You really should get into LINUX ! ! !

Discussion in 'Linux' started by 0on3, Sep 21, 2013.

  1. 0on3

    0on3 Guest

    Ive been using Linus OS's , for quite sometime now. And the more I do ,
    the farther away I get FREEDOM of using windows ! ! !

    Have a look here .....

    :Ubuntu Studio / - ('THIS , has just got everything ya need !!!')

    :AV Linux / - (This is ABSOLUTELY A WINNER ! ! ! !)

    - Other Linux 'Toolz' of interest .....

    :Linux Sampler

    :Qtractor - 'Audio/MIDI multi-track sequencer'

    :Linux Audio Pluginin's & using VST(i)

    :Bristol Synthesiser / - (w0w ! ! ! !)
    (How to install Bristol Synths)

    - And This will give you ALL the dope on whats-what for linux !!!

    :Linux 'distrowatch'

    I have found 'AV Linux to suit my needs in EVERY WAY , for multi-trcking,
    to using their Sampler (which is like kontakt , without the 'Shiny Turd Wallpaper !!')
    You can use Almost ALL your VST / VSTi plugins thru a progie called 'JACK' and also 'Winetricks' .

    At the very least , partition some space on your current drive/HDD ; and Start using Linux !!!
    You've got NOTHING to lose ..... "IT'z FREE ! ! ! ! !"

    N j 0 y ! ! ......... - 0:1 - .......... :mates:
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  3. phloopy

    phloopy Audiosexual

    Jul 16, 2011
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    @ 0on3


    Only problem for me is that most major developers doesnt support Linux! If they did I could easierly see my computer with a Linux OS!

    Good thread mate :wink:
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  4. duskwings

    duskwings Platinum Record

    Jul 26, 2011
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    to each their own,i m fine with windows
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  5. virusg

    virusg Rock Star

    Jan 4, 2012
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    near you
    if id be able to use all win vst's and programs with no performance loss id say yes ...but im fine with win here too ...if id be a dev id be making a sistem os just for audio\video\graphics but im just dreaming :dunno:
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  6. Quakeaudio

    Quakeaudio Producer

    Jun 5, 2011
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    Zeta Reticuli
    I like Linux, but Im fine with Mac OSX 10.8.x and soon with OSX Mavericks :)
  7. ghostinthemachine

    ghostinthemachine Newbie

    Feb 14, 2013
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    Somewhere in the ocean
    Theres too little support by the big name audio companies for Linux at this moment.

    I'm cool on Apple's OS. :mates:
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  8. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    Oon3 I agree Linux is a great OS and more people should give it a shot. People can always use virtualization software to get their feet wet and see what it has to offer. If some are saying developers don't support linux you actually can use most of the things you need thanks to JACK and winetricks^^^. And I'm really digging that Bristol Synths link man, great stuff. :keys:
  9. junh1024

    junh1024 Rock Star

    Jul 28, 2011
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    Maybe atm it's usable for some , but not for me.

    I herd REAPER and Tracktion are making moves to linux though.
  10. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    On another note I really want to personally thank you for all the wonderful things you said about our forum on your blog. We appreciate the kind words, really amazing stuff. You have our utmost respect!

    What did 0on3 have to say about AudioSex?:
    We're all really honored by this sentiment and lucky to have someone of your caliber at the forums. :mates:
  11. One Reason

    One Reason Audiosexual

    Jun 11, 2011
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    Where I dont want to be
    No Thx, why would I switch from windows.. No issues here, fast, reliable, s u p p o r t e d... last time I had a sniff at linux was a freakin nightmare. :thumbsup:

    "You've got NOTHING to lose" - Time, effort.
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  12. Andrew

    Andrew AudioSEX Maestro

    Oct 24, 2011
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    Between worlds
    Linux is tremendously great and powerful IF you understand its inner structure. Learning curve is extremely steep and the most basic things become challenging. You're lucky if you successfully install it, not to mention all dependencies you need to keep in mind. One program can ruin the entire OS if you install it through "configure", "make", "make install" procedure. Core compilation is another matter.

    On other hand linux give you CONTROL! You are in charge of your OS, not third-party spying companies. And once you get past those basic things, you actually have extremely stable system and OPTIMISED for your hardware (Gentoo distro). Optimised to such extent that even Windows apps through wine runs WAY FASTER than in Windows.

    To conclude, Linux is great OS that gives you freedom, but you need to deeply understand it and have truckload of patience. :wink:

    I'd also add dyne:bolic live distro, old one but very good, Knoppix based
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  13. Pm5

    Pm5 Ultrasonic

    Oct 20, 2012
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    I don't know how things evolved since, but last time I tried there was some major flaws in Linux for music studio uses.

    VSTs : some will work. a few will work very efficiently (and yes, better than in windows), most won't work at all (especially the one you paid good money for, because of the protection system or the proprietary installer).

    Sound system : alsa isn't mature enough, OSS is a rock but the free (GPL'd version is -1 , and the current one is a major pain in the ass to get running), pureaudio only made it worst.

    hardware support : minimal, when it exist.

    Jack : a neat software, but unstable, unreliable.

    I've been using some tweaked bristol synth on stage, worked well, cool sounds, next to 0-latency (using OSS4 with chipset sound interface). But what a pain to setup this...

    It feel you can have really good fun with linux, and espeecially : learn a lot! but if you need some stuff getting actually done, and done fast, you'll prefer a proprietary system.
  14. 0on3

    0on3 Guest

    Well , to each his/her own ..... Whatever makes yer studio werk , is whats right for you !!

    [:: This is kind'a off the subject but ::]
    ya know ... I use those ' Bristol synth's ' in AV Linux , and their just rock solid !!
    (Ive often wondered about doing 'sampled/layer sets' for kontakt builds) ; Atleast for
    use in Win XP & Win-7 , ect.

    "Wonder if it would be a 'no-no' , to do ?"

    Anyway , Im loving my Linux setup , and yes .... I still use win xp sp3 too.
    But for me win xp , is it ; 'no win-7 or win-8 for me .... EVER' ! ! !

    So , Im hopeful that the future holds bigger & better things for Linux.

    P3ACE to @LL !!

    - 0:1 - / Z3R0 .... :guitarhero: :headbang: :guitarhero:
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  15. SAiNT

    SAiNT Creator Staff Member phonometrograph

    May 11, 2011
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    thanks for posting this here 0on3, i'm pinning this topic.
  16. xHitoKiri

    xHitoKiri Member

    Sep 8, 2013
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    Everyone has over 8 gb of ram.. OS issues are 70% fault of the owner.

    Really at this point Mac/Windows/Linux are just a way of looks than reliability. (Not including win 8, even though win 8 and linux have probably the same issues on compatibility with other programs... Win 8 eventually will get more releases).

    P.s. I have windows 7 and it looks more like a mac setup. :rofl:

    Attached Files:

  17. 0on3

    0on3 Guest

    wow 'really' .... ?? Looks over reliability !@#$???

    Noway , Noway .....!!! LINUX has it down pat , all over windows
    and Crack , sh*t ; I mean MAc !!

    I dont really even care about shiny turd dressing wallpapers or
    fancy fading in & out tabs n button. It could all be win v3.1 GREY
    to me ; and Im good to go !!

    Ive found EVERY piece of software to hardware drivers Ive needed ,
    (that include's my automated 64 channel desk , to All my Line 6 stuff)
    Im using STUDIO ONE v2 and the ardour DAW'z along side with 4 delta 1010's ,
    and my other hardware synth editors I use .... ALL werking like a dream !!!

    I dont truely get why anyone , wouldnt just 'give it a go' (on a partition);
    That wont hurt a thing !!! Plus ya can get the benefit of taking yout time to
    learn how to use Linux , and which one will suit your needs.

    Everyone .... ( now Im just sayin here , ok); 'daydream for just a minuet.
    Imagine we ALL atarted using Linux , seriously !!! Do you realize HOW FAST
    more & more drivers and softie's would start showing up for our every day use!!!

    See , that the big picture to me. I dont mind a challenge , or something to make me
    have to do a 'little actual thinking & werk' ; to have a 'killer system/DAW'.
    Im tellin U'z ..... Linux is Rock Solid ! ! ! ! !

    - 0:1 -
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  18. ironore

    ironore Noisemaker

    Mar 9, 2013
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    I know you didn't start this topic as a linux school ..
    But .. just wondering if you have had any dealings installing things through wine.
    It sounds like you ONLY deal with pure linux apps .. but I'll ask anyways ..

    I have a spare PC with Ubuntu 12.04 and have been experimenting with a few VST installs.
    Using a Mia Midi sound card - which is working fine - (had to install Alsa to get it working).

    Korg Wavestation (MME&Pulseaudio) - M1 (MME&Pulseaudio) - Guru (MMEWineSoundMapper&MMEPulseaudio) and FM8 (DirSound&PulseAudio) all function fine.

    But Maschine and Massive have a severe case of the crackles.
    In both Maschine & Massive the only Driver available is Direct Sound and only Device is Pulseaudio.

    Any ideas ?
  19. 0on3

    0on3 Guest

    hello 'ironore' ,

    yes , Im using several vst plugs and VSTi synth's as well.
    I to , as yourself , am using Alsa , but I use 'JACK' and also 'Winetricks' .
    Giving me no problems whatsoever migrating my win xp / vstplugin folder;
    into my AV linux and also my Ubuntu Studio as well.

    Seriously , the way I learned , ('and KEEP learning more'....) is hunting
    down all the linux forums I can find and just ask question.

    I get straight answers and never treated like a dummy 'er whatever ....
    And really , These Linux Os's are sooooooo SOLID , that I just caNT wait
    for the day ; when its all any of us musicians use !!!!

    Also ; (as Ive got 'swapbays' out front on my PC's , I also use linux MINT.)
    Which is sooooooooo kill3R for the internet , and its own native softwares,
    do EVERYTHING I need , that windowz could even begin to touch !!!
    Plus ..... the swap bays , allow for me to NEVER put my studio drive's online!!

    Thats just a PLUS in ANY OS ... PERIOD ! ! ! !

    Rock on bro !

    - 0:1 -
  20. ironore

    ironore Noisemaker

    Mar 9, 2013
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    Fixed Maschine .. it was simply the latency (upped it to 1184)
    Massive exactly the same ..

    Already had Jack on there - but not been using it ..
    will keep it in mind if anymore problems ..

    Thanks for the tips .. it pushed me on a bit.

    Sorted ...

    0on3 ...

    Imagine we ALL atarted using Linux , seriously !!! Do you realize HOW FAST
    more & more drivers and softie's would start showing up for our every day use!!!

    See , that the big picture to me. I dont mind a challenge , or something to make me
    have to do a 'little actual thinking & werk' ; to have a 'killer system/DAW'.
    Im tellin U'z ..... Linux is Rock Solid ! ! ! ! !

  21. sysex

    sysex Newbie

    Apr 25, 2013
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    0on3 ...

    Imagine we ALL atarted using Linux , seriously !!! Do you realize HOW FAST
    more & more drivers and softie's would start showing up for our every day use!!!

    See , that the big picture to me. I dont mind a challenge , or something to make me
    have to do a 'little actual thinking & werk' ; to have a 'killer system/DAW'.
    Im tellin U'z ..... Linux is Rock Solid ! ! ! ! !


    This is exactly the case...
    Everything is leaning towards it, it's a matter of time until this happens.
    You see there will be a time that even |the company| could not get away from this vortex of the new collective unconsciousness. Everything is in place and it's a matter of a few decades (cannot really predict how many but I can say no more than 2 is necessary). Moore's law is practically not working anymore for processing power so everything depends on software efficiency from now on, open source software is only the beginning...this will affect our lives way more than you can think of, a rock solid daw/dsp specific operating system based on gnu/linux will be the least, provided people will follow...
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