Neural DSP: I'm very impressed.

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by RMorgan, Jan 4, 2021.

  1. RMorgan

    RMorgan Audiosexual

    May 17, 2014
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    Hey guys,

    Well, I've been noodling with the freshly released Neural DSP and I just want to say I'm impressed.

    I've been playing the guitar for 20+ years, and I've been into amp simulation since day one.

    Honestly, I've never seen anything closer to real gear than these plugins.

    These are the first amp sims that are 100% faithful to all my guitar's pickup positions. I always use my strat to test amp sims because of the very distinct sounding pickup combinations, and these plugins...Wow...I'm speechless...The attack, the note separation, the articulation, it's all there.

    The Cory Wong and Nolly are the most versatile. Both have enough pedals and amps to achieve a really huge tonal pallet, but for high gain, the Granophyre is the one.

    If you're serious about guitar, go try them! No hype here, just being honest.

    Anyway, I wish you all a happy new year.


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  3. rollerball

    rollerball Platinum Record

    May 27, 2020
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    Have them downloaded but haven't got the chance to try them out. Thanks for your insights! Would you say all the hype around them has been justified?

    I'm thinking of comparing their model of the B7K with that in Helix, and a real one too if possible (a friend of mine own one)!
  4. Arabian_jesus

    Arabian_jesus Audiosexual

    Jul 2, 2019
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    Agree! Since I bought Nolly when it was released I've not used any other amp sim aside from Cali which I bought a bit later :) For my bass needs Parallax has been more than enough. The only thing I don't agree with is that I think Cali has the edge on Granophyre, but I guess it's each to their own :winker:
  5. RitchieM

    RitchieM Rock Star

    Nov 6, 2020
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    Near Liverpool
    I have downloaded these, Nembrini, AmpliTube and own Helix software and hardware. I think the NDSP is outstandingly good, was disappointed with the Nembrini and AmpliTube is just great for loading a preset and going nuts. Still prefer my Helix (with IR’s I must add!), but for certain things the Neural stuff is phenomenal. The Fortin Cali, blew my mind!
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  6. RitchieM

    RitchieM Rock Star

    Nov 6, 2020
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    Near Liverpool
    I think the effects and versatility of the Helix is what I love, plus can always take the tones out live (whenever the hell THAT happens again :rofl:)
  7. RMorgan

    RMorgan Audiosexual

    May 17, 2014
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    In my opinion, yes, absolutely. These are the best amps sims I've ever tried, including Kemper.

    I don't know which kind of witchcraft these guys are using to code these things, but it's definitely working.
    That would be cool. I love hardware vs software comparisons.
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  8. RMorgan

    RMorgan Audiosexual

    May 17, 2014
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    Yes, nothing beats Helix in terms of versatility and the huge amount of different gear...I use it all the time as well but...It doesn't allow my strat to sound like a strat...I mean, I can get decent bridge and neck pickup tones, but everything in between sounds bad.

    Neural DSP's stuff are the first which allow all my guitars to sound like themselves...I've never seen this happen in plugin land.
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  9. rollerball

    rollerball Platinum Record

    May 27, 2020
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    IMHO the Helix is a different thing altogether, as it's way more versatile than the Neural DSP stuff and has loads more effects. Of course, you aren't getting the same models, but for someone planning to buy more than one plugin from Neural DSP, the Helix Native makes for a strong contender.

    But yes, I do agree with your thoughts on the Helix. The 3.0 update has brought a lot of new stuff to the table. The new pitch shifters are excellent! And if you disable the "Hardware Compatibility" option, the Helix Native plugin becomes the most powerful member of the Helix family!
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  10. RMorgan

    RMorgan Audiosexual

    May 17, 2014
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    I didn't have the time to test them all yet, but I'll make sure to give Cali another shot. Thanks for the heads up!
  11. rollerball

    rollerball Platinum Record

    May 27, 2020
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    I recently watched an interview of Douglas Castro, the owner of Darkglass Electronics and Neural DSP. He stateded that the tube preamp modelling isn't all that complicated, and it can be achieved with relative closeness with either solid state analog circuitry or in the digital domain. This might be the reason that even old modelling units sound good when paired with a good cab IR.
    However, he said that the interaction between the power amp tubes, the output transformer, and the reactive load (the speakers) are what give the tube amps their "feel", and that was the hardest things for the Neural DSP engineers to model. Maybe their extra focus on the power amp side leads to their amp sims and feeling better.
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  12. anon69

    anon69 Producer

    Nov 24, 2019
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    Helix native sounds terrible to me, the neural dsp stuff sounds great. I own the nolly plugin, these things are great.
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  13. justthankyah

    justthankyah Kapellmeister

    Dec 22, 2015
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    Hey guys happy 2021!!

    I just love everything related to guitars and amps . by the way these line up from neural dsp is very nice .

    id normally try to match eq to get some great sounds and it works great .

    by the way I was doing some research and would like to see if they ever specify the real analog counterpart or the source amp to create their lineup .

    I know that the Cory one have a Dumble and a mix between clean amps , soo if you drive the fender clean amps dumble tones etc route youre good to go with this package.

    and the cali one is great for vintage rock tones and classic rock if you select the od2 channel .

    but I would like to see if anyone have a list of amps they modeled I know the manual can give some stuff out, but maybe someone have crossed a web source or review that got deep into that realm.

    thanks for your time. good times to be a musician
  14. RitchieM

    RitchieM Rock Star

    Nov 6, 2020
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    Near Liverpool
    My biggest disappointment with the Helix Native is when stock cabs are used. Live it’s different, but recording, they just don’t compare with the other stuff. I am CURRENTLY keeping hardware compatibility enabled, but as I have experimented more with v3 it’s hard to not just let the dog off the lead.

    The Neural though, just presets, it’s well, just wow.
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  15. RitchieM

    RitchieM Rock Star

    Nov 6, 2020
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    Near Liverpool
    Did to me until I swapped the cabs for IR’s, different beast entirely. To be honest, most presets L6 do are shocking and require tweaks (which I cannot understand the logic of!) but even basic free IR’s elevate it as good as anything else.
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  16. RMorgan

    RMorgan Audiosexual

    May 17, 2014
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    That's probably it. Indeed, they are in another league in terms of feeling and dynamic response.
    The problem with Helix is the IRs. Pair it with third party ones and it can sound good enough for mixing and casual playing. The hardware unit sounds really nice with real cabinets.
    So, the "Snob Amp" in Cory's is a Dumble...It breaks up really nicely indeed.
    Agreed. Helix cabs suck big time...And the presets most of the time sound disgustingly fizzy.
    Last edited: Jan 4, 2021
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  17. besanane

    besanane Ultrasonic

    Jan 3, 2021
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    Been using overloud THD's rig player samples for a while now, I think they're 1:1 when it comes to realizm (I still like THD's drive breakup a bit better) of sound but the neural stuff are voiced (eq/cab. ir) both clean and smoother (also the reverb/delays seem better). THD on the other hand is more versatile to craft personal tone so it won't be an easy choice for me picking one for the next project.
  18. RMorgan

    RMorgan Audiosexual

    May 17, 2014
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    Found this on Reddit:

    Nolly: all amps have been modded by Nolly himself. Amp 1 is a Bogner Shiva clean channel Amp 2 is a 2203 Marshall JCM800 Amp 3 is a block-letter Peavey 5150 Amp 4 is a Victory V30 Countess modded to the point where it is barely recognizable according to a quote from Nolly

    Plini: Amp 1 is said to be based on a Roland JC120 Amp 2 is based on a Friedman BE100 Amp 3 is based on some 5150 iteration (consensus seemed to be it is one of the newer EVH ones)

    Abasi: Amp 1 is probably based on a Morgan AC30 with the added Blend control for piezo-sequel tones Amp 2 is the one no one really seemed to be sure about. Lack of a Mids control led people to believe it was some Orange, but it could just be a custom sound. Amp 3 sounds like another version of a 5150 with the contour switches added

    Fortin Cali Suite is an emulation of the Fortin Cali amp

    Fortin Nameless is an emulation of the Fortin Meahuggah Signature amp

    Fortin NTS is inspired by the Fortin SATAN.

    Omega Ampworks Granophyre is an emulation of the...Omega Ampworks Granophyre with 3 power tube choices.
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  19. COVID-X

    COVID-X Ultrasonic

    Jun 5, 2020
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    Glad to Read This!!!!
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  20. rollerball

    rollerball Platinum Record

    May 27, 2020
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    Found this thread on the Neural DSP subreddit:
    From the thread, here's the info:
    Archetype Nolly: All amps have been modded by Nolly himself. Amp 1 is a Bogner Shiva clean channel. Amp 2 is a 2203 Marshall JCM800. Amp 3 is a block-letter Peavey 5150. Amp 4 is a Victory V30 Countess modded to the point where it is barely recognisable, according to a quote from Nolly.

    Archetype Plini: Amp 1 is said to be based on a Roland JC120. Amp 2 is based on a Friedman BE100. Amp 3 is based on some 5150 iteration (consensus seemed to be it is one of the newer EVH ones).

    Archetype Abasi: Amp 1 is probably based on a Morgan AC30 with the added Blend control for piezo-sequel tones. Amp 2 is the one no one really seemed to be sure about. Lack of a Mids control led people to believe it was some Orange, but it could just be a custom sound. Amp 3 sounds like another version of a 5150 with the contour switches added.

    Fortin Cali Suite is an emulation of the Fortin Cali amp.

    Fortin Nameless is an emulation of the Fortin Meshuggah Signature amp.

    Fortin NTS is inspired by the Fortin SATAN.

    Omega Ampworks Granophyre is an emulation of the Omega Ampworks Granophyre with 3 power tube choices.
    EDIT: Sorry for the repeated answer. The other post hadn't been published when I was writing this. Repeated answer hidden in the spoiler.
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  21. besanane

    besanane Ultrasonic

    Jan 3, 2021
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    I'm also curious to try the softube amps if r2r releases them.
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