Would You Buy Any of These Songs

Discussion in 'Our Music' started by kyle379, Sep 22, 2013.

  1. kyle379

    kyle379 Newbie

    Feb 3, 2013
    Likes Received:
    A Figment Of Your Imagination
  3. bigboobs

    bigboobs Kapellmeister

    Oct 10, 2011
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    Ask yourself:

    When you play a track of your favorite producer in the radio, and afterwards yours - would it sound as cool as the first track? Do you think someone will love YOUR track then?

    As long as you can't answer this question with YES - don't even think about selling a track - or at least asking a label to release it.
  4. phenomboy

    phenomboy Producer

    Aug 25, 2011
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    Honest and valuable insights here. take notes homie :mates:
  5. Catnaps

    Catnaps Newbie

    May 18, 2013
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    Things don't happen over-night. Expect to be producing and finishing tracks for the next 5-10 years before you sell your first record. If you don't mix and master your own stuff it might be hard for you to understand the relationship between the things that you're hearing. Taking the time up front to learn as much as you can inside and out will have a major impact on the success of your career. Music, EQ, Compression, Limiting, bussing, arranging, filters, automation, reverb ect. should be tools at your disposal that you understand inside and out. Making music is fun but can at times feel like a chore leaving you vulnerable to feel the boredom that all producers face from time to time.

    Competition in electronic music is FIERCE. You need to step it up BIG if you ever want to be anybody. The good news is you're human, nothing is out of your reach in this life. Practice and persistence makes perfect. Don't give up and maybe I'll see you at the top :wink: :mates:.
  6. manducator

    manducator Member

    Jun 11, 2011
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    That's impossible, you can't judge your own music objectively.
  7. chopin4525

    chopin4525 Producer

    Jul 23, 2013
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    There is a better way to ask for money instead of selling tracks: donations. You don't force people to buy something and eventually if they really like your stuff, they will support you as much as they can. *yes*
  8. vaiman

    vaiman Platinum Record

    Sep 2, 2011
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    People will buy anything. The charts and X Factor prove this time and time again.

    However, you need to get it out to as many people in your target audience as possible. That's the tricky part.
    Get a Youtube following and post there for a good starting point.
    Donations as mentioned above are better in my opinion.
  9. bigboobs

    bigboobs Kapellmeister

    Oct 10, 2011
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    Sorry, but that's bullshit! Casting shows like X Factor are TELLING what the audience should listen to! They are "setting trends", they are saying "hey, THAT's good! Buy that shit, asshole!".

    If you calculate all the onair time of such shows, you'll reach the 100 hour mark EASILY.
    So now go and buy 100 hours of best time in TV for YOUR music, and you'll sell also EVERYTHING.

    It's marketing and kinda "power" - nothing else.

    Let me add this: US shows are tending to bring out great talents! All other (Australia, UK, Germany, YOUNAMEIT) => N O T !!
  10. bigboobs

    bigboobs Kapellmeister

    Oct 10, 2011
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    I second that. From my first tries in electronic music until I sold my first record there were around 18 years :wow:

    Ok, many side effects influenced it badly that I need such a long time, and you *can* make it much faster as long as you have good teachers and a will of iron to become a good producer. Just downloading cracked vst's and some sample libraries won't help you, even not a single bit.
  11. One Reason

    One Reason Audiosexual

    Jun 11, 2011
    Likes Received:
    Where I dont want to be
    IMO.. No. *no*

    Sound more like early video game tracks to me, not entirely sure what market u might think to sell them in.
  12. Evorax

    Evorax Rock Star

    Feb 28, 2013
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    Bowerstone Castle
    Let me tell you how i'm selling my music and also doing mastering/mixing task for 30 euros each and beats for 150-200 euros each. But first... i want to know if someone agree me to confess :)
  13. Evorax

    Evorax Rock Star

    Feb 28, 2013
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    Bowerstone Castle
    And this, only after 2 years of experience :)
  14. Evorax

    Evorax Rock Star

    Feb 28, 2013
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    Bowerstone Castle
    Look.. when i started i was 18y.o., using Fl. Studio trying to learn how to make hip-hop beats and also studying mixing techniques from video tuts and audio engineering ebooks. I was very confused in the begining, because there was so much to learn and i had no teacher or musician friend to help me, doing everything as a ronin way(practicing in a wild way). But.. i had a girlfriend, a person that i've loved with all my being and she was always motivating to me (it was a distance of almost 1000km between us). I was spending my nights and days (sleeping avarage 4 hours/ night) studying not only sound engineering, but also using my computer keyboard keys, because i didn't had a midi keyboard and i was learning the scales and chord progressions on that the virtual keyboard from Fl. Studio. After a year i was hired in a Magnesium Oxide Factory, but i quit after 20 days because it was very toxic and everytime i was back at home, my face was petrified and i was coughed blood. I went to my girlfriend, spending some time together but something terrible happened and i've lost her...
    After a short time, the mayor of this city agreed to hire me as a guardian for his unfinnished and uninhabited house, but he asked me to do also hard work for him, like moving heavy-weight rafters, tools, bricks and also to dig in his yard. I was walking without car or bike, like 8 km go + 8km back. I was heart broken, also my parents didn't wanted to support me so i had only the clothes that i had on me, a mediocre computer, a cheap headphone set and a bed. I used EVERY salary earned on that job to invest in my equippment and also studying at the same time. That Mayor brought me a metal cabin (containing a bad, a table and a electricity panel) to live in because he saw me alot of days from his surveillance camera, that i was sleeping ofthen on the cold floor exhausted without powers to go home (and that house it had no windows or doors, as i said, it was unfinnished). I was spending there even 3 days a row, with no food... and this was in the autumn of 2011. Then came the winter. The tap water from his yard was frozen, so i melted snow into a plastic bottle so i can adapat to survive. I had no friend to call me and ask me if i'm fine or something. I was alone... completely alone... I brought my computer and the headphones on my metal cabin that i had as a guardian, to be able to keep working for my music passion and studying/experiencing making music and engineering. I even felt down while working on a project, passing out and waking in the morning with head wounds and seeing that my computer and project is still on, i was keep working on it like nothing happened. After i bought my first midi keyboard, i learned to play the piano/improvising with scales and chord progessions even covers, after only 1 month of practice. Starving and exhausted, i just kept doing it like i had alot of rest and energy in me. Every buck that i've earned i bought studio equippment with, like a studio-headphones, midi keyboard, audio interface, preamp, condenser mic(NT2-A), monitors, cables, etc. The mayor told me that my job is over so i have to leave that place. I went home and another guy who heard that i'm good on computers, hired me on a office work for only 150 euros per MONTH. I said OK, 150buck is better than nothing. In the end of 2012 a portuguese producer saw on facebook that i'm a music producer too and he asked me if i do Latin-house music (e.g. Don Omar - Danza Kuduro) and i said "yea, sure" (even if i had no demo to show him that day, so i asked him to wait me 1 day because i'm not on my studio, while i was actually lying only to buy some time to do my first latin-house song). The guy loved it and he paid me 150 euros for it. Then he started asking if i also do big-room house. I said again "Yea, sure" even if i never tried doing that genre, and again, i succeed and that guy bought again. He also so that i'm mixing and mastering better than him so he also gave me the mastering tasks of his clients that he was supposed to do it, for 30 euros each. Then i've started having my own music deals with some clients, and they are like subscribed to me, buying from me like a 1-only source. I'm not rich, i do only about 350-400 euros/month, but is better than the shitty 150 and i'm also able to work on my own upcoming songs too. You wanna know the secret? You have to get through a big desperation, pain, patience, feelings, anguish and life-torture to be strong enough and determinated to assimilate and go further with your practice. If anyone read this, i'm thankful for your time spent in reading it.
  15. Evorax

    Evorax Rock Star

    Feb 28, 2013
    Likes Received:
    Bowerstone Castle
    Btw, i learned Studio One 2 before that portuguese guy asked me for beats, because i felt that i work faster with Studio One than using FLS.
  16. Evorax

    Evorax Rock Star

    Feb 28, 2013
    Likes Received:
    Bowerstone Castle
    Only 2 years for me :)...
    Look.. when i started i was 18y.o., using Fl. Studio trying to learn how to make hip-hop beats and also studying mixing techniques from video tuts and audio engineering ebooks. I was very confused in the begining, because there was so much to learn and i had no teacher or musician friend to help me, doing everything as a ronin way(practicing in a wild way). But.. i had a girlfriend, a person that i've loved with all my being and she was always motivating to me (it was a distance of almost 1000km between us). I was spending my nights and days (sleeping avarage 4 hours/ night) studying not only sound engineering, but also using my computer keyboard keys, because i didn't had a midi keyboard and i was learning the scales and chord progressions on that the virtual keyboard from Fl. Studio. After a year i was hired in a Magnesium Oxide Factory, but i quit after 20 days because it was very toxic and everytime i was back at home, my face was petrified and i was coughed blood. I went to my girlfriend, spending some time together but something terrible happened and i've lost her...
    After a short time, the mayor of this city agreed to hire me as a guardian for his unfinnished and uninhabited house, but he asked me to do also hard work for him, like moving heavy-weight rafters, tools, bricks and also to dig in his yard. I was walking without car or bike, like 8 km go + 8km back. I was heart broken, also my parents didn't wanted to support me so i had only the clothes that i had on me, a mediocre computer, a cheap headphone set and a bed. I used EVERY salary earned on that job to invest in my equippment and also studying at the same time. That Mayor brought me a metal cabin (containing a bad, a table and a electricity panel) to live in because he saw me alot of days from his surveillance camera, that i was sleeping ofthen on the cold floor exhausted without powers to go home (and that house it had no windows or doors, as i said, it was unfinnished). I was spending there even 3 days a row, with no food... and this was in the autumn of 2011. Then came the winter. The tap water from his yard was frozen, so i melted snow into a plastic bottle so i can adapat to survive. I had no friend to call me and ask me if i'm fine or something. I was alone... completely alone... I brought my computer and the headphones on my metal cabin that i had as a guardian, to be able to keep working for my music passion and studying/experiencing making music and engineering. I even felt down while working on a project, passing out and waking in the morning with head wounds and seeing that my computer and project is still on, i was keep working on it like nothing happened. After i bought my first midi keyboard, i learned to play the piano/improvising with scales and chord progessions even covers, after only 1 month of practice. Starving and exhausted, i just kept doing it like i had alot of rest and energy in me. Every buck that i've earned i bought studio equippment with, like a studio-headphones, midi keyboard, audio interface, preamp, condenser mic(NT2-A), monitors, cables, etc. The mayor told me that my job is over so i have to leave that place. I went home and another guy who heard that i'm good on computers, hired me on a office work for only 150 euros per MONTH. I said OK, 150buck is better than nothing. In the end of 2012 a portuguese producer saw on facebook that i'm a music producer too and he asked me if i do Latin-house music (e.g. Don Omar - Danza Kuduro) and i said "yea, sure" (even if i had no demo to show him that day, so i asked him to wait me 1 day because i'm not on my studio, while i was actually lying only to buy some time to do my first latin-house song). The guy loved it and he paid me 150 euros for it. Then he started asking if i also do big-room house. I said again "Yea, sure" even if i never tried doing that genre, and again, i succeed and that guy bought again. He also so that i'm mixing and mastering better than him so he also gave me the mastering tasks of his clients that he was supposed to do it, for 30 euros each. Then i've started having my own music deals with some clients, and they are like subscribed to me, buying from me like a 1-only source. I'm not rich, i do only about 350-400 euros/month, but is better than the shitty 150 and i'm also able to work on my own upcoming songs too. You wanna know the secret? You have to get through a big desperation, pain, patience, feelings, anguish and life-torture to be strong enough and determinated to assimilate and go further with your practice. If anyone read this, i'm thankful for your time spent in reading it.
  17. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    Great story, thanks so much for sharing that Evorax. If anguish, torture and desperation are what it takes then I should be making it any minute now.
  18. One Reason

    One Reason Audiosexual

    Jun 11, 2011
    Likes Received:
    Where I dont want to be
    Yes, and by that logic, I should have been retroactively steamrolling along in 1835 :rofl:
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