unconstitutional in America for example. Here's a link to the article and the actual cache of documents the government was forced to release because of an EFF lawsuit: Hundreds of Pages of NSA Spying Documents to be Released As Result of EFF Lawsuit Now what was that about frivolous assumptions and paranoia? You sir need some fucking glasses because I think you must have missed pretty much every news article of the past decade. It's gotten to the point where we have all the evidence we're ever going to need and anyone with half a brain knows what's going on, that's why even major news outlets and senators are hanging their head in shame. The guy criticizes me for paranoia (over a news article I didn't write) and in the same paragraph is his justification of "security", the banner that insecure people, and/or those that desire control, use to justify all the unconstitutional acts in the world from some imaginary threat. Now that's what we call a hypocrite. Yeah because 9/11 and the Boston Marathon bombing could have been prevented with more stringent security...or perhaps someone reading the memos on terrorists planning on using planes as weapons or Russia's repeated warnings of the brothers that were involved in the bombings. They can't read a memo but what we need is more security, which of course the people have to shell out for. Yeah you're right maybe if we had cameras on the walls in our homes we could prevent a lot of crimes. Why aren't we doing that again? Oh that's right...because it's completely insane. I'm sure you know Trayvon Martin but do you know the names of all the children that were killed in other countries thanks to our attempts to establish security? And guess what we have a a video of them getting shot thanks to Bradley Manning. Personally I think people like you should be shipped off to their own country where you can live out the rest of your days being poked and prodded for the purposes of national security. and leave the rest of us to build a better, more sane world.

    Since you're so fond of the word security, you can learn about it firsthand when I boot you off the forums because I'm letting you know now that the next time you come at me like that...that's what's happening. *yes* In the meantime you're getting a warning for your insipid and childish temper tantrum. I hope I didn't take it too personally for ya but we need to keep this forum secure and you were spotted by our cameras being disrespectful, a clear violation of Rule 1: "be a nice person. insulting other members (for any reason) will get you banned without any notice"...and to a staff member to boot. I can only laugh at a "man" that considers the posting of an article that doesn't jive with his world view prepubescent but yet can't skip it without opening his big mouth, what a joke. If there's anything that's the mark of an infant, it's that. *yes*

    I'll close with quotes from some prepubescent children:
    If you don't like the truth
    You can make up your own
    Choose your own channel
    Choose your own voice

    'Adam and Eve'
    Or 'Linda and Steve'
    Just make up a story
    You want us to believe

    Make up your own

    The truth has never
    Sold any better
    Bubblegum wisdom
    Magazine junk

    You call them liars
    You call them thieves
    'Cause you're really stuck
    In your own beliefs

    Make up your own

    As a shortcut to heaven
    Alien nations
    Behind the sun

    Robots among us
    A dead president
    Predict the future
    Predict the end

    Make up your own

    The truth has never
    Sold any better
    Bubblegum wisdom
    Magazine junk

    You call them liars
    You call them thieves
    'Cause you're really stuck
    In your own beliefs

    Make up your own
  8. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    Never a problem man, I'm glad you found the article interesting and of some use to you. It's nice to know that some people are appreciative of the work that goes into posting this stuff even if they don't completely agree with some aspects of some article I happen to share. That's what we call being an adult. I don't make the news, I just post it. All the best. :mates: