Nexus 3 legit alongside Nexus 2 cracked

Discussion in 'Software' started by ensoniq, Sep 2, 2020.

  1. waverider

    waverider Rock Star

    Oct 8, 2018
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    As far I am aware, Nexus/Avenger do offer perptual licenses, it's just that the protection requires you to be online at least once a month for Nexus or every three months for Avenger. In their license agreement they write that they can revoke the license at any time.
    I'd be a bit wary of entrusting them with my money. Tone2 changed their ways and I'd say, you could consider trusting them again (although that's debatable). reFX/Vengeance still have to do that, and until they do, I would feel uncomfortable spending any money on their products.
  2. hani king

    hani king Platinum Record

    Oct 25, 2017
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    @audiozuser76 good morning .i just woke up my friend (slept late after watching a football match),
    i apologize for not replying right away ,but before my post i was working on music for 4 hours and after my post i went out to strech my legs
    and didnt check replies until an hour ago

    and you might be slightly right so i just changed the disagree to interesting because i dont want to take side with refx
    as you said me being employee sent here to screw members pc ? no i dont work and
    if i wanna choose a company to represnt it would UVI ,im a UVI guy ,even im not paid by them either lol

    so going back to the topic
    im just a legit user who happen to work both the cracked version with legit version ..
    (how ? i really dont know )but i remember when i installed nexus 3 through cloud ,it choose the nexus 2 cracked version and placed all expansions there as well
    then i remember i after i purchaced nexus the first 2 months they were updating the plugin every week ,and even i complain to them about my costume presets cant be used anymore on nexus 3
    so one i opened nexus 2 and voila ,the presets were working ,so i let the expansions be opened
    in nexus 3 and 3rd party presets on nexus 2 in that exact order without issues at all

    and im sure others worked on both in same time too with a workaround as written above your first post
    so that might be the trick and as you said ''its too risky of exposing legit user using a fraud plugin'' and ban in result which is why i removed
    the disagree so we are on same page , but spying on us well i can say thats ''interesting''topic

    but as a legit user ,im happy with my purchase with the selected expansions (88 expansions of 150 )
    and if someone interesting in giving nexus 3 a try i just showed the best way to get the plugin with least cost possible
    (the plugin itself first /then get selective every year using the discount /start with cheap ones first and ,and just for the record , those expansions that released after the 2.2.1 until 2.5.
    were the best ones in my opinion

    good luck and happy Christmas to all
    Last edited: Dec 23, 2020
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  3. yayomalayo

    yayomalayo Member

    Aug 17, 2019
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    Might be interesting running 1.4.1 via 32lives (compatible with Mojave and earlier) with old XP and legit 3 with newer ones together.

    This would definitely be a no-no, knowing reFX customers policy... But has anybody tried it on MacOS?
  4. audiozuser76

    audiozuser76 Producer

    Jun 22, 2013
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    reFX FAQs:

    2.3 Can I use NEXUS3 while being offline?

    Yes, you can use NEXUS3 while not being connected to the internet. However, you need to connect briefly at least once every 30 days to keep the authorization active.
    reFX FAQ.jpg
    Almost nobody knows it, that's incredible!
    Guys, don't you inform yourself when you buy something???
  5. yayomalayo

    yayomalayo Member

    Aug 17, 2019
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    I've read their FAQ a couple times because some users have complained about reFX revoking their license for not deactivating one of the activations before formatting their computer and trying to activate it again what makes it a pitiful customer service imho.

    I was considering buying it but haven't read any real experience of combining the 1.4.1 release by DYNAMiCS for macOS with a legit 3 and I was wondering if anyone has tried it. :unsure:

    There are plenty of people using a k'd Kontakt and a legit one or legit Omni with k'd Keyscape (each one working by separate) without getting into trouble or having their license revoked by the developer.

    I wouldn't mind of being connected to the internet as long as they don't look into my files searching for k'd software (I usually buy what I use in a daily basis):rofl:

    Last edited: Jan 12, 2021
  6. famouslut

    famouslut Audiosexual

    Dec 31, 2015
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    I think you've found your "best answer", @ensoniq? ;P
  7. Free Agent

    Free Agent Platinum Record

    Dec 4, 2016
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    Turkey & Ukraine
    if you are an upper-intermediate producer, get Falcon instead. just saying
  8. yayomalayo

    yayomalayo Member

    Aug 17, 2019
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    What I'm saying might be interesting for other Win and MacOS users, so please keep your unnecessary comments and grammy winner recommendations for yourself :mates:

    I wonder if this would work in MacOS as well
    Last edited: Jan 13, 2021
  9. schlagerfuzzi

    schlagerfuzzi Ultrasonic

    Jul 8, 2013
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    so please, does it work or not? I want to buy today but now I am confused and not sure I can use with Air version or not :dunno:

    Edit: everything work
    Last edited: Jan 14, 2021
  10. Madagasca

    Madagasca Ultrasonic

    Jan 7, 2021
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    @schlagerfuzzi - did you overwrite the Nexus Content folder during install?
  11. reFX NEXUS3

    reFX NEXUS3 Guest

    What a shame
  12. odod

    odod Rock Star

    Jun 5, 2011
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    yes it is working but i was using 32Lives .. and on Mojave, but already deleted because i bought other synth already
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  13. yayomalayo

    yayomalayo Member

    Aug 17, 2019
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    A shame because it's not released yet?:rofl:

    Did you try to use both or deleted the k'd one due to the purchase?
  14. reFX NEXUS3

    reFX NEXUS3 Guest

    It's a shame you want to crack me :(
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