Selling Oeksound Soothe+Spiff [sold]

Discussion in 'Selling / Buying' started by BENZZER, Jan 2, 2021.


    BENZZER Ultrasonic

    Apr 13, 2017
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    Just want to sell the Licenses, but not too sure how to do that.
    They are kept in the iLok software, on my Account.

    I paid 350€. I am thinking that 250€ are okay to sell them for.
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  3. jksixfour914

    jksixfour914 Kapellmeister

    Feb 1, 2015
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    New York
    I doubt you're gonna sell them here now :rofl:
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  4. db100

    db100 Kapellmeister

    Jan 16, 2016
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    You can sell them on ebay er gearslutz or kvr i think 200-250€ you should probably be able to sell them.

    You can transfer them from your i lok to the buyer afaik. Should cost you about 20$ per license transfer.

    But check the official ilok website and oeksound website how you can sell it.

    Google is your friend..

    I sold my soothe 2 license in summer for about 150 but i did not even use it so it wasnt activated on my ilok and i didnt have to transfer it i did just send the buyer the activation code..
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  5. keygen.exe

    keygen.exe Producer

    Apr 29, 2020
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    You are a bit too late to do that LOL.
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    BENZZER Ultrasonic

    Apr 13, 2017
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    thats why I gonna sell them. surely there is someone out there, that doesnt know the latest news, from our siste's site ;)
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  7. TryHard

    TryHard Kapellmeister

    May 17, 2020
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    Your target audience for the resale is:

    People who want those plugins (quite a large group, including myself).

    People who also don't mind iLok (a smaller percentage of that group, myself not included, so I'm out!).

    People who are unaware that iLok just suffered it's first Bukakke humiliation ritual (this wave is creating quite a lot of noise, so best hurry with that resale...).

    People who also don't realize that the new releases without the iBloat probably work better than those encumbered with it.

    Conclusion: They say a fool is born every minute, so I doubt you'll have much problem finding one to flog this to! :bleh:
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  8. db100

    db100 Kapellmeister

    Jan 16, 2016
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    Id Id probably wait with the sale to maybe another version like 2.5 or so which is not then cracked yet.. maybe its easier to sell then.
    And you only sell it because its cracked now? Strange behaviour tbh. I do the opposite. I use cracked software to see what plugins work for me and bring me benefits and the ones i use i will then eventually buy. Even tho i only buy when that stuff is on sale..
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  9. stefodis

    stefodis Producer

    Feb 8, 2015
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    So obviously you can afford the plugin, because,... you know... you bought it. And obviously you use those plugins, because you didn't sell them before.
    But now that they have been cracked you think the company who made them doesn't deserve your money anymore? :dunno:
  10. The Pirate

    The Pirate Audiosexual

    Dec 20, 2018
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    You forgot to mention those who run commercial facilities and only use legit plugins. Selling it for $250 is a good price but similar as the Christmas and Spring discounts run by Oeksound every year. Therefore, hurry up!
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  11. Cav Emp

    Cav Emp Audiosexual

    Dec 7, 2014
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    or people who just prefer to own their stuff. we do exist.

    After all, Oeksound will inevitably update soothe and next christmas there will be a bunch of people asking why R2R didn't crack the whole thing again
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  12. jams3223

    jams3223 Member

    Nov 27, 2020
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    seventh heaven professional totally is worth 175$ and i will still buy the plugin alliance plugins even if they cracked them because those are the kind of company that support startup producer without overpricing they're product like softube, ssl native, oeksound, tc electronic, uvi and lexicon does
    Last edited: Jan 3, 2021
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  13. The Pirate

    The Pirate Audiosexual

    Dec 20, 2018
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    Exactly what I said. If you are making money with it, buy it. In case anyone decides to question what I just said, I do buy everything I use commercially. That includes Oeksound products. I am a pirate not a cheap ass modarfakar.

    2021-01-02 20_37_37-iLok License Manager.png
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  14. The Pirate

    The Pirate Audiosexual

    Dec 20, 2018
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    Overpriced is subjective. Let us use Soothe as a perfect example.
    If using Soothe saves you just 30 minutes per day and you multiply those 30minutes times 5 days every week and times 56 weeks a year, we are taking 140 hours saved and for which you got paid. In other words, I don't care how expensive a plugin is. Indeed, I don't even care if there are similar and cheaper plugins. Any plugin you buy will pay for itself. Soothe is one of those. If it fits your workflow and speeds up your work, buying it is a no-brainer.
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  15. dkny

    dkny Platinum Record

    Jan 25, 2015
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    Presumably the license is cross-platform. Maybe the largest target audience is Mac users... ;)
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  16. TryHard

    TryHard Kapellmeister

    May 17, 2020
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    That's a very good point. Since, as far as Mac owners are concerned, these plugins have yet to be cracked, and I imagine that Mac users are less likely to be wary of using iLok than PC users. I mean, if they can stomach Apple, then iLok is not so different.

    Well, that makes both of us then. In fact, not only do I purchase all the audio software I use, but I recently bought the last few plugins in my collection, meaning that currently I have zero warez on my system. Yes, I even resisted the urge to download any in this 'big wave,' since I am content with what I already own.

    I just REALLY enjoyed witnessing iLok get their ass handed to themselves, as I have personally backed out of several 'would-be' purchases over the years, once I became aware that the products were attached to iLok. As a paying consumer I am fundamentally and morally opposed to the archaic restrictions and hurdles iLok imposes upon their paying customers. As such, I will never buy any product that uses iLok.

    I can only hope that events such as what we are currently witnessing help to hasten the end of impositional practices such as iLok mandates and that these developers abandon them in favour of more consumer-friendly alternatives, just like many other developers already have.
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  17. Roboto

    Roboto Producer

    Sep 9, 2013
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    You forgot the most important:

    -People who always buy the stuff they use.

    If everyone used cracked plugins, those wouldn't exist at all.

    And you should buy everything you use, if you plan to use it commercially
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  18. dadgad

    dadgad Producer

    Jul 4, 2011
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    The transfer procedure can’t be initiated through the iLok License Manager. All transfer’s have to go manually through oeksound.

    Here’s the procedure:

    1. Deactivate your license from all activated locations. This means both any activated computers and iLok dongles.
    2. Send us a message to [email protected] with these bits of details from both you and your buyer:
      • Full names
      • iLok ID’s
      • The email addresses associated with those iLok ID’s.
    3. Give us the final green light to go ahead with the transfer. This can’t be reversed afterwards.
    4. We will notify you once the transfer is complete, at which point you should notify your buyer that they can now find and activate their license in the iLok License Manager.
    Please note:
    • An upgrade license cannot be sold by itself. This means that both your license for soothe and your upgrade license will be revoked, and your buyer will receive a full license for soothe2. Keep this in mind while considering your price.
    • The complimentary soothe license included with a soothe2 license will be revoked as well.
    • Older licenses with three activations will be deployed as licenses with two activations when transferred. This only applies for soothe licenses bought before 23rd May 2018.
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  19. 2poor2

    2poor2 Producer

    Jul 13, 2014
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    Don't feel bad about those companies, who kept complaining about piracy and accusing the Warez users of all the sins and diseases on the planet... how many companies went bankrupt because of the bad pirates, for the last 30 years ?...

    Probably 99% of the plugins, instruments, share the exact same algorithms, filters, fft crap, etc, that use the exact same math formulas and algorithms, known by everybody and accessible from tons of resources/ sources.... basically, only the gui changes...
    And these companies have no problem selling a new compressor or limiter, etc for 200 or 300 bucks, that will do exactly the same as a cubase/etc stock plugin ...
    And once they have finished 'coding' it,or rather, assembling the bits of code/algos, no truck, no warehouse, no 10 employees, no stock, no physical store, no filling customs/taxes/etc forms, no sellers, etc needed.

    Put it on a server, create a free webstore. Setup paypal and all credit cards. Done.
    The plugin can be sold 1, 1000 or 10 million times, for no extra costs. It can be replicated 10 million times.

    Found some annoying bugs ? No worries, they might fix them in the next 3 or 4 months. Found some critical bugs ? No problem, we are making the v2, that you will be able to upgrade from v1, for only $69.69 !
    Only $40 or $50 to replace the future owner email address via the web admin page, for a license transfer ? You sur are very kind, thank you.

    These devs aren't here for charity of philanthropism or the love for music and poor musicians. No. They are here to extract each penny from us.

    It reminds me of the video game industry.. and companies like electronic arts, who are tranforming 6-17yo kids into gambling addicted robots... by exploiting and manipulating the brain, etc, to force kids to purchase fifa player cards... where the odds of receiving a Messi or ibrahimovic can be 000.1%... 0.00001% ... almost all UK kids have become addicted to spending hundreds or thousands... and around the world, fathers or mothers are losing jobs, losing houses, divorcing, going crazy, losing kids custody, destroying and depleting dozens of credit cards, depleting bank accounts, 30 years savings, etc... because they started by buying a $2 item with paypal, for some game... then, $10 packs... $50... $150...$1000 a month.. 2000...3000...5000...
    Hundreds of millions of kids will grow up, and will also spend everything they have...after so many years of manipulation and brain washing and exploitation.
    For their defense, these companies claim their sales are in reality 'surprise mechanics' that people adore. Really ?

    Video games... tv sellers... plugin companies... excepting a few devs here and there, who like to talk to their customers, getting feedback, ideas, etc
    .. all the others, are just greedy vultures, ready to take every penny from our wallets.

    I imagine many devs, when they release a new paid version, laughing like crazy: the code in the new v2 is 99.9% the same as v1... with features "the v2 code is now much faster'... lol

    So yes, most of the companies are pitiless, and have 0 respect for the customers. Guys like U-he said, when asked about the high prices "if you don't have enough money, then you should change your hobby', which can be translated as "if you live in shitty ass country, and you barely have enough money for food, than, you should stop dreaming about making music"... classy, huh

    Too bad in some countries people barely make 300 a month...they won't be able to buy our $250 amazing plugin, with 'award-winning' features...!

    So no, we shouldn't feel bad for a dev, because a legit user is selling their licenses to save some bucks to buy a new plugin, and is going R2R...
    Devs make more than enough money, with millions of potential buyers from around the planet...
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  20. mrpsanter

    mrpsanter Audiosexual

    Mar 28, 2014
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    Actually, the 1st one was about five years ago when AudioUtopia defeated it and released some plugins reputed unbreakable.
    Nonetheless, I enjoyed reading your colorful and accurate description of the current situation. :wink:
    Last edited: Jan 3, 2021
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  21. jams3223

    jams3223 Member

    Nov 27, 2020
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    i agree
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