The Stupidity of the Crowd = Best Marketing Strategy

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by audiozuser76, Jan 8, 2021.

  1. bondebara

    bondebara Guest

    - Any reduction in the dynamic range is compression.
    - Any change in the "character" isn't compression.
  2. Luka-S

    Luka-S Noisemaker

    Jan 3, 2021
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    I nearly bought that Weiss maximiser before Christmas. Thanks to R2R I don’t have to anymore and it’s not because I will use cracked version. Softube is average at most for my taste. I really prefer Waves for vintage sound and Fabfilter for clean sound. You could probably achieve same sound with your Daw stock plugins. We all behave like sheep sometimes.
  3. audiozuser76

    audiozuser76 Producer

    Jun 22, 2013
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    Very simply, it's true lies...
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  4. Guitarmaniac64

    Guitarmaniac64 Rock Star

    Jun 5, 2011
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    Yeah that dude seems to be impressed over alot of new stuff.
    I really miss the days when we didnt have any GUI we only had sliders and the EAR would be our judge.
    But then some "f*****s" complained about sliders not being so nice to look at they are ugly like it was some painting?

    They said how about a shiny picture of the real hardware with knobs (knobs isn't as precise as sliders) and buttons and switches?
    Aand then the decide how good it sounds by your ears was over forever.
    Apperently todays standard is the shinyer the GUI the better it sounds.
    Luckily there is rebels like Airwindows
  5. Blue

    Blue Audiosexual

    Sep 6, 2015
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    Nevermind,that is just my opinion,if you like this plugin personally keep using it bro.:thumbsup:
    I use Plugin alliance a lot for my music.As a generic,versatile saturator I prefer Elysia Phil's Cascade or Elysia Karakter,Izotope Trash for more savage stuff.Kazrog True iron for delicate harmonics,sometimes.

    I mentioned it in another thread about compressors,Kush Silika is incredible.It is a compressor and/or saturator.
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  6. Blu

    Blu Producer

    Jan 9, 2021
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    We have similar tastes ( and similar nicknames ahahah) as I use trash, true iron, silika and some PA vsts. I have to try the Elysia ones just to see if they can add something to my palette
  7. Virgilus

    Virgilus Newbie

    Mar 11, 2021
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    All those SEO tactics make me feel bad about people as a breed. Look, as far as I understand, those are the same as systems for automatic trading or those robots who are black-linking automatically or, even worse, those casino strategies where you set a certain algorithm and hope to make a lot of money. That is trash, believe me. In order to promote your website or to do some SEO work on it, you have to know exactly what you are doing, or you will be punished by Google or any other search engine. Here you can have all the assistance you need if you care about your project.
    Last edited: Apr 29, 2021
  8. hackerz4life

    hackerz4life Audiosexual

    Jan 6, 2020
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    Its a personal journey.
    The first aha moment is when you can distinguish between good and bad sounding plugins and the next thing that will happen as part of your growth is getting some decent hardware and that will be the next aha moment when you realize how much bs there actually is among ALL plugin developers.
    If you dont get it now you will one day.
  9. Ŧยχøя

    Ŧยχøя Audiosexual

    Dec 15, 2020
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    If anything, I agree that Weiss stuff is no good..

    I was very Hyped with Weiss Compressor, Maximizer and EQ when they came out,
    but after A/B-ing them I lost all the interest.

    The GUIs are good, nicely featured and practical, nice plugs actually..
    But there's two things that broke the deal:

    First, the result/sound is not better than what I already use;
    DMG EQuilibrium is better than Weiss EQ, and Elysia Alpha Comp is much better than Weiss Comp..
    The Maximizer is more unique/interesting, but I couldn't use it because..

    Secondly, this plugs need 100x times more CPU power to run,
    just loading them on my massive mastering session destroys the whole thing/puts the CPU on its knees.

    But since the result is not better, or even as good as my actual stuff, it's completely Unjustified.
    (with the other plugs it runs just fine..)

    -Thanks to R2R/sister site however, it was an Interesting experience,
    I'm always open to try the next hot thing, and A/B it with my current stuff.

    But truth be told it's been almost 8 years since I had to change/substitute any of it..
    EQuilibrium, Elysia and Ozone are still my favourite Mastering EQ, Comp and Exciter/Maximizer.

    Fabfilter Pro-Q3, Redline EQ and Oxford EQ, are my go-to instrument EQ's
    Fabfilter Pro-C2 and Toneboosters BusComp, my go-to instrument Comps.

    Lexicon and Altiverb my go-to Reverbs..

    The only other Reverb I'm toying with atm is the new VSS4HD,
    the sound is great, but it's a bit quirky when it comes to ER settings, and is not as precise (tail reflections delay)
    so in the end I don't think it will substitute the Lexicon PCM.. still a very good/interesting verb tho.

    Oh and also Liquidsonics Reverberate,
    I don't like it as a Bus Rev/for everything, but I found those Bricasti IR's work wonderfully with LASS2,
    and other super Dry yet Realistic instruments, giving them an interesting and necessary extra Depth..
    Last edited: Apr 27, 2021
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