Do we really need this kind of change to move forward ?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Stevie Dude, Jan 14, 2021.

  1. webhead

    webhead Audiosexual

    Oct 5, 2014
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  2. hackerz4life

    hackerz4life Audiosexual

    Jan 6, 2020
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    But its not an opinion as seen hundreds of times, it starts with a petition and ends with people getting bullied or worse.
  3. reliefsan

    reliefsan Audiosexual

    Jul 31, 2014
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    yeah, europe have been working on a slow suicide for years now :(
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  4. reliefsan

    reliefsan Audiosexual

    Jul 31, 2014
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    my input on this gearslut/twitter thing.
    its bigger then just a few websites.

    IMHO the difference between a child and a adult is simple:

    the adult can control his or her emotions to a extend, where a child is in no idea of beeing able to control their owne emotions.

    soooo, if we look outside into the world with the above in mind, what do you think we find outself inn?

    one big kindergarden of sorts?
  5. MassesAreAsses

    MassesAreAsses Member

    Jan 5, 2021
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    Don't fucking listen to them... don't give in... they will never stop asking you to change until you literally become a dog on their leash.
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  6. Lois Lane

    Lois Lane Audiosexual

    Jan 16, 2019
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    Somewhere Over The Rainbow
    Thing is, I haven't an issue with anybody doing anything, saying anything or relating to any sexual identity that they are comfortable with. With this petition they are attempting to change minds and attitudes about a place that is using a slang word that has been commandeered and denotes a playful usage of a term that has traditionally been a put down of a woman who has had more sexual partners than the society de jour has deemed appropriate. The new connotation of the word slut has transformed the hurtful and negative old meaning for so many people. At least for me as a man, a woman who has many sexual partners is not a slut but rather has a sex drive just like any other human animal and isn't cowed into not expressing it by instilled rules of the past. Being part of Gearslutz is a celebratory exercise that gathers like minded souls (though not about specifics, some of those threads are contentious) in regard to everything audio engineering, production and musical instrument related discussions about the gear and those who LOVE all of it. It's more a primal drive than a choice which is what creating art to me is all about. Men as well as woman can be proud Slutz.

    I don't believe that it's time for Gearslutz, or for that matter Audiosex to feel a need to change names because of outside pressure from a very few, or even if it was a great number, because of holding onto old ideas of how a woman (or even someone "presenting" as a woman as per the letter of intent) need behave and the backlash presently of a very tiny in number possible amount of misogynistic harshers who haven't a clue. Ones feelings are one's own of course and everyone has a right to express them, and as well to start their own forums where certain woman can feel safe from a slang word that actually has nothing to do with them...except that it does if they joined these forums...because the only thing that rates with having lots of great, slutty sex with the person you choose is a great musical performance, mix and the joy of music production in general.
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  7. alwin1

    alwin1 Kapellmeister

    Jan 2, 2021
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    you mean that kind of bullying that people here on this thread started against people who simply wanted a bad ficitional name to be changed? How tf can you be triggered by peoples opinion on a fucking fictional name?
    Like what kind of snowflake do you have to be in the first place if you can’t handle something stupid and unimportant like this.
    Some here even claiming some conspiracy shit.
    what’s next, fighting over colors? Red is better than blue. Anyone who says something different is an sjw and worth getting insulted?
  8. Ad Heesive

    Ad Heesive Audiosexual

    Apr 21, 2019
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    I think Lois' comment is easily the most coherent, serious, and well reasoned statement presented so far.
    It almost makes me feel guilty (but not quite) that all I've been doing so far is taking the piss out of the whole debate.

    So, just a tiny extra addendum to Lois' great comment...

    Some (not me) may accuse Lois of offering an opinion that is too idealistic - too much of how the world should be rather than how it is. An opinion that fails to recognise how, in practice, the word 'Slut' does still enable too much despicable hurt, and is still used by morons to cause offence to women. So there really are pros and cons to arguing about the GearSlutz name change.

    But you can't compare that to the AudioSex name.
    I'll agree that both names can be called childish, but I will never object to being 'harmlessly' childish.
    So WHO is going to be offended by the word AudioSex?
    It's not an insult to any gender or any sexual orientation. The only people the word 'AudioSex' can offend are puritanical morons who want to be offended by the idea that 'people like sex'. I have no hesitation in telling those puritans to just FUCK OFF.
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  9. hackerz4life

    hackerz4life Audiosexual

    Jan 6, 2020
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    I would normally agree with you only that the past behavior of such petitions and groups of people have proven itself to be negative in nature, they keep looking for "problematic" issues, its a self proclaimed internet police force, nothing else.
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  10. hackerz4life

    hackerz4life Audiosexual

    Jan 6, 2020
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    Can we also start a petition to change your last name, or invade your country? Where does personal freedom, obligations and expectations end?
    It starts with you just having to wear a patch on your arm and ends with your family ending in a concentration camp, so some people can feel safer.
    Mind your own business and start changing yourself and your family, why do you people always feel like are the authority by which others must conform? Who made YOU the center of the righteous universe? You did, your utter sense of moral superiority.
    Why people responded this way?
    Maybe because they are tired of being told how to walk, dress and speak.
    Last edited: Jan 15, 2021
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  11. shinbeth

    shinbeth Ultrasonic

    Nov 26, 2019
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    Politically correct BS again - I hate these times so much, cancel culture and all that. Get a f***** life!
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  12. WizzDome71

    WizzDome71 Producer

    Apr 23, 2020
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    I propose Fuckface instead of Facebook
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  13. rah

    rah Kapellmeister

    Jan 22, 2018
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    easy.. just change it to audio gear for virtue signallers..

    looked at the change org petition. Ok so if they want to complain then thats fine although the explanation about the " audio" industry looks very far fetched and in the realms of fantasy( I'm sure we will read a guardian article about it and all the injustices!). I'm just as happy to ignore them since they seem to have way too much time on their hands.
    first world problems for virtue signallers
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  14. alwin1

    alwin1 Kapellmeister

    Jan 2, 2021
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    As long as it isn't against a law, you can do whatever you want. Your personal feelings are not the law. Your feelings are feelings and the law is the law. No one is telling you how to dress and walk or speak. You making that shit up. We are the most free society ever. You just can't comprehend different opinions. Like why do you want to oppress that guys opinion?
    You tilting about a guy on twitter who proposed to change a name of a website, you know that right? Nothing happened and its very unlikely that they change that websites name.
    A no name guys online petition is enough and all the anti sjw hard guys become fragile cry babies.

    Maybe watch less Jordan Peterson destroys SJW Compilations, like concentration camps and shit? Really? There is literally a guy US president who tried a coup but no, that one single guy on twitter who suggested to change the name of a website, that there shit gets real?

    Besides that it would be a smart move from the SEO side to change that name, so there is actually pretty good reason to suggest such a change.
    Last edited: Jan 15, 2021
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  15. phumb-reh

    phumb-reh Guest

    Listen folks, before you get to the "muh freeze peaches" moaning mode, let's face it: words like "slut", "cunt" (for non-Brits and non-Aussies) and "bitch" are gendered insults, right?

    It's not like I'm trying to "cancel" (as if that ever happens) these and I do sometimes use these given a suitable context. But no one can deny the words for what they are.

    So far, people are more offended by the idea that these might not be the cleverest of words than the words themselves.
  16. recycle

    recycle Guest

    Definition of slut
    • disparaging + offensive : a promiscuous person : someone who has many sexual partners —usually used of a woman
    • an unclean or slovenly woman
    Is it legal to name a forum using a sexist term?
    I have no idea, this also depends on the country where the website is registered

    Is it legal to express your dissent for a forum name?
    Absolutely yes (in democratic countries)

    Is it legal to pressure the website via a petition to change its name?
    Yes it is

    What is certain is that if the petition is successful, the owner of the website will have to start considering the problem.
    Let's assume that 10 million people sign up for the name ban: what could happen? what could the Gearsluts owner do?
    • Option 1 Change the name: problem solved
    • Option 2 Keep Gearsluts name and ride this adversary campaign for advertising purposes
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 15, 2021
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  17. alwin1

    alwin1 Kapellmeister

    Jan 2, 2021
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    I doubt that anybody except the anti sjws will give a fuck about that petition. There is also no pressure here for the owner of the website, why would it be?
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  18. recycle

    recycle Guest

    Petition was actually created with the hopes of encouraging Gearslutz to change their name, the boss of the website is in charge of it: he is definitely the one under pressure now

    I am not so sure of the failure of the petition, more than 2500 have signed by now. Consider that in addition to the group of indignants by the sexist word there are trolls (like me) who sign only because they do not like that website

    Yes, I signed for it
    (and I love sluts)
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 15, 2021
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  19. Stevie Dude

    Stevie Dude Audiosexual

    Dec 29, 2020
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    Near Nyquist
    I love sluts too much so i didn't
  20. glassybrick

    glassybrick Producer

    Jan 13, 2020
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    Gearslutz - perfect. no need to change.
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