Cubase 11 - Best DAW for now?

Discussion in 'Cubase / Nuendo' started by glassybrick, Nov 14, 2020.

  1. iswingwood

    iswingwood Producer

    Jun 7, 2012
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    Ableton + Push 2 beat everything. Only competition is Logic + iPad
  2. audiozuser76

    audiozuser76 Producer

    Jun 22, 2013
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    Cubase 11 - Best DAW for now?
    As far as the number of bugs is concerned, definitely!
  3. Moogerfooger

    Moogerfooger Audiosexual

    Jun 11, 2016
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    It’s hideous to stare at imo. Still looks like 1991 & I just put a hot pocket in the microwave while waiting for my modem to connect.. That said, it’s MIDI capabilities geared towards film scoring are unbeatable besides Nuendo... I’m still learning how to perform/produce what I can in Logic or Ableton in under the same amount of time. But part of the reason it’s taking me longer to get efficient is that there are so many tweaks, scripts and tools it offers it can be overwhelming..
  4. audiozuser76

    audiozuser76 Producer

    Jun 22, 2013
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    I use three 4k monitors, with new Cubase/Nuendo it's just buggy nightmare.
    My main DAW since years are Cubase 6.5, no troubles at all.
    In my opinion, everything Steinberg create above 6.5 was more unstable and buggy.
    And also I love the old mixer in Cubase 6.5 or Nuendo 5.5.

    P.S.: The best DAW for triple monitors are actually BITWIG.
    You can even set it in the settings and BITWIG adapts automatically the whole environment for three monitors.
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  5. bassboy303

    bassboy303 Member

    Aug 29, 2013
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    Costa del Glasgow :-)
    As for the best DAW out there at the moment ????? It's a 50/50 between Cubase and Ableton for me.

    I have been a Cubase user since 1989, started on Cubase 2 on an atari 1040STe upgraded to a whopping 4Mb of RAM lol!
    I switch between Ableton Live 10 and Cubase depending on what I'm doing.
    Over the years I have tried a few different DAW's but always return to Cubase but after 10.5 update things started going very wrong.
    CPU spikes galore, crackling and popping caused by these CPU spikes and the meter was fluctuating all over the place with the exact same setup I had used for years. I was sorely disappointed and to tell you the truth I hardly used it much and concentrated on Ableton Live.
    Cubase 11 update arrived and as a very disappointed customer after the previous update I did think twice about missing it out.
    However....... Cubase 11 has vastly been improved and it runs absolutely perfect now. Same setup with a few extra Aira instruments and a TD3 added to the mix and I can't complain at all.
    There may be another fantastic DAW sitting waiting for me to discover but Cubase for me is like a comfy old pair of slippers
  6. audiozuser76

    audiozuser76 Producer

    Jun 22, 2013
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    Forget Ableton, I was Ableton Live user for 10 years.
    Now Ableton are just updates rip-off without any really value/features.
    Since the masterminds leave Ableton and create BITWIG, Ableton are history.
    If you love the kind of DAW like Ableton, go to BITWIG!

    Live v11 version (for $200 update price! Suite Edition) get now as revolutionary feature a Comping Record!?!?!
    WTF?!?!? 10 years ago (Anno 2011) Cubase 6 was already able to recording multiple takes (Comping).
    R.I.P. Ableton Live...
    Last edited: Jan 10, 2021
  7. bassboy303

    bassboy303 Member

    Aug 29, 2013
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    Costa del Glasgow :-)
    That's where the sister site comes in very handy! :wink:
  8. audiozuser76

    audiozuser76 Producer

    Jun 22, 2013
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    What do you mean?
  9. No Avenger

    No Avenger Audiosexual

    Jul 19, 2017
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    Ich glaube den Witz versteht kaum einer. Bug bedeutet zwar Käfer so, wie das Auto, aber das wird im Englischen Beetle genannt. :winker:
    Last edited: Jan 10, 2021
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  10. audiozuser76

    audiozuser76 Producer

    Jun 22, 2013
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    Das in Englisch geschriebene Kommentar ist nur für die deutschsprachigen Mitglieder bestimmt...:rofl:
    Insbesondere das Bild!:hahaha:
  11. glassybrick

    glassybrick Producer

    Jan 13, 2020
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    I have troubles with cubase only in heavy project using Izotope plug-ins, because they Graphics eaters. What OS your are using ?
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  12. danfuerth

    danfuerth Kapellmeister

    Mar 1, 2012
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    My 2 cents ( hell it's all I have after the "Govern Mente" steals my money)

    REAPER ( my reasons)

    Reaper - More advanced VCA groups than even Protools
    Reaper - Routing Matrix!! HOLY Crap!
    Reaper - fastest renderer for mixes on export.
    Reaper- Fastest Track Freeze and bouncing
    Reaper - Plugin Scripting programming ( JS plugins)
    Reaper - Any track can be anything no limits
    Reaper - First Daw to ever have sidechaining with VST2 ( still no Daw can do this in 2021)
    Reaper - Fastest Stereo split to mono tracks ( multichannel split)
    Reaper - SWS Extensions!!!!
    Reaper - VST pins exposed OMG!!! The Holy Grail of Mixing power for routing.
    Reaper - Easy setup of plugin library management, fx favourites lists for tracks FX
    Reaper - VST2 plugins side chaining ( Only daw that can do this natively !!)

    **Lastly just look at the name its REAPING every DAW out there**

    PS: I still run Cubase VST32 v5 on my Daw PC lol and it still runs perfectly. OZone release ;o)
    What is weird is that the built in Channel EQ/ Compression and dynamics plugin sound nothing like today's Daws's
    with built in Eq-Comp and Dyna plugins. Nothing sounds as good as the old Cubase VST32 v5 EQ-COMP and
    Dynamic plugin and then the mastering plugin strip for some reason.

    Here is me doing a full remix of Metalicas's Nothing Else Matters using the onboard plugins and 1 from Reaper
    proving that that all you need is the stems from the studio recordings masters, without all the hardware used in recording and track arrangement these tracks would sound mediocre. Console used was well over $135,000 with $90,000 in outboard gear, plus studio and musical equipment.

    Remixed using only Cubase VST32 v5
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  13. Luka-S

    Luka-S Noisemaker

    Jan 3, 2021
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    I also liked Cubase until I learned Logic, still use Cubase for mixing/mastering sometimes. I'm on 10 and price for upgrading to 11 is the same as from Cubase 4. Where is logic in that?
  14. Smoove Grooves

    Smoove Grooves Audiosexual

    Jan 26, 2019
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    As a comparison, I can echo everything you've said in regards Logic Pro.
    I've used it since the Emagic days, and prior as C-Lab Notator on an Atari too!
    And at certain pivotal points, I noticed that I too could do more, with less powerful hardware, in previous versions!
    I can still run more of the same plugins in Logic 9 in 64 Bit than I can in any Logic Pro 10.x.x!
    So you aren't alone!
  15. vanhaze

    vanhaze Platinum Record

    Apr 13, 2012
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    Regarding Reaper, to add to the post from danfuerth:

    - Incredible good usage of CPU resources
    - Support for EEL and LUA scripting.
    Currently there are thousands of scripts made for in Reaper, most of them completely free.
    Checkout for how you can get these scripts.
    - Support for creation of Custom Actions, these Actions can speedup workflows in the audio and midi area tremendously.
    - Weekly updates
    - Incredible fast startup time ; i have over a thousand plugins installed, scanned in Reaper and it starts up in only a few seconds.
    - Very helpful, friendly and active user community, even the 2 Reaper devs are active there.
    - Very small in size, Reaper is utterly lean and clean programmed.
    - Barely crashes on its own, only a very buggy thirdparty plugin can bring Reaper to its knees.
    Even then you can "sandbox" that plugin, so it would only crash on its own.
    - Thousands of Reaper Themes (GUI Skins) available, for free.
    You can make Reaper look very much like Logic, Protools, Cubase or Ableton Live !

    I think i can even go on with summing up all the greatness that Reaper offers.
    But. IMO, Reaper isn't really a intuitive, userfriendly DAW for people who start working with it.
    You really have to take patience and much time to explore it / learn it thoroughly.
    The insane amount of functionality in Reaper does scare alot of people at first who wanna use Reaper.
    I was overwhelmed and scared too when i started using Reaper, but i was determined to learn Reaper
    cause i had seen and read what a great DAW it would be for me.
    And now, more than 10 years later of Reaper usage, i never look back.

    BTW: I am using Reaper on OSX Catalina 10.15.7 and OSX Big Sur 11.1 beta: works utterly smooth, no issues at all.

    Kind Regards.
  16. audiozuser76

    audiozuser76 Producer

    Jun 22, 2013
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    Windows 10 Pro
  17. Pure Energy

    Pure Energy Producer

    Apr 10, 2020
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    I use Cubase 11 and it works for me
    I would suppose all DAWs are good when they are stable and have the features you need and use
    and you find them easy for your workflow

    Its how you workflow perceives the logic behind the DAW that determines the best DAW for you so try them all as a trial and see what's comfortable Its like buying shoes :) Good luck
  18. glassybrick

    glassybrick Producer

    Jan 13, 2020
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    you have troubles in heavy project or empty?
    I know couple of bug from 3rd party intrumets, who slow down cubase GUI - Melodyne, Izotop, Kontakt (some libraries), Avenger, Roland Zenology...
    Almost every plugin who use OpenGL will affect on Cubase GUI.

    try this fix for 3rd party. i make it for all 3rd party vst who uses any kind of heavy graphics (also FabFilter)
  19. oxyn

    oxyn Newbie

    Jan 6, 2021
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    Been an Ableton user for many years myself, made the switch to Bitwig and never been happier in terms of sound design and its efficiency with system resources. Its such a beautiful and refined DAW.
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  20. audiozuser76

    audiozuser76 Producer

    Jun 22, 2013
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    Exactly what I mean.:guru:
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