Do we really need this kind of change to move forward ?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Stevie Dude, Jan 14, 2021.

  1. EddieXx

    EddieXx Audiosexual

    Sep 13, 2015
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    it doesn't surprise this finally came up for a discussion.

    i cant say i find the name suitable for a community as broad as musicians really. Im far from being a prude individual but even so it put me off initially, i found it to be an unnecessarily, tasteless

    cant say its a good name and i cant see any obvious reason why it would need to be called that. not that it shouldn't be allowed, its just i dont see the need. specially when its rightfully perceived as derogative by many of the members.

    whats obvious to me though is that this is the classic kind of language older men in a male dominated music industry would have thought to be a "funny" and slightly provocative name in the past, since the aggravating component in the name is not commonly used towards men

    but, i do guarantee you, they would never have thought of calling it: "Gearfaggotz"

    see? when you make that little exercise you rapidly realize why it aint "funny" no-more.

    easy to see where the "harmless fun" begins and where funny ends, right. when its a derogative slur used towards men, then it becomes just a weird idea..

    we live in a time though when assholes and psychopaths with zero empathy think their insolent ways are just "honest" and "upfront" (until it affects them) so they will jump up to defend a totally useless cause as if it was symbolic for something else than a simple tasteless offensive name without any further value

    Last edited: Jan 16, 2021
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  2. MassesAreAsses

    MassesAreAsses Member

    Jan 5, 2021
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    You obviously have no discernment to what's going on in this world. There is a spiritual battle happening that you're obviously oblivious to.
  3. Moogerfooger

    Moogerfooger Audiosexual

    Jun 11, 2016
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  4. recycle

    recycle Guest

    +1 for "Gearfaggotz"
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  5. Stevie Dude

    Stevie Dude Audiosexual

    Dec 29, 2020
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    Near Nyquist
    now this will start the internet revolution :rofl:
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  6. alwin1

    alwin1 Kapellmeister

    Jan 2, 2021
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    How many hours of youtube videos do I have to watch to be enlightened?

    +1 for gearfaggotz
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  7. mr.personality

    mr.personality Producer

    Sep 18, 2017
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    Yeah, the.... 'done a lot of research' crowd. lol
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  8. Cav Emp

    Cav Emp Audiosexual

    Dec 7, 2014
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    I think it’s a stupid name, but as usual the people complaining about hurt feelings have absolutely no interest in the context of it. The idea is that we the users are sluts for audio gear. Anyone want to take a bet as to whether GS is overwhelmingly male? Tons of the users have their real names, websites with photos of themselves and their studios, contact info, etc. in plain sight on their profiles and signatures. It shouldn’t be hard to get a feel for the demographic.

    My fellow slutz, this is a major step toward gender equality in the audio community. We brave men are taking the gendered derogatory term “slut” and owning it as a title to batter us with. We embrace it as our own! You’re welcome ladies, see you at the next planned parenthood rally.

    And to the people who think themselves clever for trying to flip the “snowflake” rhetoric back on the people who object to this kind of thing... this sort of topic has been a heated battleground for the last 6+ years at least. Once again, pretending to be completely ignorant to context because it’s the easiest, laziest way to discredit someone else’s position

    That said I wouldn’t mind if they changed the name. I just hoped it wouldn’t be because of something like this. Next they’ll be coming for muffwiggler! The injustice!
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  9. phumb-reh

    phumb-reh Guest

    After being called a "snowflake" and a "SJW" (what does that even mean?) and other 4chan playground insults, I think it's only fair to call out people who get offended by reasonable arguments. Talk about lazy. Freeze peaches hurt, don't they?

    JMOUTTON Audiosexual

    Jan 10, 2016
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    :) now it is a SPIRITUAL thing.

    The last resort in a desperate dead end argument that comes right after red herrings have turned grey from dying out and slippery slopes have turned out to be flat land.

    The guy that runs Gearslutz, Julian something or other is probably not feeling any pressure from 2500 signatories. The site averages about 7K online and has close to 400K members. That means that is a difference of 00.625 percent. Also, membership is free and advertiser supported so the pressure campaign is not actually on Julian and Gearsultz it is directed at their advertisers. Unless traffic and revenue affect Julian's ability or desire to run the site, which I doubt because it started as a self supported forum, this is all a moot point.

    Also, I didn't even know what SJW meant before this thread. I don't even understand how that is a bad term considering that our modern free democracies were all built and argued for by Social Justice Warriors like Kong Qiu Fuzi, Moses, Jesus of Nazareth, Siddhattha Gotama, Mohammed el Moustafa, Temuchin, John Locke, Maximilien Robespierre, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Abram Lincoln, Ben Franklin, Charles Sumner, John Quincy Adams, I could go own for hours. It is what is though, it is just a strange turn of phrase.

    Are all these 'triggered' people are just feeling helpless about where they are in life or just looking for something/someone to blame life's other cruelties and failures on. Frankly, I don't care, the only thing that does seem curious to me or that peaks my interest is how binary stance is. You are either with them or against them.

    I personally am ambivalent, because I could careless either way. I do recognize that some people might find the name offensive and if they feel the need to express that as an exercise of free speech and right of association in the hope of creating a more idyllic society for all, well go for it I am going to watch from the sidelines. What I don't understand is the vitriol these people get from a crowd that purports to hold free speech and free association as sacred pillars but seemingly spend the majority of their time trying to justify denying anyone who doesn't share all their views and "SPIRITUAL" protectionism from enjoying such rights.

    I am still ambivalent, but I will say if I am forced to choose as many of those under "SPIRITUAL" assault content we all must, I will not choose them. Since that choice would be an antithesis to actual free speech and free association.

    I don't find Audiosex offensive by the way, a little tasteless but not offensive. Any gender or non-gender can have sex. Unless you are genophobic or erotophobic I don't see how you can be offended. However if you wish to whinge about it, that is your prerogative, I don't agree or disagree as it is not my naming to change.

    If Jullian at gearsults does change the name and is taking suggestions, I would proffer a term from Harold & Kumar go to Guantanamo Bay.

  11. realitybytez

    realitybytez Audiosexual

    May 29, 2013
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    ask the washington football team if it matters that people are offended by a name that you've been using for decades.
  12. recycle

    recycle Guest

    To tell you the truth, I had never given importance to that website name (instead, I strongly disagree on their content and the general attitude that's in there), but if someone feels personally offended by the word "Gearslutz" then it is correct that they push for a change.
    I totally agree with the author of the petition, Miss Cam Ran, that any act aimed at discriminating and offending women cannot be accepted

    JMOUTTON Audiosexual

    Jan 10, 2016
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    And I am OK with that.

    I am not hindering or dissuading you or Miss Cam Ran in your campaign and I understand that the name upsets you.

    I am not standing against you nor am I willing to join your struggle at this time in this particular engagement. However, I do respect your right to dissent and your daring deed to try to make the world a better place for you.
    Last edited: Jan 15, 2021
  14. Paul Pi

    Paul Pi Audiosexual

    Oct 18, 2016
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    I'm going to have a petition to make me emperor of earth - as soon as i am crowned, GS will be forthwith renamed to:


    ...and AS will be renamed plugingobblerz

    Verily, my ascension now is all but inevitable...

    JMOUTTON Audiosexual

    Jan 10, 2016
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    Go for it.

    See how futile petitions are, especially at getting anything done.

    Though you becoming Emperor of the wold would actually effect me in a way that changing the name on a website I visit but don't really care about too much would not. So you might be offered violence if it gains traction.

    However, by all means do try.
  16. Stevie Dude

    Stevie Dude Audiosexual

    Dec 29, 2020
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    Near Nyquist
    we need something sexier (read in that Kush Audio guy voice)
  17. Paul Pi

    Paul Pi Audiosexual

    Oct 18, 2016
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    So if some christian zealot finds it personally offensive that people aren't stoned to death in the USA for blasphemy, we should sign a petition to support that too?

    As a young boy, i remember feeling somewhat put-upon reading this (traditional) poem:

    What are little boys made of?
    What are little boys made of?
    Slugs and snails
    And puppy-dogs' tails
    That's what little boys are made of

    What are little girls made of?
    What are little girls made of?
    Sugar and spice
    And all things nice
    That's what little girls are made of


    FYI poverty is a more acute metric for estimating factual discrimination than gender.
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  18. recycle

    recycle Guest

    This nice poem is about "sugar & spice", instead, with the website name, we are talking about "slutz". You will easily understand that this is an uncomfortable situation for a woman who is browsing that site
    In short, sexism is really unpleasant, it would be better to avoid it
  19. mark@WFstudios

    mark@WFstudios Member

    Oct 23, 2012
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    This thread is dope.
  20. Psychoacoustic

    Psychoacoustic Producer

    Sep 9, 2015
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    As they say, Amen and Awomen! :wink:
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