how can you justify 699eur as price for Melodyne 5 Studio?

Discussion in 'Software' started by Moleman, Jan 7, 2021.

  1. Moleman

    Moleman Platinum Record

    Jan 11, 2013
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    what does it do? can anyone link youtube videos of before / after , some notable examples and definitely of all how it can justify the price of 699eur, what is melodyne ???? just impress me with some mind blowing audio examples of what melodyne can do for 699eur. tia

    do i really need it ? saying this, because i have barely/rarely used the cracked version of it
  3. Ayahuasca

    Ayahuasca Rock Star

    Jun 15, 2020
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    Its just a manual version of autotune in which you can be more precise with the tuning, plenty of vids on youtube. If you have a good singer you wont need it :)
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  4. Friendelek

    Friendelek Platinum Record

    Nov 28, 2020
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    Seems like that you never worked with recorded, unprocessed vocals

    melodyne is a power of most of artist who cant sing at all.
    You can fix and tune all problems of dumb vocalist. This program allow you manually tune every single note/part of any audio signal.
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  5. Xupito

    Xupito Audiosexual

    Jan 21, 2012
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    It's an amazingly powerful tool. Not only on vocals. I don't use it much but I've seen incredible videos, including 3rdparty of course.
    Problem is, it has no direct competition for a while now. So they can afford high prices.
    Let's hope zPlane and more join to support ARA2, I think some are starting lately.
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  6. Roboto

    Roboto Producer

    Sep 9, 2013
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    For me, Image-Line NewTone has given me better results most times.
  7. Obineg

    Obineg Platinum Record

    Dec 7, 2020
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    one thing melodyne is definetly not is yet another autotune - but it is many other things. :)

    saying that, i always find it hard to understand how somebody can have an app installed but otoh doesnt know what it does.

    why dont you open it and check it out? or read the manual? watch demo videos? why do you install it when you dont know what it does?

    it is 19 years old... and if you dont want to invest more than 2 minutes figuring out what it is, then dont worry about it: you dont need it.

    the price ... well, it is a unique technique, and, since around v3, implemented in perfection.

    and if you think that it is about hearing that it was used, you are on the wrong path. it is more about not hearing it. :)
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  8. odod

    odod Rock Star

    Jun 5, 2011
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  9. SEnki

    SEnki Producer

    May 22, 2013
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    Didn't they get acquired by PA? Or am I misremembering?
  10. odod

    odod Rock Star

    Jun 5, 2011
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    yes, i bought it way before they acquired it ...
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  11. Aileron

    Aileron Audiosexual

    Jan 5, 2017
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    Although I would always be the purist who would do without tonal restructuring of a vocal once it's sung, on a recent song of mine I wasn't satisfied with one particular note (syllable) and decided to try and fix it, just this once, with Melodyne. Just picked a better note to slide that one to and guess what? It not just lifted that specific note but made the whole bridge sound better because of it - undetectably - without having to redo an already fine track. I was amazed how well it came out and what an accomplished tool Melodyne proved itself to be.

    Yeah I like it. :guru:
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  12. taskforce

    taskforce Audiosexual

    Jan 27, 2016
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    Studio 54
    Damn where to begin.
    Melodyne is the one and sole game changer software of the 21st century. It did it once surpassing everything at first with its monophonic algo, but the real revolution was the DNA algorithm with its polyphonic intonation. Just imagine tuning a guitar strum recording where accidentally one string went out of tune. Or a violin quartet where one player was out of tune. Or taking your favorite piano loop and pitching its individual notes to any chords you like, any tempo you like and even change the length of notes, move 'em around and so on, completely creating something new, always with the sound you love. And even then, it gives you so many more additional tools to manipulate what 's already there that it rivals proper audio editors like SoundForge, Wavelab, Audition etc.
    So Melodyne is the king of the hill not only in monophonic pitch/tempo correction, but also multitrack polyphonic note editing, pitch,tempo,volume, note length and many other ways to process audio files. Be sure that the price is very nice. I am certain that those who bought it, like me for instance, would buy it even if it was 1000 or 1500 euros. It is an indispensable tool, the only one fitting to be called 21st century technology. And definitely one that deserves to be in every computer that does any sort of real instruments and vocals recordings. Its creator/inventor Peter Neubacker is a musician/scientist/researcher of the highest order and deserves all the fame and fortune that's coming to him imho. Yet he remains a simple dude, that keeps pushing the envelope with his AudioRandomAccess and ARA2 DAW integration (in collaboration with Presonus).
    I could sit here and talk all day about how Melodyne is the single most important piece of software after the turn of 2000. But as someone said earlier if you don't use it, you don't need it hehe. Oh and for those who are comparing Melodyne to Autotune, it's a bit like comparing a spaceship to a bicycle guys. There can be no comparison.
    Last edited: Jan 9, 2021
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  13. Kuuhaku

    Kuuhaku Platinum Record

    Nov 23, 2019
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    I agree with you, it doesnt justify 699eur.

    First of all, in every daw/computer I used melodyne its pretty bad optmized, idk if its because the graphics configuration but its really glitchy, lag occurs almost everytime you roll fast.

    The vst doesnt even accept "ctrl z" or "Ctrl C + Ctrl V".

    Moving the vocals is pretty tricky, like, if you transfered the vocal and need to modify something on the original audio file you have to re-transfer all the vocal again, and re-tune it...

    Theres other options as auto-tune from antares and newtone from image line that you can chose from auto-tunning and fine-tunning, (but note that melodyne can auto tune too). But the rest of the plugin is pretty great, I love the algorithm and the way it works with the pitch lines, but for me the price doesnt worth it.
  14. Kuuhaku

    Kuuhaku Platinum Record

    Nov 23, 2019
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    I agree about the polyphonic part pretty much, this is a game-changer
  15. The Freq

    The Freq Guest

    Think of Melodyne like a really expensive audio system with really great single components working as one.
    Think of Autotune like the all-in-one singing-dancing beatbox.
    Both can tune things but only one of the two enables you to drill down to the tiniest phrase fluctuation in a single note and do almost anything with it or simply do complex harmony structures without being forced to tune anything. More so than any variable audio editor in a DAW. With an all-in-one (ATune), the only controls you have are on its default settings, the tuning and the interface. Melodyne you can tailor to your own workflow and as taskforce implied, what is under the hood is substantial. It's with looking at the videos on algorithms and sound editors that come with it.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 9, 2021

    JMOUTTON Audiosexual

    Jan 10, 2016
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    If you work for money with singers or people who think they can sing, TV/Cinema actors, church choir Divas who are used to a backing chorus on 3 min reverb tails, and so on Melodyne will pay for itself quickly.

    It's not worth 700eur but when every legit studio has to have it as a sunken cost to do business, it costs what it costs.
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  17. 2poor2

    2poor2 Producer

    Jul 13, 2014
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    Actually, you're not paying that money for an audio plugin.
    No... you are just paying for a magic book written by a witch and an alien.

    10 years after the 1st release, no company or dev was able to code something that remotely does the same as their "DNA"

    Their achievement was as big as... men creating fire with 2 stones... men inventing the electricity... or a cpu...
    The melodyne videos made by melodyne themselves are amazing to watch. That lady singing, and the guitar... the music demo alone is so beautiful..i hope that song exists and can be purchased.
    The craziest part is, when the guy tells us we can do this.. this.. this... and 100+ other things... and at the end, he says we can do all that.. PER NOTE.
    All the filtering, envelope shaping...eqing...harmonics, etc etc, can be done on EACH SINGLE NOTE !(or applied to several notes at once)

    Unless some AI or some heavy machine learning can create a 'bot' that can swallow all the music theory since the last centuries and can generate a similar product, it could take 10..20..30 years before another genius can create a similar product...
    Meanwhile, the day someone (like izotope, Antares.. ) will manage to code something more or less like melodyne v1.0, celemony will have 15..20..30 years of extra development.

    Hell, the melodyne and the DNA , and the ARA framework are so ahead of the time, that even guys like steinberg 'gave up', and accepted to integrate it in their software. Like they know melodyne will be the standard, for maaaaany maaany years.

    Yes, tests have shown melodyne can sometimes give worst results that élastiq... but the DNA alone... wow

    We can be sure, if the big version cost 1000...1500..or even 2000, most pros, studios, etc, would still buy it.
    The company is super cool, to have several versions of it, even for free, bundled with some daws.
  18. taskforce

    taskforce Audiosexual

    Jan 27, 2016
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    Studio 54
    Yeah ok 700euros is more than the price of a top DAW like CubasePro etc. But there is nothing like Melodyne whereas there are a ton of DAW alternatives and some very good and cheap like Reaper for instance, and when you run a professional recording or even project studio you just can't "roll" without Melodyne. Lemme tell you a small story:
    I bought Melodyne in 2010 for 550 iirc and the first job that came to me after the purchase, was vocal editing for a pop/rock album. Not only did the soft earned its money but it also landed me with editing everything else on the album, mixing it too. This happened because as i was mumbling with the stems handed to me there was a guitar (power chords) part that was obviously detuned all through the chorus in one song. I thought wth, let's play a bit and i fixed the gtr. I meant to do this as a freebie since i wasn't meant to be screwing with the gtrs, keys etc. And then the producer came by the studio a couple of days later and his jaw dropped listening to the track. Said "you saved me from re-recording that part, i dunno how the fk you did this man, but take all the tracks and fix where needed please. Oh and just mix the thing so its presentable please".
    Needless to say the "presentable" went straight to the mastering studio hehe.
    So just about two weeks after i bought the soft, i landed a job that paid back 6-7 times the soft's worth, and what's more important, it was all because of Melodyne. Surely experienced ears and human traits in general is something no Melodyne can substitute and in many cases is what lands a job for seasoned "players" such as yours truly. But speaking of Melodyne and its professional use, i can vouch that it may be the only soft other than a DAW to be actually worth buying as it will bring back revenue from the very first recording.
    Last edited: Jan 9, 2021
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  19. Iggy

    Iggy Rock Star

    Jun 21, 2011
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    The stage, man
    Dunno, maybe the high price is to help pay for all the k'd copies floating out there? Be glad it's not priced similarly to Celemony's other major piece of software -- Capstan (which can 100 percent rectify wobble, noise and speed distortion on digitized tape recordings) -- which cost $4,000 U.S. to own (and almost as pricey just to rent!) and has, so far, proven impossible to crack.

    By the way, most DAWs are actually capable of doing what Melodyne can do; I have Digital Performer and you can totally analyze and manipulate individual audio notes in tracks in exactly the same way. Maybe with more artifacts and less finesse, but it's definitely a feature. Check your DAW and see if it's also a feature.
  20. taskforce

    taskforce Audiosexual

    Jan 27, 2016
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    Studio 54
    Errr absolutely not. You didn't read anything of what people wrote my friend?
    Most Daws can do what Autotune does. Which is monophonic pitch detection/correction and automation. Which in its turn is easy to implement by today's standards as the algorithm tracks simple changes over time looking for peridiocities.
    Melodyne DNA though, is a polyphonic algorithm and as such, one of a kind.The algo has to look for frequencies too, as well as define and separate dominant and secondary harmonics and overtones. Which means you tune, re-tune and detune chords not just solo instruments or vocals. You easily can re-tune any specific or all notes from piano performances, string sections, keyboards, you name it, even choir sections if you 're skilled enough.
    I use Melodyne all the time, on melodic loops or various content from recordings, changing them to different chords, which has become my hidden remixing ace tool of the last decade or so.
    I will leave you with the words of Melodyne's own inventor:
    "The most difficult part of the work is to find out what is relevant and what is noise, because there may be musical notes that are very relevant, but quieter than any noise. There are things that we hear that are on a higher level of importance, and there are things that are not. If there's a little harmonic somewhere that's hardly audible and you can't decide if it belongs to this note or to that note, it really doesn't matter, because it's not so important."
    PS: Celemony Capstan, has been cracked since 2012, Windows version. 2014 for the Mac. I just dunno how is it possible to have missed that hehe.
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  21. Bermuda Triangle

    Bermuda Triangle Ultrasonic

    Jun 23, 2020
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    it can take poos and farts and make all todays nothings sound great. See top musics:thumbsup:
    thats 700 euro spend good:winker:
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