Cracked nucleus installer

Discussion in 'Software' started by vicsalazar, Jul 12, 2020.

  1. bobdule

    bobdule Audiosexual

    Dec 28, 2014
    Likes Received:
    to restore nicnt files...all products are listed in NativeAccess.xml located at:
    C:\Program Files\Common Files\Native Instruments\Service Center

    albion should be writen like this in the nicnt file. some spitfire oldies need <HU>&<JDX> to be taken.
    so generate a file from mini nicnt and replace all between <Product></Product>

    <Product version="4">
    <Application minVersion="5.6.8" nativeContent="true">Kontakt</Application>
    <Visibility type="Number">3</Visibility>
    <Company>Spitfire Audio</Company>

    if nicnt edit still fail...
    some libraries are badlly converted, the nki's are destroyed. you need to replace them by originals.
  2. Rastaal

    Rastaal Newbie

    Jan 7, 2020
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    Thanks bobdule, that helps a lot. Didn´t know about that code in spitfire. The issue here is that I double checked Albion one´s nicnt and another one from, i.e. Symphonic Strings from Spitfire too, and I couldn´t find any difference in the code apart from usual SNPID and details from the library. The structure is the same but Kontakt 6.3.1 still don´t find it.

    It´s probably a problem of nicnt´s indeed but the one I have were working fine in my mac although I customized some of them with kontakted to make them work.
    Do you know if it´s posible to find only the original nicnt´s from libraries somewhere? Also, any software for windows like "kontakted" to create those nicnt´s or you recommend restore them manually?

    Thanks a mil!! I think I´m seeing the like at the end of the tunnel...
  3. 3typen

    3typen Ultrasonic

    Jul 23, 2014
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    Got the same Problem on Mac. Using k5.6.0 to add lib to a k.6.1.1. Nucleus is from Sistersite
    i added the lib via k5, it reads the nict and succefully writes a nucleus.xml in the service center folder with a correct snipid. there is also a com.native.....nucleus.plist in preferences.
    when i open k6 nucleus is not there.
    when i just drang an drop a preset on K6 i got "This instrument belongs to a library that is currently not installed."

    deleted all and try to reinstall but same results. halp pls!
  4. Smoove Grooves

    Smoove Grooves Audiosexual

    Jan 26, 2019
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    Say what? "Apart from"?? What was the SNPID #?
  5. Rastaal

    Rastaal Newbie

    Jan 7, 2020
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    I meant I couldn´t find significative differences between both files apart of course different strings but the structure are the same.

    I actually started to make it work using KLM 3.0. I tried with miniNiCNT and didn´t give me a good result. I think also that it could be a problem with the access to the reg. I have to run KLM as administrator as in standard way, even accepting dialog that reg is going to be changed, doesn´t work.

    I´m updating my libary structure and snpid´s and making a log of it. I never did before and probably it´s the reason I´m struggling now.
    Btw, thanks a mil for the file you uploaded last weekend @bobdule!! I will try to keep original snpids as much as I can. I already found the official threads of "windows kontakt troubles" (there weren´t so easy to find with the searching tool) but just in case I´ll post here the problems I´ve found so far in my libraries.

    Libraries not loading properly or make kontakt crash (probably need to find them again):
    Spitfire Audio Skaila Kanga Harp Redux
    Heavyocity Scoring Guitars 2
    Audio Imperia Cerberus
    CineMorphx (Also appears as DEMO version)
    Cinematic studio solo strings ("library currently not installed" dialog but also crashing when I installed in Kontakt 5)

    Libraries in DEMO mode (I´m sure these libraries are fine, It didn´t happen before in Mac):
    Spitfire Symphonic Brass
    Spitfire Symphonic Strings library
    Spitfire Symphonic Woodwinds library
    Edit: I installed with the older version of KLM 3.0 (second folder) and the "DEMO" logo is gone but still these libraries don´t produce any sound.

    EDIT: I´m editing again. I think I found the key of the issue here. I´ve been using NI-NicntGenerator by Tracer and it is pretty much more useful to keep things organised although it takes more time than KLM3.0
    The issue here is that in both programs after a while using it I start receiving errors about not being able to write on the reg, not even running the app as administrator. I am now almost sure this is a problem with the access to the register and not with libraries, tools or Kontakt. I think I know now where I need to look for so I´m going to stop writing here and move my issue to the windows trouble thread.

    Thanks for all your help guys. It´s been super helpful and I´ve learnt a lot thanks to the right pointing. I really apreciate it.
    Last edited: Jul 16, 2020
  6. bobdule

    bobdule Audiosexual

    Dec 28, 2014
    Likes Received:
    why you bother with Kontakt 5?
    when you can add nicnt files in Kontakt 6 directly on mac using a terminal script. snpid included.

    cd "$(dirname "$0")"
    #xml=$(basename "$file" .nicnt).xml
    find "$(pwd)" -name "*.nicnt" -type f | while read file
    awk '/ProductHints/, $NF ~ /\/ProductHints/' "$file" |  xmllint --format --recover - > "$xml"
    plist="/Library/Preferences/com.native-instruments.$(xmllint --xpath 'string(//Name)' "$xml").plist"
    sudo rm "$plist"
    ContentDir=$(echo $(dirname "$file") | tr / :)
    sudo defaults write "$plist" ContentDir "${ContentDir#":"}:"
    for key in RegKey SNPID Name HU JDX UPID AuthSystem  ; do
    if [[ "$(xmllint --xpath "string(//$key)" "$xml")" ]]
    sudo defaults write "$plist" $key "$(xmllint --xpath "string(//$key)" "$xml")"
    v=$(xmllint --xpath 'string(//ProductSpecific/Visibility)' "$xml")
    sudo defaults write "$plist" Visibility -int $v
    defaults read "$plist"

    you can copy and rename text file in .command to make a it easy. it need xcode installed.

    forget KLMtool it is too old.
    the mini nicnt tracer + manual edit from NativeAccess.xml is the best way to get a matching xml.(for existing key in native access)

    you can also use Total Commander + inNKX to check/extract/recompose nicnt files.
    and see how official are made.

    also try to use the last Kontakt.
    Last edited: Jul 16, 2020
  7. Rastaal

    Rastaal Newbie

    Jan 7, 2020
    Likes Received:
    Thanks Bobdule, I’m actually struggling with windows now as I’ve just built a server for virtual instruments but thanks for your tips on Mac.
    I left KML as soon as I started with tracer but didn’t try inNKX yet, I think I would need a tutorial for that. I have a couple of libraries that never use because need to create containers. And I was using different ways of making things work that’s why I was using kontakt5, now I’m running 6.3.1 only.

    As I said I think the problem is related to the modifications in the register of my system. Tracer is giving me alerts of nicnt’s in use even when service center is empty and there is no sign in the register. I’m still digging but I’ll update when I find the key.
  8. bobdule

    bobdule Audiosexual

    Dec 28, 2014
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  9. Rastaal

    Rastaal Newbie

    Jan 7, 2020
    Likes Received:
    Thanks Bobdule, my server is now up and running. I was messing a lot with register and all and finally I figure out more or less how it works. My main issue at the end was just the hidden .nicnt files inside the folders. They were messing everything with the new nicnts I was making with traces generator. All good now after a clean reinstall of the system and I´m already working with all my libraries running.

    Btw, something I couldn´t figure out is where the names of the libraries are storaged... I made a typo in one of my libraries but even deleting everything in the register/native access, etc.. and doing new nicnts with new name always appears in Kontakt with the typo name... I turned in leaving it like that as don´t want to mess too much with the machine now that is "clean" but It´s been annoying not finding the solution...

    Thanks very much bobdule.
  10. Smoove Grooves

    Smoove Grooves Audiosexual

    Jan 26, 2019
    Likes Received:
    Omg. Why were u even creating new .nicnts? My mind boggles!
  11. wallbanger3

    wallbanger3 Ultrasonic

    Mar 10, 2014
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    I just switched over to PC. I have the mac side of getting my XLM to jive with nicnt. Currently I have a drive formatted for PC and Mac to house my kontakt libs. All are working in Mac. I am running into problems with both 6.4.2 (full and portable) on the PC side. If I am reading this correctly would I have to open the Service Center xlm and manually put in the <Product version......</Product> for each of my libraries that are not loading? In 6.4.2 Full I am getting the red x with library cannot load message. In portable those libraries GUIs aren't fully loaded and they are stuck in demo mode.

    I have a great understanding on the ninct and xlm but am just getting my PC chops up so any infon/direction on how to make these libs work on the PC side would be amazing. Thank you
  12. Smoove Grooves

    Smoove Grooves Audiosexual

    Jan 26, 2019
    Likes Received:
    No. Never.
    .nicnt and .xml
    So you know where the .xml mentions the SNPID #...?
    If it says 000, change it to the 3 characters that are mentioned in the .nicnt
    Now you really do have a great understanding of the two files you misnamed.
  13. wallbanger3

    wallbanger3 Ultrasonic

    Mar 10, 2014
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    Smoove I completely understand that and know how to do that on the Mac. However in PC I not know where to find that and or if it's the same add library as Mac which gives me the 000 to change. If you know the steps on PC please let me know. Appreciate it - wallbanger
  14. Smoove Grooves

    Smoove Grooves Audiosexual

    Jan 26, 2019
    Likes Received:
    Oh okay, sorry.
    Windows has the Add Library app instead of how we add library through 5.6.0 standalone on mac, but I don't know if the 000 thing is a problem that also arises with Windows or not. I think it is.
    I'm sorry, I don't know where Service Center folder is on a PC right at this second unless I boot into Windows.
    Oh, I have heard that people went back to 6.3.2 portable and non on PC when probs with 6.4.2 have arisen.
    I think the most recent versions of cracked Kontakt have been a bit kooky on both platforms.
    Bob Dule, above, will know the answers for you on PC.
  15. Bermuda Triangle

    Bermuda Triangle Ultrasonic

    Jun 23, 2020
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    @bobdule #1:wink:
  16. wallbanger3

    wallbanger3 Ultrasonic

    Mar 10, 2014
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    @bobdule do you have any advice or direction for my question above? "I just switched over to PC. I have the mac side of getting my XLM to jive with nicnt. Currently I have a drive formatted for PC and Mac to house my kontakt libs. All are working in Mac. I am running into problems with both 6.4.2 (full and portable) on the PC side. If I am reading this correctly would I have to open the Service Center xlm and manually put in the <Product version......</Product> for each of my libraries that are not loading? In 6.4.2 Full I am getting the red x with library cannot load message. In portable those libraries GUIs aren't fully loaded and they are stuck in demo mode.

    I have a great understanding on the ninct and xlm but am just getting my PC chops up so any info or direction on how to make these libs work on the PC side would be amazing. Thank you"
  17. Smoove Grooves

    Smoove Grooves Audiosexual

    Jan 26, 2019
    Likes Received:
    But you imply you are making .nicnt files for libs when you say this.
    Good luck.

    edit: Oh. Just seen it's you again.
    And I already answered this!
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