The cheapest good sounding electric guitar?

Discussion in 'Guitars' started by Roject, Jan 9, 2021.

  1. Roject

    Roject Audiosexual

    Jan 2, 2019
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    I know that good and cheap isn't the best friends but You guys have experience with different models.
    Maybe You know some good ones and cheap?

    For example I found this. It's very cheap, looks ok but it's too cheap for something good:

  3. Haliax

    Haliax Guest

    I would buy a used guitar, you will get much better value for money. I've seen some really good prices for Squire recently, I use one for noodling when I'm on calls at work.
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  4. DontKnowJack

    DontKnowJack Platinum Record

    Nov 23, 2020
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  5. garfinkle

    garfinkle Platinum Record

    Feb 25, 2014
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    You can make just about any electric sound good with a bit of work. The 2nd hand advice is the way to go but the most important aspect (IMHO) is how it feels in the hand. As long as the neck is ok you can't really go wrong.
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  6. Riot7

    Riot7 Platinum Record

    Aug 29, 2015
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    Different guitars sound different. Like different synths. What is a good sound for someone may not be a good sound for someone else and vice versa regardless of a price.

    In my humble opinion, if you are thinking about buying a 80e guitar/amp kit, you don't really even want to think about 'good sound'. You want to think about function and playability.

    The cheapest piece of shit strat copy will sound great in the hands of a great player. And the cheapest piece of shit guitar that fits your preferences and is set up correctly, is infinitely more pleasant to play than an expensive guitar that is badly set up and doesn't fit your preferences.

    If possible, buy a used shitty guitar from someone who knows how to play and who has set their guitar up nicely.

    If going for the absolute cheapest guitars on the market, strat and tele copies are the safest bets. More complex and/or uncommon guitars are easier to fuck up. If you live in Europe, just get a Harley Benton tele or strat copy from Thomann. They do at least some sort of inspection to every guitar they sell and have good return policy in case you get a lemon.

    The amp in that kind of kit will be useless when it comes to 'good sound'. Some sort of noise will come out nevertheless.
    Last edited: Jan 9, 2021
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  7. Roject

    Roject Audiosexual

    Jan 2, 2019
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    I only find this offer. I don't know much about guitars.
    I'm thinking about buying electric because I have acoustic with piezo mic but sound through vst amp is too dirty, have too much noise + background noise.
    I want something clean.
  8. Haliax

    Haliax Guest

    I'm giving some serious thought into building one myself, there are kits around where you can buy just the body and the neck. I'm then free to choose my own hardware. The idea behind this is that I can colour it myself
  9. Xupito

    Xupito Audiosexual

    Jan 21, 2012
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    Or buy a really cheap one (those Chinese clones for instance) but at least with some references. Not blindly online in any case.

    You know what with that price perhaps worth the gamble :rofl:
  10. Tob

    Tob Platinum Record

    Jun 4, 2019
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    If you want a serious but cheap guitar, look at Squire and Harley Benton from Thomann. The Harley Bentons STs are pretty good Chinese guitars with extra quality control at Thomann. So the chances are good you do not get a complete trash guitar ;). Just check youtube for the Harley Bentons. reviews for nearly every Model.
    Last edited: Jan 9, 2021
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  11. Billy Boils

    Billy Boils Kapellmeister

    Nov 28, 2017
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    As others have said, Harley Benton and Squier will give you value for money. Squier CV strats are great, and the HB TE90FLT is the best value for money guitar that I have ever bought.
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  12. RMorgan

    RMorgan Audiosexual

    May 17, 2014
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    Agreed, specially about Squires. They can be excellent guitars, really.

    I own several guitars, some expensive, but currently my favorite is a Squire Vintage Modified Strat...All I did was a pickup change and a careful setup. Took me a month or so until I could set it up just fine.

    Honestly, with a bit of effort, it plays and sounds identical to a Fender...It's all made by the same machinery these days.

    In the past, guitars used to be almost entirely handmade, so it really made a difference if some were made in the US by qualified (and expensive) artisans or by a Chinese guy working for pennies.

    Not anymore. They're all made by CNC machinery. You may find a difference in terms of finish, because it still involves craftsmanship, but that's all...And who cares about finish, anyway.
    Last edited: Jan 9, 2021
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  13. pizzafresser

    pizzafresser Producer

    Jan 7, 2017
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    Check out the Harley Beton brand from Thomann. The guitars are made in Indonesia or China but they have a good quality control. Even their most affordable models are very good for the price. I just wouldn't use the tremolo on those lol.

    As far as amps are concerned, these days I would honestly recommend going pure software. You just have so many more options that way. And if there's a virtual amp you really like, you can still get the physical version of that later if you want.
  14. phumb-reh

    phumb-reh Guest

    +1 for skipping the amp and for Squier to begin with, I've got no personal experiences with Harley Benton, but I do know people who use them as backup and secondary guitars and they don't complain. Also trying to find one used is probably best back for the buck.

    This is a very rough idea but most electric guitars can be set into 3 categories: a Stratocaster, a Telecaster and a Les Paul.

    If you can at least try one of each category because they all have different feel and different electronics, pick a category you like and then go hunting.

    Quick notes:

    A Strat has the longest scale length (neck length basically) and and because of that a "tighter" and more "aggressive" feel, meaning that you have to use more finger strength when playing, also they usually have a floating bridge and a whammy meaning they're harder to set up and keep in tune. 3 pickups and a 5-position switch, giving you the most variations of sounds here.

    A Telecaster has a inch shorter scale length leading to a bit looser and fatter feel, less finger strength required here. A set bridge meaning it stays in tune better and it's easier to set up.

    A Les Paul has a similar feel as a telecaster but their body is usually way heavier and the electronics is usually two humbuckers. Fatter necks sometimes so your hand size may affect this. Fattest of the bunch but slightly trickier to play than a TC because of the weight.

    So my recommendation for an electric guitar beginner is to go with a Telecaster-style guitar. Yeah, fight me.
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  15. Haliax

    Haliax Guest

    I have an American strat (MIA), a Mexican strat (MIM), and a Squire.

    My favourite is the MIM. It plays a lot smoother, feels nicee and sounds 10x better than the MIA. The workmanship is perfect, but the hardware is cheaper. I could upgrade this, but the point here is the cheaper of the Strats wins hands down.

    The squire is perfect for picking up on a daily basis for practice and ideas, it feels and plays perfect and sounds good enough to keep me happy.
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  16. audiozuser76

    audiozuser76 Producer

    Jun 22, 2013
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    My recommendation would be:
    1 - 1968 Fender Strat
    2 - Blackie Strat
    3 - 1964 Gibson ES-335
    4 - Gibson SG
    5 - Washburn
  17. Haliax

    Haliax Guest

    Which of these do you own?
  18. Mister Grimm

    Mister Grimm Kapellmeister

    Oct 7, 2017
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    Check for a used schecter, the best quallity for price i ve played. I ve tried multiple basses/guitars and for me schecter came closer to what feels like premium. The feel well build, and actually they are. Resently i purchesed an Omen extreme 7 and i m mor than happy with it ! Anyway i also own an omen extreme 6 FR diamond series from 2006 and a Schecter bass c-5 from 2007... I played with many schecters before and each one was an impressive instrument. I 'm not a funboy or something, that works for me and might not work for others. If you have the chance, go to a guitar store and try one, if it feels good to you then you are ready to go (i dont know where you are from and if your country is in lockdown/quarantine phase, but if/when you can, try one out)
    The only thing i dont hate but i also dont love about them, is their stock pups. They sound good but if you need something more, you can swap them whenever you want/can. Have fun with whatever you 'll buy buddy !!!
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  19. audiozuser76

    audiozuser76 Producer

    Jun 22, 2013
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    All, of course...
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  20. Lois Lane

    Lois Lane Audiosexual

    Jan 16, 2019
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    Somewhere Over The Rainbow
    Buy used for the cost/performance ratio and get it set up so that it is easy to play for you. Skip the amp because honestly there is no super cheap amp and cabinet combination that will sound 10% as good as what you have to choose from from that which has become recently available "over there" . You will of course need a cable to plug into your interface.
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  21. Frantiac

    Frantiac Member

    Nov 4, 2019
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    @phumb-reh, don't want to fight you but just correct you on one point - Strat and Tele scale lengths are identical: 25.5 inches.
    In fact Clapton uses a Custom Tele with a Strat neck (Brownie's) at the Hyde Park gig with Blind Faith in '69. There are some differences in the necks but to all intents and purposes they are interchangeable.
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