Do we really need this kind of change to move forward ?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Stevie Dude, Jan 14, 2021.

  1. recycle

    recycle Guest

    Apart from all the logical reasons (just listen to the boss in his youtube interview) there is obviously a business issue: the commercial value of an internet forum is related to the number and quality of users who attend it. If Gearslutz boss had stuck on the original name this would have led many to think that the website orientation is sexist and misogynist. At that point, many users would begin to avoid using the forum, or worse: start to actively boycott it. Not only that, no brand wants his name associated with any kind of antisocial behavior: investors would begin to back up. In short, being stubborn on the name would create a very thorny situation with a risk of loss in business: there is really no reason to escalate so much the problem.
    The boss made the right move, plus he didn't exactly change the name/logo, he only deleted 3 letters ...
  2. thepie

    thepie Ultrasonic

    Aug 5, 2017
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    RIP Gearslutz
  3. Synclavier

    Synclavier Rock Star

    Nov 28, 2014
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    That Jules interview is a poor excuse to conceal his lack of balls. 1,6 million users every day, didn't give a f*ck about the name, it gained it's popularity with the old name. Have you seen the amount of ads from all the major audio companys.
  4. DoubleTake

    DoubleTake Audiosexual

    Jul 16, 2017
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    Whether or not it was solved wisely can not be known until well into the future.
    It was solved in an expedient manner, avoiding certain conflicts, and seems satisfactory.
    But WISE? don't get me started :guru:
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  5. DoubleTake

    DoubleTake Audiosexual

    Jul 16, 2017
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    But did Cartlin accept that the safest and most lasting way for those structures to be changed is via evolution?
    If he did, then he's got it right.
    We can apply social pressure, but we must be patient.

    Today's radicals wish to tear down the structures, assuming SOMETHING better will rise in their place.
    Chaos may be the only thing to rise for a long time, but the radicals are fine with that, as they are self-destructive.
    They see the flawed social structures that have evolved as being not flawed, but evil.
    And anyone who opposes destroying evil ... must be evil, right?

    That kind of absolute authority (the moral obligation to destroy humans to destroy evil) used to be the radical right's domain, and a power wielded by the old rulers, crushing change and progress.
    It was taken over by the left ... communism & socialism ... justifying the murder of millions by the ends of creating an equal society...
    And NOW it is taken on by the radical left children who wield power handed to them by the fearful cowards, and those ignorant of the implications.
    They are handing the baby a hand-grenade with the pin pulled.

    Now, I will take my warning or lifetime ban with grace, and if you don't know WHY, maybe YOU don't see the implications. :guru:

    or...perhaps you don't know the rules of this group. :rofl:
    Last edited: Jan 21, 2021
  6. tylerv

    tylerv Platinum Record

    Mar 6, 2020
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    unfortunately it did take off (well i mean kind of). there were less than only 5k signers but apparently thats all it takes to "effect the needle of change", or what i like to call "censor speech and legislate language", in 2021...

    and the owner/founder/massive pussy made the announcement yesterday that they were changing the name officially :deep_facepalm::suicide:
  7. tylerv

    tylerv Platinum Record

    Mar 6, 2020
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    View attachment 23562
  8. tylerv

    tylerv Platinum Record

    Mar 6, 2020
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    i think you miss the point. i cant speak for anyone else or why this bothers them but for me it has little to nothing to do with the actual situation itself (some poeple are uncomfortable with the word "slutz", less than 5000 btw).

    what bothers me is that for some reason all of the sudden everyone thinks that bc a word or an image or wtf ever, makes them "feew icky" or "hewts they're feewings" that the solution is to abolish or censor or force the thing they don't like to change rather than just not view or consume or partake in the thing. basically coming down to "I don't like that word, therefor YOU can't say it". that's a REAL slippery slope, especially in a time when literally everything is offensive to someone.

    you seem to think that ppl being "triggered" by this silly ass gearslutz situation is bc "oo i hate when ppl have different opinions than me". you couldn't be more wrong. i love that we all have the freedom to have different opinions. thats what makes life/the world/ppl interesting. i am 100% PRO different opinions.

    so it is for THAT reason that when i see a large established community or business give in and change their name and bend to the will of less than 5000 morons who somehow dont have the mental or intellectual fortitude to not be triggered by the word "SLUTZ", that i become a little bothered. we can't keep rewarding these little temper tantrums of the few by censoring life. shit gets really boring and pretty fucking bleek when you play that one out.

    i'd rather be offended 1000 times daily rather than never at all. so you know what the correct well rounded adult human thing to do is if you're a woman in pro audio and you don't like the way the word slutz makes you feel? DON'T USE THE WEBSITE. you don't like seeing wieners go into tacos? STAY OFF OF PORNHUB.

    EXERCISE YOUR DISGUST AND DISAPPROVAL WITH YOUR WALLET. thats true power. if you don't agree with something then you simply don't have to partake. but just bc you don't enjoy a word or aren't able to see the humor in a websites name doesn't mean you should be able to delete it from existing for the ppl who get the joke.
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  9. DoubleTake

    DoubleTake Audiosexual

    Jul 16, 2017
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    What does "insulting people for free" mean?
    You mean being able to insult others without being fined or imprisoned, tortured or murdered?
    Let's be clear here....
    I have a feeling Carlin has always been OK with "insulting people for free" AND "insulting people for money".
  10. tylerv

    tylerv Platinum Record

    Mar 6, 2020
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    PLEASE everyone who doesn't agree with the name change sign this. someone posted a counter petition to keep the gearslutz name on the same website that posted the original petition to change it.

    it would be FUCKING AWESOME and quite hilarious to see it surpass the original petition.
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  11. alwin1

    alwin1 Kapellmeister

    Jan 2, 2021
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    Dude. He is not bending for anyone but money. Most of the people have problems with the name and businesses do what promises the most money. That guy would put the pic of adolf hitler all over gearslutz website if he would be sure to make more money this way and he would be stupid to not do so.

    This is the so called market and not an evil conspiracy.
    People can express their feelings even if you don’t agree with it.
    Just because you are not effected by the name of slutz, others especially women are.
    And it’s pretty easy to act like you don’t care if it doesn’t effect you. How about the name gearfaggots? Not so great, right? Imagine it would be called gearfaggots. How do you feel using that website? Telling people to visit your gearfaggots profile for reputation, as a man? Now if you use empathy you understand people who don’t like gearslutz. Stop acting like you wouldn’t just because it doesn’t effect you or that you don’t care.
    You even telling people to join another online petition, that is how little you claim to care. You obviously care about things, if they somehow effect you. You literally here fighting for a websites name who offends half of the population by default. Pretty stupid business wise.The name change would not affect you in any way but would make other people way more happier using the site and would attract more people.
    And it is something different if a leading website is offending you or a guy on the street. The website wants you to join the website, the guy on the street is just an asshole.
    Last edited: Jan 21, 2021
  12. kingchubby

    kingchubby Rock Star

    Oct 14, 2011
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    Y'all still arguing over this?
    Carry on.
  13. amadeusex

    amadeusex Ultrasonic

    Nov 2, 2017
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    Political correctness, and its static imposition in the formulation of public discourse, does not serve what - in theory - is intended to cure. It does not guarantee the kindness of intentions or the restraint of behaviors. It does not promote civilized dialogue that evolves without disturbing, offending, offending and underestimating the interlocutors. This is because political correctness is an invention, an intellectual construct with a specific ideological starting point and goal. It did not arise by a natural process of maturing political morals. It is not a product of social demand. It is not a phenomenon that accompanies a philosophical current.

    Instead political correctness is the tool for the violent enforcement of justification, the cover for the abolition of freedom of expression, the pretext for criminalizing freedom of thought, the vehicle for consolidating the lifeless, unadulterated and dehydrated language of 'Big Brother'.

    Political correctness is used to manipulate the masses, to eradicate the voices that insist on conversing with the Truth. To eradicate the spontaneous, the healthy and the sincere.

    Political correctness distorts the right reason. As a theory and as a practice, it refers to extreme fundamentalism, medieval obscurantism and hard totalitarianism.

    Political correctness is not the choice of free-thinking people.
  14. Paul Pi

    Paul Pi Audiosexual

    Oct 18, 2016
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    Honestly, wouldn't bother me (as a man) at all - it's just a website, so unless it was festooned with heavy homoerotic, man-on-man imagery, why on earth would i care? In fact, that would probably be v.funny if it was done with due wit.

    The internet, like everywhere else, is being 'progressed' into a fake safespace for brave new world citizens to pretend the world's ok just so long as they can wear blinkers and twitter on about nothing.
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  15. alwin1

    alwin1 Kapellmeister

    Jan 2, 2021
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    you should stick to making music, haven’t read so much bs in a long time. Your right wing capitalist gods/kings who are owning everything are manipulating the masses and ripping this planet apart. Or are you living on another planet where these so called pcs have any power?
  16. Paul Pi

    Paul Pi Audiosexual

    Oct 18, 2016
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    Indeed, political correctiness is a distracting liberal pantomime in lieu of actual social progress.
    Last edited: Jan 21, 2021
  17. EddieXx

    EddieXx Audiosexual

    Sep 13, 2015
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    way to much wording about nothing.

    since there is nothing "radical" about a simple petition to change a name that uses a derogative slur in its name. its literally the most normal thing in the world

  18. alwin1

    alwin1 Kapellmeister

    Jan 2, 2021
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    What are you talking about? If you can make something safer, why wouldn’t you do it? That’s what humanity has always done. Or do you want everywhere pictures of war, rape and destruction because thats how the world is?
    This is a professional audio website called slutz and it’s about a petition to change that name. If you guys would put so much energy into real important things like climate change or multi billion dollar companies not paying any taxes as you care about that online petition, well that would be great. One guy started a petition about something that is important to him and people here are compring it to nazi germany

    This is such an unimportant bullshit and shows who the real offended people are.
    Last edited: Jan 21, 2021
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  19. Paul Pi

    Paul Pi Audiosexual

    Oct 18, 2016
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    Because in real terms it never was unsafe. Do you not mean female-friendly? In any case, the website will be just the same as it ever was... which never AT ALL represented any kind of key frontline in the drive for true female emancipation in the music biz, unless you're looking to work for them i suppose.

    This infantile petition could hardly be construed as addressing any kind of meaningful progress whatsoever. In real terms it is entirely inconsequential to the very real problems facing the disorientated, atomised masses in the neoliberal world that endlessly corrals and penalises them.

    Is real social progress about changing a dumb website name? No, that's just fiddling while rome burns.
    Last edited: Jan 21, 2021
  20. DoubleTake

    DoubleTake Audiosexual

    Jul 16, 2017
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    Well certainly making a petition to change the name is the right way to go about it.
    It is simply gathering agreement to present to someone about something.

    The concerning thing is the reaction.
    Now maybe the owner really did 'see the light of progress' ...
    Or maybe he saw the light in a cold wet basement as the bones in his feet were slowly being crushed...

    Exaggeration? Well it is not the punishment or reward that motivates best ...
    It is the THREAT of punishment or PROSPECT or reward....
    And imagination is involved with that and allows for people to do things they never imagine they would do,
    because they don't even realize what they are imagining in their subconscious..

    Implications and associations ...
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