AudioSexed Radio

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by lisapower, Sep 27, 2013.

  1. lisapower

    lisapower Member

    Mar 2, 2012
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    Right now i had ultimate flash passing Idea for AudioZ. Don't know if the users will like it or not or if it was requested already. Anyway, I Would like this feature on AudioZ.

    A few days ago i had read the nice post about "AudioSexed Album" etc.. AudioSexed Album!!!
    I also noticed that AudioZ runs on a pretty fast Server. So why don't use a little bit of that power to gain even more for all of Us.

    So, the idea is: To add a Music Player that runs some random music in background as soon someone enters the AudioZ Site/s.
    Of course there should be also a button to turn off the music etc. The Songs in the Music Player could be those from AudioZ users etc..
    It would be a great benefit for all i think. Well, it's just an idea!

    Maybe you would like also to have some kind of feature on AudioZ?
    Any Feedback is welcome! Any Pro&Contra comment is welcome!

    Just share your thoughts!

    Thanks to all for reading my post!

    cheers! :mates:
  3. fuad

    fuad Producer

    Dec 17, 2012
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    I think that's a wonderful idea! could be playing in the background while we're hangin out
  4. thisis theend

    thisis theend Member

    Jul 28, 2013
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    +1 :grooves:
  5. ( . ) ( . )

    ( . ) ( . ) Audiosexual

    Jul 29, 2013
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    I like the idea alot :) But we must also remember that AudioZ and AudioSEX are two different projects and we must not confuse the two. Only people who are part of AudioSEX can be included in the album. We can have our music playing at AudioZ with a player, but no AudioZ users can contribute to the album unless they have been a member in AudioSEX and have given great contributions here.

    But fantatsic idea, hopefully SAiNT may be able to include it when he finishes the new AudioZ, which I believe is going to be a whole lot more efficient *yes*
  6. midi-man

    midi-man Audiosexual

    Sep 25, 2013
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    HK I think that is a bad idea since audiosex and audioz are one in reality. I do understand they are in reality separate but if you go to audioz
    you can get here very fast. I would not have know of this place had it not been for audioz. Can you please explain what you mean by have given great contributions here.

    If I make an original song for auidosex isn't that contributing greatly. I mean it is not easy to make a good song is it?
    I think that is a great contribution to me.
  7. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    The album is called AudioSexed not Audiozed and came to fruition because of a thread entitled "What if we make something beautiful". We in that case is not related to anyone else besides the people of AudioSex as we want it to be a representation of the great community here. AudioSex and Audioz are two completely different projects so no they are not one and the same, it's like a partner web site but it's mission couldn't be any more different and the same can be said about the vibe. If you'd like to be considered then you have time to get involved, which hopefully you would do for other reasons besides getting your track on an album.

    People make original songs all the time and considering they get feedback and constructive criticism on it I think they're getting more out of that deal. I don't exactly go around the net looking for people's songs to comment on but yet people go around the net looking for a place to share their track, get some feedback and get their name out there. Believe me I have enough good music to listen to that will last a lifetime and I'm good at discovering more. I understand that our vision may not coincide with yours but this is what this project is about.
  8. lisapower

    lisapower Member

    Mar 2, 2012
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    Well, for me Music is Universal, Both sites are about Music! i just don't get why People make barriers themselves?

    Anyway; I want to thank everyone for participating here! :wink:
  9. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    Well nobody is stopping your from making your album now are they? This is not an album for everyone on every site, it's an album about pride in our community and therefore the rules make sense. It is called AudioSexed right? You know how labels will come out with a compilation of the artists they've signed? Well this is like that but concerning a site we're proud of and each other whom we want to support. And it's not exclusive to boot because we're not saying new members can't be a part of it, we're saying they have to be a part of the community if they want to be part of the album. I understand it sucks to have to give back but hey they've got 3 months. :wink:

    Also please keep in mind that all entries have to be reviewed by someone and we simply don't have the manpower to deal with that many submissions so the limitation is important.

    And thanks for your appreciation lisapower. :mates:
  10. ( . ) ( . )

    ( . ) ( . ) Audiosexual

    Jul 29, 2013
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    I'm going to post an update thread very soon adressing many issues and concerns relating to the album and also making people aware of some new rules that are being added.

    But one thing I'd like to say for now is that for everyone who THINKS that by creating a track they are contributing to AudioSex, seriously, don't give me that crap... :dont:

    The reality is MOST people who have seen the thread don't give two shits about AudioSex and they just wan't a piece of the album. Just ask me how much spam I've been getting on my SoundCloud and PM's about wanting to be on it. But I don't want to talk about that right now since it will be adressed in the update thread.

    If you truly cared about AudioSex and was a contributing member, you would have been passionate about this community and helped people out, not worry about some ALBUM that we are doing FOR PEOPLE WHO ARE A PART OF THIS COMMUNITY. By desperately asking to get on the album you are not showing any passion for the community nor your music. You are just doing it for the popularity factor. Because this album CAN have the potential to make it onto important hands...

    Please don't embarrass yourself people and just relax!
  11. swing

    swing Newbie

    Jun 7, 2011
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    Great idea Lisa :wink: It´s nice to see how the whole Album concept is becoming better, and yes, HK has solid points to take care here. New people should know that this place is not just the lounge section. There is a lot of clear-useful knowledge and resources posted here and also people discusing, helping and also reviewing others work (yes, before all the Album thing that was already happening), so giving just a track to 'contribute' and also be in the Album sounds too simple. If all people here were contributed just with tracks this place will be just a (huge) bunch of songs more lost in the newtwork, not a forum, and nobody could really reach self or others aesthetic/technical improvements. So go around recent members, take a look, I´m shure you´ll find something interesting here, or somebody to give a hand with a task :mates:
  12. SAiNT

    SAiNT Creator Staff Member phonometrograph

    May 11, 2011
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    I apologize for not responding for so long - i actually had link to this topic in my ToDO list, but then it got lost because i have so much "ToDO" right now with the new AudioZ coming...

    so, it is a great idea indeed, and i won't lie if i say that i thought about it even before this Audiosexed thing started.
    actually, i was going to introduce it with the new Audioz - it's been one of many new features at early design stages, but then i thought it would be to complicated to organize and keep track of, so i had to take it off :sad:

    the main problem is that it takes a lot of server power to maintain a streaming radio, so i'd have to rent another server. but that's acceptable.
    what bothers me most is that i simply not able to manage it, because i physically don't have time :sad: i already took way too much on my shoulders and despite my sincere ambition to do more and more, i just can't afford it in terms of time :(
    and that means that i would need some other person to run this for us, and that person would have to be highly responsible.

    so the bottom line is: if we have that person, then i can put this idea back to my list; but to be honest with you, even then it would take at least 3 months before i can make it real, because like i said - it is pure insanity, how many things i took on my shoulders. i eat only once a day, because eating takes too much time from work; i shave once in two weeks, i don't cut my nails until it gets ridiculous - all that just to save a few more minutes for work and do more....
    I need a team of passionate, reliable enthusiasts in web-development, but then again - i don't have time to search for them :sad:
  13. ( . ) ( . )

    ( . ) ( . ) Audiosexual

    Jul 29, 2013
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    that's crazy man. Good luck with everything man, you do a huge favor for us, much respect :bow:
  14. thisis theend

    thisis theend Member

    Jul 28, 2013
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    I could maybe help out with sth like this. But that depends on exactly what it would mean.
    If you would send me all the details about what it would involve, and if the management could be done by someone from the evil empire
    - using a mac :bleh: - then I could at least consider it.

    Take care SAiNT. Shaving may not be too important but I think you should try to eat at least twice a day :wink:
  15. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    I don't do a hundredth of what SAiNT is involved in and I can personally say that I eat once a day and my residence is becoming ridiculous because I'm always so busy. Also once in a blue moon if I happen to go relax with some friends oftentimes something happens and I end up having to moderate from my phone or drop everything and use their computer. Honestly if it weren't for the nightmare that is called my life I would shoulder more responsibility and that's considering that I'm already involved heavily in both forums and an active moderation not a passive one because I also provide a lot of the content here. I'm currently moving in on 2,000 LENGTHY posts in a year's time. I can barely get a little time to watch a tutorial and continue my study of mixing, mastering, synthesis, theory, etc. I actually have a lot of ideas for projects but I need some people to see them come to fruition because I'm currently buried. There's also a lot of stuff that needs maintaining (AudioSex Academy, Genre Specific Production, News, Software News, Transmissions, etc.) and we still need to make upgrades to both forums.

    I've been considering for a while now having some sort of positions and jobs that need to be done and see if we can't have some volunteers to fill them. I could also arrange a contest where the reward would be a 1 month or 3 month coupon and the winner agrees to make some headway on the projects on the backburner or the ones currently in play. I think it would be amazing if the community would share in the development efforts in any way that they know how. We have a lot of talent here and it is after all our responsibility to pitch in to make things happen if we have the capability, you've already done so much for us. That's why I'm here right now trying to assist in any way that I can. Imagine how amazing we could make these projects if everyone were involved in whatever capacity. :wow:

    thisis theend
    We have plenty of people that use Macs here, we could care less what you use. It's the fact that people want to step up and help out that's the focus. :bow:

    And now if you'll excuse me it's evening and I have to have "breakfast" now. :wow:
  16. thisis theend

    thisis theend Member

    Jul 28, 2013
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    I was just thinking that there could be some actual tech issues that would be a problem, so best to give a heads up.
    Although the 'evil' part was a little hint for you :)

    Take it easy guys, you don't wanna get stuck on one of these:

  17. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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  18. SAiNT

    SAiNT Creator Staff Member phonometrograph

    May 11, 2011
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    Catalyst, we're two crazy man :mates:

    "I maybe could" doesn't sound too convenient my friend *no*
    that's exactly how it usually happens: people say "i will do it, let's start" and in a month i end up doing everything by myself again... Like i said, I just can't afford it anymore :sad:

    i know, but it doesn't work that way unfortunately :( it takes at least one hour to even have a lunch, and once i have one - i become this kind of "calm" and can't concentrate on work, and if i eat too much - i want to sleep :)
    So i work and drink tea all day long (with sugar, which gives my brain some energy), until my brain physically cannot function normally anymore, and then i stop working and go check forums, mails, pm's, im's - usually about 30 of those every day, and most of them require making decisions.

    after that i either go cook or if i'm too tired, i just order. there are times though when i'm too tired to actually eat... always wondered how that could be possible. :dunno:

    ...but it's not something to be proud of! (except the self-dedication) I just tried to explain why things move so slowly.

    thank you :mates:
  19. Andrew

    Andrew AudioSEX Maestro

    Oct 24, 2011
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    Between worlds
    Just for the record, lisapower must have read my mind, because I was thinking of community radio just yesterday! :rofl:

    Running radio is big responsibility though. I can say that after 7 years of amateur broadcasting. Internet broadcast is quite different from regular VHF/FM broadcast. You need to have huge connectivity, that is upload (bitrate)*(number of listeners). Then you need "server" which will send those audio streams to clients, I used to work with Icecast2 and Shoutcast, Icecast2 is open-source and supports more formats, Shoutcast is more popular but also more restricted. Then you need "source" (edcast, Shoutcast DSP, ...), that is the playback machine where all your music is stored and using special app you send the audio data to server and there it's distributed to each client.

    Just yesterday, I've experimented with lossless FLAC broadcast. Superb quality, but 1Mbps bandwidth. :thumbsup:

    Anyway if you ever need some advice in this matter, let me know. :wink:
  20. thisis theend

    thisis theend Member

    Jul 28, 2013
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    Hey man, perhaps we misunderstood each other a little bit.
    I was actually just trying to be really responsible, since that was the kind of person you said you would need.
    I think most responsible people would want to know all the details regarding a project before they make any decisions or promises about commitment.
    In my experience the guys who rush in are also the most likely to drop out.

    That's the reason I wrote 'maybe', cause I don't know what you'd need and if I could deliver it. For instance I don't have the tech knowledge like our great friend Andrew here, so I would be useless when it comes to setting this stuff up.
    But if you'd need somebody to manage content once the operation was up and running, like updating tracklists and info, making sure there's a good rotation, answering questions from everybody… stuff like that I could help with. Maybe :)
    I'm saying 'maybe' cause I don't know if there are some tech obstacles, or exactly how you would want this to run, how much time you'd demand somebody put into it, etc.
    But feel free to contact me whenever you want if you wanna bring on the details and you believe I could help in any way.

    And again, take care of yourselves guys. That schedule you describe... it looks grueling.
    Don't forget that health is important . :wink:
  21. SAiNT

    SAiNT Creator Staff Member phonometrograph

    May 11, 2011
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    i did get that actually *yes* and i respect it.

    yes, that's exactly what we need *yes* i don't do server configurations, but the good thing about it is that once it's done - you can forget about it :)

    it's hard to say how much time it will require, but you'd have to check all tracks in Our Music forum, upload best of them to server via FTP, manage playlists and stuff :dunno:

    very good, i will keep that in mind :mates:

    thanks for the video, it's hilarious :rofl:
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