Major scale help me understand

Discussion in 'Education' started by FrankWhite23, Jan 2, 2021.

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  1. JST

    JST Ultrasonic

    Dec 22, 2015
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    If it sounds like a nursery rhyme, then it is a hit!
  2. Obineg

    Obineg Platinum Record

    Dec 7, 2020
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    so for example not for a professor for business administration. i dont have contact to such uninteresting people anyway, but they would quickly diagree with me. :D
  3. Scarlett

    Scarlett Member

    Dec 24, 2020
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    You're in for a treat! :winker:
    Gratz btw. When you finally have energy back (after 1 year or so... maybe...) you start feeling so good by looking at your children,
    sometimes they are just so cute.

    Then they become teenagers... :rofl:

    Btw, here you can hear Metallica's Master of Puppets in Major Key...

    The beginning reminds me of Green Day... lol

    And Nothing Else Matters... wtf!

    It really does sound like a nursery theme!
  4. taskforce

    taskforce Audiosexual

    Jan 27, 2016
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    Studio 54
    Hmmm. I'd like to hear you make Jingle Bells sound minor with the very same notes.
    My 2 cents, even if you substitute all major chords for their minor relevants, it will still sound annoyingly happy.
  5. The Freq

    The Freq Guest

    It's like anything in life. A normal human error which we are all guilty of at some point is to take the experience with someone and think everyone in that arena might be the same. In reality, they're not, but we assess by our experiences. There will always be people who are willing to listen who acknowledge that everyone has something to offer and people who think something is set in concrete. Very little is set in concrete. If it was, we'd still be in caves painting with rocks and ochre. :)
  6. The Freq

    The Freq Guest

    You are both right and wrong. If someone wants to bend anything even to degrees of being painful while staying harmonically correct(or in film purposefully incorrect)... it can get as dark as the arranger/orchestrator wishes. John Williams did that really successfully in Star Wars, taking an already heard pretty melody and making it really dark during intense scenes. Proof's in the pudding... I did this in 15mins quickly - If I spent more time I possibly may make it darker or more interesting. Your comment was great, and if it was not, I would not have bothered. Jingle bells quick reharm.png

    AUDIO LINK - Gets darker in places (on purpose)...
    I figure you know the melody so I did the verse - I can do the same with the chorus but by hearing this, you'd work that out anyway :) I may have missed an accidental here or there but the chord symbols are correct.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 20, 2021
  7. Ad Heesive

    Ad Heesive Audiosexual

    Apr 21, 2019
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    Nicely done. :like: Possibilities are always endless.
    If anyone wants to see a mini tute on what kind of thinking 'can be' happening when doing this kind of (re)harmonisation,
    see the video below.
    Not really for beginners, but as with everything "if it's worth doing - be prepared to learn"
  8. Ad Heesive

    Ad Heesive Audiosexual

    Apr 21, 2019
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    Clearly, some melodies just are nicer than others
    but any melody can be regarded as just a starting point
    and then it's what you do with it that matters.

    I like @taskforce's phrase 'annoyingly happy'
    I think it's hard to find a melody that's more 'annoyingly happy' than Mozart's 'Twinkle Twinkle Little Star'
    but look at what can be done with it - there are no limits.

    Also, Mozart provided a bunch of variations himself, allegedly as lessons for his students.
    I call it "irritatingly brilliant"
  9. The Freq

    The Freq Guest

    We are put on this earth for a good time not a long time someone once said. Taking that literally, it's an adventure. If someone is creative, it makes sense to let that creativity run rampant in an artform. I agree with comments about rules being learned, but only in beginning and novice stages for absorption so there is a platform to start the journey from. Then work out what can be done with it, stepping outside of the square, as that is exciting, or a tangent direction, or in a totally different direction. Some people call it breaking the rules, but it's not that simple. Once a person knows their harmony inside out, they often let their ears, experiences and pure inspiration lead the music or as mentioned a melody and bass note. Charlie Parker made some interesting comments on no boundaries and he was correct. But to get there, some foundation must exist to launch from. I can appreciate any music created as long as it is the creator doing the creating, not a machine (Though some inventions are admirable at a human engineering level).

    Really, the sky is the limit. I think I have always known that the only limitations we have are those which we place upon ourselves. Whether that takes the form of being open to learn anything new, or try anything new, or draw from completely unrelated sources for inspiration, so on and so forth... The greatest flaw we humans have is the occasional inability to readily accept change, but change is necessary more often than not for advancement and understanding. It's a choice for all of us to be open or closed. I find some music critics hilarious too. They forget that music advanced by people creating something new that did not sound like anyone else, not by copying everyone else.
  10. I made this piece in the key of A. Does it sound like a nursery rhyme (using just 3 chords: Amaj, Emaj and Dmaj)?

    Attached Files:

  11. BTW, nursery rhymes don't sound that bad.

  12. The Freq

    The Freq Guest

    Totally correct they have a consistent formula like many Christmas tunes - If you consider that Nursery Rhymes are basically penned that name because they're rhymes or rhymes set to music that are easy to remember for almost any age from Kindergarten to adult (e.g. Jack and Jill went up the hill)- It theoretically explains the formula for writing a Pop(ular) melody that people can sing in the shower. I never particularly liked Justin Bieber but being honest, 'Baby, baby, baby, baby' is super easy to remember at any level. So next time anyone wishes to vomit at a radio song or bash their head against a wall because some advertisement you could not stand you keep hearing the melody, or worse subconsciously singing it, this is more likely the reason why. It has purposefully been written so it can be sung along with the first time it is heard.
  13. I may try, if you really want to "understand" it. Foreword: knowledge may come for free sometimes, but there are no shortcuts and demands willpower, so, in the end, is there anything absolutelly for free in life?
    In advance, based on your question, you don't understand nor major, nor minor - and I mean it not in an offensive way. Given the replys found here so far, none of them do.
  14. There are shortcuts to everything. The problem is that the people who have learned the music do not try to teach it to others in the simplest possible ways.

    I'm sure the whole science of music can be taught to people from zero to hundred in 24 hours. But no professor does this because he does not want to teach anyone the fruit of many years of thinking for free.
  15. Ad Heesive

    Ad Heesive Audiosexual

    Apr 21, 2019
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    This looks like Foster versus Anti-Foster.

    So, another one of those place your bets situations.
    I'll gamble early on... One familiar troll firing on both barrels
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  16. "The Last Post" that most mournful of musical elegies, played by a lone bugler to honor those soldiers lost in battle is comprised of the notes, F, A and C. It's just an F major, yet it is heart achingly forlorn.
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  17. The Freq

    The Freq Guest

    Then seeing you know so much about it, perhaps you need to walk your talk and show everyone how immense you are and how unknowledgeable everyone else is.
    When you make an ambiguous statement like that, expect it to be questioned. While you are at it, put some of your own original music up so we can be dazzled by your brilliance, and if you do not or cannot then that speaks for itself and in your words "I mean it not in an offensive way" . :)
  18. The Weeknd - Save Your Tears.PNG

    Attached Files:

  19. Obineg

    Obineg Platinum Record

    Dec 7, 2020
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    mr. dunning and mr. kruger, floating in the middle of the dark sea of knowledge.
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