Pro Tools 12.5 weird window

Discussion in 'Pro Tools' started by Metallium, Jan 8, 2021.

  1. Metallium

    Metallium Ultrasonic

    Dec 1, 2019
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    Hi guys. Every time I launch PT 12.5 audiotopia an weird window pops up:
    Avid out of proc Quicktime app.
    When the scan is done is written: RemotePortInvalidatedCallback

    This is annoying a lot! PT is running ok I just got that on every launch.

    Does anyone know how to stop it?
    Thanks in advance!
  3. Joe Crisp

    Joe Crisp Platinum Record

    Nov 26, 2019
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    State of being
    Try reinstalling Quicktime
  4. Metallium

    Metallium Ultrasonic

    Dec 1, 2019
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    It was the first thing I've done, Joe. Didn't stop it.
  5. quadcore64

    quadcore64 Audiosexual

    Jun 13, 2011
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    Apple ended development of Quicktime for Windows with version 7.7 due to security flaw that allows system takeover remotely.
    Current version for macOS is version 10 for Big Sur.

    You don't need Quicktime for Pro Tools to operate and, you are better of with an external program for video editing/syncing.
    I have been running 12.5 with Apple Quicktime & Bonjour totally removed for years.

    Also try temporarily moving c:\Program Files\Avid\Pro Tools\QuickTimeServer to the Desktop & rename (-QuickTimeServer- as an example). Now relaunch Pro Tools. If all goes well you can decide what to do with the QuickTimeServer folder.
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  6. Metallium

    Metallium Ultrasonic

    Dec 1, 2019
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    Hello @quadcore64! I was just sending you a PM about that since you gave me the solution about that Softube and PSP folder setting.
    I just renamed and moved the quicktime server to desktop as you said and BOOM! The weird window is gone! Fuc...shi...!!!
    Many many thanks!!!!! :wink::wink::wink::wink::bleh::bleh::bleh:
    The funny thing is that I installed the PT12.5 now because that softube issue. To figure out if I had a PT12.3 buggy.. I used to run the PT12.3 since Audiotopia release both because in my previous PC system with Win7 the 12.5 had that video lag when editing clips. So I gave it a try now but then that annoying window shows up...that is not happening with 12.3 and quicktime installed...never had this before. But is fine now!!!
    Have a nice day, mate! Thanks once again!
  7. quadcore64

    quadcore64 Audiosexual

    Jun 13, 2011
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    Glad to help. Any issues I had with Pro Tools 12.3 went away with 12.5. Audioutopia, or someone, gave an explanation of the 12.5 & what issues it addressed. If Avid were to change their licensing, purchase fee & upgrade path, I would go legit as I have with other software. Just can not reward that kind of greed.

    Happy tracking!
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  8. Metallium

    Metallium Ultrasonic

    Dec 1, 2019
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    Funny because the 12.3 always was more stable here. But I was using a system from 2015 that I built back then when both versions were release by Audioutopia, still Win 7. I just moved to Win 10 early last year.
    For me where I live in is "impossible" - almost -to get a legit PT version and plugs. Impossible...just Reaper and free stuffs on the internet. But I work with PT since the version 6.7 LE...So I don't wanna let it go even now you got so many good daws out there.
    Thanks again, mate! Any advice on the 12.5 version will be more than welcome! Maybe someone drop the 2021 ultimate for us any day soon....the hope never ends.
  9. quadcore64

    quadcore64 Audiosexual

    Jun 13, 2011
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    When it comes to Pro Tools. Use the Avid system requirements as a guide. System does not have to be exact, just within spec for best user experience. Pro tools was designed around Xeon processors & their i7/i9 cousins on boards that had 4 channel memory support.
    Some of the early recommended systems were dual CPU (Apple, HP & Lenovo).

    My home system is a Xeon based workstation. Not consumer grade.

    Have run on a Dell (8GB) laptop with very limited operation. Only one instance of Diva or Omnisphere at a time. 24 Audio tracks with limited plugin support resulting in multiple renders/bounces/commits to get through a mix.

    Don't be put off by others issues with Windows 10 & various DAWs. With research & experience, you can get most in spec systems running smoothly. Even 6 to 7year old systems. Pro Tools works best with fast memory that has good bandwidth (4, 6 or 8 channel).

    16GB minimum - 32 GB best - 64GB smooth
  10. Metallium

    Metallium Ultrasonic

    Dec 1, 2019
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    Yeah! I always do the optimization in Win and BIOS. But Avid didn't mention that permission setting on specific folder as you said. This can solve many things and you just need four mouse clicks...they should tell that in the optimization guidelines, you know. Only the same: disable turbo bosst, eist, full power, C-states and bla bla bla...C'mon!
    As I said my previous system had the 12.3v more stable. Now I am running the 12.5 and no issues yet but the session I am working on does not have so many edited clips. has some, didn't consolidate them yet. It is ok for now.
    I know we have to move on when it comes about PC, tecnology. Who likes the past is the museum! But here it is impossible to upgrade a entire system often. It is too expensive...
    My current system is about 3 years now but still is ok since only me uses it and most for music production. Of course, web and email too.
    Since last year I an runing Win 10.
    Got an Intel i7 6th generation - 32 GB Kington Hyperx DDR3 dual channel - maximum for this mobo.
    1 TB WD Blue SSD sata for the system with 50% free space.
    1 HDD 3TB 10.000 RPM/128 mb buffer for storage...IR, MP3, softwares, sound library and so.
    1 HDD 3 TB 10.000 RPM/128 mb buffer for recording only. Here is where all my sessions are. Another external HDD for backup.
    4 GB nvidea video card.
    As you can see, it is old...none M.2 socket and new things, 650 CPUs running at the same time :woot:...but is ok. :rofl::disco:
    The thing I see here is that new plugins are becoming more and more CPU hog even if you use the same ones you got in past. I am not talking about the new ones at all, new generation. I got an old session here so I use it for testing .It is about the 7 or 8 years old. Most inserts are stock plugs , waves and...ordinary plugs, you know. The same session today is loaded asking 30% more power at least. The same plugs but newer versions of them.
    Many of them have heavy interface...But for now it is ok. We can freeze tracks, commit tracks...that's the way I go.
    I think I could be more relaxed if I had how to increase the buffer size for mixing as I used to do before since I started using PT in 2004. But PT now only goes up to 1024mb. Seems the Ultimate 2020 is the same...So freeze and commit is the path for me.
    Thanks for your time and kindness, mate! Really appreciate! Many thanks!!!
  11. quadcore64

    quadcore64 Audiosexual

    Jun 13, 2011
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    You should be able to get a few years out of that system. would like to upgrade my system at some point. Not at current pricing though. Have plan for a custom workstation using AMD EPYC & ASRock Rack. The idea is a system with no limits to creativity.

    I should mention that another trick for Pro Tools is to start it, let it settle down (use the 'System Usage' window if not sure).
    Close & restart. You should notice everything loads faster from the start dialog onwards.

    On my system i have also disabled the Avid MME Audio Binder, under Startup in the Task Manager or from the Run box
    services.msc (dbl-click 'Digidesign MME Refresh Service' & select 'disable' under 'Startup type:' ).
    While there, you can also disable 'digiSPTIService64'.

    Storage for me is:
    500GB SATA SSD (OS drive)
    1TB NVMe M.2 on a PCIe Gen 3 x16 card in the first PCIe slot from the CPU (replaced 1TB 7200RPM - came with system).
    2TB fast Enterprise HDD(came with system). Good complement to SATA SSD
    Video card mounted in 2nd PCIe Gen 3 x16 slot coming from CPU

    Don't cheap out on an NVMe if you upgrade you current system. A good mid-range product will do.
    The PCIe adapter can be a x4 PCIe Gen 3.0 if you go that route. 4 lanes is all an Gen 3 NVMe needs.

    I get full read & write speeds as advertised from a XPG Gammix S11 Pro. Checked with multiple measurement software.
    The 1TB is my work drive & the 2TB is storage.
  12. Charlomagne

    Charlomagne Kapellmeister

    Feb 22, 2013
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    Buenos Aires
    I had installed ProTools 12.5 AudioUtopia on W10 and when it asked to install QuickTime I didn't. ProTools works great ayway, maybe better!
    0 crashes.
  13. thenaturalorder

    thenaturalorder Newbie

    Aug 11, 2020
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    hey guys apologies is kinda out of the topic but im searchinig for the PT 12.5 on sister site and cant find it.....any lights ??? sorry to bother yall..cheers
  14. Metallium

    Metallium Ultrasonic

    Dec 1, 2019
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    You can find it on the net anyways. It is easy to find...torrent file.
    Good luck!
  15. Metallium

    Metallium Ultrasonic

    Dec 1, 2019
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    You don't need quicktime...just install it if you will. You can install any nersion you find around.
  16. Metallium

    Metallium Ultrasonic

    Dec 1, 2019
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    It is ok for now. But I know I will need to upgrade it soon. I would buy those used parts from you if we were around...Thanks for the hardware advicek, mate!!
    What do you get when you have those Avid services disabled? Better performance?
    Last edited: Jan 13, 2021
  17. quadcore64

    quadcore64 Audiosexual

    Jun 13, 2011
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    Yes. Better performance. Everything you can disable that is not required helps eliminate CPU/GPU load that could be used for DAW processes.
  18. Metallium

    Metallium Ultrasonic

    Dec 1, 2019
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    Didn't find them here...task manager does not show them, services.msc too...they gone, don't know how.
  19. quadcore64

    quadcore64 Audiosexual

    Jun 13, 2011
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    Apologies for not responding sooner. You can see if these are active or disabled in Services.

    From 'run' window type services.msc, click on the extended tab at the bottom if not already selected & scroll to find the services mentioned.

    Another way is select the Services tab in Task Manager, right-click in the windows & choose 'open services'.
  20. Metallium

    Metallium Ultrasonic

    Dec 1, 2019
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    No problem, mate!
    I did all that. They are not here....I got only Pace License Services. :snuffy:
  21. quadcore64

    quadcore64 Audiosexual

    Jun 13, 2011
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    If you don't have anything that uses the pace/ilok license system (retail or cracked), that can also be uninstalled.